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are-cr in The audienec Were Jevir-igh thid in" eldditig 'tabor ej, R1-0M11,4pYlr''t('TSPIr- e. Ttirrie Oiiiregs and o Tew Veterans. NW� THE WORKER gA 22f .�sf, 7VZS 76 Approved for Release: 2022/09/29 CO2860153 � X 3 /7/6-ris,Ititge/F A 4 -yiade e a e gressive war.' 4 � who. We hat,.. violated our own Mtn ot ..10 � qtratfitaittangt_vt_ A great tragedy for sitii� � � urnam e_ -"Ifg trn7 o `agree-to 'rearm Ger- . m-ny," Hester added. c argq .11 -a 'pans w io as - Tr' 41-1-12day ni lilt AI a perma 'rrliFitsingeremovzil from his A 11MM- _ fati.artti�mt***44,ftpmtio. rnen -ifii-lwaibritoit***410$1.1401111i4111Kino 1 � � _Mb c of He.usin - ateg,. l'it1-kr I���� �-� � never wage an important as wi no e e- situation. �111s not a s pz: �,f, ..4.1.--zi77arn *the- s ate. More t ad 'We 's �...1' the 150 generals and adritirals in � sPq 9-1.-,P - i r - the West German armed forces 'under the 4.1,1,.vseA p_ ,.. le ii_:"gtorrril Hitler loyally in various eagb Anti-ileusiP oniii mg --"fryt-po-rtant 'Positions." called not only 'for W ivi of Heusinger but for otleis which could lead in Dip krec 194 of peace. URGES DISARMAMENT Hester, who served in the 1.1; S. armed :forces for 34 years, in- cluding ATirfo'VES eluding _two yes in '.14.0�1.11.111W1.4....1.44.67811.1001�Ma '1-9 4 5_, t s'.-4 any( ii"C'q6 can, -FL; audience broke into voc_ be aeWid t s- ,ifxrans when Rabbi S. netiatc by the-13a1r.r._1.'timPol, chairman of the gerlisj*P4ei- CPWL-- � ester to ee set the theme of *OR 144' e ;even it hurts. PeRtr u OWer� .P44144 rest jhum rt thc etta of the war 'The that my1.)e,inetl.fotiWtTY. isSileiz 5eiman General StIfl must -Si" terinr one of the outstanding C presen winid. In s- rea lc main, w o -committed crimes against humanity, no less severe than Heusinger. is found guilty, and here in my country this murderer occupies an office in the Pentagon in such a high position of NATO." ATe WingTass, vice. president of the. Kin�aIg=a=m-a-f&I Met.tut- tern Union, address�d the Zrfirglifigri arid said - RifFe'arfited the views of .the --1"-TeTder of the union Patrick Gor- man. He joined in the condem- zoom/110f 14- na on of Heusinger by s g'� The appointment of such a man as Heusinger to this, posi- tion in NATO holds no good for peace, freedom and for the demo- cratic rights of mail." After pre- senting an indictment of Heus- inger's crimes, the labor leader in an emotion filled voice pro- claimed: "He (Heusinger) should be re- moved from power and be giver over for trial for crimes com- mitted against humanity." Another labor leader, Sidney Lens, of the Building Serviec -Employees Union, introduced General Hester to the meeting Other speakers included Frank .4 Anglin, general Counsel for the African-American heritage Assn.. and Rev. Leslie Pennington, pas- tor of the First Unitarian Church. Dean Perrman, associate edi- tor of the Christian Century, was unable to attend the meeting due to illness but sent a message of greeting. Approved for Release: 2022/09/29 CO2860153