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Publication Date: 
December 16, 1949
Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 CO2745253 CLASSIFICATION � LT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT Government Moves against the Underground PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. :77=771Tiak737.,:...7MiraIREVirREMZ!"."" THIS DOCU32ZNT CONT0III5 INFORLIATIOH AFFECTING TEE NATIONAL DEFENSE OP THE umn-ao STATES WITHIN WE MEANING OP THE 'ESPIONAGE .1.CT SO U.S. C.. 31 AND 32. AS ALIEMOSD. ITE TUANSISISSION Oft THE RIIVELATION OF ITS CO ES 111 ANT MANNER TO AS ONALITTIORIEED PE113011 13 prio� MINTED WY LAW. SEPP.CLVICTION OF THIS FORGI IS PROHIBITED: SOURCE REPORT NO. CD NO. DATE DISTR, 16 Dec c, 1949 NO. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. (!STED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 7,, Polish Goverment officials, who have been mentioned in international press reports on the current reshuffling of the Polish uovernment, seem to be linked with the "Freedom Movement" (Anti-Communist underground activists in Poland), and some have been removed from their posts for failure to neutralize this movement. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b (b)(1) (b)(3) 2e Government charges against Vice Minister of Justice Zenon Kliszko, of having issued inndequate instructions to the law courts on methods for handling anti- Communist cases, seem to be justified. Kliszko has also been criticized bY his Communist Party superiors for failure to intimidate members of the "Freedom Movement". According to conservative estimates, the "Freedom Movement" has about 25,000 members, many of whom are armed with automatic weapons. 3, It may be assumed that "Freedom elovement" activities are a reason for eoviet Marshall Rokossovsky's appointment to Poland, and it is believed that he has been given the task of eliminating members of this resistance group. Rokossovsky's handling of this assignment will probably prove to be a test of his ability and, should he fail, it is believed that the Cominform will remove him from Poland. To combat the "Freedom Movement", Rckossovsky has been niven about 2,000 OD agents who are to penetrate the Polish Undergrounde As far as is known, the Underground is aware of the MVD assignment. 4. Arrests of Polish Government officials are now being carried out on a pattern similar to those which recently took place in i'rague. The impact of this government reorganization has extended even to the schools, where children have been ordered to report any anti-Government sentiments expressed by their parents to their instructors. CLASSIFICAnON STATE T Xi OM? DISMOUTION X: AIR FBI I )(3) Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 CO2745253