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A roved for Release: 2019/06/26 roppSECURI INFORMATION // 2 May 1953 Copy No. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. .1! NO CHANGE IN CLASS. DECLASSSED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE. AUTH: HR 70-44 DATEMe. r Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP S RET SECURI NFORMATION 3.5(c) 35(c) Approved for Release: 2019/06/26 CO2899765 Approved for Release: 20-19/06/26 CO2899765 vv). 1 SECURIINFORMATION 3.5(c) SUMMARY SOVIET UNION 1. Soviet ambassador seeks clarification of US intentions (page 3). 2. Molotov receives Yugoslav diplomat (page 3). FAR EAST 3. Ambassador Briggs says South Korean people would support armistice (nage 41 4. SOUTHEAST ASIA 5. United States pictured as opposing Cambodian demands for greater Independence (page 5). 6. French officials foresee satisfactory end to Cambodian negotiations (page 5). 7 French foreign minister explains his opposition to Laotian appeal to UN (page 6). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 8. Britain discouraged by Egyptian attitude in defense talks (page 6). 9. Israel wants Palestine problem linked to Anglo-Egyptian talks (page 7). WESTERN EUROPE 10. Adenauer expected to press for definitive Bundesrat vote on EDC (page 7). 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) TOP SE)RET 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/06/26 CO2899765 Approved for Release: 2019/06/26 CO2899765 .1. SEC ITY INFORMATION 3.5(c) SOVIET UNION 1. Soviet ambassador seeks clarification of US intentions: During a courtesy call by Ambassador Dillon 3.3(h)(2) in Paris, Soviet Ambassador Pavlov, speaking of President Eisenhower's speech, said that it appeared that Secretary Dulles did not agree with President Eisenhower and that "this created a difficult situation." He emphasized that the fundamental question was whether the United States accepted the possibility of co-existence based on the choice by all countries of their own form of government without outside interference. Commenting that the future of the world lay in the hands of the Amerioan and Soviet people, Pavlov stated that no other country had any real importance. When questioned regarding China's role, Pavlov said China has a "lot of people" but "does not compare" in importance with the United States and the USSR. 2.. Molotov receives Yugoslav diplomat: Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov received the Yugoslav charge on 29 April for a courtesy visit. It was the first time since the 1948 break in relations that a Yugoslav representa- een received or any purpose by the Soviet foreign minister. According to the Yugoslav charge, the only remark of significance was Molotov's offer to include Yugoslavia as a nation sharing the desire for world peace. Comment: Yugoslav leaders have indicated they would not accept any Soviet gestures of reconciliation unless they were accompanied by concrete steps toward a reversal of Soviet and Satellite policy toward Yugoslavia. - 3 - T�P,SE ET 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/06/26 CO2899765 z Approved for Release: 2019/06/26 CO2899765 1 kit' tgASJ1r, SEC TY INFORMATION 3.5(c) FAR EAST Ambassador Briggs says South Korean people would support armistice: 4. In contrast to adamant government opposition 3.3(h)(2) to a cease-fire, the majority of the South Korean people are passive and war-weary and would� accept an armistice "honestly described as a step toward peace," Ambassador Briggs reports. He states that wartime hardships and economic insecurity override any desire for unification, but that the present offi- cial attitude prevents an expression of popular opposition. Comment: Officially inspired opposition to an armistice, probably designed to secure major American guarantees, has implied that South Korean troops will be ordered northward if the UN concludes an unfavorable armistice. Statements attributed to South Korean Army Chief of Staff Paek Sun-yop, however, stressing the army's inability to hold the battle line without continued American material aid and supporting units, suggest that South Korean military officials are taking a more realistic view. - 4 TOP S2RET 3.3 (h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/06/26 CO2899765 Approved for Release: 2019/06/26 CO2899765 %we.1 jr CLcC I SEC Ty INFO 3.5(c) SOUTHEAST ASIA 5. United States pictured as opposing Cambodian demands for greater independence: The French high commissioner in Phnom has been telling members of the royal family and others that the United States has officially denounced the Cambodian king's demands for u onomy, according to the American charge. Representatives of the palace have questioned the embassy on the veracity of the high commissioner's assertions. The charge points to the danger of the United States being put in a position of apparently opposing Cambodian desires for a fuller degree of independence within the French Union. Comment: The high commissioner's distorted presentation of American views will tend to confirm an opinion widely held in Asia that the United States supports French colonialism. 6. French officials foresee satisfactory end to Cambodian negotiations: 3.3(h)(2) French Cambodian negotiations now in progress in Paris will probably end in a settlement acceptable to the Cambodians, according to French officials in Saigon. The French diplo- matic counselor stated that a formula was under consideration which would permit Cambodia a greater degree of military and judicial authority, but that economic concessions were "more difficult." Comment: The current demands of the king and other Cambodian spokesmen go far beyond such limited concessions as the French are apparently contemplating; and there is little chance that these will satisfy the Cambodians in their present mood. 5 TOP SE ET 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/06/26 CO2899765 *IS RITY INFORMATION Approved for Release: 2019/06/26 CO2899765 v.t. L)LCiIL I 3.5(c) 7. French foreign minister explains his opposition to Laotian appeal to UN: In explaining to Ambassador Dillon his oppos3.3(h)(2) tion to a Laotian appeal to the UN, French Foreign Minister Bidault stated his stand was based on fear that France would not be treated ary in th UN. tie admitted that Premier Mayer, President Auriol, and Minister for Associated States Letourneau favor an appeal. 8. Dillon has learned 3.3(h)(2) that Bidault's stand may be due also to his apprehension that a UN appeal would damage French prestige in the French Union and set a precedent for UN jurisdiction on North African questions. NEAR EAST - AFRICA Britain discouraged by Egyptian attitude in defense talks � - Egypt has confronted the British negotiators with a reversal of attitude on the establishment of technical subcommittees to discuss British withdrawal from the Suez Canal base. Accord- ing to the British Embassy in Cairo, no progress was made during the first days of the talks. Egypt insists that "complete Egyptianization" of the base and the right to determine the nationality of foreign tech- nicians be recognized in the terms of reference of the subcommittee. General Robertson, a British delegate, has told Ambassador Caffery he will be most discouraged if this stand proves to be more than a tactical maneuver. Comment There is no indication whether this apparent change in attitude at the conference table represents a tactic or an unyielding position. Britain will not accept exclusively Egyptian control of the base. ' TOP,e1T 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/06/26 CO2899765 Approved for Release: 2019/06/26 CO2899765 '110TOP SE ET SE ITY INFO 3.5(c) 9. Israel wants Palestine problem linked to Anglo-Egyptian talks: Israel believes that a Palestine settlement ca0.3(h)(2) be achieved if the United States promises to help Egypt reach a favorable agreement with Britain in return for an Egyptian settlement with Israel. This opinion was voiced by Israeli UN delegate Rafael in New York, who suggested that the first step in this direction should be an American declaration regarding the importance of a Palestine settlement. This could then be followed by appropriate diplomatic action. Israeli Ambassador Eban later similarly suggested to Ambassador Lodge at the UN that the two problems be linked. He recom- mended that Secretary Dulles when in Cairo make clear that the United States expects a settlement between Egypt and Israel on the basis of direct negotiations. Comment: Any effort to tie Arab-Israeli peace settlements to the Anglo-Egyptian negotiations over the Suez Canal zone would seriously endanger the talks and would have unfavorable repercus- sions throughout the Arab world. WESTERN EUROPE 10. Adenauer expected to press for definitive Bundesrat vote on EDC: West German Government officials generally believe that Chancellor Adenauer will make another effort to secure a showdown vote on the Bonn and Paris treaties in the Bundesrat. The US High Commission believes that this can be accomplished only if the present Bundesrat delegation from Lower Saxony is replaced by one favorable to the government, since there is now little prospect of changes in Reinhold Maier's Baden-Wuerttemberg delegation. If Adenauer is unable to effect changes in the Bundesrat, he may be obliged again to ask President Heuss to promul- gate the treaties without upper house action, or to ask the Constitutional Court for a prior advisory opinion on the treaties' legality. - 7 - TOP S ET 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/06/26 CO2899765 3.5(c) _ Approved for Release: 2019%06/26 CO2899765 NI.04 1 UY k1J1 RI'TY INFORMATION Comment: There is still a possibility that Reinhold Maier will assent to an early vote. Otherwise he will face severe criticism from his party colleagues at the Free Democratic Party convention next month. 8 T'FcE�P CRET 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/06/26 CO2899765