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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 14, 1951
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138  Name 1 U k.,.#11-ra 1 Noe'  14 June 1951  Copy No. CI -  CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN  DocumENTN0._,Ass  o  or,11  Office of Current Intelligence  CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138  l_y3SCRET  SUMMARY  FAR EAST  2. Far East Command estimates Communist air capabilities in lorea  (page 3).  3. Hong Kong represented as "defenseless" to prohibit reexportation  of trucks to Communist China (page 3).  SOUTH ASIA  4. Indian arms for Afghanistan are ready for shipment (page 4).  NEAR EAST  5. British considering boycott of Iranian oil if negotiations break down  (Page 5).  6. Sheikh of Bahrein to receive increased oil revenues (page 5).  EASTERN EUROPE  7. Yugoslays encouraging development of national Communist party in  Greece (page 6).  8. Czech Government noncommital regarding landing of US Jets (page 7).  A  2  TOP ET  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138  T9SE  FAR EAST  Far East Command estimates Communist air Capabilities in Korea:,  3.5(c)  3.3(h)(2)  The Far East Command estimates that a full.3.3(h)(2)  scale Chinese Communist-North Korean air  attack on UN ground units in Korea in an initial  assault could include 350 jet and 45 conventional  fighter sorties. An operation of this size would disrtipt UN ground sup- port activity and greatly curtail airborne supply of ground units in the  battle area. Owing to the distance of currently operational enemy bases  from the front lines and the proximity of UN air bases, the enemy probably  would sustain severe losses; realization of this is believed to be a sig- nificant deterrent to this type of attack. FECOM notes, however, that the  repair and construction of North Korean airfields, the improvement and  expansion of radar warning and control facilities, and an increase in  enemy anti-aircraft artillery strength in North Korea have given the enemy  the capability of expanding his defensive air operations 'itauthward from the  Yalu River at any time.  3. Hong Kong represented as "defenseless" to prohibit reexportation of truck  1,9 Communist China  3  3.3(h)(2)  3.5(c),  _Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138  TC,...SECRET   3.5(c)  Comment: The allegation that the Hong Kong  government is powerless to prevent reexport of trucks is questionable.  The Colonial Government last month banned the reexport of 51 Dodge  trucks which it considered "military type" but is reluctant to extend this  precedent to all trucks.  SOUTH ASIA  4. latilga.amElor ,Afghanistan are ready for shi ement:  Comment: Negotiations regarding this arms  deal have been carried on since mid-1950, and India has made a loan  to Afghanistan to cover the cost of the purchase. Since there apparently  Is an understanding that the loan need not be repaid, it seems likely that  Afghanistan is committed in return to a continuation of its anti-Pakistan  propaganda campaign for Pushtoonistan or at least to supplying these arms  to tribesmen along the Afghan-Pakistani border. India has repeatedly  denied its complicity in the Pushtoonistan affair and has assured US repre- sentatives that it desires a solution of the question.  3.3(h)(2)  -4  3.3(h)(2)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138  TL-SECRET   3.5(c)  NEAR EAST  5. British  considerincott of Iranian oil if negotiations break down:  US Embassy. London reportsthat ateznporary 3.3(h)(2)  cessation of the exportation of Iranian oil in case  negotiations between the Anglo-Iranian Oil  Company and Iran should be broken off is very  probably under consideration by the company and the UK Foreign Office.  A study recently made at government request reportedly reveals that  less than 5 percent of present Iranian oil exports could continue to be  exported if the AIOC boycotted Iran, since the AIOC would expect the  cooperation of the major US oil companies and the lack of tankers would  limit the ability of other purchasers to move the oil. In addition, the  AIOC is understood to be considering the possibility of taking legal action,  in case of its withdrawal, against any purchasers of Iranian oil on the  ground that the supplies would be "stolen Olin" The Embassy emphasizes,  however, that it has no reason to believe that the AIOC would resort to an  interruption of Iranian oil exports as part of the tactics of negotiation..  Comment; This report adds to other indica- tions that neither the AIOC representatives nor the Iranians are approach- ing the forthcoming negotiations in as conciliatory a frame of mind as  public statements suggest.  6. Sheikh of Bahrein to receive increased oil revenues:  According to the British Foreign Office, the  US-controlled Bahrein Petroleum Company  is planning to increase substantially its pay- ments to the Sheikh of Bahrein Island (in the  Persian Gulf). The company reportedly decided to offer these larger  payments because events in neighboring oil-producing countries make  It desirable to grant the Sheikh increased payments in order to protect  the company's investment in the island's refinery facilities.  - 5 -  3.3(h)(2)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138  3.5(c)  e' Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138  �SECRET   3.5(c)  Comment: With the future operation of the  Abadan refinery jeopardized as a result of political events in Iran, the  importance of the Bahrein refinery (second in capacity in the Near East)  has suddenly' increased greatly for Western as well as Near Eastern  oil needs.  EASTERN EUROPE  7. Yugoslays encouraging development of national Communist party in Greece   3.3(h)(2)  The US Ambassador to Greece reports that  there is evidence that Yugoslav representatives  in Greece are interested in the development of  a national Communist party in Greece, but  there is no indication of any Yugoslav success in this effort. The Ambas- sador states that the Yugoslav Legation in Athens and Consulate in Salonika  have intimate contact with certain Greek leftists who are seeking to found  such a party, but there is no evidence to date of Yugoslav financial back- ing. Ambassador Peurifoy is of the opinion that Yugoslav interest in the  creation of a Greek Titoist movement has been limited, and is not likely  unduly to disturb relations between the two countries in the near future.  Comment: The Yugoslays, whose prestige in  Greek Communist circles was appreciable before the Cominform break,  have sought to retain their influence and challenge the position of the USSR  and Bulgaria among Greek Communist and leftist groups. Any extensive  Yugoslav efforts to encourage a pro-Yugoslav Communist Party or to  champion the rights of the Macedonian minority in Greece, however, will  arouse official Greek suspicions and hamper the development of any mutual  defense understanding.  6  TOP ET  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138 ,  �  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138  TfiECRET   3.5(c)  8. Cpcb, Qovernment noncomm4a1 regarding landing of US jets.:  3.3(h)(2)  As of 12 June the Czechoslovak Foreign Office  still refused to acknowledge the landing of two  lost US jet_plOes-at Kbely airfield near plague  on 8 June. The Foreign Office has maintained  that the investigation of the planes' whereabouts is the responsibility of  another branch of the government, but promised to push the "competent"  authorities for a 'reply. The US Embassy in Prague comments that the  plane incident furnishes Communist hotheads with an opportunity to im- pair US-Czech relations still further. The Embassy believes that delay  of the Czechoslovak Government in confirming the presence of the jets  may indicate that the authorities are still debating a course to adopt.  Meanwhile, the Embassy has been informed that a member of a Western  mission/ s air attache office in Prague caught a fleeting glimpse of a jet  plane in the air near Kbely on 10 June which he was reasonably certain  was an American Thunderjet type.  Comment: If the plane observed on 10 June  was a Thunderjet, it is possible that one of the lost planes was being  test-flown by the Czechs. No Soviet jet planes are known to be in Eastern  Europe which could be readily mistaken for a Thunderjet.  7  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733138