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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
July 15, 2021
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
March 24, 1967
Approved for Release: 2021/07/15 CO2760039 JOUR NAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 24 March 1967 1. (Internal Use Only - JSW) Tom Keena, in the office of Representative Emilio Daddario, called to say that the Congressman would like very much for the Agency to interview Max Corvo who has just returned from extensive travels in Italy and Sicily. Daddario requested that this be done at a reasonably high level. Corvo will be in Washington on Monday or Tuesday. 2. (Secret - GLC) Talked again with George Murphy, Joint Comm- __ ittee on Atomic Energy staff, concerning his desire for information on the "NATO spy case." After conferrirg with Mr. Rocca, CI Staff, and Mr. Seymour Young on this subject, I gave Mr. Murphy some of the basic facts in the situation pointing out that this case had been highly over- rated in the press. Mr. Murphy said this information would satisfy him for the moment, and I will be in further touch with him early next week. 3. (Confidential - GLC) Received a call from Miss Henderson, in the office of Senator Ralph Yarborough (D., Tex.), concerning the crash of an Air America plane carrying a number of AID educators in Vietnam. Miss Henderson said that a constituent in Texas was anxious to determine the identity of the pilot. She said that a passenger list had been made public but thus far there was no information concerning the identity of the pilot. I talked with Mr. R. Samuel Dillon, in the Legislative Liaison office of AID, on this and attempted to reach Miss Henderson late Friday evening but she had left for the day. 4. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Attempted to meet with Mr. Donald Cronin, Assistant to Senator Lister Hill, but learned that he had had a last minute change of plans and had gone back to the state with the Senator. He is expected to return ahead of the Senator, probably Wednesday of next week. Approved for Release: 2021/07/15 CO2760039