DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/06/01
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578613
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578613
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578613
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
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1. Obstructions to US I hts in zone det giiCeStyril_Attache
Deak in Bern cites the following nest NaeltrirTlar6nntpede US air
service in the "Soviet influence tone": (a) clearance now must be
obtained for each crew member on each flight to Rumania; (b) the Yugo-
slays will require passports and visas after 15 June for ATC crews,
although the crews will not be allowed to leave the airdrome during
the brief stops; (c) the Soviets prescribe circuitous air routes in Aus-
tria; and (d) the handling of US plane clearances by the Soviets in Hun-
gary is "arbitrary, dilatory, whimsical and unpredictable." Efficient
operation of ATC service is practically impossible, and the activities
of official US Government personnel are hampered.
,1 JUN 1946
2, USSR: Smith reports on Soviet intentions in Euro -Ambassador
Smith in Moscow believes that the USSR a is determined to maintain
'taw domination over its "satellite regimes", despite the powerful local
resentment against and opposition to these regimes, (b) is prepared
to go to "almost any lengths" to achieve this end, (c) has not set any
definite limit to its objectives in Europe, and (d) will be limited in its
actions only by its own capacities and the opposition it encounters.
3. YUGOSLAVIA: US agrees to close Belgrade Embassy radio--The State
Department has agreed to the Yugoslav demand to shut down the US
Embassy radio in Belgrade (see Daily Summary for 29 May, item 7),
since US law prevents our granting reciprocal rights to the Yugoslav
Embassy in Washington. In view of the present uncertainty of commer-
cial radio facilities between the two capitals, the Department has in-
structed Embassy Belgrade (a) to request postponement of the Yugoslav
demand from 1 June to 1 July, and (b) not to dismantle the Embassy radio
after it is closed, since "emergency" use of this channel may be neces-
sary in case of a break-down of commercial facilities.
4. IRAN:_ Qavam's political strategy�Ambassador Allen believes that
Qavam's recent removal of Ambassador Ala as representative at the
Security Council "was not solely or even primarily the result of Soviet
pressure" but was aimed primarily to placate the left-wing rrudeh Party,
which constitutes the "only large, well-organized and functioning politi-
cal machine in Iran ".
Approved for Release: 2018/09/00 CO2578613
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578613
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
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5. INDIA: Prospects for propos_e_clIR.terthnment--US Commissioner
Merrell believes, on the basis of conversations with informed Indians,
that (a) the Congress Party is almost certain to participate in the pro-
posed interim government and (b) it is "very likely" that the Muslim
League, "feeling some lobs and influence in the government would be
better than none", will "find some way of justifying its participation".
6. N.E.I.: British to relin uish authority�Consul General Batavia has
learned that Dutch officials and members of the British Southeast Asia
Command have agreed, subject to London approval, that (a) the British
are to relinquish to the Dutch all authority in all the N.E.I. except those
areas of Java and Sumatra actually occupied by the British; (b) the Dutch
at the earliest possible moment will clear Palembang of terrorists, pro-
tect oil installations, and begin exports of rubber and other products;
and (c) the Dutch will not ask for British military aid even if they "get
into a tight spot".
7. BRAZIL: Communist Party to be banned--US Military Attache Rio
reports that, according to an i'especially reliable Brazilian Government
official", President Dutra already has decided to "close up" Brazil's
Communist Party and is awaiting an opportune moment for such action.
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578613
Daily Summary Collection Type: