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Publication Date: 
December 13, 1949
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WOW I Approved for Release: 2018/07/18 CO2745243 , iFICATION RILIOONTEDL � U.S. ofeielas ONiL 'ENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY A7101e1 REPORT COUNTRY Yugo slay ia SUBJECT UDB Installations and Personnel in Ljubljana,. Slovenia RACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. .71.1y 1949 I : litIt9 COUCITUITT COITTAUTS IDITTQUATIOU AFFUCTICIC THU tIATIOtlf.l. DUCtItiC . _, � Olt' TI52 canga SFMt'," WITVIII THU UtIANITIC OP VII': ESI,MIL/1,3U ACT CO . C.C.. 1M 'WO 34, Ai.".: a EUEN121). In TITAFIS11153Ica 02 TVilZ CZTZE.ATION 07 ITO CONTENTS WI UAW TIAtItiCC 10 AIT ElitAIITIZCLUttO VIII;0011 IS Pucp., ' Mallet) ITY LAW Ut.'7,UOCt.IIITIOIT OF VIII FOCTIT /3 pa,atiltvrzs:.?. � �---,-"--,---,..--1,7,7,r,--^^177,r^,,,,-,,,,,mrp,Im.,7K ..-- 47,5.; Z.:.:1-,.. 1--.:... ..-.�..----..4:,,,,,,,';`.44i...4,.,',:,.,�..........;.-1,..�.Z....:-..,':1',.:01"- - ''' ,447-,.. 0URCE REPORT NO. CD NO. (b)(3) � DATE DISTR. 13 December 1949 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (b)(1) (b)(3) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. (b)(3) 1,, Tin Headquarters for Ljubljana is located in the Slamija Bank Bui/din at ',Tne corner of Tyrseva and Gajeva Streets. Chief of the interrogation_ eoeton of UDB, Certain Franc ZALASC1X, who resides at Gajeva Street No,. 10, ee also chief of the UDB prison in the Narodni Dom Arena, ZALASCIX, uho born at Toimin, is said to be a ruthless individual and is described as dark comelexioned, lea, and six feet tall. Ivan PRIJATIffer and Franc DRNOV31a, who work with him, are reportedly proven Communists and skilled ilDB agents. � Peadouarters for the suburbs of Ljubljana is located in the Hotel Soca, t, Peter Street No, 4, and is under the direction of Joe� Tha sections for the various precincts are located throughout the cityL one at ieeteljko Street No. 3, another in the courtyard of the Provisions Cooperative en Vodnik Square, and a third in Zalokar Street No. 1. A fourth section, located at Cigale StAect No.. 3, is under the direction of Drece ;RVAR who travels often to Triage, and whose wife works in the same office. MRVAR, a former locksmith about 26 years old, was a partisan fighter, � Is described as 5,7" tall, quite fat, dark comrlexioned and has grey hair, The rrinciT411 Ljubljana courier is one Dusan &MEW who reportedly often travels_ to Trieete, SLTEJ, Who lives at Jeglic Street No,, 10/1, Ljubljana, has the tak of gathering inforciation on border crossers and rreparing for their � prehnsion in conjunction with KNOJ. A buildin(7� located in the Nerodni Dom Arena garden, noe serves as a UDB peison Under the building the UDB constructed nine bunkers, six of which eeeve as cells for rrisoners and three as torture chambers. The celle are for. three rersons each and are provided with beds made of cement. The toeture chambers are one, meter square and are equipped with hooks for tying people to be tortured. One of the most common Practices is to fill the bonleer with ice or hot water into ehich the nrisoners are placed for hours, RETURN TO RECORDS CENTER 1M ID ii (b)(3) CLA5SOCAT QA/CONTROL � U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY :04 Ki;\17 14 1�,I$REI DISTRIBUTION , . I UBPATI Cri 'BO NOI UESTRU Approved for Release: 2018/07/18 CO2745243