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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
September 13, 2022
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Publication Date: 
November 6, 1953
Approved for Release: 2022/06/22 CO2719575 b)(3) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense :3f the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The re:production of this form is prohibited. SECURITY INFORMATION COUNTRY Japan REPORT NO. (b)(3) SUBJECT KODANA Yoshio and Ultra-nationalist DATE DISTR. 6 November 1953 Activities in Hokkaido NO. OF PAGES 1 REQUIREMENT NO. (b)(3) REFERENCES TN, SOW/ 'VALUATIONS IN THIS WORT AU DIPINITIVE TNI APPRAISAL OF CONTINT IS TINTATIVII, (FOR UV SU RIVIRS111 (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) KODAMA Yoshio (030/3768/1807/1133), one of the leading ultra-nationalist figures in japan, arrived in Hokkaido on 2 September 1953 to make a survey of ultra-nation,. alist groups there. Recently, through the efforts of SHIMADA (fnu), president of the Hokkaido Colliery and Steamship Company Ltd., KODANA gained control of the Hokkaido Construction Company, Ltd.1, ousting SEKINE (fnu), the former president, The Hokkaido Constrilotion Oompanv is reported to be a major source of funds for the u1trau4Ationalist activities or !COMMA, who is closely affiliated with TSUJI Nksancbu, MIURA Giichi, and the HATOYAMA Faction of the Liberal Party.' (b)(1 (b)(3 (b)(3) Comment TSUJI, former colonel and one of Japan's best known ultra- nationalists, is presently an independent member of the House of Representa- tives, is affiliated with numerous rightists groups, and h9ads the Toa Remmei DOEhikai. TSUJI and KODAMA have been close associates since 1944 when both men were in Nanking. STATEEIT ARMY NAVY X AIR X FR AEC (Note: Washington Distribution indicated By "X", Field Distribution By "#".) Approved for Release: 2022/06/22 CO2719575