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Publication Date: 
May 3, 1954
Approved for Release: 2022/09/29 CO2914663 u.$. Offi,lals Only CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Germany (Fsderal Republic) SUBJECT Bonn Government Circles Gloomy Over French Stalling of C. PLACE ACQUIRL" (Ire souRcE) DATE ACQUIRED (ay SOURCE) DATE (oF iNFo.) SOURCE Oftlrita6 italliskalis A Itttes4 het sAViesaa SI MA wain* . 5111112 WialtAilime OF /MS .A. eteTseall PA awS 31141 60 I.. 131115 St.111 Cant1510 PS la attliPT rw As 15151151115 PERIM. .11 THIS IS UNEVALUAIED INFORMATION During Chancellor Adenaueris visit in Turkey, with the ChanoellorOs chief collaborators and the creation of the West German Republic. Political Director of the Foreign Office, Anbaesedor tary head of Blank's Defense Ministry, Lt. Gen. Adolf Reueinger, and Hans-Joachia von Nerkatz, the anti-nationalist leader of the conservative Deutsche Partei who is Adenauer's best assidtant in-all RUropean natters. REPORT NO. IrEseoeSt vE TO 2 CD NO. 00IC NO. OAS 001 NC. DATE I TR . 3 Ai A /'7fr t NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCIS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. confidential conversations gloomier than ever since among others with the art Blankenhorn; the milt- (b)(3 (b)(3: (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) 2. The above-named three men told l[hat the Allies unwittingly were uwraiding (b)(1) Adenauer's prestige and influen e his own people. Opinion was mounting in West (b)(3) Germany that the Chancellor has been backlog the wrong horse by sekLng vain efforts to come to terms with the French. They all fear that even the : when it coaes to make a choice, would always side with the French. Blankennorn still beleves that t..1c French would hasten t ratlf7 EDC if put face to fact with an alternative which they would like even les., than ratification and which they would not 1)�, able to ;-'vent--such an a "Spaniah or Japanese acreenentn with qnd a grea- ment.with Germany. But Blankenhorn added that 40111d never resort to that solution because public opintAl was sentimentally and traditionally tied to the French and also they were afvuid of a Frenoh-Soviet alliance. Biankenhorn con- eidered Bidault a real convert to RDC and liked his answers to Jules Mochib zr.uzious ^,EM LAST PAM POR SIUSLASCT et AREA CODES � � UlIIl.lID Unly �0911PEDIBITEUr 1 p I lkapcfett 114ior MT1141-0011131PAYal doe I II thy, 111410. 1-143T11. It It net wittssit b. concur-MRCP of ohot tolginonlnp office 'Nose) Oft Astiotant Disscuoc o the WU* of Cavaco:IA.4ton Dissemination. C. t. All no p.m luttoovol. may bo tool by oloo Ii.; Inc, 0..blic.sio5s //Waving Gramma diunbution Finvidi. it. publication bears its cavcat ' otanw socamillmammusansma. musessonmerumsmA pproved for Release: 2022/09/29CO2914663 Approved for Release: 2022/09/29 CO2914663 CONPIDINTIAL - 2 - arguments in the Foreign Affairs Ctimmittte of the National Assenbly but thoue,n: thit Laniel, bent on preserving his Cabinet, would refuse to part with tne Gaullists. Dlaniamekorn also said that his negotiations with Francois-Poncet on the Saar were making headway when suddenly Maurice Schumann arrived ir Bonn and cut talc, s insng that Germany Wept the Saar settletent as final and not the-Peace Treaty. That clause the Bundes tag would here: approve. Hence French stalling is effective in every respect. 3 Esusingor was the gloomiest of all.. He is nervous because if he lost another six months, it would &Mount in his opinion to losing two years in the build-up of the new irmy. Then, the officers and non-cons of the former army were grow- ing too old. As se example, he told .ne that one of his best officers in the Speidel outfit in Paris is about to quit at the insistence of his wife because h* was earning only half of what he had been making in business and he saw no prospect of obtainine a normal status in the army within a reasonable time. 4. Merkats was a little.more hopeful. He had just been to Paris and felt en- couraged by his talks With Robert Sohuman, Rend Mayer and Henri Teitgen, but he too thought that Mr. Dulles had ma4a a big tactical error by accepting an in- vitation to attend the ler /astern Conference before any progress was achieved on the ELM treatiee is thelreach Chamber. Markets also discussed what would happen if A4smauer died. He said that would become a revolutionary event. Power in Germany Would lie on the ground, and the future world depend on who picked it up first. He thought a team of good men between 40 and 50 years of age should be set up in &demos composed .of persons like Bogen Gerstenenier (CDU) Franz Joseph Strauss (OW, Gerhard Schrooder (now CDU Minister of the Interior), Josef 'gust (CDU, Miniaterialdirektor of the Economic Ministry), Merkatz, himself, and perhaps the Socialist M.P. &ler who heads an anti-Marxist group in the Socialist Party. � LIMAIRY SUBJECT AREA CODES - end - 122.51 lim/D(6m) ..orzn 172.312 46/A(6m)(Q1) Cp$RtnENTIAL Approved for Release: 2022/09/29 CO2914663