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Document Release Date: 
September 19, 2019
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Publication Date: 
October 30, 1950
CLASSIFIC'?13.1? medforRelease: 2019/09/09 CO26521841.0, niu-Tv -..-.......---,------.... -,........... ..........w.l.....uv wps.14.1. i CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY China/Switzerland/Germany SUBJECT Purchasing Agent for the Chinese Communist Government _- PLACE � - - , 7,1�:;-ys, ACQUIRED SwitTerland, Zurich ' - DATE OF INFO. September 1950 CD NO. DATE DISTR. 53 OCT 50 _NO OF PAGES NO\ OF ENCLS:. -------- (LIST D BELOW) LJ ,S FILEMENTTO P1RT NO. GRADING OF SOURCE -----frettECTORTIrTREUMINARY GRADING OF CONTENT COMPLETELY RELIABLE USUALLY RELIABLE FAIRLY RELIABLE NOT USUALLY RELIABLE NOT RELIABLE "t NIsr-17�r BE JUDGED CONFIRMED BY OTHER SOURCES PROBABLY TRUE POSSIBLY TRUE DOUBTFUL PROBABLY FALSE CANNOT BE JUDGED A. B. X C. D. E. F. 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 30 U. S. C., 31 AND 32, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION 010 ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO. HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OP THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ,SOURCE Usually reliable source, from well-placed informant. 1. Gerhard Ludwig Flatow, born on 1 December 1910 in Berlin, has resided for over twenty years in Tientsin, China, where he is engaged in the export- import business. Since the advent of the Communist Government in China, Flatow has acted as purchasing agent for the Communists in Western Nampo through his office in Tientsin. Flatow arrived in Europe at the beginning of September 1950 to renew contacts in Switzerland, England, and Germany, and to follow up deals for which preliminary contracts had been drawn up in China. He came to Europe with extensive lists of Chinese requirements in the machine, metals, and automotive fields. He was traveling on a document issued by the French Consulate in Tientsin which had been validated for travel in. Europe, including Germany. 2. Flatowfs known business contacts in ibmpe are as follows: E. Ott & Co., a Swiss export-import firm with its main offices in Hong Kong but with a branch in Zurich at Ramistr.6. Otto Wolff, Cologne, Germany. Hans Luss, who was originally German and was educated in Switzerland; for many years he was in England where he became naturalized; he is in the export branch of the Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. 3. While in Zurich Flatow stayed at the Hotel Rex, Weinbergstr. 92. He had originally intended to meet Luss in England but met him instead in Zurich. With Luss he chiefly discussed a deal whereby Imperial Chemical, tough Flatow, was to supply the Chinese with immense quantities of copper sheeting. Since this deal had become publicly known and was about to create a scandal, it appeared impossible to carry it through for the moment. 4. Around mid-September Flatow intended to go to Germany to meet his contacts in the steel industry in Dusseldorf and Cologne but was unable to procure a permit for travel. He then left Switzerland for Italy with Luss, intending to proceed to England from where he hoped to be able to arrange entry to Germany. STATE Em , NAVY CLASSIFICATION figragpT4CONTROL - UAS. OPTIC NSRB N ONLY A mill.11111=MMININIMMApproved for Release: 2019/09/09 CO2652184