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Publication Date: 
February 20, 1963
PDF icon ADVANCED MINIMUM PAY RATE[16126556].pdf171.87 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544816 NNW C -0-N4P -I -DZ-N-T I A L 20 February 1963 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MEMORANDUM NO. 20-31-2 (Supplement No.1) SUBJECT: Advanced Minimum Pay Rates for Certain Positions RESCISSION: Pages 1 and 2 of Attachment A to OF M 20-31-2, dated 24 October 1962 1. Under authority of Section 504 of the Federal Salary Reform Act of 1962, the Civil Service Commission has revised the minimuni salary rates and, rate schedules for certain positions under the Classification Act in grades GS-05, 06, 07, and 08. The new rates have been adopted by the Agency in conformance with its general adoption of the principles of the Classification Act of 1949 and amendments thereto. These rates have been incorporated. in the Scientific and Engineering Pay Schedule shown on page 1 of Attachment A. 2. The new rates are applicable on a world-vide basis. They apply to all current employees and to all employees appointed or promoted after the effective date. The effective date of the new rates is 3 March 1963. 3. As of the effective date, a pay adjustment will be processed to increase the pay of current employees in the affected cpcupational categories. This pay adjustment is not an equivalent increase for step � increase purposes. (b)(3) (b)(6) tz:_mmmetz P. cnols Director of Personnel Attachment OW 5-63 C -O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A GROUP I Excluded from Autamatic Downgrading and Declassification Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544816 Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544816 %Ire 13C112aVIC AIW ENGINEERMI PAT =DMZ Per Annum Rates 14 October 1962 Grade *ass-o5 4ass-06 *ass-07 *ass-06 ass-09 GSS-10 GSS-11 1 2 3 March 1963* 6 7 9 10 3 4 5' $5525 $5685 $5845 $6005 $6165 $6325 $6465 $6645 $6805 $6965 5715 5885 6055 6225 6395 6565 6735 6905 7075 7245 665o 6835 7020 7205 7390 7575 7760 7945 8130 8315 6705 6910 7115 7320 7525 7730 7935 814� 8345 8550 7125 7350. 7575 7800 8025 8250 8475 8700 8925 9150 7780 8025 8270 8515 876o 900 9250 9495 9740 9985 8575 6840 9105 9370 9635 9900 10165 lo43o 10695 Occupational categories to 'which the above rates apply: GS-0E1. 02 GSS-0801.03 ass-05�1.04 ass-0601.05 ass-0603.01 ass-0805.01 ass-0806.01 ass-0810.01 ass-0611.01 ass-0830.01 G880830 e02 ass-o635.01 ass-0850.m ass-0650.02 Engineer (General) Intelligence Officer(General Engineer) Intelligence Officer Foreign Materials) Operations Officer (General Engineer) Safety Engineer Maintenance Engineer Architect-Engineer C1,7711 Engineer Construction Engineer Intelligence Officer (Meollenical Engineer) Mechanical Engineer Intelligence Officer (Ordnance Engineer) Intelligence Officer Electrical Frelleer) Electrical Yngineer OPM 20-31-2 (Supplement NO. 1) (Attachment A) Page]. Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544816 Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544816 GSS-0655.01 C-55 .02 GSE-0e55.04 CBE-Od55.06 C2C-0355.14 CSb-Oe55.16 COO-0055.18 C3S-0355.19 CS-0855.20 c.-o355 .21 uS0-0860.01 C8C-0660.02 (4$-0870 .01 Gsc-o670.02 csc-0581.o1 csc-0893.01 ms-W93 .o2 cs3-130/.01 ems-1301.02 Ga.-1301.03 css.1301.o4 C&.1301. 05 css-13o1.o6 C311301. 07 mc.1301.03 G13LO. 01 u4]-11iol.o9 Gss-i3lo.o2 Gss.1310.03 uss-131o.o4 CM-1310.05 (SS-133.2 .01 C3S-1320.01 (43.3.32o .02 0Se-1320.03 CLL-1320.05 CLe-1320.06 C,24..e2.320.07 OU,1320.09 OSS-1320.10 CSL.2320.11 GSFe-1320.12 G1321.01 C5S-1340.0/ GS6-1340.02 GS-1340.03 03f-J.390 .02 OSS-1520.01 WS-1520.02 Electronic Engineer Intelligence Officer Electronic Engineer Electronic Engiaeee Electronic Engineer Electronic Engineer Electronic Engineer Operations Officer (Electronic Engineer) dio S ctnic gineer Auupport) Electronic Engieeer (Training) Eleeo En Intelligence Officer (Aeronautical Engineer) Operations Officer (Aeronautical Engineer) Intelligence Officer (Marine Engineer) Marine Engineer latel/igence Officer (Petroleum Engineer) Intelligence Officer (Chanical Engineer) Chemical Engineer Intelligence Officer Psical Science) Intelligence Officer Guided Missiles) Intelligence Officer Air Weapons) Intelligence Officer Naval Weapons) Intelligence Officer (Ground Weapons) Physical Science Administrator Pkieicel Scientist Operations Officer Guided:Missiles) Operations Officer FEhysical Scientist) Intelligence Officer Physics) Intelligence Officer Nuclear Energy) Intelligence Officer Geophysics) Physicist Operations Officer (Nuclear) IntellIgence Officer rectronic Scientist) Intelligence Officer Chemistry) Chemist Intelligence Officer Organic Chemistry) Intelligence Officer Inorganic Chemistry) Inorganic Chemist Intelligence Officer 3iochemistry) Intelligence Officer Industrial Chemistry) Intelligence Officer Plxisical Chemistry) Physical Chemist Operations Officer (Chemistry) Intelligence Officer retallurgy) Intelligence Officer (Meteorology) Operations Officer (Meteorology) Meteorologist Technologist (Pantographic) Intelligence Officer (Mathematics) Mathematician OPM 20-3l -2 (Suwlement No. 1) (Electronic 'Engineer) Radio) Wire Cammunicetions) Comeunications Devices) Microwave) Instrumentation) (Attachment A) Page 2 C -0 -W -P -I -D-E-17-T-I,A,4, Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544816