DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/06/21

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578573 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578573 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578573 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 / GENERAL 4/ 21 JUN 1946 108 I. Strain between Gromyko and Lange--Berschel Johnson reports that the Mexican delegate to the Security Council, Castillo Najera, has recently detected "increasing strain" between Polish delegate Lange and Gromyko, and feels sure that Gromyko is "putting strong pressure" on Lange. Najera expressed friendship and sympathy for Lange but described him as "a complete Soviet stooge.'7 EUROPE -AFRICA 2. USSR: No signs of war preparations--US Military Attache Moscow reportslEaTire'l-7.6-V-3 nothing"..-Thdrcate that the Soviets are making any unusual dispositions for possible offensive action fie points out that (a) demobilization is progressing according to plan; (b) military traffic between Moscow and Berlin is almost entirely in an eastward direction; and (c) oil refineries are not operating at full capacity, probably because of storage and transport difficulties. 3. IRAN: Soviets seek air control over Northern Iran�Ambassador Allen has been informed that the Iranian Cabinet is considering a Soviet request for an "exclusive commercial aviation concession" covering northern Iran and operated by a joint Soviet-Iranian corporation. Although each party would have 50% control, Allen's informant believes that Soviet interests would predominate and that the effect of the concession would be to exclude all non-Soviet commercial aviation from the area. Qavam Is said to "lean towards granting the Soviet request." Allen also reports that the Soviets apparently are exerting pressure on the Iranian Government to forbid flights over northern Iran by Iranian Airways planes manned by US crews. Allen believes that if the report Of Soviet action is substantiated, the US should enter a vigorous protest, since silence would "be construed as acquiescence in the Soviet position that American commercial pilots cannot fly in northern Iran." "Democrats" continue to icildominate AzerbailLn--US Consul Tabriz reports that the recent agreement betiTezerbaljan and the Central Government has neither reduced the power of the Democrats inAzerbatjan nor the number of disguised Soviet personnel in the province. Fe states Document No. 00 ir NO CHANGE in C3 a 3 . fl - - D DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANCED TO: T3 S vt, r � DDA M31110, 4 Arr 77 _ 6 V Auth: DDA EJ. 770_763 1 Approved for Release: 2018/09/0-5 602578571kilt2 "71 BY: Off _ 4 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578573 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 'Ikur that "unless drastic steps are taken" the Democrats will run the forth- com1n elections, which may therefore be expected to be "an absolute farce. 4. POLAND: US protests intimidation of Embassy employees�The State Department has vigorously protested to the PoTish government against intimidation by Polish Security Police of Poles employed by the US Embassy (see Daily Summary of 29 April, item 8). The note charac- terizes the practice as "regrettable, inadmissable and highly improper" and requests that it be discontinued. 5. AUSTRIA: Need for US credits�Erhardt reports that (a) the Austrians are generally disillusioned with the Western Democracies because UNRRA aid has been inadequate, and (b) unless the US grants "sub- stantial" credits, Austria may be forced to meet Soviet demands for a long-term trade agreement and the creation of joint Soviet-Austrian corporations for oil and Danubian shipping. 6. 5777ITZERLAND: Yugoslavia negotiates for arms machine.u�Legation Bern reports that, according to its "rellable"-Eformant on Oerlikon affairs, a member of the Yugoslav Legation has approached the company (a) to purchase equipment to establish an Oerlikon gun factory in Yugoslavia; (b) to obtain experts, posing as "machine tools" specialists to help set up the plant; and (c) to pay with funds available in Argentina. (The Swiss recently decreed a six-month embargo on export of munitions of aU types; see Daily Summary of 18 June, item 11.) The head of Oerlikon is reported to be reluctant to consummate the deal for fear of offending the US and UK. 7. FRANCE: De Gaulle returns to active politics�Caffery reports that (a) De Gaulle"s re-entry into active politics is a "development of major Importance"; (b) his prestige has steadily increased since last winter's "all-time low"; and (c) he has begun his campaign to obtain a Consti- tution providing for a strong President -- a position which "he hopes and expects to occupy." 8. TE NETHERLANDS: Catholic-Labor coalition in prospect�Embassy The Hague reports that the Catholic and Labor Farties have at last agreed - 2 - Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578573 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578573 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 77Ar � "in principle" on a Governmental program, although announcement of the new coalition Cabinet will be delayed for "some days." The "apparent solution of the long impasse" is attributed to Beers success In uniting his Catholic Party in support of a progressive program (see Daily Summary of 19 June, item 8) and a Labor Party concession on Cabinet personalities. FAR EAST 9. CHINA: Status of Manchurian truce--According to US Military Attache Nanking, the temporary truce agreement concerning Manchuria has been maintained fairly well in spite of accusations to the contrary. 10. SIAM: French preparing for military action--US Consul Saigon has been told by tie French riailiTa-Ednraa. t (a) French officials be- lieve the question of the disputed Siamese border territories is becoming a military issue and (b) the military are "definitely" preparing to move Into those territories after the rains end. British troops withdrawn�On 20 June the Foreign Minister in- formed Charge Tod that all British troops have now been withdrawn from South Siam (see Daily Summary of 20 June, item 9). -3 . Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578573
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