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Publication Date: 
December 19, 1953
PDF icon DULLES LETTER TO GERMANY [15920296].pdf118.96 KB
,c9c4 1(ki � Approved for Release: 2021/05/18 CO2532359 paper 19 December 1953 MEMORANDUM FOR: Senior Representative, Germany FROM: Allen W. Dulles 1. Your letter of 18 November 1953 raised certain issues which are basic to the future of our operations in Germany. A little over a year ago General Smith issued a directive relative to the future course of the German Mission. I was and am in full sympathy with the thoughts behind General Smith's directive. Our objective was, and remains the same: to convert the German Mission into a long-term facility devoted primarily to the secure management of covert operations. I recognize, of course, that the planning for the German Mission cannot be divorced entirely from the plans and problems of Washington Headquarters and vice-versa. It follows therefrom that the planning for the future of the German Mission cannot be effective unless identical policies are adopted by and enforced on all those Headquarters elements whose activities have a bearing on the opera- tional and administrative situation in Germany. 2. The provisions of DIR 28195, dated 22 November 1952, (see Annex A) remain in effect and should serve as a guide for the making of detailed plans for a phased reduction of the German Mission. This reduction should be accomplished on the basis of a continuing re-examination of all German Mission activities with a view toward: (a) Terminating all insecure, non-productive and marginal operations, as well as those operations which can no longer be (b)(3) justified because of changed political conditions or changed requirements. (b) Eliminating from Germany all CIA activities which can better be carried on elsewhere. (c) Maintaining certain common interest and other non-covert operations provided that they are of such nature that they can- not be carried out with equal success outside of Germany and provided, further, that they do not interfere with your primary mission of covert intelligence collection and CE. (d) Continuing secure covert activities under prevailing pol- itical conditions, in accordance with priorities to be esta- blished by Headquarters. 3. I agree with your recommendation that during this coming re- examination of German Mission assets no new requirements Should be levied on the German Mission which would place on the Mission over-all require- ments in excess of those now carried, and that new programs will not be undertaken during this period except in case of emergency. CON.PDtI4TIAL Approved for Release: 2021/05/18 CO2532359 Approved for Release: 2021/05/18 CO2532359 CONFIDENTIAL 4. I expect that the desired review of German Mission operational assets can be completed during the next six to nine months. During the same period you should also evaluate the anticipated impact of certain political developments (EDC, Contractuals, etc.) on our operations. By the end of the next operational season you should submit detailed plans on the operational and organizational future of the German Mission. 5. Pending the submission of such a plan, the operations of the German Mission will proceed generally along the lines described in the Aide-moire addressed to you on 9 December 1953 (see Annex B). 6. Concurrently with the review taking place in Germany, elements of the Washington Headquarters will undertake steps to accomplish the following: (a) Compliance with the spirit as well as the letter of the policies first announced in DIR 28195, and reaffirmed in the paragraphs above. (b) Develop plans for the simplification of administrative (including fiscal and logistics) procedures through further delegation of authority to the Senior Representative or by other means, in order to reduce the administrative overheads at overseas installations. (c) Energetic pursuance of a program to remove from Germany all CIA activities which can better be carried on elsewhere. (d) Establishment of an integrated, single list of require- ments and priorities to govern all CIA covert operations in Germany. (e) Insure that future planning is realistic in terms of actual and anticipated operational capabilities. (f) Coordination through a single Headquarters element, i.e., the EE Division, of all matters pertaining to CIA activities in Germany. 7. I hope that by proceeding along the lines described above, the coming year will see significant progress toward out ultimate goal which Is the establishment of secure, viable, long-range covert operations in Germany. Any departure from the policies established in this letter should be brought to my personal attention. ALLEN W. EUTITS CONFIDEtinAll Approved for Release: 2021/05/18 CO2532359