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Document Release Date: 
September 19, 2018
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2566199 _ CONFIDENTIAL TITLE INFORMATION REPORTIhns REPORTS AND REQUIREMENTS OBJECTIVES To enable the operations officer (a) to do his � - y own reporting, 05) to develop agents as reporters and to direct their reporting activities, (0) to prepare information reports for dissemination, (d) to tailor requirements into definite assignmente for agent reporters To give reports officers ((a) experience of the general. intelligence function and 0:)) practice in editing information reporto PRBREQUIBITES Top secret clearance Basic Orientation, or equivalent in headqparters or field experience ENROLLMENT 8 DURATION Three weeks (120 hours) LOOTIO Headquarters The course is for both operations officers and reports officers in . the field and at headquarters. It gives them instruction in the principles and the practices of information reporting. It includes obtaining� developing, and tailoring requirements to field needs and disseminating reports with eonseqpent customer evaluation. Laboratory experience in observation and the preparation of the agent-type report, in editing actual information reports to be disseminated, and in Obtaining and meeting customer requirements epplies principles presented in lectures. In content the course falls into three general subdivieionn, with live problems in each: 1. Reporting. Reporting includes consideration of the qualifications of a reporter, the reporter's job, the applicailon of tradecraft to reporting, collecting information, end the content and the organisation of the agent's report. The laboratory work consists of reporting from direct observation. 2. Bditiefi. Report* training is largely editorial and involves determining to what degree requirements have been met in the report, what editing eill make information most readily unable by customers, who those customers are, how the report can be most quickly disseminated to them, and of what value it is to them. CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2566199 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2586199 Nior 46rialopiervire CONFIDENTIAL 3. Requirements. Requirements an they affect both field officers and headquarters officers are thoroughly discussed. The laboratory prsctice consists of developing requirements for the area 'In which the individual trainee is to report. Lectures introduce general principles. Laboratory practice, however, i3 of the workshop, on-the-job type. Each trainee processes his awn are,reports under the individual supervision of an instructor, and criticism is current with production. It is to permit tutorial laboratory instruction that enrollmosat is ltsited to eight persons. de _CONFIDENTIAL 4414,4tiew Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2566199