DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/06/26

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/95. CO25,78598JR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578598 1APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578598st 2018 t jUN 112 GENERAL 1 US scientist's views on French mill research--A War Department scie ist who accom e rm1ry sc enlists on a recent visit to French military research establishments has told US Military Atta- che London that German scientists working for the French are doing "high class work" and apparently will be fully exploited by the French. French scientists have found Soviet representatives in Paris "unco- operative, apparently on orders from Moscow." EUROPE -AFRICA 2. VENEZIA GIULIA: SACMED again requests reinforcements�Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, after a personal tour of Venezia Giulia, report S that the forces at his disposal are inadequate to main- tain law and order indefinitely, if current CFM negotiations break down or result in a decision unfavorable to Yugoslavia. He recommends that CCS (a) transfer to SAC MED the regimental combat team previously requested (see Daily Summary of 17 June, item 4); (b) press for the withdrawal from Zone A of the Yugoslav detachment under his com- mand; and (c) arrange to station XM Corps troops "on a more tactical basis." SACMED believes that the US and UK will be "taking grave military risks in Venezia Giulia" unless his recommendations are followed. 3. POLAND: US to observe referendum�Ambassador Lane plans (a) to Inform the Polish Government that under the Yalta decision the US is obliged to observe the 30 June referendum; and (b) to send members of his staff to as many parts of Poland as possible to report on polling conditions and public reaction to the methods and results of the refer- endum. Lane adds that many roles, aware of the Government's policy of violent intimidation, will probably abstain from voting and are show- ing indifference to the referendum result. A irehensi lir21222Lelestiensagatar-Former Social V.Telfare � Minister Stanczyk, before leaving to assume his new post as Assistant Secretary General of UN, admitted to Lane that there is no freedom of speech in Poland today. Stanczyk expressed fear that (a) if Mikolajczyk wins the Polish elections next fall, the Government will refuse to ack- nowledge his victory, and (b) such Government action might result in Jurnent No. o�4 7 � - - .0 CHANGE in Claso. .CONF 4.. 0 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANCED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: 4DDA ED: . 77/1763 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578598 MAR 1378 TRONniirialftg,T R RELEASE - Historical Programs Approved for Release: 2018/019A/D05DOC3/5785=981 2018 war, Soviet intervention, and the complete extinction of Polish inde- pendence. 4. PALESTINE: Arabs to propose joint appeal to UN--US Charge Childs In Jidda has been informed by the Secretary-General of the Arab League that the Arab states decided unanimously at the Bludan Confer- ence to open negotiations on Palestine with the British Government under provisions of the UN Charter. The Arabs propose joint Arab- UK submission of an "agreed-upon project" to the UN Assembly in September; if such joint action is impossible, the Arabs will submit a separate proposal. The Secretary-General further stated that the Arabs are prepared to accept British trusteeship for Palestine for a ten-year period, provided Palestine is assured independence at the end of that period. Ambassador Harriman in London reports that the British Gov- ernment has received these Ar proposals but has not yet decided on its reply. 5. IRAN: BrItish_pgssimism continues�Harriman reports that the British still are `igenerally gloomy' about the Iranian situation and particularly about the future of Anglo-Iranian oil installations. The Foreign Office expects that, barring unforeseen circumstances, the Tudeh Party will have a "practically clear field" in the forthcoming elections and feels that the situation is developing beyond the point where "remedial" measures, such as propaganda, might have any effect. 6. EGYPT: British policy on Grand Mufti�Harriman reports from Lon- don that the British have instructed their Ambassador in Cairo to present to the ngyptian Government the following views on the Grand Mufti: (a) the Mufti should not be allowed to remain in Cairo or Alexandria but should "be domiciled in some remote place"i (b) the Mufti should promise not to participate in "rolitical activity'; and (c) if the Mufti breaks either of these conditions he should be expelled from Egypt. briggrALI T.0.124X.C.1641W Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578598 Approved for Release: 2018/09/65-e02-570R RELEASE - Historical Programs Statt 3U August 2018 FAR EAST 7. SIAM: Reported UN move regarding Bangkok-Rangoon RR--The State J)epartmentlias Instructed Embassy London (a) to ascertain the truth of reports that the British are considering unilateral disposition of the Siamese section of the Bangkok-Rangoon railroad (which was built by Japan and traverses what is believed to be a newly discovered rich tin area) and (3) to inform the British that the US considers the railroad an external Japanese asset and as such subject to joint Allied disposi- tion. 8. CHINA: Communication with Consul General Dairen--Embassy Nanking, in *.ew off Sovie r usa.T.V. to 6 operation of a radio station by the US Consul General at Dairen, recommends that a US naval vessel call at Dairen each week to clear dispatches. Be believes that the USSR might prefer the operation of a radio station ashore. coi,..24m2 . Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578598
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