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January 19, 1942
Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 By Oct., 127 agents trained and landed in occupied countries by parachute or froms subs and boats. SOE had aircraft squadron for its own use. Finance drawn from Treasury on secret vote and Director of Finance presents his esimated expenditures in a lump sum for each coming month and obtains Treas. sanction. Other memo from S. to WJD -/"The oppressed people must be encouraged to resist and to assist "in Axis defeat, and this can be done by inciting them, by assis- //ting them and by training and organizing them... 'Memo to WJD, 1/19/42 Solborg recc. that "after mature concentration and consultation with the British, we have come to the conclusion that, in order to achieve most effective and rapid results, the activities of SI should be combined with SO from the very beginning...We should like to have you agree to centralize all these activies in our group..." "We propose to give such men as will be selected to be sent out for field duty an abbreviated course of training which will be directed by Colonel Ellis and Major Brooker with Colonel Solborg's, Mr. Bruce's and Major Goodfellow's contribution in their respective fields." Recc. not accepted for SO-SI merging. Solborg went to Lisbon in March 1942 to open SO office, and development of his organizational ideas in BC then delegated to Goodfellow. G took over officially from Solborg in 2/42. Solbrog then served SO in Lisbon and London and NA, where he was in touch with Giraud. He was later appointed military attache at Lisbon. Goodfellow was G2 officer in WWI. Then became Pres. and publisher of Daily Eagle. As reserve officer, he was called to active duty with G2 in June 1941. In August, he was appointed liaison from G2 to COI and remained until his transfer to COI in 1942. Goodfellow had worked for G2 with staff of ten men in days before COI came into existence in charge of tasks which later fell to SI Branch of OSS. Solborg, David W. King, Stafford Reid, Kenneth Pendar and Leland Rounds were already on duty under cover for G2. They later went to NA in pre-GOI days, Bolborg as a businessman and others as Food Contral_affio_eza� Other iraber of this group was Lt. Col. Warren J. Clear. He was seal to.lar_Eat_aai_Zhilinpines in summer of 1941 to report on th2_!-AY1-EL02111.1.2_A441.�REACAlcability of set intell syiTeiTah that area. He escaped from PI bylitt-eit742, and made a forced land.ing n company of-M-Burle , on return trip frPort Dwas das�roved by Japbombers ancuiear was �nit-. � :�. si eis mission from memory since all Tls_papers destroyed. (liar now in R Division of Armx. The work of all these men in this Period had to be strictly under cover before Pearl Harbor. 4/1/42 - activation of COI Service Command to function as HQ of military personnel assigned to COI. This authorized by SEC .War on 2/23/42. At that time 51 officers included in this command. Under this command, headed by Goodfellow, was a Service Unit, and Training Unit under Lt.Col. Garland Williams. At that time SA/Bruce separate from SA/Goodfellow Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 iOrganization completely informal in these days. There were no stricbly o-cserved branch lines. Recruiting, processing and training all overlapped. SO and SI then trained jointly. CommanderAllliam K. Vanderbilt then XO to Goodfellow had as adjutant Sgt. (later Maj.)Frank Ball and as asst. Engisn William Horrigan. They processed military personnel without ref. to branch lines. 2 kinds of men then recruited by Goodfellow - those with Quality of initiative to carry on iddividual missions. Those chosen because they had the physical and psychological stamina to act as members of guerilla forces Goodfellow had small staff begin planning and recruiting for !guerilla fighters as warly as 4/42. This staff included Col. Ebright, Garland Williams, Maj. Serge Obolenski, Raj. RiMell Livermore, Lt. Frank Ball, and Robert G. Stout. \On 6/13/42, Sec.War ordered this activity stopped! Goodfellow prevented from proceeding because of his own dubious title. Until 8/19/42, G was officially chief of the contact and liaison section of G-2, head of SA/G, G2 liaison Ito COI, etc. But in spring of 1942, Goodfellow did recruit key personnel. Eifler Mission: When first recruited Eifler was Capt. in charge of detention camp on Oahu. Joining Eifler were Coughlin, head of rival company in Eifler's regiment on Oahu; also Eif- ler's faithful Sg., Vincent Curl; Lt. Robt. Aitken, Capt. Archie Chun-ming of medical corps; and Capt. Frank Devlin, a young West Pointer. Coughlin brought in Peers and "Montana" Chan, a Korean from Montana; other original members of 101 were Phillip Houston, Harry Little, William Wilkinson, Floyd Frazee, David Til- quist, officers; and Sgts. Irby E. Mores, Charles F. Bruce, Allen Richter, John R. Murray, George T. Hemming, Jack C. Pamplin, Skywon Chang, Don Y. Eng, Fimce Haimson, Chan Hong. TORCH: Through efforts of Solborg and Wallace Phillips, Carleton Coon, Harvard aatrop. and explorer with knowledge of Arabic was brought into organization. Coon and others brought in to serve under Col. William A. Eddy, who was established at COI chief/Tangier in early 1942. Role of OSS was to pull all of these ops groups together into united front and to pro- vide commo and coordinate intell and ops planning in NA for DDay. SO and SI performed as team. Original COI team for TORCH consisted of Eddy, then at Tangier under naval attache cover, who at thome with Arabs, having been brought up in Syria and Egypt; Donald Coster, former memb. of American Field Service; Gordon Browne, who had spent many years in Morocco as business man, sent to Tanginr by COI-SO but osten- sibly as Vice Consul to American Legation; Joseph Raichle, commo expert, and Coon. Coon was sent first to train at the British SCE school in Canada before leaving for Lisbon and Tangiers in May 1942. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Other missions:under COI - Nicol Smith to Vichy Tolstly - T first proposed mission to Good. in 3/42 to discover shortest possible route to China through Tibet in case of JaP attack on India. T and Dolan both explorers and veterans of Asiatic expeiditions. L.0 os ngs - brought into COI early in 1942. Leader of Expedition 90, org. by COI and OSS to make surgey of the potentialities of the Near East in helping to win the war. Political and eco- nomic studies of Iran an important aspect. Authority for Exped. 90 came from CCS, 11/5/42: "To survey the situation in Syria, to establish a communication system, cells of defense, and information centers in Syria, and carry on psychological war- fare propaganda." Also an oil expert was recruited to survey oil situation in relation to future hostilities. More imme- diate purpose was to organize SO and guerilla groups to harass enemy in case Rommel broke through British lines. This maant mmag penetration of Arab groups and getting their cooperation. Hoskin to be accompanied by some 30 or 40 men recruited by Lt. Andre Pacatte, early recruit in SA/G. Other early offs. were Maj. George White, Lts. James Goodwin, Robert Schlangen, and Ben Welles. Preparations in summer of 42. Hoskins commissioned LtCol in July. Mission cleared by State Dept. and approved by Donovan. Then order came to halt mission; JCS decided that Hoskins should undertake a prelim survey before full mission sent. Hoskins and White left in November. They were scarcely out of town when entire missions called off. Major Pacatte remarked that Expedition's motto was "Here today, Here Tomorrow." Trucks, jeeps, guns, cases of typewriters and small plane requi- sitioned by Hoskins and Pacatte, all waiting to be shipped were raided by other missions, and the members of the party scattered to otherx duties in SO. Training program: Based on SOB schools in Scotland and Canada. In 1/42, began to secure title to 3 tracts of land for camps. By 4/1 in operation under Garland H. Williams, an infantry officer and former member of the Narcotics Bureau brought in by Goodfellow to handle both SI and SO training. Recruits were trained in small groups - 2 weeks in demo., weapons, close combat; 2 weeks in raids, attack, sabbtage,; 2 weeks in advanced work in security, organizing natives for sabotage; one week in parachute school; one week in landings from vessels and completing contact; 3 weeks in industirla sabotage; two weeks in "social circulation work." William attended SCE school at Oshawa, Ontario and patterned OSS SO training on their program. Two Brit. instructors, Lt. Col. R.M. Brooker and Major William E. Fairbairn came to this country as advisors. In spring and early summer of 1942, COI sending men to Ganada - membs. of Biller mission and Coon. Also Cmdr. N.G.A. Woolley was loaned to COI by Brit. Navy arid helped Donovan and Good. to organize underwater training and craft landing. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Equipment: Good. took personal responsibility at beginning for some several million dollars of SO materiel. Between 3/1 and 11/5/42, he ordered 224 lbs. potassium chlorate; 875 lbs. lead shot; another 3360 lbs. of potassium chlorate; 14 micro swithces; 25000 shaft assemblies; 5000 spring coshes; 4 million battery cups with primer; 25000 metal containers for packets of pow- der; 250000 ampoules of sulphuric acid for cigarettes; 3 and half million rubber sleeves for use in pencils and other de- vices? Plastic production began. Technical Development Sec. one of first estab., with its awn priorities board headed by Lt. J.H. Rosenbaum. Money came from Treasury. TDS predecessor of Itiogx R&D Branch. Also two radio stations at Hollywood and Bellmore purchased and equipped in G's name. Col. L.W. Lowman, COIls first Oommo chief brought in by G to handle commo for all Spec. Activities. Lowman helped develop first agent portable radio, done by radio experts Maj. Henry Shore and Lt. Comm. S.H. Simpson, both of RCA. Various sorts of special devices - inc. "Coon-Browne explosive turd" perfected by TORO" team in NA By 11/42, 48 OSS officers ready for SO ops Rim Recruiting: SO sought men with language qualifications, knowledge of special geog. areas, radio and mechanical aptitude. Names furnished by Army and Navy recruiting offices, by foreign groups and societies in America, by records of fortIgn origin enlistments, etc. - Many were first and second generation foreign born Americans. There was considerable jealousy in Gt. Britain because of this. SOE seemed to resent and fear these forieng language speaking recruits of mixed racial and social back- grounds. In the field there were attempts to block their use. Working with British: LONDON AGREEMENT with SOE in summer of 42 made by WJD and G. Paved by WJD talks with Hambro in London between 16 and 22 June, 42. Delineated areas of responsibilities. and "spheres of influence" for American and British SO: India, East Africa, the Balkans and Middle East were to be province of SOE London with American liaison and assistance. China, Manchuria, Korea, Australia, Atlantic Islands and Fin- land to be province of OSS. Joint handling of Western Europe. - would continue to be under SOE until alImiktxxx joint military command came into existence; meanwhile, SO would establish mission in London and prepare SO organization for attachement to Amer. Military command in training this organization. Recognized that Americans could function in areas closed to British - particularly Vichy. Special ops. procedures in NA, also (inc. Span. Morocco) - predominantly American sphere of ops. American head of SO to be responsible for SOE activities in this area in anticipation of TORCH. Existing British SOE would maintain close relations with US SO chief and work under his direction. But special arrangement for Bibraltar - outside area of American SO NA mission. Neither SOE nor SO to work in Russia. West Africa was to have an American mission working through the existing British office there. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Agreement on pooling of resources. Brit. Maj. F.A. Freeth and R.W.B. Billinghurst were currently working on SO production in NY under OSS John S. Russell Also agreement on joint funding. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 9/43 - Huntington appointed 0/OSS/5th Arty, NA; took him out of direction of Psych. War Ops. Title passed briefly to Lt. Col. Edward Gamble, then Huntington 's XO. But Gamble then ciFTFITTT-t-d-Algiers as 0/S0 and in October, duties of Acting Deputy Director, PWO went to Joseph Scribner. Also in September, Dave Hal1-Iwo11 left on overseas mission to Near and Far East for Donovan (see MILES0). His work in Washington inherited by Scribner. Scribner banker from Pittsburgh, partner in investment securities firm of Singer, Deans and Scribner, and director of National Assn. of Securities Dealers; Gov. of Pittsburgh Stock Exchange; Dir., Investment Bankers Assn. of America. In WWI served in Navy on mine sweepers. Came to DO in 42 and served as Spec. Asst. to Dir. of Mterials Div., WEB; Dir. of Minerals Bureau and Spec. Asst. to Dir.* Genl. of Industry Operations First Job in OSS - 4/43 - Materials and Supply Officer, SO Conceived of his job in business terms. OSS genl. Order 9 - created DDI, Magruder DD/PWO, Huntington PWO officer order 1, 6/8/43 - Huntington set up staff offices to carry out overall function of PWO But H. more concerned with establishment of OGC and activating more SO agents than in branch organization. He believed that in field branch lines were unimportant But these org. matters did interest Scribner, whose orderly mind was offended by lack of clear cut lines of authority and the confusion existing between various branches. Decided to make order out of chaos. Policy Committee composed of Magruder; Charles Oheston, spe . asst. to Dir.; Lowman, chief/commo; Elmo Roper, spec. asst. to Dir.; Scribner; presented to Donovan a study of OSS an an org. "Our first conclusion is that...the OSS is...a holding company." Comm. reccommended that OSS would be most effective if restricted 0175-"61" to intell, no ops (SO, etc.). But knew that WJD would not agree. "that means that we must find a way to operate, under the JCS, what amounts...to a holding company." Also reoc. that Dep. Dirs. assume the functions of vice-presidelts in corporation. Comm. recc. on 10/2, creation of DD/Ops to be chr. of overall Ops Comm and DD/PWO - and OPS STAFF to approve all ops. On 10/10/43, meeting held at WJD's home to clarify proposals. WJD stated at that time: 1) Deputy Directors were not to interfere with Branch Chiefs administrative functions 2) They responsible for coordination, but not performance by branches, and should report to Dir. only lack of performance. 3) WJD did not wish an additional echelon between branch ehiefs arid himself. 4) DD IL would not have power to fire and hire. Therefore attempt to out ops branches off from direct access to WJD faile . Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 /Geo. Sharp replaced as SO/WE by his assistant F. Bayard Rives when S. transferred to AMG assignment in France at request of 0 John McCloy; Rives an intl. lawyer first practiced in firm of I Wintrhop and Stimson, fluent in French and Spanish V Rives in constant contact with Vanderstricht in London about qualifications of French SO men London SO theoretically directing Algiers SO with Pflieger as liaison, but in practica Algiers independent, though responsible to Ike in London V:ipril 10,44, Davis To Algiers as Chief of SPOO Sept. 1, 1944 - 25 Jed teams in France, also 41 undercover SO in France Viug. 14, 1944 - Gamble went into France info and picking up OSS teams 18 from Eng, 7 from NA; with 7th Army getting Aug. 30, 1944 - 1292 tons to France, 532 of drops by SO Fall 1943 - Ike decided to use 05$/NA for ops in So. France. But DO had trouble getting slots for transport to NA for men to be sent to France. WE section had already skimmed off best candi- dates. Downey had trouble finding even 1G men he finally sent to NA for French ops. Jan. 44 - Pflieger, innt former Acting SO chief, then Asst. X0 to Glavin; appointed SO liaison from London to Algiers. V-SPOO,N.A. set up in an Operations Room (actually some Nissen Huts and tents with teletypes to OSS and ISSU6) in 5/44 as the vexclusive agency in MEDTO to handle coord. of resistance in So. "Franca. SPOC was joint SO/SOE under SHAEF and G3 - directed by IPAnsety and Davis 'French participation in SPOC consisted of attachment of consid- erable no. of French officers and NOOs to establish liaison with 40' Mavis in So. France v7 Jed teams sent from GB to NA in 5/44 �---SPOC problems in So. France: non-existent transportation system; v widespread demand for arms from *any conflicting resistance groups "0/44-8/15/44 alone, SPOO dropped 447 tons of supplies and 206? agents "Liquidated 9/9/44 - Only bright spot in SO-SOE relationship � "Separate SO operation from SPOO planned in Algiers - ETOILE - planned by Huntington and executed by Peter Dewey in summer 44 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 West Europe: Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Major recruitment under direction of Major Geo. Sharp, AOA WE/SO. Sharp a lawyer with Sullivan Cromwell. Father had been US Ambass to France. Success of SO recruitment for WE in 43-44 due to his expertise on France. Following is Sharp's plan for pre DDay ops, written 10/29/43 r (c. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Sharp Plan, cont. "Intelligence Requirements: Identifications, location of leaders of underground groups and resistance groups: location, nature, defense of military installations, communication, centers (see appendix no. 1), location of small air fields, beach defense regulations...." Recruiting of agents for France and Low Countries involved delicate political issues. Besides the Gaullists there were many other resistance groups of varying political hues and many resistance centers were discovered after DDay. As Lincoln's War Diary for OSS/Eto remarks of May landings of the 1st Army: "They soon discovered that there was a good DeGaullist organiza- tion in the Manche of which there was no record in the Kardex files" Other surprises were less pleasant. French agents who went to England but who were not identified with DeGaulle found that they couldn't work with OSS independently of the British. The same issue occured in DO. On 5/12/43, Huntington cabled Canfield in London that individuals and groups of officers re- cruited in this country for France are apprently exepcted to be made part of British organizations and asking whether or not these officers can be assured that they will be "handled by Americans." These French recruits felt strongly enough on this matter to make a condition of it before signing up. Another problem was the matter of appropriate military rank for many distinguished and mature men. Some SO were taken from a pool of French speaking officers at Fort Begnning Once these agents arrived in England, arrangements from there were ruled by the principle stated in the London Agreement of 1942, providing for British supervision of underground activi- ties in France until an American Command was set up for the 2TO. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Meanwhile SO in England had charge of final training and screening of SO agents. Later in the field SO/SOE was iniLegrated into ex isting networks. There was a tendency on part of French speaking officers in US Army, particularly those who were recent arrivals, to carry over old political antagonisms into their new work. Frustrated for years perhaps, they wanted, not unnaturally, to settle old scores and to be assured that the particular resis- tance of their affiliation was the one SO/SOE would support. Thus internal quarrels were interposed in an already complicated situation and a miniature three way dispute, on the lines of the larger British-French-American differences, was only averted by screening out those Frenchmen who could not submerge their party feeling into the larger issues. This took time. Propsects from French speaking centers like New Orleans and NY were canvassed on a no. of recruiting trips. SO files list a long who's who of France in America, and many of these were chosen, commissioned (since they were not allowed to operate as civilians), trained and shipped to GB. A further problem was that many of the agents who volunteered merited rank of field grades. Yet only 2nd Lt. slots were avilable - this was ture of all those recruited for Jed teams. The Jed teams were first proposed by the British. They were one American and one British officer, one French officer and one US or Brit enlisted man as WT op. Their job was to organize the resistance. The director in London was Lt. Col. Carlton-Smith, head of Milton Hall, SCE training center, and Lt. Col. Henry B. Coxe,Jr., SNO/London. DO's responsibility for them began writh recruiting and ended with training and sup- ply. This was done by the regular WE/S0 staff through fa1143 and spring 44. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 As early as 5/43 plans for Jed teams were contemplated Ex 21Ex2zi in DO and London. By 8/43 tentative requirements for the plan were drawn up; and by 9/1/43, Gerald Miller of WE/S0 wrote to Freeman Lincoln, DC/SO that "The So recruiting objec- tive is...44 officers for staff, 50 officers fluent in French for teams, and 50 enlisted men for WT operators. The staff of General Devers has Approved the Jedburgh Plan. G-2 has been in terested to the extent of requesting OPD to transport 30 men regardless of the transporation freeze. London feels that the entire success of OSS in the European Theater will be judged by General Devers on the success or failure of adcomplishing the objectives of the Plan." A memo from WJD to Branch chiefs dated 10/11/43 states that the Jed Plan was given highest priority for ETO. He therefore ordered that all branches turn over specified slots for offi- cers to WE/S0 until requirements for Jeds was filled. The goal of 94 officers and 50 enlisted to be dispatched by 12/43 was achieved through the coordinated effort of the Dep.Dir./SSO Scribner (Goodfellow apparently Dir.SSO), by fomf Col Connely of Personnel Procurement Branch, by Mr. Hland of the Sec. Off., by Major Alderdice, X0 of the OGs, Lt. Colonel Gamble of PWO; and Lt. Colonel Franklin Canfield (sent to Wash- ington by SO London for the express purpose of recruiting Jeds and Officers to be attached by Army staffs; and by O. Sumner Williams, appointed by Scribner to coordinate this rush job. The WT operators were trained by Larry Lowman, C/Commo, and Lt. Colonel R.T.Silzmann, WE/S0 planning officer assited in interviewing and screening trainees. The OGs also helped in training. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 The British helped by appointing Col. Skilbeck of the SOE school in Canada for temporary duty in DC to help train the crew once picked. A long and detailed correspondence between Canfield and Joseph Haskell SO/London, reflects the problems of the period - whether to take volunteers expert in everything ex. French or to choose men primarily for language ability; whether recruits could acquire enough French in 2 weeks to pass as French- ment or whether it would take longer to llok for linguists than it would to drill French into the recruits selected. This was a burning issue. By 11/2/43, Canfield could report to Haskell that 59 officers chosen as team leaders were in training and ready for shipment. One in GB, they would received more trai,ing in SO/Soe schools under direction of Maj. John Tyson, SO. Lt. C.P. Frank of SO helped process Jeds and served as their adjutant. This was a feverish period with Sharp and F.Bayard of NE/SO Rives bearing most responsibility; Canfield attached to their occ-37.2111c_2121.2_221411.s_to expedite the program and keep in touch Nehq with London; Sgt. Warren Delano in WESO office to assist Sumner Williams who was coordinating the program there. IgtxxRrxxic All Jeds came in temporary duty without equipment while waiting securit: and qualification checks. All were parachutists; all had French background; all from Fort Benning and Camp McCall. They were cleared through H.H. Bennett, Personnel Officer of SSO. They got overseas through Lt. Col Harold W. Fuller, SO later del:Arty comm. Jed training, England. In an order of 12/20/43, Jed ops was summarized as: Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 WW1: through the efforts of Lt. Colonel (then Major) Harold W. Fuller, SO, who later became deputy commandant of Jedburgh , � , training in England. The role these men were to play in the support of operations for the Invasion of Northwest Europe was defined in an official order dated 20 December summarizing the 42inal p ans (see exhibitttached). "It has been decided that 70 Jedburgh teams...will provide the strategic reserve with which S0E/S0 can create-and tontrol offensive action 'behind the enemy' lines on and after D-Day where existing communica- tions, leadership, organization or supplies areHin7_ _adequate,-orto carryout such- additional specific tasks as are demanded by the military situation. '"Jedburgh teanswillHnerMaily consist-of three men, of whom at least one will be a native of the country in which the team is to operate. Teams will consist of a-leadera Aecand-in-eomth.and both of whom will normally be officers, and one wireless operator. !IT.he principle fUntiiOn of'jPdburgh teams-is that of liaison with Resistance Groups. Leaders and seconds- in command of teams should have a.sound working know-y,,,,, ledge of:Ytheilanguage of the country so that they can give instruction and orders where necessary. It is not the intention that Jedburgh teams _will necessarily. - usurp. the authority oflocal.leaderso'but it is felt ' that the arrival of Allied soldiers, in uniform, behind the enemy lines, will have a marked:effectran,patriotic. ::.Mordleand that these -teams. aP-a focus' for local resistance. "As -a, gtne-raI rule,' Jedburgh to willbC :scia't c.n--;7 to. those areas where there are known to be actual � tial resistance elements. _,Their function w;11 7 'according'tt-the nature of the group to which � sent and ma/ include any or all of the following: i).-'*Organiiiition-joVa' group fOr guerilla activity. 14). EVAPPI4G,agrPuP Approved for Release 2023/01/11 CO2730858 � Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 The orders also deals in detail with zones of ops., equpment, specific tasks and targets for Jeds, and for coordination and direction by SOB/SO and commo with SOE/S0 HQ, England. All Jed program activities, however, were only a part of overall recruiting of regular SO agents for France. On 9/1/43, Sharp wrote a memo to Wm. Mudge of SO personnel, stating the immediate need for 50 more agents, 25 MT operators to go with them and 10 officer observers of "superior intelligence." In addition, 50 officers to serve as leaders of Jedburgh teams. For these officers, Sharp wrote; "They must be prepared to be parachuted in uniform behind the enemy lines, be experienced in handling men and if possible have served in an active theater; must have aptitude for use of small arms weapons; have a good knowledge ofFrench." Staff offs. were also needed, both for London and field HQ. Also training officers and 16 officers to conduct service func- tions for SO. All of these were in addition to officers needed by the OGs. Sharp's memo condlues: "Time is of the essence." Sharp's office in DO also handled relations with the French Military Mission, concerning status of French officers in train- ing in US whom OSS was attempting to recruit. The terms on which these officers were released by the French command were: That they remain members of the French Armed Forces on detached temporary service for a specific mission with OSS; that liaison with the French military authorities should be permitted at all times, "within the proper limits of security and protection;" the French High Command was to be notified, al- ways wit-in the limits of proper security, of departure of the mission for which these officers were being trained. By 11/43, Sharp was reporting to Lincoln, acting c/SO on dispatch of 81 SO trained men to London. By 2/44, Wm. Davis, who succeded Lincoln as Chief SO reported to MJD that of these Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 81 after further training, 46% had been accepted after passing last hurdles, a rate of acceptance far higher than British had been able to reach. Yet this figure still shows much wasted effort and time. Finally by summer of 44, Washington was able to drop its responsibility for French recruiting when a tripar- tite staff was set up, responsible through SOE/S0 command to Koening of FFI acting under SHAEF, to carry on netwmtk of agent activity sparked to life by British and US efforts. BY 9/10/44 there were 80 Jeds in France, but aside from them only 46 other SO agents remained in France. Control of Special Force Detachments in France passed to Koenig and plans were under way for using as many as were qualified for SO/Germany. V By 4/2/45, 227 BO men had returned to DO from ETO of whom /118 had been transferred to FE. This processing under Harrison VT. Barrows, Ops. officer ETO Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858_ 29 October as follows: Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 � PSPECIAL OPERATIONS PLAN FOR OPERATIONS IN FRANCE REFERENCES: P.G, 55/1. 1.943 and Implementation Study Psychological Warfare in Southern France. , OBJECTIVE: SITUATION: MISSIONS: PLAN: (r-50.5-0t,0 Al we/6-d A1fi4.d. icv2,093 for Stimulate resistance: Organize and equip resistance groups: disruption of lines of communication and supply: coordinate activities with military operations in direct support thereof. a:,' The majority of the French people are in passive resistance to the German occupational authorities and to the German controlled -French Government�.' A,- 'strong., organization .for, :resistance and- sabotage: has "been�louilt.:.upL.I.n.,all,.of.,,.-1?rance the �British. � . 11umorous ..French,resistance'''GroUps -have-rboon 's ,organizations...�in all -of ...France: their.offectivetrength., is 'not�.definitely known and varies widely from community to 2cm:1'm-unity depending';on...the.,,typo of leadership. 13ritish. SO E has �preferred - to :concentrate :their � efforts.. in _Northern :France,' :and it is therefore,--necessary :fez! P:, t0 ...bring: 'about � . a unified organization in 'Southern Franco, -Supply Eind 'equipit,,.:and',..to coordinate � resistance group activities in Northern and Southern Frapda through joint SO-SOE action. TO carry our operations -upon special targets : Of military sianificance as designated by.';:.: Military Commanders. To equip, unify resistance groups, and 'coordinate' their, activities.' jtith_, the plans of the Military ',Cotmaxider.�:: � . To' Sabotage:sources of�key:materials, plants -'hjlanct:other targets of_:military significanee. To destroy or disrupt lines of communication :and.'supply:in..accordancti with plans :of the_ , -military 'commander.'". (1) For specific targets see to thiO...plan. Appendix No. To -introduce into France, prior to minimum of '12 azont opc rat 5, v l'for recruitment, liaison, equipment,', of teams for -:apc.Icific sub otajG A =Imbrium of one wireles s operator :with equipment to accompany each agent 'Opera- tive. S (c, E Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 1 b. To int:App- roved for Release: 2023/01/11 o02730858D�Day a ,minimum or ivorricer observers to serve as -eontact with underground leaders, to report ,upon matters: of organization, equipment,� discipline, and toordinate:Withthe plans of the Military:Commandert-lwirolep operator with equipment to:acCoMpanY'eaelk officer observer. 0. To form, train and introduce into France �teams,composed..of.:_ -"l'OffiCer','Leador 1 Officer or. E/M, second .in command ,.(to be obtained from-French. command) 1 'Wireless. Ope -rator ,just prior_to, or. on ,D-Day.,for.the_purpose of liaison With other groups, to act as guides whore necessary, and coordinate efforts of . resistance grouPs on and, after fl-Day.. To Coordinate and guide'efforts ef-operaticinal groups in .ncoups-de-main". - To introdUce into Trance at-titeS 4ibtati'd by the Military situation, Operational Groups totalling ,29 officers, 171 enlisted men, for the purpose of tarrying out 'flooUP-demain", destruction of installations of military value and ether limited objectivesl_in accordance with the Plans -of' the Lilitary Commander.' - To form, staff groups (35, officers.), and enlisted rpersennel, Which will be attached' to-Army,' Corps, or Division Staffs in the field for the purpose of carrying out the plans of the g1,4arY Cotmander-by Means of EL.', d. aboVo':, PERSONNEL SUPPLIES AINavgglaprg.NT REqupmEsTsl_ Officers PertonnelPieLni:a.. lo- b* 10 35- ' e.35 E. M. 10 (Exelusive'of personnel 10 required for staff, eommunications, liaison, 171- ' "80 Base of-OPeratiOns-.) 88 , Equipment: A M1nimUM'of-1.00 radio Seta:- IndividUal equipment, weapons, etc., to be supplied at SO Base of Oper- ations of,119,,officers,.314 men between 1 November 1943,-tO'l Debember-1943. -Thereafter, from Bases to Operational Areas as dictated by the Military- situation. , -Supplies:. Not subject to estimate beyond an estimated initial supply of 651 lbs. per man. Same as nbov. To Ix, furnished by Army depots at SO Base of Oporationz... TRANSPORTATION REQ:UIREYMITS : Air or water transportation should be made Immediately. available for the transportation to SO Bases of Operations of 119 officers, 314 men::.between1 November - and 1 December 1943. ThereafterifrotiBases to OperatJ,onAp'pro-ved for Release : 2023/01/11 CO2730858Maitar7 Sf nut dl) Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Western Europe: Related at all points to SOE, since England base for ops. in WE - Was necessary for SO to have permission and goodwill of SOE in order to operate. ondon Agreement - 6/42 So-SOE pact, but it was still only 1"possible for SO to send limited missions to explore possible 'fops until Directive from the JCS in 12/42 giving OSS authori- bfzation to carry on ops. in any area where the theater comman 'der wanted its services. win early 43, small group of SO officers in London. At that vtime a modification of the London Agreement was arranged and ,set forth in an Operational Agreement signed by Charles Hambro rand Col. Huntington (ATTACHMENT) Through this arrangement, SO obtained a toehold on the SOE ops already underway - at that time SO/London had only 10 men, while SOE already numbered 6000 on its rolls. The only way SO could begin was to attach their officers to the WE section of SOE on a temporary basis to learn the ropes. In 43 these officers included, Lt. Col. Paul Vanderstricht, who had be_en_h_ead of the WE desk in_ SO/DC, Capt. William Grell, Capt. Paul 1:5P11nn, Lt. Col. Franklin O. Canfield, Maj. Henry Coxe, Lt. Col. John A Bross and Maj. Robert R. Doddrige. DO always maintained the view that SO should always maintain its own identity, no matter how closely it collaborated with SOE. Therefore, in addition to those attached to SOE, SO main- tained its own skeleton staff in London - Bross, Lt. Col. George E. Brewer, Lt. Col. G.W. Embury, Col. Joseph F. Haskell and Col. Charles S. Vanderblug, This mission acquired real first prestige when on 6/4/43, it became a military detachment headed by Lt. Col. David K.E. Bruce under General Devers' orders. Later on 11/11/43, in order to keep SO control in line with SOE, then 'under COSSAC, Su was itself put under COSSAC. The only thing SO could do in 43 was to supply badly needed personnel and materiel to SOE and to try to get in on the planning of future operations on a joint basis. SO was first established as an operational unit in 8/43 when the first offi- cers dropped into France. The number of agents continued to increase in 43 and 44 in cooperation with the Maquis so that there was a resistance network supplied and ready by D-Day, to carry out specific tasks of demolition and harassment while allied armies were landing and securing the beachheads. SO/London also controlled a large number of individual French native agents dropped into the country and supplied by SO. They received their orders from Grell, an American of Belgian birth who recruited, briefed and Maintained contact with hun- dreds of natte French agents. Much of this activity was car- ried on without the knowledge of the French resistance, SO and SOE considering their security dubious and not wishing to run any greater risk to their agents than necessary. Similar ops with native agents were carried on in Norway and Denmark. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 There were thus three separate group of agents sent into the continent by SO/SCE: Their own operatives known as ;section, sent to set up commu- nication "closed" circuits unknown to the FPI; French agents known as RP section, dropped, supplied and run by SO/SOE; Jedburgh teams of mixed US-French-British who organized resis- tance groups in France, equipped them Rnd supervised their activities, working always under the instructions of the local FFI, who in turn were instructed_froM London. Starting with a few teams in E/4' the Jeds increased to a 45 American officers and 100 enlisted men by late summer. v"SO/L got another boost in 10/43 when, after Col. Joe Haskell's vtransfer to the OSS detachment, he was able to get the services vof the 492nd bomber group attached to the 8th Air Force, to /carry out SO missions. Jos. Scribner of Uashington shared in ./this achievement, which made it possible for SO to carry out 'independent sorites and fulfill the work la&d. out at its packing /station set up at Holme. 1/In 'ilashinton, the year 43 was one of feverish recruiting acti- vvity. In England, Col. Haskell was the key SO figure ot this time. He was a regular army officer who had inside connections 'with staff officers in London through his former position as vAsst Chief of Staff, G-5. It was through Haskell's effort in 'that post that the OSS det. was set up, giving its respectable /status and the right to requisition supplies and use regular /military channels. Haskell also secure increasing nos. of planes /from the 492nd BC once he had secured its use for 083. 64 planes "eventually became available to SO. In 1/44, SO and SCE joined organically to operate as a unit. Brig. Mockler-Ferryman and Haskell had equal status in this merger which controlled ODS. heading toward DDay - included Jed teams, individual agents of SO and SOE, the Operational Groups, the 492nd BC (inc. supply drops). The admin staff was modelled on Eisenhower's Staff, with complete integration of planning and ops. and sharing of planes available to either side. HQ was original HQ of SOE Baker St. This arrangement lasted until France fell entirely into allied hands, then SO pulled out of Special Force HQ for ops. in Germany, while re- maining under SPHQ for ops. in the Scandinavian countries and Denmark. As London HQ became more and more active it,' 44, relations with DC became more independent and by DDay, London relied on DC only for men and supplies. Plans were completely under Ike and his staff, as Gen. Marshall had forseen they would have to be when he made his suggestions for the drafting of OSS' charter Directive from the JCS in 12/42. Liaison with SOE/DO was maintained through Col. Bouverie, general hedd of BSC/DC The attachment of SO officers to the allied armies as Special Force Dets. was worked out in London. As noted in Lincoln Free- man jar Diary: "The general conception of the function of an SF Detachment was that it would serve as a liaison between the field forces and SPHQ in London for the planning and execution of strategic missions by resistance groups behind the enemy lines." Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 On 6/1/44, SO staffs attached to US field forces and simi- lar SUE staffs with British armies were designated as Special Force Detachments and assigned SF number; with the OSS des- ignations as follows: b.r.s�ds-imierg ci-DobeleATitcse va- om Ago - b,44, mmoim 1st US Army Group SF Bet 12 - First 7S Army SF Bet 10 3rd US Army SF Bet 11 9th US Anny(ptud044) SF Bet 13 Un-named Army SF Bet 14 By 6/30/44, 100 SO officers were in these dets, operating as liaison between resistances and the ARmy, picking up info. from the resistance as the Army progressed in France, carrying out necessary sabotage ops and directing ushc ops on the part of French groups whom they had supplied with materiel. Inter- ference v:ith enemy comma and transport lines was, the object of most of these ops. One important contribution was the role played by Det 10 in solving the myster of V1 and V2 bombs. Contacts established by this Bet in the Cherbourg peninsula provided the key info on the launching sites and working of these missiles. By early Sept., 80 Jed teams o:?eting in France. One American Jed found the plans of all German defenses of Lorient and St. Nazaire and worked his way through German lines with them to 3rd Army HQ. Also 100 SO agents operated behind lines before DDay. This followed the British example of infiltrating French speaking agents as fast as possible. 1/The SO packing station at Holme, handled supplies from DO. lAt its peak 365 enlisted men were on duty at Holme where Jpacking of containers and packages increased from 15,000 in Vthe first 6 mos. of operation to 48.949 three months later. '/These containers carried 300 pounds of materiel each and were vdelivered in 2717 sorites by air to the ontinent. /In 9/44 a planning and operations comm. was set up in London vto act as a link between WE and MED So. Shortly after this, vthese two theaters were combined to form European SO. Maj. O.S. Eubank was head of ESO desk until his transfer oat of vS0 in 3/45 when Capt. Harrison T. Barrow was appointed to vthis office. DO'S responsibilites by this point consisted mainly of reprocessing returning agents and record keeping, /under reports officer R.T. Brake SO Branch report for 1/45 follows: Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Under Thtt- ritAUwe. 4.^nA Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858' "II THEATER:ACTIVITIES � E1150 1. TiT/SO (a) Pre,ress .� 1. The SO Branch in. ETO has.boen uncl.rcoing�- a considerable re-organization, - Every effort is being de to develop-:: specie' operations into Germany and Central Europe. 2. A study of.Czechoslovakian.2eSistance prepared for'USSTAF with a view to obtaining permission for. 192nd r rEombardmenteGroup (H)�to.flisupply opertione to clandestine groups, in-I:bray/a and �Bohemia. � 3. Attempts to,arm Danish Resictanco are progressing favorably; and the briefing and training of SO agents to be used inside Germany are being successfully effe;ted. 4. "Zeetings have been held with mombera o the giret Allied Airborne Army, and Staff Officers from SFIQ � and SI Branch OSS, to discuss SO participation in a projected airborne operation. It is conte=lated that SO participation will take the form of effecting "hit and rung tackec and. securing operational intelligence for the Airborne Corps concerned. � 5. Tasks assigned to SO by the Planning Section are: To contact dissident Germans and overrun foreign worker. -elements which can be placed at the disoosal cif-Arpy =Its canorne operation for � the purpose of obtaining operational intelligence and assistance in the form of guides and labor. To maintain contact by VI/T with OSS radio station, London, and Si representatives concerned in tha operation. One SO officer and two El from the Central European section will be engaged in the operation and it is the intention of this section to follow very carefully the development of this pirborne operation. �6. Members of the 'Astern'Europoan Section have been engaged in the final liquidation of =FT, which was closed dawn as of 1 December 1944. However, OSS interesto in Franco are still being carefully followed. 7.. Captain Edwin A. Willard as appointed Chief, Planning Staff, vice Lt. Colonel Canfield effecs: :2 November 1944. FIELD BASE "T" has been cct -(b)- Achievements, Awards and ComMandations -1. Achievements ;-�Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 602730858: Operational 0 antivitv' n"4"4.- -" of e fo llowing: Approved forRelease: 2023/"1/"11 002730858 the (a): Contact has 1,a_zaintainesilrcth len�-c-iltrated into the Ruhr during the early part of Saltember. Two other agents we preparing to join him in the near ttture. Two VIssetshave bgen delivered to safe addresses in terlin. Briefing and docuMentationfor tad azents is urinT7-ray and the nets are expected to be operating in near future. ,:Twoe_zents are beinz trained -and briefed to enter Southarn Germanyand Austria.' Thoir ha to establi4 ,contact with resistance groups, andrrango to supply' with materiel and equipment, ,Sabotaze in Jutland has been .undertaken on a larze ccale� durin:z.Nover.� Gorman-tt-oop movements hava becn substevntially. M.L2TIG AerocL-emo 17T nuccessfully attacked by sabotelLro on 2 Nova7r.- Two hangars, about 30 aircraft, and a spacial aero mechanical Hworkshop with all tools, etc. were destroyed. :An officers 'canteen vas also blown up, and .any Ge=ans were killed and injured. :On 6 1:ovemborpatri0t5 took ono of the laroeat ferries and delivered it ,t Zwaden.." This raport also summarizes air operation in ESO for the year 1944 as follows: "III SUPPLItS L5.2. TE/SO, (a) Supplies dropp0d4 :The 492nd Bombardment Group (11) ceased . Carpetbagger operations as of 1.8 September 1944; therefore there': - were no Az:erica-a air operations for OSS since that date. The following a re -the figures for the r,calendar year 1944. -4 1. .-:Aircraft missing on missions to: . Belgium 4, Denmark 1 ' Franco ,13 ,11orway-.� Poland �6 ',Trae-40e 2'. Bodies dropped on missions to Belgium Containers and packages dropped on .mission t�: Belgium: 1436:: :containers 'Denmark...- ' 104 France ::. 23,324- , n . - Norway : , 456 ' 10 , Cif,(5: n: Poland -..:. 1,084- .._ . 38 France 377 :.Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Supplies rui.nishnri o'cri - Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 ill/41:J 95-1/2 Prance 3,055-1/4 Denmark'. '5-1/4 Poland -1191/2 romay 53-1/2 Bodies picked -up and delivered on Pic44p.missions,. Belgium -France 5 176 :Picked up ti � 5 dolivered 61 'Nurbor of cortioo (noopr,sfol and non-audoc4;aul).to 'Ji.cagium-� 35 France :-2,595. Denmark' 25 Poland 108 . 61. rae:in7 station prorTess '1 Containers packed during the year 50;675 2. Containers delivered during the calendar year to: 492nd Bombardment Group (H): 14,125 RIF 23,691 Reseca-ch and Experimental (British) 34 8th USAAF (Day Light) 5,298 EDATC (Norway) (a)- Supplies - general 1.- Plans are being made to supply ITUOlan Partisans in Northwest Italy from a base to be sat up in:..the Haute-Savoie region of France.' It is estimated that this bate will need,enoughnuppIies.: to -completely outfit 4002 an. H is expected :that the ,following diSposition ui -bo made of::the,enlisted.Hmen at the packing station at Th2: 3.140 � to be shipped to the Far East approximately 1.January).94.5. 72 to be returned to:the:Army'in:ET0. 0 -:to .remain for ppesible Use in operations. Of the 140 earmarked:for'tho Far East2-20.enlisted men and one officer'will-be sent from'Lendon-to Caserta to:open up - a packing station in Pita-Florence Area Of Northern Italy and Uill _ _ . then proceed to the Par East. 2.VED/S0 :(a):, 1Lass drons were Made fra,2,L1 I Norc.%fbzr, 1944. ,Althou:h 2S0 tons o2 r .controlled areas:received.appro=i7atol:, (b):Total.Supplie., fl the month or -November..uas .repol-tcd � not, jwi1.evervinc1ude the mass drops to � ,��� Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 - - � , _ _ _ (c) 'Discussions have ben hnld vitil the AAF. Mass -air drops were Approved for_ReleasV023/.91/1,1 992730858 z...anes have been flown from Brindisi to North East Italy. Arrangement for ::horter. � haul_ flights were also discussed and suggestions as to bases in the Siena area were fs,...ably received. No definite word has - 'been given, hovever.* (d): The .2000 pounds of initial supplie�or the Annencyy.: :base have bean dispatched by air 214 November. They were received lin good order. '(o) Tho 20 onlioted men and one offiepr wbo wgro earmarked for FE/TO by London mill be sent to Caserta about "1 January l914 to open.up.a.packing,statien in the PisaFlorencer area of Northern Italy." This same report mentions certain difficulties in the theater. , worth noting: IYIV DIFFICULTIES . E SO :(a) -At present, the personnel questio is con.--;. istituting the greatest- difficulty in tha SO Branch. The 17:2t that -there is a dearth of German speakinr, officers to lye!Used in proposed operations-into Germany has hindered present progress. The need of.. personnel to serve in:eliaison capacity between SO and SO' has also boon felt.- :(b) The question.of:obtaining suitable'aireraft to undertake operations to'. the northern section of NerwaY, presonts-: a grave problem at the. momcnts - (c) The German increased _system of control and -cheek-up has hindered the work of SO agents in Denmark to a marked extent." The notes in the rest of this :report concern operations now in progress z7and therefore_ do not belong in this history, but it may be mentl,oned hero � � that Colonel William C Jackson, Operations Officer, 0 S Detachment London was appointed in December 19144 to act as coordl,ntor of Ce7/:79 iic :in Oermarvf-- SO ppora7tdons.lirOerr7skr are eondileted those of SOE but close cooperation has been maintained; this in iio , ,Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 002730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 with Gen. Donovan s intention of ke eDing OSS indepdnden.t whenever possible. By April 45, pattern of continental ops becoming clear. OSS activities in Norway, Denmark, CSR, air drops to RTarsaw, safe routes in and out of Germany, were all part of the picture which will have to �be put together in a postwar account of ops. Outstanding ops: 0'2/45 report mentions exploits of Nick Jalick and Arthur Jibilian .eduring the preceding five months in evacuating or helping to eevacuate 343 American airmen from Mihailovic territory. beIn Italy, the 5th Army Det., all SO, established regular sup- 'ply routes to the Partisans operating in the area of the Brenner %/Pass and was committed to deliver 550 tons a month to this im- /loortant element Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 After transition from COI to OSS in 6/42, organization came under JCS and WJD submitted 2 reports to Chiefs. 1) Report on functioning of COI for past year; known as "Rogers Bible" because written by James Grafton Rogers 2) Submitted 8/28/42, basic estimate of OSS future potential to Joint Psych. Warf. Comm. of JCS 8/11/42 - WJD set up Strategic Services Command under Colonel Goodfellow, awaiting final directive on SO from JCS. Appproval for this interim command obtained with aid of Gans. Nelson, McNatney, and W.B. Smith. A week later this approval withdrawn. Old line War Dept. officers feared provision for what they called "Donovan's Dragoons." OSS not allowed to sup- port guerilla units. 8/19/42 - New order; stated subversion and sabotage to be con- ducted by OSS and endorsed OSS principle of guerillas, but it obliged OSS to hold up plans before actually putting guerillas into operatiton. Not even SOE allowed to use anything resembling unified mili- tary guerilla unit. ("Strategic Services troops") But OSS during this period clearly authorized to send out in- dividual SO agents, regardless of debate over SO guerilla units. With Goodfellow involved with unit planning, WJD trans- ferred Lt. Col. Ellery C. Huntington, Jr., then head of Sec.Off. to be chief of SO (name changed from SA/G on 8/31/42) Huntington a lawyer and officer in NY investmJ3nt companies. Capt. in WW I and active in t7th regiment of NY State Guard. Came to OSS in 2/42 and started setting up security system for Donovan. Headed SOc.OFF until transferred to C/SO. Budget plans for 50,8/42: Administrative staff of SO then about 200 army and navy officers of whom 18 in Washington and the rest in training and schools. 11 attending British SOe schools. Scattering of agents abroad. 4 school areas in operation, and comma school being established jointly with SI In summer and fall of 42, WJD and Good. continued to attempt to get clearance for guerilla units from JCS 9/4/42 - Huntington formally appointed C/SO Ops personnel then divided into SI under Bruce; SO under Hunt- ington; and remainder under Good. 9/7/42, Huntington set up list of key SO positions: Acting X0 - Lt. James F. Lawrence Fiscal Officer - Lt. Col. W. Lane Rehm Chief Ops. Officer - Lt. Cmdr. Warwick Potter Project Liaison Officer - Capt. Franklin Canfield Chief Recruiting Officer - Ensign Wm. Horrigan Chief Training Officer - Capt. Geo.ximmax H. Brewer, Jr. Advisory Dir. of Training - Lt. Col. R.M. Brooker Asst. Ops. Officer - Horrigan Asst. Training Officer - John A. Bross, Lt. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 1 Potter, Brewer, Lawrence and Bross had all been members of .Huntington's regiment in the NY State guard. They were all , eager for action. A bitter rivalry existed between this new group and the man who stayed in Col. Goodfellow's command. Huntington left on the first of his overseas trips for London in 9/4/3, leaving SO in the hands of his deputy, Lawrence. Rivalries with Goodfellow's office continued. Huntington's first report to WJD on trip to England, 11/2/42 mentions existing missions: Eifler, Tostoy-Dolan, Hoskins, TORCH Suggested expansion of current Mission in China under Commander Miles to include all other missions in the Far East and coor- dinate their activities. Projects suggested for future: Philippines New mission to replace one man(Smith?) at Vichy *treater cooperation with the Free French resistance movement while at the same time operating with other French resistance groups, so as to lose no possible toehold in Western Europe - this suggestion strengthened by memo from Lt. Col. Arthur Roseborough dated 10/23/42, outlining, after talks with the Free French, their need for materiel to supply existing French manpower and British bases. New missions to low countries, Scandinavia, Spain, Portugal, West Africa, Cairo Huntington pointed out that there were areas where the Briti,h could not function as acceptably to native populations as Americans could and he proposed making men available for such areas While the Strategic Service Command remained uncertain timIx after withdrawal of its authority it August, two units, Maritime Unit and Operational Groups split off before JOS issued final direc- tive, (JCS 155/4/D) of 12/23/42 defining exactly what OBS opera- tions could include. Directive said: SO not to operate in Western Hemisphere. All ops in organized theaters were to be subject to direct oontrol of theater commanders Assigned continued responsibility of psychological warfare, sabotage, guerilla warfare, and resistance liaison But not guerilla units - "Unless otherwise specifically author ized, personnel to be provided for guerilla warfare will be limited to organizers, fomenters and operational nuclei of guerilla units," - But no full units as in British Commandos. This ended Strat. Serv. Comm. and Goodfellow became special Assistant on Donovan's staff for All OSS, while Huntington began to develop SO "organizers, fomenters, and oper.nuclei" This order became known as ?The Golden Directive" Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Huntington order 11/28/42 - new SO appointments. Operations Officer - Warwick Potter area Operations Officer - John Bross Admin. and Security Officer - J. Freeman Lincoln (who had been head of Couriers under William A. Kimbel. Executive Officer - R. Davis Halliwell (soon 0/a0) Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 11/13/43 - Strategic Services Operations/Dept. Dir. created. Replaced PWO, and Scribner named new DD/SSO. Branch chiefs objected tot his new arrangement: SO, MO, MU, (7 Scribner as XO chose Lt. Col. Edward Bigelow B had been asst. to Charles Cheston and Spec. Asst. to Dir. on personnel; actually personell off. of all OSS until estab. of Personnel Procurement Board in 6/43 B a Boston Banker. Chief of Staff for Scribner, Lt. Col. William P. Davis; also banker. Served with 108th Field Artillery in the National Guard and later graduated as highest man in his class at command and General Staff School at Leavenworth. New Chief of SO, J. Freeman Lincoln, already long service as member of SO staff. Area officers, SO: Western Europe - George C. Sharp North Africa - W.W. Downey Far East - Carl O. Hoffmann WV' (40151r) CommanderiGreen - Personnel Officer, SSO A Now 1750 members of OSS fell under SSO. Problems: Winter-Spring 1944 Eifler Mission asking for additional personnel. Jed program given trop priority at request of Gen. Devers called for 50 officer leaders and 50 WT men Staff officers needed to serve with US field armies as liaison between AEF,and French resistance orgs. SO agents trained in sabotage were being requested and over 300 men for SO packing station at Holme, England. Two srots of men operating in OSS Ops branches attracted younger, less experienced activists. More seasoned business men concerned with introducing business- like methods into organization.; they were partial to intell. functions, but operations required new and possibly dangerous departures, not suceptible to complete organization. Donovan's sympathy with the men of action saved them. Like the operations men he too was a soldier and an adventurer in ideas. What the studies and proposals of the protagonists of the holding company idea had forgotten was the human equa- tion; men of action not concerned with methods and channels and impatient with restraints intended to harass them. 3/44 - Scribner left on world tour of OSS installations. Affected his thinking on theater realities. In Soribner's place, Bigelow appointed Scribner returned from trip in June; resigned from OSS in July. WmTionr-Aw pl(.611 144FF HA-0 A4 ci 5 cat4A, rn Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 1 rdApproved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 It said that the Functions of SO Branch based on a JCS Directive of 10/27/43, were 1. To conduct sabotage operations in enemy and enemy- occupied countries. 2. Support and supply of Resistance Groups in enemy and enemy-occupied countries. (Copy of Lincoln memo.) 1.49�1\ The OGO were as close to Donovan ever got to his dream of raiders and rangers modelled on the British Commandos. With Lincoln's departure for EN, Col. Davis was borrowed back from SSO where he was Planning Officer to become Chief of SO, with C.S. Williams as Deputy, with William's ME-SO Desk taken over by Russell P. Place, then Deputy/SO. 64-W. Soon after Davis took over, 416MO.& Sharp was transferred to AMG for assignment in France at the request of John WOloy, then Asst. Sec. War, and replaced by his assistnat F. Bayard Rives as Area Ops Off.,/WE. Rives was an international lawyer who had first practiced in the firm of Wintrhop and Stimson, and later had his own firm in NY. He was fluent in French and Spanish, and already well versed in the needs of ETO Ops. Rives carried on detailec correspondence in this period with Major Paul Vanderstricht of SO/London regarding qualifi- cati ns for SO/ETO. With DDay approaching SO/SOE was straining to get as many agents onto the continent as possible to keep the French resistance primed for action, and to chart out commo for advancing American army. On 3/22/44 Davis announced the consolidation of ME and NA Ops offices into a new MENA. This was changed to MEDTO in 5/44. By then, OSS already had officers with 5th and 8th armies in Italy. Algiers was the HQ of MENA and then MEDTO, in line with Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 OS policy of keeping in step with Eisenkower's command. SO/ London was still theoretically directing Algiers SO ops with Lt. Col. Pflieger as liaison betwean London and Algiers. But in practice, Algiers was independent, and both offices were under Eisenhower HQ in London. On 4/10/44, Davis was relieved to go to Algiers as 0/ Special Projects Operating Canter tm responsible for the NA end of Haskell's Command. He was replaced as 0/S0 by Carl Hoffmann, a civilian law- yer who had gone into the Coast Guard in 1942, serving on sub patrol duty out of Staten Island. On receiving an honorable discharge, Hoffmann was asked by Donovan to come to OSS. He began in 2/43 as Assistant 0/Fe/S0 under Francis Devlin. Wjen Devlin went overseas, Hoffmann became Chief The most expansive recruiting phase in SO was over by then. What remained was the reassining of agents returning to the US from Europe to the FE. Hoffmann thus sent two men out in the summer of 1944 to follow the SO activities in ETO and find out what they were and howmuch longer they would be need in Europe. These scouts were who went to NA and Italy, and Chas. Eubank who went to England and France. As a result when several hundred agents returned from France, In the fall of 44, SO was able to received them, and within a week reassign them for training and to SO. [lliBy the summer of 1944, Hoffmann also sent Carletoon Coon and Gordon Browne back to NA to write the history of TORCH By 9/1/44, Hoffmann reported the presence of 25 Jed teams in France, 18 from England and 7 fro in NA. There were also 41 undercover agents in France. In Bel�ium, clandestine sabotage was progressing and air Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 supply missions co4ducted under Berndt Balchen? (Pages skipped?) IN ME, Paul West had visited the heads of the oppsoing resistance factions in the interestof more effective ops. agkinst the Germans. HQ moved from Algiers to Caserta and bases were established inBari, Brindisi, Sienna, and Rome. 29 officers and 62 enlisted men were attached to 14th Al in China under AGFRTS. On 8/15/44, Col. Ed Gamble had gone into France with 7th Army getting info and picking up OSS teams while mainting liaison with Allied Command. By 8/30/44, 720 airmen had been evacuated to Bari alone and over 1500 had been taken out of the Balkan tmaa, largely through SO. And at same time, air drops in France had reached the figure of 1292 tons of which 532i were dropped by SO. Hoffmann gives much credit to his deputy, W.E. Duggan, USMC, who assumed admin duties, leaving Hoffmann free to carry on committee and policy work for Donovan, particularly in de- velopment of Thai project and transferring SO men from Europe to FE. Also SO/Washington staff was reduced from 40 to 31 mem- bers between 4/44 and 9/44, indicating further streamlining. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 � s :4�proved for Release: 2023/61/11 CO2730858-; , ,..---., ,,�___ ,_�__. _, - ,..-, C .....- ar',1; -%.,-..i.,..,%.. ,-i-..,4. -_.0 te--2-1'1.- .:.. ..;. ,....L.,, cc.o cc;,..-_, 717,- .::7Z;t 0-2-Z,_1., t,bat - to He 172,1Z, t Dif- 0 V tliat e::a7a--- for -.7-Ill Z:2-1 OlO 7.1: 3 f: ao caLtfollsli hL2 a3tf_cr.. for aotivLtf...e lei7Ltima-to oe coura'.. �,E. C.:J...::::::::..O.::. t11 2.. LI -.- ';..., L.,',.; ,..�.. �J- .,:. \--C ;i� 3-,:. .r...2.-_,..� 0 3172:11111-2 0 at O to '2:10 11O C,C1C: V._S_I-- .-:-.T' a frle-.L,._...; c_ -Ziy radio, Lz...t the -prc-s)cr tLe...o, `.711.1 -2C t Z7..1:: Z; .1; - J..'f...f:LE):2 for - , 0'2 ";:. C..' ,,,..a-:a iorT.e.rlizeL .7.cs-ista-.e C-rou7:a.... _._ ____:, 0-7,%:.-) (f.- 7:T.,--7-_,:' C--.....,_)rr.1-1-.:.:::, ---------........---- C oup de: -1.:6121-n cticia0 as 3erz.1-ed ,..;'; EC ,:..-_:�3 c.s 1120n. E,:_,,L-�,_. :.,--., L fi.o, t -..- -:--,,: t 2 cnz:::::- oi..-; so:- attaol:s alwa'.ys ..-_;of_-_---..2; ::.:J.ide 6, tho full a-_-_,-2 .22o val of the '-':::- :::; :::::, :';'2 C01' f or c ou:p cl:. :. a 1:-.. o:., a r at f_ -.. ..:::. t be ablo to s,,,,;r,k the lac, of thc, ocuni,zy the tarset is -1o3atc.--d -',--ho oto :Ls th&. to e;:-.-.., ar� 0 :, "P31111C,1 do 1.1,:.rt 11.a1zo _ have -1:-.1- very special clua_-1-f-;.oations rclutlref. o_ . at 0-27anIz3r. Cour) do L'eaLn oy.)eratio,as ar7.,) b t-1-] -a s o . - o f 1----.-ab.na7.:-.L.io a.,:... tie c irc.--aas tc,.:..nces I t. 3111cl be riot oc.7. -:.7,-bat SC.) On '�..':',71:.":7/::_ CI...-. - z.:Ina2ply fraa t.ac-se caa on oy "._ r. that SO '.7.d erat SarO alT:ay (11 T.' ("�;.; froc_c_eatly .111:11-.1L-2-eds of arcQn oo ^ onn ,i1-2 ^ \poi-. to "2 ea.-for:T. a ha Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 � Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 ,Iver military js aosLnoa151. Co-7.andr. token att-Ln:J2t to ('',. ------------------------;.C.L:_. siatd hizia a2.thorite3 as tho-se of 5',7r tezic InT:orta-.cs. IV. S=D7-7 i25 or- 2O22. � weapons, fooa, ..-_- or;yenLze -17,essta2.0e &rou-.os in enc=y and and ....2.=2,anLc2t3e2.s to Resistance -(1-2o-a-Ds, at the -aro-- oaZoat ores of tho .L11=locl , SO 3roach is aL]:ain pe:..-13=.i1::7 a fL:..nct:on tha, 7.purely stratecic. It zholzid be str8ssecT, aaa stres,-ea a,ra o- for �colabat or sir.7.Liar_aut- La .or near tho front 1nez, of Eia advss,ce 5l-1117.. In 30311 31320 Id oao SO should, and does, operate far in advanoo of , .battlozona."� 11-e-, � 4-r, _6 - _ 1-1�stato �a rhic11 Genera.' Donovan set clown in 1.9.-LO aId.3l Ii case for zue Lilo:warfare. LLacola;:s,statent is ,C.oscrip- tlon of the work 1.4 otio1-4 b,Lt'zeon the Operational GrOupswho were az.naarras.D0no,:an evor zot to his dreaaof maados-,-and the-SO:22enta:22.6 orza:1:17,323, II 0233.5 that tho GLaeral had won his-Ooze La essent'Lal of 103 ?he value of SO oLIc do:-.1.ancis. for all theato-_-__ Operational- Grou,o Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Chapter VI - SO/DC's Main Task One constant SO goal - recruiting for missions overseas. From beginning when Goodfellow and Solborg began by rcruiting friends to later point when whole groups transferred to SO from army camps. First encourage by "Golden Directive" from JOS in 12/42. Recruiting has absorbed most of energnes of SO branch in Q Building. Earliest recruiting in COI carried on informally, without reference to branch lines. By spring 43, more definite geo- graphical and branch needs. Personel officers worked with area desk heads in SO to find different foreign language speaking volunteers for ops. then in planning stage under Huntington and Halliwell. No. Africa: NA ops ruled by JOS Directive 170 of 12/23/42 providing for SO ops in Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, France and "other such places as are required by the NA Theater Comman- der." Provisions made for SO HQ, commo groups and cell centers in Canaries, Cape Verde, Azores, Madeira Islands, Spanish, Mo- rocco, Rio de Oro and Tangier. Specific objectives: establishment of the NA Mission and HQ cover for mission in SOS of theater training school for both SI and SO agents Directive also approved living quarters, 12 trucks and 8 army cars and army equipment for SO. In fall 43, Eisenhower decided to use NA/OSS for ops. in So. France. In Washington, this task of recruitment given to Lt. Comm. W.W. Downey, USNR, AO/NA/SO. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Downey had trouble getting "slots" for transport to NA for men to be sent into France. West Europe section had already skimmed off best candidates. Downey had trouble finding even the 10 men he finally sent to LA for .orench ops. More importrant to NA ops was procurement and training of Italian speaking volunteers for Ital. ops. In 5/43, Eddy, fol- lowing up an earlier cable to War Dept from Eisenhower, sent SO/DC a request for 75 Italians to be in North Africa by 8/1/43. This request was frist specific one from Ike and came as part of implement ation of JCS 170. Lt. Commander Downey set out in May with recruiting mission to army camps. Mision included several branch reps., including Col. Toulmin, Majors Quay and - � � Cheevers, Capt. Peter(z, and Lt. Chas. Stuart of Sec. Off. Visited camps in No. Carolina and Georgia looking for Italians for both OG and SO. Had to fluent in Italian and willing to kx undertake dangerous sbotage (not always in uniform) and, as Downey put it, to take a "shot at their relatives." Also had to be capable of training in intell work as well as sabotage. Out of 4000 possible applicants, Downey pciliked 50 for SO. Next 25 found at Camp Forest, Tenn. Army not always willing to transfer these men to OSS, but finally they were cleared and some of the men on their way to NAHQ by 8/1. By Sept all 75 on way to NA. Downey then joined them in NA. Recruiting for NA continued under Downey's asst Robert W. Richards and later John L. Dupree, who replaced Richards. 1/44 - return of Lt. Col. Robert F. Pflieger former Acting SO Chief, Algiers and then Asst. X0 to Glavin. Pflieger's new appt. as liaison for SO ops/S France between London and Algiers HQ helped to clear up confusion of overlapping recruitment. SO drops of 500 packs a month from NA to S France an important part of these ops. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 FAR EAST: Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Most FE recruiting in 43 done by Hoffmann as Asst AO/PESO to Devlin in spring 43 and later as AO/FE, Hoffmann recruited first 100 men to follow original 101 Det. party to Burma. He also directed recruiting of SO men for AGFRTS after he became 0/S0 in spring of 44. Col Hoffmann's method of recruiting was to line up all candidates scouted by his staff and ask them 3 questions: Had they had a high school education? Did they come from a small town or from the country? Did they like to fish, to hunt, to be out of doors? If a candidate's face lit up Riad he showed any real interest when asked this last question he was "in." Hoffman believed that such a man would be able to take care of himself in the rugged conditions under which FE ops were carried out. On the contrary, men who were not at home out of doors he consid- ered a bad risk, regardless of their intelligence qualificatims. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Exeprience in the field in Burma and China seems to have proved this method useful. Under Charles E. Fisher who succeded Hoffmann as FEAO in 10/43, the job of channeling men and supplies to 101 had to 43? be sustained. Stilwell's instructions of 7/42 to "disrupt Japanese communications, shipping, and to bring about Japanese reprisals on native populati n, which will result in disc ouraing by native aid to Japanese" was amply carried out xi 101. By 11/43, SO had in field or enroutb to 101, 24 officers and 32 enlisted men. Natives made up majority of personnel at 101. The Free Thai mission came into the picture about this time. These were Thais trained in the fall of 42 under GoodfellOw's direction. Nicol Smith sent as US lision officer of the group, led by Kunjara. Goodfellow got Thai funds unlocked and got the JCS to agree to activation of the mission as the Free Thal Army. Following dispatch of origianl group to China in 3/43? 16 more Thais were in training in the fall, inc. 2 doctors who were and the whole project badly needed. The Washington arrangements werecarried on under the watchful eyes of the Chinese rep. of the Central Government in Washington. Other projects under discussion were those for Indo-China, for the Philipp flee and other Pacific Ocean areas. But the only one to surrive was the Meynier Mission. This consisted of Captain de Corvette Meynier, a French naval officer close to Giraud in NA; his wife, exfiltrated from France by the British as a favor to OSS; and a partyof officers and Annamites, who were sent to Chungking in 7/43 and established under Miles. After many complications, the mission was actually infiltrated into Indochina. In 1944-45, $O has concentrated on FE treruiting. As of 1/1/45, 160 offs., 159 enlisted men and 7 civilians have embarked Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 to CBI since 5/42 and b: 3/28/45, 235 officers and 246 enlisted men and gone to CBI and 53 to SEAC. This indicates the rapid Increase of FE retruiting. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Percy S. Wood, Chief So/Cairo By 1/9/44, 25 So men infiltrated to Greece by parachute, plane or sea Between 8/43 and 4/44, 16 SO men infiltrated to Yugo. While Farish went in to Tito, Captain George Selvig and Lt. Melvin Benson went to outlying Partisan HQs. OSS arranged for delivery of 1400 tons to Tito before deli- veries taken over by British. Parish, in early summer of 1944, led Columbia mission (himself, Lt. Eli Popovich and Arthur Jibilian) through 6 to 8 hun dred miles in Yugo, visiting missions, establishing pin- points for drops, gathering intell, evacuating wounded airmen by stretcher and ox cart. Parish also reported 6n the issues of civil conflict in Yugo and the essence of such conflicts in all countries caught today in the dual pressures of their own divisive interests and the interests of outside countries using them for other ends. - Yugo, China, Greece, Poland. "Major Parish has caught the tragic and epic character of these dual struggles. He writes with limpid sincerity and disinter ested understanding, pleading for honest and forthright leader- ship on the part of the only country these countries trust in foreign affairs - the United States. This report is more than intelligence. It is history." First purely operational mission out of Cairo in 10/43 when Col. Paul West, chief ops. officer, Cairo, landed at "Featherbed", secret airport in Greece, to evacuate twelve American fliers who had been brought down in Greece. First SO men dropped into Greece in late fall and early winter of 43 - Capt. Gerald K. Wines, Lts. Kermit W. Anderson, Robert E. Moyers and N.J.P. Tryforce, and Private Sprios Kaleyias. Later followed by Capt. James Kellis, leader of the Chicago Miss6on. Chicago went int at request of State Dept. to block flow of chrome from Turkey to Germany by blowing bridges in Evros District of Greece. R&A furnished much info, on area. Mission accompanied by 500 ELAS guerillas blew RR lines on nights of 39 and 30 May (yr.?) Then arms and munitions were turned over to ELAS guerillas and with these,Germans were driven from Evros in August. APRU rescue from Chetnik territory - 8/9-10/44 in 16 sorties more than 225 American airmen evaucated by Americans. By 8/31 over 350 airmen taken out. f, Rumania: AFRU unit headed by Colonel Krai,gher, and accompanied by 11 OSS men (5 SO) flew to Bucharest to arrange for the evaucation of a large number of men grounded there. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Halyard mission: Muselin report= 8/3- radio contact established with Bari 8/9- 241 Americans evacuated in less than 2 hours. 8/26,27 - 58 more airmen and 2 British evacuated. SO report by Hoffman: "Since the fall of 1943, OSS air rescue work carried on cooperatively with Allied Air Forces has contributed to the evaucation of more than 3000 airmen from Roumania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Albania and Yugoslavia (both Partisan and Ohetnik areas)..." 8/43 - Carleton Coon, Chief, So/Bari Chief ops. officer, Huot Coon sustained a serious head injury in North Africa and was sent home by Col. Toulmin. At same time, Huot was replaced by Lt. Col. Paul West. West personally involed in ops., incl. rescue of fliers from Greece and visit to Gen. lam Sarafis, chief of ELAS. Although Americans in Greece were under British operating control, West was leader of all US troops for a time and led ELAS guerillas as well in. their resistance. Maj. Gerald K. Wines played important part in effecting a truce between opposing ELAS and EDES sometime efore 2/44. Worked with Woodhouse, who officially gives Wines much credit for his help in the delicate negotiations attempting to bring these factions into sufficient agreement. On one op. called Noah's Ark - blowing up transporations routes and bridges ahead of retreating Americans - ELAS and EDES coop- erated In working with OBS officers. OSS built four landing strips within Greece to facilitate guerilla warfare. One at EDES HQ in Parmathia. Under Capt. Robert E. Moyers (actually a dentist in real llfe),v/ OSS established an Allied Military Mission Hospital behind the-'1 lines in Greece (with aid of noncoms Robert C. DeTeleese and V �. Paul Phillips). They distributed urgently needed medical sup-P".) plies through Greek physicians and gave actual medical service" to Greeks in range of hospitalk/ Basic problem in ME, working with British. Gen. Devers, deputy under Gen. Wilson, was responsible to Bri tish command for all OSS activities from Cairo, Algiers, Bari. For ops. purposes, SO was divided into two sections. Algiers under Col. Edward J.F. Glavin Cairo under Lt. Col Paul West. 2/44 - Joint Staff Planners stated that combined British-US ops. in ME and North Africa limited to SO; should not in- clude MO and SI which would be independent under Theater Commander and responsible to Washington. TJc 7)44 Dealings of SO with British intricate and uneasy - "Many British officers held OSS in suspicious regard and, while they were interested in the material contributions to their op erations, they were not unnaturally jealous of the toehold Ruch Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 contributions might give the organization and its government in Middle East affairs. A good many individual�Mports of the 1943-1944 peiod in the theater bristle therefore, with angry criticism of British methods of keeping OSS down, and with documentary evidence of actual interference with legi- timate So Work..." c4Ick"MICSftJ. avr 47 kg-outcry OF YT4--rr Der, (1-6 6--eirrced To (ocK Fto GIV COON 6-- ORE. rot, -7.-0 0-6/ TO 6,1yz4c4ivy gy Df#ti own d-v 5. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 OSS was totally unprepared for Salerno and its effort there had to be improvised on the spot. Pacatte and Cagiati were only allowed to join Downes at the last minute and had only six days to recruit 25 agents from Italians at replacements pools in NA. Also, once bases were established in Italy4, there ceased to be an orgaznic connection with Algiers. Caserta became the center of 055 activity. OSS was only partially successful in Italy. Whereas in NA a network of agents and oommo was set upt far in advance of the invasion, in Italy the agency had no such toehold before DDay and came into the operation very late. Also SI was extremely uncooperative under Vincent Scamparino, whose policy precluded any exchange of info, or help with other OSS arrivals in Italy. Also the British were difficult, as UulIllIgtqh told Donovan JJ). Ja latter of 11/17/43. The Col. denied Britj:i-H-FE.-aYges that OSS men were becoming embroiletkin Italian politics. Lack of preparation was chief hindrance to more coordinated effort in 1943. Later in winter of 44, there were echoes of wasted manpower at the base in Caserta under Col. Glavin's comman4. The desire for a big show which prompted Glvain in build up personnel there to some 1000 in number seems not to have been justified by results. In Spring 44, consolidationof the NA and ME Theaters with HQ nominally at Algiers, but actually still separate between Toulmin at Cairo and Glavin at Algiers, meant that as far as SO/DO was concerned the MB end of the Med. Theater loomed more important that the Italian offshoot of WA. This was partly due to the fact that the 5th and 7th Army Dets. were OSS rather than pep- arate SO and SI groups and SO/DO tended to lose track of its personnel as they became involved in overall OSS ops without reference to DC or even to Algiers. A sense of confusion per- vades this whole period of Italian ops and only the supply services to Italian Partisans in the North xi= stand out as separate SO accomplishments The organization 15f SPOC Special Project Operations Center - set up in an "Operations Room" (actually some Nissen Huts and tents with teletypes to OSS and ISSU6) in 5/44 as the exclusive agency in the Med Theater to handle coordination of resistance in So France. SPOC was a joint SO/SOE op under control of SHARP and G-3. SO and SCE made available to SPOC all SO and OG personnel trained for duty in So France. The staff was under joint command of SOE Lt. Col. John Anstey and SO Lt. Col. William P. Davis. It was organized into a French section, Jeds-OG, Air Ops., and Intell sections. French participation in 000 consisted of the attachment of a considerable number of Rrench officers and NCO's used to es- tablish liaison with the Maquis in So France. It was for the ops controlled by UPC that seven American-led Jed teams were dispatched from Gt. Britain to NA in 5/44 The situation problems in So France with which SPOC had to cope are timaxihmixix the non-existent transportation system; the widespread demand for arms from many conflicting resistance groups, and the _precarious supply situation. Between 8/1 andAV15Aegal0ne, SPOC dropped 447 tons of supplies and 206 agents. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 SEA0 was liquidated on 9/9/44 when allied strategy no longer demanded this specific effort., It was one of the few bright episodes in the history of SO SOE relatdinships. An SO operation distinct from SINIC but laid on from Algiers was 2TOILE, conceived by Col. Huntington and executed in summer 44 by Peter Dewey - further described in Chap. 9 on Saigon ops. The Eagle Mission sent to establish liaison between the Parti- san movement in the Belluno, Udine, Goriza area and OSS in Italy, and to train instructors among Partisans in use of arms and demolition material drooped to them was reported by Col. Davis as successful on 10/27/44. A number of ops. followed7177-establishment of this liaison channel. Finally, SO Med Theater carried on Air Rescue Work, as Col Hoffmann reported in 1/45: "The escape and exfiltration sed- tion of the 12th Air Force advised that since they have been using OSS facilities to a maximu, the rescue Ifif downed pilots has risen from 10 to 17. Records now sholl that the recover, 5 our of every 9 men downed in Italy, can be directly traced to OSS our our direct Partisan connections. Fifth and 8th Army Detachments have made very suJstantial contributions by their exfiltrations, not in large batches, but two and three at a time." As of 1/45, OSS continues to operate in Italy. Regular supply channels are established with the IV Corps front and quanti- ties of clothing and arms are passing ot the Partisans. As the battle line moves north plans are ready for further pene- trations and aid to the forces battling on this grim and some- times neglected front. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 � Cike�t � c�Ck( To getf FON Dor-- C/4(,.? � Li - (6/(E: 1VC �CV NfitSe Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 SO Branch: Joseph Scribner Otto Solborg Millard Goodfellow Chief - David Halliwell Joseph Lihcoln --2/44 William Davis III 2/44-4/44 Carl Hoffmann 4/44- 0/FE - Francis Devlin Carl Hoffmann -10/43 Charles Fisher DO/FE - Carl Hoffmann 2/43 0/ks C.B.Williams Russell P. Place 0/W.Eur - F. Bayard Rives 3/44- George Sharp 43-3/44 0/No. Africa - W.W. Downey DC - W.E. Duggan Wm. Davis 1/#4-2/44 C.S.Williams 2/44- Jos. Scribner Jos. Lincoln Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Charles Fisher (banking partner of Scribner) - succeeded Hoffman as FE/SO chief in 10/43 Hoffman was Asst. Chief SO/FE to Maj. Devlin in spring of 43, and later Chief SO/FE until 10/43. Hoffman became Chief Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Consolidation of NA and ME Theater, first into ME-NA in 3/44 and then MEDTO with HQ at Cairo and later Caserta, ilar desk changes in DO. This happened in 9/44. meant aim- ME Ops: Carleton Coon returned in May 43? to DC and put to work on ME desk, SO to help in recruiting. Desk in charge of Lt. Andre Smolianinoff, USN and asst. (Granville Holden. Conn= as- signed to find hundreds of SO men for Yugo, Albania, and Greece. Recruiting expedited in NY by Francis Kalnay, recruiting Yugoslav Merchant Marine seamen stranded there by the imboli- zation of ships. Mostly Dalmatians, well-acquainted with coastal waters of Yugo. But snag when Halliwell and Sc_ibner suspected these Yugos of "Communistic tendencies" and questioned Kalnay's own motives. Recruiting Albanians also difficult. All Albanians in US know each other, also minority Greek Orthodox, who are disliked by majority elements in Albania. Attempt to recruit Gheg Al- banians who represent best fighting element in country. But very few of these in US, and competition for their services in OSS keen. One of best was man who had been 20 years as chief clerk at American Legation, Tirana, and who had extensive tribal connections in No. Albania. SI attempted to recruit him unsuccessfully. Coon succeeded Another prize recruit was edi- tor of Boston Albanian language newspaper "Liria," organ of Free Albania. "This man had to be spirited (willingly)away from his responsibilities and from rival recruiting agents of SI. He became intell and polit, expert for Capt. Hans Tofte. Ploesti Plan: (told by Coon) "One of the hectic projects considered by SO at this time was the destruction of the Ploesti oil fields. Major Raymond Young, Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 an old time oil man who had helped set up the oil installations/ at Ploesti, was living in France under the German occupationi/ in 1941 when he escaped to Algiers and thence to the Unitedt./ States. He had been taken into OSS as a member of SO and had1// developed a remarkable scheme. This was to recruit a number(/ of oil experts like himself who knew the machinery and instal- lations from A to Z, also to recruit an OG to go with these 4/' men with as many as possible speaking Roumanian, then to take,'" these cien to Cairo and to perform the following operation." The American personnel would dress themselves up in the cos---- tunes of of Roumanian firemen and Roumanian oil well workers, complete with monkey wrenches, oil cans, etc. A flight would(/ set out from Cairo and a few bombers would dropt the charges,i/ including incendiaries, on the installations. Other ships would,/ drop the OSS personnel under cover of darkness some few miles away./ Once these men had removed their parachutes, they would proceed,/ to the oil wells and join the frenzied throng milling about the." burning area. They would rush in carrying fire axes and wearingv bright red helmets and say 'make way, make way for the Fire,/ Department.' Others with their oil cans in one hand and monkeyt/ wrenches in the other would dash into save certain installations,/ and would smash them. In a few minutes the few vitalpieces oft/ machinery which could be replaced and without which the oil-' fields could not operate, would be damaged beyond repair and our/ team would have scattered to the hillside discarding its gawdyv raiments as it ran. A reception committee of pro-allied Hour/ manian politicians would pick them up a short distance fromtv the scene of the operation and take them into the country otil hide them. v/ This scheme seemed to me a most dramatic, and well conceived operation, in fact, a work of genius. I helped Major Young L/ write it up for presentation, and all we needed was to recruit-' the proper personnel. I was sent over to Ickes' offices once more to interview top flight oil men to see if any could bey found who would be fool-hardy enough to take on such a mission: I found two men, both of whom were high salaried petroleum of- ficers, both of whom were willing to go. This took me sometime and a great teal of coaxing over cocktails in various bars and,/ other establishments. I did my best to urge OSS to take these men, but those in /- charge delayed so long that the two men in question became disA/ gusted and withdrew. By the time things had come to this pass,'/ the Air Force bombed Ploesti anyhow, lost a lot of American personnel, and succeded in reducing the flow of oil to the Axis' from these field only by 25% and only for six weeks..."v Meanwhile, SO men were being requested for the Balkans in increa- sing numbers by Cairo. Morris Berg of SO/ME managed the transfer of as many Greek and Yugo-speaking personnel to SO as possible. Berg was succeded by 0.Sumner Williams in Dec. 43. Major problem for SO/ME dealing with British. All SO E wanted was OSS equipment with, above all, no Americans with language qualifications on missions. Relations between Guenther, Hun- tingon, Brewer (of SO/London) with Lord Glenconner were strained. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 pproved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858 It took Donovan's personal intervention in London in summer 43 to clear way for US Balkan missions. In late 44, OSS closed down branch offices in Cairo and continued only such necessary SO activities as supply of four tons of medical equipment to Capt. Moyer's hospital in Greece. This supply service and packing station at Cecina in winter 44 to supply Italian Partisans were only 2 ops involving MEDSo cc Washington. By 2/1/45, 221 men% returned &UV DO from Theater of whom 91 went on to FE. pproved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO2730858