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Publication Date: 
March 30, 1951
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733109  Nap,  TOP  HET  30 March 1951  Copy No.  CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN  DOCUMENT NO. Lf.7  NO Cf-SANCIE IN CI:A4,41"----- t:&:CLAST,IRE0  Ct4,ANGEO TO: TS itb  NEXT FL',TPA? DATE.:  P.UTH: ,ftide  _   Office of Current Intelligence  CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733109  pproved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733109  101001# nr.i I  3.5(c)  SUMMARY  FAR EAST  2. US Attache in Manila reports possible change in Huk policy towards  Americans (page 4).  WESTERN EUROPE  3. Chancellor Adenauer seeks integrated economic policy for West  Germany (page 4).  2  3.3(h)(2)  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733109  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733109  3.5(c)  sr  FAR EAST  3.3(h)(2)  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733109  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733109  2. US Attache in Manila reports possible change in Huk policy towards  Americans: irtitrir  Commenting on the 26 March Huk raid on 3.3(h)(2)  an American-managed chrome mining  property, the senior US Military Attache  in Manila states that US citizens in iso- lated Philippine areas are in acute danger and that the Philippine  Armed Forces are incapable of providing security. He comments  that the mine incident, in addition to three previous affairs, strongly  suggests that the Huks have changed their policy of non-violence to- ward Americans.  comment: The recent attacks cited by  the Military Attache do not in themselves definitely justify a con- clusion that the Huks have changed their policy of non-violence toward  Americans. Americans have in the past been subject to violence in  the course of Huk attacks against weakly defended targets.  WESTERN EUROPE  3. Chancellor Adenauer seeks integrated economic policy for West   9ermany:   3.5(c)  Amid a rising tide of dissatisfaction 3.3(h)(2)  with economic conditions and heavy  criticism of Economics Minister Erhard's  laissez faire policy, Chancellor Adenauer  has been attempting to organize a special cabinet committee respon- sible for providing integrated leadership in economic affairs. He is  also trying to have Dr. Friedrich Ernst, head of the Berliner Central  Bank, appointed his personal representative on the new Committee.  The dominant Christian Democratic Party has given Erhard "one  more chance," on condition that he submit an anti-cartel law, infro,.  duce controls on raw materials and imports, and provide for the  stabilization of domestic prices, especially of basic foodstuffs.  Comment: Adenauer realizes that to  hold the recently-acquired good will of labor, he must take action  "in the face of rising prices. Economics Minister Erhard has been  4  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733109  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733109  7#4.01P ET  3.5(c)  widely criti ed for his unwillingness to impose controls, but  Adenauer has been reluctant to remove him for fear of "rocking  the boat." Adenauer's attempt to by-pass Erhard by bringing  Ernst into the government in a position of authority was defeated,  at least temporarily, by the Cabinet on 20 March.  5  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733109