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Document Release Date:
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Publication Date:
September 26, 1957
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Approved for Release: 2019/09/12 CO2763273
... /CiE /C
Mutual Lecnrity Act of 1957
-csihilityof making use of the President's snecial fund
been discussed in FE Division, and the following suggestions are
icredlirs,.t1,y of nrit'i!:
- The necessity of educating Japanese as to methods
be used to reclaim !Inn-arable land to commercial advan-
l't"F been the Objective of the Kiyosato Educational Experimental
Lee,iect 1:_13E.e). Founded by Dr. Paul Rusch, U.S. citi7en and former
G-2 officer on etoty in Japan, the project was begun in Yamanashi
etectnre in 1,7,14A on 8q0 acres of nnreclaimed land, located at some
..lbnye rice-growing level. The project now includes more
producing Jersey cattle, an area creamery cooperative,
-ilk collection truck system, and an extensive experimental farm.
Through application of the principles demonstrated at KEEP, it is
that fully b million acres of land not now under cultiva-
tor could be reclaimed. That this would assist in solving a portion
Japans food problem is unquestionable. Also involved in KEE is
aL ectein.ished rural library available to all, a rural clinic with a
20-bed hospital, and an Episcopal church, although Dr. Rusch makes it
-1.-ey that there are no religious overtones to the project.. Plans
:save been made for a vocational institute, where the principles
involved in the founding of KEEP may be made available to those
Interested in imitating the KEEP pattern. $100,000 would do much
touard strengthening the project, and making more widespread the
concept-4 which have gone into its establishment. The Objectives of
narl.alel those of the United States in that they work toward an
economically sound Japan.
b. Indonesia - U.S. appropriations formerly available for
training Indonesian Army Officers in the United States are not
included in the FY 1958 budget. This activity is very worthwhile,
particularly in the present situation in Indonesia. Since the
Fulbright amendment authorizes the use of the special fund for
assistance to schools "abroad," it may not be possible to include
this program which FE Division believes should be continued.
c. Operation Brotherhood - Among the functions carried on at
tbc present time by OB teams in Laos is that of training Laotians
in the fields of nursing, first aid and public health, agricultural
methods, home economics, social work, and village public work in
addition to their primary medical aid program. These functions were
initiated in an attempt to raise the educational, economic, and
social level of Lao people, and is directly related to a request by
ICA to utilize Filipino 1/1111bers of CB teams in Laos to take advantage
Approved for Release: 2019/09/12 CO2763273
Approved for Release: 2019/09/12 CO2763273
of the Asian-to-Asian concept which has been found more acceptable
in the SEA area than direct U.S. Participation in training Programs.
,ehe use of the President's special fund for OB is appropriate since
'-;1! carries out an educational function, exhibits the benefits of a
'emocratic government, and was founded, sponsored, and indirectly
-flnded by U.S. citizens and the U.S. Government. The sum of
is required for FY 1958 to pay salaries, transportation
costs, insurance, etc. of the Filipino members of the OB teams in
laos. If this amount could be made available for covert insertion
into OB, CIA would be relieved from financing a basically overt
. :,everal additional projects have been discussed in FE Division
1:,ut ere not included in the above suggestions for various reasons. If,
a later date, it is deemed appropriate to request use of the President's
mciai fund for them, a memorancum will be forwarded. Further, this
Division believes that field stations should be informed of the amendment
J'Ari the Mutual Security Act of 1957, and if there is no plan for a Book
Dispatch, FE Division would like to circulate the information through
its own system of field notices.
2 - each Branch and Staff Chief
- 2E/rP/Chrono
Approved for Release: 2019/09/12 CO2763273