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nian SSR)
SUBJECT l Port of. Nikolayev
2. Construction or Aircraft
OF VII SUMO !RATIN tette nIC MIASMO or Trin usrmace ACT So
4.11.C.. Sr ANN SC. AS ASENDSD, ITS 7t4I14011SCON 0,t tin SEVSLAITCrt
garri?:. �Inclbth-i 3,43%!z3.1.
DATE DISTR. 14 :ay 1951
NO. OF PAGES (b)(1)
Approach to Nikolal'ev
Channel Pilots
1. Every ship -pin; up the Bu-, ind Dnepr Rivers for NikoLyev and Kherson must
first stop at Odessa, where a pilot bo,Ard,,. and guides the s:*ip to its
destthation0 This pilot then returns on the same ship t) Odessa, where he
disembarks. He does not, hol'ever, execute the maneuvers in the port. For
these, other specialized pilots are taken on in each port, Eighteen channel
pilots are stationed at Odessa for this service.
Minefields - Safety Routes
2. All Soviet ports on the Kick Sea are completely free of .:11nefields and con-
sequently there are no,safetv lanes. P11otin7, is necessary only because or
the narrowness of the n vigable waters. Roules to be followed are marked by
numerous buoys durin: the �;ood season. At the approach e)r the winter
season, these buoys ar- removed in order to prevent their being dara!e,1
or carried off by the ice. In the place of the buoys arc placed thin rooden
piles which are eas13- and often overturned and dislodged by !he ice and the
currents. At the end of the 1950-51 winter season, many oiles were missing.
Since the ice disappeared comoletely on the morning ox 16 March, the ',cal
authorities intended to begin installim; the buoys, on 20 :7arch.
Coastal Surveillance
3 The route from Odessa to Nikolayev is through narrow and shalloW waters and
near the coast.. The coast is closely watched by the border police. Besides
the numerous patrols along the cos at\ ds, at regular intervals of about
MP ....x
i !
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two kilometers on the ridge there are high trellis-like constructions
with lookout posts for sentinels equipped with automatie guns and binoculars,
At Sechaffa (?) Point, eest of the entrance to the bay into which the Bug
River flows, there is clearly visible a group of three military buildinge,
Besides the normal.trellisatype sentinel post, there is a radar antenna of
the trellis type on the roof of one of the buildings,
Coastal Batteries
4. A few miles before Ochakov Point is the little island of Derezan, on the
south end of which is a naval battery of six pieces of large caliber, in
the center of the island is a conspicuous fortress of reinforced concrete,
entry to which is gained through arched concrete galleries extending like rays
from the fortress. The thickness of the concrete is more than a meter. The
galleries lead to a central command room, underground munitions dumps supply-
ing the battery, and underground nuarters for the personnel.
5. Another battery, of four pieces of medium caliber, is noted at Ochakov Point.
The fire-control station is in the center of the promontory and is protected
by a roof of rusty metal (steel?). Nearby are two grched concrete galleries
which serve as entrance to the underground rooms similar to those on the
island of Berezan, Farther away, to the north, are two large military
buildings. On the spit of land in front of Ochakov there is only one of the
usual trellis-type lookouts.
Immediately beyond Ochakov Point, one enters the bay. At a point about
miles by 170 degrees from the point is the small island called Fort
Nikolayev, which commands completely the entrance to the bay. (See Attach-
ment No, 2.) Clearly visible on Fort Nikolayev is an anti-naval battery
of four pieces of aeeroximately 120 mm, situated on a crest and pointed west;
and an anti-aircraft battery of four pieces of about 75 mm, whieh can fire only
upward and toward the inside of the bay (east), since firing toward the west
is hindered by a high wall of cut stone which conceals the battery from the
west. The 120 mm battery is situated on the southern half of the island,
whereas the 75 rim battery is on the northern half. Since the 75 mm anti-
aircraft battery is on a foundation which is almost at the level of the water,
It is protected from the sea on the east by a breakwater laid parallel to the
island at a distance of about 150 meters. At the two ends of the island
there are the usual, trellis-type lookout posts and groups of machine guns
of about 13,2 mm.
7. No other batteries were noticed along the banks of the Bug River as far as
Nikolayev. Inasmuch as the coast is bare and every detail can be clearly
seen, it is reasonable to believe that there are no other fixed installa-
tions within at least 500 meters of the coast line,
Inspection Upon Arrival and Departure at Nikolayev
8. When a ship leaves Odessa, two police agents and the pilot come aboard and
accompany the ship to its destination. They roam around continually on
board to see that no photographs of the zone are taken and that no
clandestine passengers disembark. They leave the ship upon its arrival
at the port of destination and are replaced by ten police and customs agents
eho make an inseection. Informant observed that the inspection in the ports
of Odessa, Nikolayev, and Kherson is less severe and accurate than in other
Soviet ports. The inspection does not last more than an hour, All cameras
declared on the manifest are collected and, along with binoculars, sextants,
and any other object which might be used to observe port installations, are
placed in the radio room, which is then sealed. A similar inspection is made
at the departure of the ship, following which the pilot and the two Odessa
agents come on board, .The seals are removed from the radio room by one of the
agents only after the ship is out of the bay (past Ochakov Point), Upon
arrival at Odessa, the agents and the pilot disembark and the ship is free to
Port of Nikolayev
The port of Nikolayev extends along the banks of the Bug River and the Ingul
River at the point where they meet (see Attachment No, 1), The damage done to
the pore during World War II has been repaired only at those points where it
was absolutely necessary; long tracts of docks are still unrepaired, since
funds and labor were expended only on the essential points. Only the following
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_ �
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points have been repaired:
Docks of the Navy Arsenal and the three shipyards
Docks of the small harbor
Docks of the grain silos
Ore docks
Coal docks
Petroleum docks
Pilc4.s, Tugs, and Docking
10, The port of Nikolayev has few means for servicing merchant ships but is well
supplied with military means (sic; well enuipped to service military ships?).
11. Pilot service in the port is furnished by two pilots who use a small rowboat
to go to the ships.
12. The only tug assigned to the port is the 400 hp tug "Eskimos", This tug
is in Nikolayev only during the winter months in order to assist ships which
become caught in the ice; during the summer months it is sent elsewhere.
Since the ice broke up completely during the night of 15-16 March 1951,
the "Eskimos" left on the morning of 16 karch for Mariupol and was scheduled
to return to Nikolayev in November 1951, DurIng the summer season, when
the "Eskimos" is not there, ships can ask for the help of tug boats by making
the reeuest 24 hours ahead of time and tugs can be sent from Odessa or
Kherson, At Odessa ale permanently stationed the 2,200 hp ice-breaker tug
"Toros',two 1,500 hp tugs, and three 400 hp tugs, A single 400 hp tug is
stationed at Kherson the year around.
13. In the port there are no mooring facilities. Ships can dock only at the
shipyards and at the dock of the small cabotage harbor.
Port Traffic
14, The port of Nikolayev is essentially a refitting port for naval vesvels and
is one of the great harbors for the export of grain Besides grain, Nikolayev
exports a little coal (anthracite), pyrite minerals) chrome, and manganese,
15 For grain there are two large silos or elevators. One, the older, is damaged
and not in use (see Photos 4, 5, 6), The new silo, which is the larger of the
two, was built in 1930 and is connected to a large warehouse, which is close
by it, by means of a special elevator tube. The silo is in full use. For
loading ships, it has nine tube-chutes with a capacity of 100 tons of grain
per hour each. With the use of four chutes, a ship loaded 4,000 tons of grain
in 14 hours. The four extra hours over the ten hours which were strictly
necessary for the loading were devoted to distribution of the grain in the
hold, done almost exclusively by women. A 10,000-toe ship is normally loaded
in a day and a half. In practice, some 5,000 tons of grain for various desti-
nations are loaded daily in the port of Nikolayev,
16 Ore is loaded from a special dock that has four movable cranes (on tracks)
One crane has a three-ton bucket, two have two-ton buckets, and one has a
l4-ton bucket. All of them are electric. (See Photos 7, S, 9)
17 Coal is loaded from a special dock, equipped with three cranes with two-ton
buckets. (See Photos 10, 11, 12.) It is expected that two new cranes with
five-ton buckets will be installed on this dock.
J. All the loading docks are serviced by the railway line which, beginning at
the classification station situated near the Marti Shipyard, follows the dock
up to the petroleum point, a little south of the coal dock. All the cranes
are electric and are powered by individual diesel-electric generators.
Combustible Liquid Tanks
19, Between the Marti Shipyard and the building where the customs officers of the
Port Authority are located, near the river bank, there are two underground
tanks with a capacity of approximately 2,000 tons each. Three more underground
tanks are located on the river bank at a point about a. mile south of the new
silo (see Photo l'e) The spot is easily discerhible because immediately below
the tanks, on the shore, some ten relics of small iron barges salvaged from
the river have been piled up.
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ar,a4L.liviaL141%.w. vo uxr,Lv.ko
20. The real petroleum point is located just south of the coal uock (see
Photo 14), Nine tanks axe to be seen there, of which four have a capacity
of approximately 500 tons each. The other five, one of which is at present
undergoing repairs, are much smaller and are of various dimensions, with
capacities of 200 to 50 tons. The tanks are connected to the dock by some
200 meters of pipeline and are used to supily Soviet merchant ships.
21. Just south of the combustible liquids dock is a group of completely destroyed
buildings. On the beach in front of these buildings are stored, under good
conditions, the buoys used to mark the navigable channel between Ochakov
Point and Nikolayev (see Photo 16). The personnel assigned. to the maintenance
of the buoys is Quartered in a small adjacent building,
22. No buoys in service are visible anywhere, nor are chain obstructions ready; but
it is expected that, in case of necessity, a�chain obstruction will be set up
between the two arits of land which cut off the entrance to the Bug about 5
miles north of the mouth of the river.. The material for this purpose is
located near the Navy Arsenal.
Dock at Bogoyavlensk
23 About one kilometer south of the little town of Bogoyavlensk there is a large
area surrounded by a wall,. On the river bank in front of the enclosed area
a dock is under construction. Few workers were seen and the work appeared
to be progressing slowly, A stone-crushing machine, two fixed cranes with a
capacity of about one ton each, and a small crane on treads were observed.
On the ground in the enclosed area the only construction underway is that
Of' three small buildings which appear to be unoccupied%..
Shipyards at Nikolayev
Marti Shipyard
At present there are three naval shipyards at Nikolayev.. The most important
one is the Marti Shipyard (known also as the SIT Verft shipyard), which
originally was a factory for railway eeuipment and later was transformed and
enlarged in order to permit naval construction. Activity is continually
being increased arig tMe yard now employs about 25,000 workers, It has two
large ship ways: about 400 meters long, an electric central eith three groups
of turilp-generators that can generate 27,000 kw, eight fixed 3-ton rotary
cranes with horizontal arms and trolley ways, one traveling crane with a
capacity of 30 tons, a 25-ton hoisting pontoon, and a large (approximately
150-ton) pontoOn. Moored in front of the shipyard is a small floating dock
of aprroximately 1,500 tons. (See Photos 17, 18, 19)
25, On one of the ways (see Attachment 4) is the hull of a ship of approximately
20,000 tons, about 250 meters long, and about 25 meters wide. The construction
of the hull is not entirely completed. Informant was told specifically that
this shir is an aircraft carrier. He also was told that, despite the fact
that German technicians who worked on the construction of the "Graf Zeppelin"
are working on the vessel, the work is not progressing well and will require
at least three years to complete.
26e On the second way another large hull is under construction. It is a little
shorter than the other hull and could be a large cruiser or a battleshil..
This ship will probably be ready in three years' time.
27. Moored at one of the small piers at the extreme west end of the shipyard is the
former Italian battleship "Giulio Cesare", It is undergoing modifications of
the turret, installation of radar, and changes in the anti-aircraft defenses.
The turret is being raised and enlarged; workers were observed using oxyacetylene
torehes. A radar screen has been placed on the turret and another radar device
was seen on the foremast
28e alongside the "Giulio Cesare" is moored a large cruiser, about 200 meters in
length, the anti-torpedo and anti-aircraft defenses of which are not in place,
From the shape, it at first seemed to source to be an Italian cruiser (the
"Duca DtAosta"?), but because the above-mentioned defenses were missing and
because of the shape of the turret, which was very large, he concluded that
it was not the former Italian ship. The ship is still in the initial stage of
refitting but has been entirely painted with red lead; informant can provide
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no further detail* concerning the work. Few workers were aboard� It will
reeuire another year of work,
29. In addition, there were two small (approximately 1,000-ton) tankers at the re-
fitting dock. Numerous small hulls were waiting to be worked on0 The ship-
yard also has a submarine workshop which is undergoing repaira,
30. Naval construction currently underway is impressive, but the euality of the
labor and the inadequate experience of the technicians place cften insurmountable
obstacles in the way of punctual and careful fulfillment of the established
programs. It appeared to informant that the construction of the aircraft
carrier, which he was told has been on the way for some time without showing
any substantial progress, had raised particularly serious problems.
31. In addition to the naval construction and repairs, the Marti Shipyard constructs
locomotives and rail cars. These workshops are in the rearmost part of the
shipyards near the railroad clearing tracks which run behind the shipyard
Hoisting apparatus also is constructed.
Spasskaya Shipyard
32. About 3 kms north of the Marti Shipyard there is another shipyard on the Bug
River, the Spasskaya Shipyard, which is much less important than the Marti
Small iron hulls are constructed there. It has a pier about 100 meters long
and an independent electric central.
Arsenal Shipyard
33. About 2 kms east of the Spasskaya Shipyard, on the Ingul River, is the shipyard
of the Navy Arsenal. It employs about 10,000 workers, constructs destroyers,
submarines, and fast anti-submarine boats. The docks of the shipyard are
covered and consequently cannot be seen from the outside. There are numerous
electric cranes. In front of the shipyard is moored a floating dock of more
than 25,000 tons.
34, Besides the shipyards mentioned above, there is at Nikolayev a workshop,
with about 1,000 workers, for repairing road and agricultural machines,
There is also a group of imiortant workshops called Dormash, with more
than 3,000 workers, where every type of tracked vehicle except armored
cars is constructed
Navy Arsenal
35, On the spit of land which divides the Bug and the Ingul Rivers, on the
shore opposite the Arsenal Shipyard, is the Navy Arsenal with barracks and
various storehouses. Access thereto from the city is across a pontoon
bridge. Sentinels do not permit passage over the bridge without a special
pass. (See Photo 15,)
Airfield and Hydroplane Bases
36, At, Nikolayev there are one airfield and two hydeoplane bases, The airfield,
which has a runway about one kilometer long, is used for civilian and military
needs; the Kharkov railroad passes by it. Stationed there are one fighter
group and one bomber group. When observed by informant, there were 12
bi-motor bombers and two fighter planes on the field. On a smaller runway,
parallel to the large runway, a passenger plane had just arrived from Kherson.
On the field there are two large hangars in which could be seen other planes.
317, The two hydroplane bases (see Attachment 1) are behind the Navy Arsenal, one
on the Bug River and one on the Ingul Liver, Near each bank is a hangar.
Between,the hangars are some buildings. Three planes were observed on the
Bug and two on the Ingul. The task of these hydroplanes is naval reconnaissance
and anti-submarine surveillance in the approaches to the mouths of the rivers
and at the entrance to the bay.
Armed Forces
Units and Commands
38' At Nikolayev are stationed one artillery division and one armored regiment.
The artillery division is charged with the anti-aircraft defense
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of the region and of the estuary of the Bug River from Nikolayev to
Ochakov. These two units are under the jurisdiction of the Odessa
Military District, in which is located the headquarters of the Fifth
Army, composed of eight divisions, including two armored, three artillery,
and three infantry. The jurisdiction of the Fifth Army Command extends
along a coastal strip from the mouth of the Dnepr River to the mouth of the
Danube and includes the three principal seats of Odessa, Nikolayev, and
Khersons In each of these three cities there are armored and artillery units.
One armored division and the three infantry divisions are located between
Odessa and the Danube, toward the Rumanian frontier.
39. Odessa is also the seat of an Air Force command and of the Maritime Military
Command of Bessarabia and the Ukraine (sic). The jurisdiction of these two
commands is co-extensive with that of the Fifth Army Command.
40. The commander-in-chi,f of the Armed Forces in the Ukraine is at Kiev, and
the commander-in-chief of the naval forces of the Black Sea is at Sevastopol,
where the Black Sea Fleet is normally stationed.
Military Schools
41. There is a naval air school at Nikolayev, attended by young officers and
Submarines and Motorboats
42. Informant did not see any submarines, either under construction or at the docks.
Hoeever, he saw 12 anti-submarine boats (vedettes) moored at the dock near
Spasskaya Point. They had no launching tubes but only anti-submarine bombs
on slides aft and twin-mount machine guns of about 37 mm caliber on the prow
and Stern.
Radio Stations
43. The principal radio station in Nikolayev is a military station located
between the naval air school and the Spasskaya chipyard, Another radio
station is located near the new silo (between the silo and the coal point)
Merchant Shipping
4400 Informant observed no merchant ship in the port of Nikolayev. During is
voyage of departure, however, the Turkise ship. �Revell", of about. 6,0OO
tons, the Greek ship ''Aghios Dionisios", of about 5,000 toes, both of
which eere going down the river, ieaded with grain, and the Rumanian ship
"Chriatos Smirnenki", of abet 6,000 cena, which was going to take on grair
were met,
45. In the Dardanelles the Soviet ship 'Nikolayev", of about 9,000 tons, which
was going from 'Odessa to Albania with grain and various materials, was met
(see Photograph 20),
46. In the Bosporus the Soviet ship "Murmansk" going from Odessa to Palestine
and Albania, wab passed. On the afterdeck it had two large tanks, of ap-
proximately 120 tons each, for salvaging ships. The word "Valona" was
written on the tanks. (See Photo 21.)
47. At Chanak was anchored the Rumanian ship "Frederik Engels", which ran
aground a few miles beyond Chanak and was awaiting an inspection visit before
proceeding. No trace of serious damage was visible, (See Photo 22.)
48, At Odessa are based three river boats. They are flat-bottomed, have two
propellers, two rudders, and a capacity of 2,500 tons, and are used for the
traffic of supplies between Odessa and the towns along the rivers, In
Nikolayev there is a reinforced concrete barge with a capacity of 500 tons;
it has no motor,
LivinR Conditions
490 The general aspect of both the civilian and the military population is more
wretched than in other places in regard to clothing, but the general food
situation seems to be good. Whereas it is possible to acquire freely all
goods of prime necessity-in the Seate stores, articles of luxury are totally
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lacking, Many of the female workers who come on board a merchant ship to
do the work of distributing the grain in the holds iteae their work, with the
complicity of the overseers (all men), and, taking advantage of the fog, vome
to the ship's living quarters to ask for chocolate, sweets, and silk and nylon
items of clothing.
50. The work to which the women are assigned seems to be particularly fatiguing
and unhealthful, since they are obliged to stay in the holds in a thick dust
raised by the falling grain, day and night, in a temperature which in winter
time often goes as low as 20 degrees below zero. Compensation for this work
is between 500 and 700 rubles per month, according to seniority and family
51. The following wages are currently in
Port commander
Police major
Police captain
Channel pilot
Port pilot
Police agent
Chief stevedore
Female workers taking samples
of grain from chutes
Sanitary inspector
Female doctor, assistant
sanitary inspector
effect in Nikolayev:
11,500 rubles per month
3,000 rubles per month
2,000 rubles per month
2,000 rubles per month (plus 4,000 rubles
bonus per year)
1,800 rubles per month
800 rubles per month
1,500-1,200 rubles per month
700-500 rubles per month
400 rubles per month
4,000 rubles per month
1,500 rubles per month
52. The great differences in compensations are accentuated still more by the fact
that salaries up to about 5,000 rubles are subject to taxes but anything over
that amount is given as bonuses or indemnities which are not taxable. Con-
sequently, those persons who receive the highest compensation pay much
lower taxes in proportion to their income than those who receive lower com-
53. The following prices are currently in effect in Nikolayev:
Military overcoat of blue cloth
Leather boots
Sheepskin cap
1 .kg white bread
1 kg black bread
1 kg meat (veal)
1 kg meat (pork)
1 gabardine military uniform
Civilian air ticket from Nikolayev to Odessa
(50-minute flight)
Bedroom suite, soft wood, polished
Chair, ordinary
650 rubles
200 rubles
121 rubles
3.80 rubles
1,20 rubles
13 rubles
10 rubles
900 rubles
80 rubles
2,500 rubles
120 rubles
54. Very few automobiles, almost all of which were driven by chauffeurs in
uniform, were observed in Nikolayev. Yotorcycles and bicycles are nonexistent.
55 The acquisition of antibiotics and rare medicines at Nikolayev is under strict
control, The acquisition of radio parts in the stores is impossible. The
only radio arparatuses on sale are complete sets for medium wave, In a
few stores run-down typewriters were observed and in offices numerous American
and German typewriters were seen.
Political Notes
56� The Ukrainian population, at all social levels, has a strong sense of
nationalism, and all the persons with whom informant talked insisted on
distinguishing their nationality from that of the Russians.
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57. In general, informant did not observe any marked hostility for the
Communist system; but many persons noted the great economic disproportion be-
tween the directing class and the working classc
58. The practice of religion is fairly widespread and is now even encouraged
At Odessa there is a University of Orthodox Religion, where young priests
reportedly learn religion according to the views of the Party.
59. Jews are not very well looked upon, and all who can emigrate to Palestine
do so.
Attachments: Four
1. Sketch map of Nikolayev
2. Sketch map of Fort Nikolayev
3. Sketch map of Berezan isiand
f. Geometric calculation of approximate size of aircraft carrier,
on sketch map showing positions of an aircraft carrier and a
cruiser under constructicn.
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