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Publication Date: 
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PDF icon CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULL[15677426].pdf206.44 KB
r;e17,101107/1)71Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 A 7'OP S ET C";2/10,1(1717 08400/ SEC INFORMATION 4(c) ncol IMLIT k. 0�4 L CLY 0: TS ' NEXT F,PIIEV; L': DAT 44.11EVIDNER: e/�# CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN AUTH: HA 70-2,5 A 18 July 1953 Copy No, 3.5(c) Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY forze..,4 wrziw Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872242 Approved for Release: -2-619/07/10 CO2872242 1 Ur t1U, ECURITY INFORMATION 3.5(c) SUMMARY GENERAL 1. USSR moves to improve relations with Greece (page 3). FAR EAST /Chinese Communists may be planning late July offensive on western Korean front (page 3). 3. Chinese Nationalist paratroopers used in Tungshan Island Veoperation (page 4). Chinese Communists extend off-shore island campaign to north Fukien coast (page 4). SOUTHEAST ASIA. 5. V� . Negotiations for Romulo's withdrawal from Philippine campaign reported (page 5). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) EASTERN EUROPE Hungarian party members discouraged and disunited (page 6). WESTERN EUROPE 9. Comment on proposed East German wage increase (page 7). 10. Food bazaars for East Berliners opposed by Western officials (page 7). 2 TC1SEC 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872242 Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872242 iftirl 1 U1-1 UKt 1 SECURITY INFORMATION 3.5(c) GENERAL 1. USSR moves to improve relations with Greece: Comment: Soviet efforts to resume normal relations with Greece are in line with recent conciliatory gestures toward the other members of the Balkan pact designed to weaken the alignment and forestall any further development of Western bases on Orbit frontiers. The reported trade agreement, together with recent Greek-Satellite pacts, calls for a sharp increase over 1952 in trade with the Soviet bloc. FAR EAST 2. Chinese Communists may be planning late Iuly offensive on western Korean front: Comment: The 21st Artillery Regiment Is believed to be taking up new positions on the western front opposite the American I Corps sector. other artillery units are also moving to this area, and an increase in tank strength from two to four regiments has been noted. - 3 - 3.3( h)(2) 3.3(h)( 2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872242 Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872242 Laxr, SECURITY INFO 3.5(c) There are indications that an offensive by the North Koreans on the eastern front also may be planned for late July. . Chinese Nationalist paratroopers used in Tungshan Island operation: More than 600 Chinese Nationalist paratroopers flown by 17 C-46 transport aircraft from For-. mosa were used in the large-scale hit-and-run raid on Communist-held Tungshan Island, be- tween Swatow and Amoy, according to reports from American officials at Taipei. No enemy aircraft or antiaircraft artillery opposed the jump,, and all of the transport aircraft in the operation returned to Formosa. 3.3(h)(2) Comment: As many as 7,000 Chinese National- ist airborne and amphibious troops may have been used in this operation, the most ambitious raid the Nationalists have yet undertaken. 4. Chinese Communists extend off-shore island campaign to north Fukien coast: About 1,000 Chinese Communist troops occu- pied at least four islands off the coast of northern Fukien Province on 14 July, Other reports Indicate ConP(h)(2) munist landings at islands in the immediate area; details of the operations are not yet known. Comment: Communist forces apparently plan to extend their current campaign to all of the Nationalist-held islands immediately off the mainland. An island invasion campaign has been taking place near the Tachen Islands off the Chekiang coast since late May, and Communist reconnaissance raiders landed on Chinmen Island near southern Fukien in early July. - 4 - 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872242 Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872242 TOP .1 SECURITY INFORMATION 3.5(c) SOUTHEAST ASIA 5. 3.3( 6. Negotiations for Romulo's withdrawal from Philippine campaign reported: h)(2) 3.3(h) Comment: Most of Romulo's support has been drawn from the Magsaysay camp. His only chance of winning the presi- dency has appeared to lie in the possibility that Quirino might be forced to forego the Liberal candidacy for reasons of health, thus opening the way for Romulo to head a Liberal-Democratic coalition. Reports that Quirino's health has improved may have led Romulo to seek an arrange- ment with Magsaysay. 5 (2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872242 Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872242 Nore'IUF S4JKI, I SECURITY INFORMATION 3.5(c) NEAR EAST - AFRICA EASTERN EUROPE 8. Hungarian party members discouraged and disunited: Rank and file members of the Hungarian Workers' Party remain discouraged, dis- united and frightened in spite of party leader Rakosi's speech on 11 Ally, in the opinion of the American legation in Budapest. Rakosi did not convince them that he still is in control of the party or abate their misgivings about the government's "new economic policy." 3.3(h)(2) The legation believes that the program pro- claimed by Premier Nagy and modified by Rakosi has failed to achieve its psychological objective of persuading workers and peasants to co- operate with the government. Instead, the speech convinced the already skeptical Hungarians that the policy is a temporary expedient at best and probably a complete deception. - 6 - TOy-f 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872242 Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872242 No; I UGRt 1 SECURITY INFORMATION 3.5(c) WESTERN EUROPE � 9. Comment on proposed East German wage increase: The proposal by the East German trade unions and Socialist Unity Party to increase the wages of lower-paid employees in most industries and reinstate premiums for Sunday work is probably intended to appease the population by bringing about real benefits for the lower category workers. The new concession, however, can be expected to go no further than other economic reforms in satisfying the demands of the people, which have gone beyond the economic sphere in demanding political change. In granting so widespread a pay increase, the East German government runs the danger of a resultant rise in prices, which would be a further cause of popular discontent. 10. Food bazaars for East Berliners opposed by Western officials: Both Vice Chancellor Bluecher and Allied officials in West Germany fear that expanding the food bazaar project begun on 14 June by a West Berlin borough president might bring prompt Soviet retaliation. Bluecher was re- portedly cool to a plan of West Berlin mayor Reuter whereby every resident in the Soviet sector would receive a coupon entitling the holder to purchase a small quantity of food at an even exchange of east and west marks. The vice chancellor was inclined to leave such relief efforts to charitable organizations. Both the French and British, Berlin comman- dants fear that the bazaars might become trouble centers, thus pro- viding a pretext for reprisals. American officials comment, however, that food distribution on a small scale would not be likely to bring Soviet reprisals, and that the original bazaar should be maintained. - 7 - ,SECffr 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872242