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Publication Date: 
November 15, 1948
cLAssirzioRproyed for Rtn!b.): z2192L107/20 CO2706136 CENTRA% :NTELLiGENCE AGENCY C FO COUNTRY Poland 7CI Profzs Doctor!ace Z:irotayski LACE QUIRED .:ATE :,!3:QUIRED CIA WAY REPORT NO. DATE DISTR 15 Nov :194' NO. OF PAGES 3. NO. OF ENCLS. tLIST EZ 37.10M SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. (b)(3) (b)(3) ruts oocUMENT CONTAIHO 10701MAT:00 TItG THE VATMAL DEFE2 unman C7 TM stPIME7, Vitrika TF:2 t'SAHMO 07 Ta2 r.0e:OHACE t1:11 SO t c.. nt ono Z. AS ALIE0OCO. ITS THAUSITS,Z105 on THE REVELATION 107 ITO CONTENTO LIAtanart TO trl tHIAUTZSOM no Is EED Pzon pco� raenco OT LAU, CEP:10000530H 07 :MG roan is PaCnICIVCS., HOT,- 555E. inroonoviotz COHTAINE11 10 ceov 07 THE 705:1 gra 05 (J712.12E01,-. .1e4 42555HEcasr;Any DT '7,110 czcalvific oc,aucy. SOURCE -HIS IS UNEALUATED NFORMATION FOR THE RESEARC-: USE (1: TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS 1. I4hile in Poland, X had. several 1ong tar= irich Profosscx. to Poland from the US in 19/1azi is curxently teachixg Krokoth, ge has recently recJived. a (7ant equivaleat to the Polish government for purpose of near Krakotf to specialize .n physics, including nuclear Zlot7wSid, who retwned at tle Uhiversity U-S$251 thousand fron researcth center in o7? a energy, (b)(1) (b)(3) 2. Professor Zlotowski was F.ofessor of .Phys::cs at Vassar durin2,' 131* and 19145, ath previo1e1:7 was in ti same. capacity at Ohio State Univercii.v� Fie is a2._ 71.,fat physicist. Darin/ 1946, ana prior to his return to Polan6.', he was st.thaee. official representative of the Polis.h govet-nment on the UN Ato,D1�, :Energy Coyois- Si011o 3. Professor Zlotcwski tad me that be re.;;urned. to Pclazd became hc 1,:as not 1:11-ed. or appreciatod in US. (It is =MIMI gossip saws US physts that Prc- fessor Zlotowdki m- largely instrumantal.tmhaviugpr. Condon imos'Aga06. f 17111, American activiV$0.) I !mew Professor Zlotowski when he was at Vassar have always col:Loire him o1at of a radical. Although 7Fiany omy col- ienixec felt actitsd had comdrukis .caninGs 7klersonally belien that hfs radicalism exte,r/A more from a belief that scientIsts are an 111:Z.(327T:tic:I and. -privileged gram, vtho have never been permitted to assume their r:LAft.I. place in .society. � Professor Zlot,coki told me that he had no proper equipment with 1,;ht,:th to .-rch his research I physics aid nuclear enet707 that he :and tried to es(:tre this equipment froy the US but 1-Ad been reused. He told ma that he then wrote let- ters to indivival physicists in the USSRo.hose names and addressel, he kno, asking for -car. help. In no case did he receive a reply to his letter, Et told. me .ti'e tliE tJ.n betusen. Poland. and. the USM.wasim pcnetralao from bc,th direction, j. n'7 that no information uhatsoever tms reaching Pola7.1 co-tmernin sovut 6,4,fities in pkysira; or nuolenr energy. end.* Nriv _ zr� Alti hT X DISTRIBUTION CiL,J pproved for Release: 2022/07/20 CO2706136