DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/06/14
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578575
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578575
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
14 JUN 1946
1. Soviets may moderate attitude at Paris Conference--The Military
Attache in Bern has been informed
that the Soviets may be obliged to "recede from their former
intransigeant attitude" in the CFM. Reasons advanced for this
change are (a) accumulating economic and political difficulties,
(b) the stiffening US attitudei' (c) increasing signs that Western Europe
rejects Soviet ideologies, and (d) rising hostility in satellite nations.
2. Soviets ready to sign new Austrian control machinery agreement The Soviet commander in Vienna has informed General Clark in
writing that he is ready to sign the new control machinery agree-
ment covering Austria (see Daily Summary of 12 June, item 4).
3. BULGARIA: Soviet troop movements--A high-ranking general in
the Bulgarian Army has told General Robertson of the US Military
Mission in Sofia that the Soviets plan to withdraw from Bulgaria to
the USSR all but one infantry division. Armored and motorized troops
will remain in the country. Robertson also states that (a) there is
Independent evidence that such a move is actually taking place; and
(b) there are no positive indications that Soviet air strength is being
withdrawn from Bulgaria.
4. VENEZIA GIULIA: US and UK demand return of de � tees--The
State Department has 7, in e to join
with his British colleague in presenting to the Yugoslav Government
a revised list (prepared by AFIlQ) of 4330 persons deported from
Venezia Giulia by the Yugoslav military during May and June 1945.
Shantz is instructed to state that (a) contrary to Yugoslav Government
protestations, there is conclusive evidence that a large number of
persons were in fact deported from Venezia Giulia, and (b) the US
hopes that the Yugoslav Government will "naw finally take immediate
steps" to have these persons returned.
Document No. _ ot 4 _ �
NO CHANGE in Class. 0
,laClass. CHANCED TO: TS S (i)
rpm gON..1 DDA Mm
.ao , 4 Apr 77
P SECRET Auth: DDA Rf. 77/17C3
Date: 1 aktelAR 1978 By:
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
5. FRANCE: Communist views--US Military Attache Brussels reports
that in two French Communist Politburo meetings last week Ducks
argued that (a) the Communists were "victorious" in the 2 June
elections; and (b) MRP influence will be decreased by accusations of
complicity with the Vatican. Duelos considers that (a) It would be
bad policy for the Communists not to join the Government, because
"penetration is not yet complete"; (b) prcpaganda underniining the
Socialist left wing must be "intensified at an costs"; and (c) the
"big Communist trumps" are COT-sponsored strikes and accusa-
tions of MRP-Vatican collusion. .
6. SPAIN: Pass 131 efert., onirr m -US Military Attache
Madrid reports that Franco appears to be preparing to call a
referendum on his regime. The MA considers that in such a refer-
endum a majority is likely to vote in favor of the regime.
7. FINLAND: Finnish Communists dissatisfied with party leaders--
The US Minfsfer confirms reports that rank and file Finnish Communists
are dissatisfied with Party leadership. In order to meet the reparations
schedule, Communist leaders are stressing production and stability
at the expense of immediate benefits for workers and the revolutionary
program in general.
8. USSR: US representations on Ruess case--Secretary Byrnes believes
that US acceptance of Soviet jurisdiction in the Ruess case (see the
Daily Summary, 4 June, item 4) would seriously undermine the security
of the US Embassy and the morale of its staff. Byrnes is instructing
Smith (a) to make every effort to induce the plaintiff to withdraw her
complaint against Ruess, and (b) if the effort Is successful to defer
further representations until Ruess is out of the country. fa any event
Smith is to seek an interview with Molotov and (a) explain Byrnes'
"personal interest" and "earnest hope" for US-Soviet agreement on
the principle involved, and (b) state that, if the Soviet Government is
not prepared to grant the US Embassy customary diplomatic privileges
and immunities, the corresponding privileges will be withdrawn from
the Soviet Embassy in Washington.
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578575
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
9, KOREA: Soviet Consul to withdraw from Seoul�General Hodge has
been inform y C�iisul the Soviet Government
has ordered Ce withdrawal "in the near future" of the Soviet
Consulate in Seoul (see Daily Stmunery of 0 June, item 11). Hodge
comments that Polianski apparently expects to complete the move
within the next ten days.
10. INDOCHINA: Chinese seise French machinery as war booty�US
Consul Hanoi ieports that tte war booty slipped from Indochina by
the Chinese War Ministry Mission included some French industrial
equipment from Haiphong. The French regard this action as similar
to Soviet actions in Manchuria against which the Chinese have pro-
11. N.E.L: Dutch cannot extend protection to Sumatra�Embassy The
Hague reports that according to the Netherlands Minister of Foreign
Affairs, (a) the British expect to withdraw their troops and most of
the Japanese by the end of 1946; and (b) the Dutch will be fully occupied
In Java, and will be unable to extend their protection to their own and
foreign interests in Sumatra.
12. CHINA: Communists in T.; #1 # area ordered to cease fire--
Admiral oo t - req., . cease e
orders to Communist forces in the Tsingtao area. While there has
been considerable Communist activity in Shantung Province Admiral
Cooke has been "reliably informed" that the Communists will not
attack Tsingtao.
13. CHILE: Elimination of Communists contemplated--According to
Am #, s, bvermn to eliminate the
Communists if "terrorism" continues. Bowers states that (a) current
labor troubles involving illegal strikes, murders and violent dis-
orders can be ascribed to the Communists, and (b) strong anti-
Communist measures Win apparently meet with general support.
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578575
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