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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
July 6, 2022
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Publication Date: 
March 8, 1950
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Approved for Release: 2022/01/24 CO2507638 � Nor CONE' IAL 0 March 1950 SUBJECT: Articles Appearing in the New York Post Entitled Mashington Nightmare, Consisting of a Series of Three krticles Starting 6 March 1950. The former employee writing these articles under the name of Edward P. Daniel was given a temporary indefinite appointment with this Agency on 3 January 1949.. For the purpose of permitting him to take a language course and receive certain basic training the aoloyee was informed that this was the purpose of this temporary appointment and that he would not have access to classified in- formation during this temporary period. The employee was further informed that his permanent appointment was subject to investigation to determine whether or not he could meet the security standards re- quired by this Agency. The investigative report of another Govetnment agency where the Subject worked was not only incomplete, but further contained information which required clarification in accordance with the standards of this Agency. Upon receipt of the full investigative report it appeared that the Subject failed to meet the security standards required by this Agency. In an effort to clarify some of the infonuation concerning this employee a special interview was arranged in which the employee voluntarily participated. This interview failed to clarify information concerning this employee and he was informed that he failed to meet our security criteria. Subject was given the opportunity of resigning voluntarily, -which he did on 3 June 1949. This Agency had a considerable financial tadporary employee, and it was hoped that the be resolved and the services of this employee employee failPd to meet our security criteria mitted to resign. investment in this security doubts could utilized. However, this and accordingly was per- CONF1D /AL Approved for Release: 2022/01/24 CO2507638 Approved for Release: 2022/01/24 CO2507638 *NW: co . SUBJECT: Howard JOFFE 8 March 1950 Reference is made to the series of articles starting March 6: 1950 in the New York Post under the name of Edward P. Daniel en- titled ftjashington Nightmare, Super-Secret CIA Charge and Trial". It was indicated that this would constitute a series of three articles. The Subject of this case was recruited for a highly sensitive position abroad. Subject was informed that he could not be given a permanent appointment until he was fully investigated; however, in order to allow him to take a language course and certain basic training pertinent to his assignment, he was informed that he could be given a temporary appointment without access to classified in- formation. He understood that his permanent appointment was subject to investigation to determine whether or not he could meet the security standards required by this Agency. In addition, this in- dividual had previously worked for another Government agency. However, the investigative report of that agency was not only in- complete in accordance with our standards but further contained some information which required clarification. It is the standard require- ment of this Agency that all emoloyees must be completely investigated before they are granted permanent appointments with access to classified information. In this instant case, upon receipt of the full investigative report it appeared that this individual, because of ideological sympathies of members of his immediate family and of certain of his associates, might well be a security risk, particularly in view of his proposed sensitive assignment. In the hope of clearing such doubts of security risk the Subject was interviewed and was offered the opportunity to participate voluntarily in a current research project utilizing the polygraph. However, despite the interview and the polygraph test, it still appeared that Subject did not meet the security criteria of this Agency. For the protection of the employees it is better to allow them to resign than to have a termination of temporary appointment appear on their official records. The individual in question volun- tarily resigned his temporary position with this Agency. This Agency had a considerable financial investment in this temporary employee, and it was hoped that the security doubts could be resolved and the services of this employee utilized. However, this employee failed to meet our security criteria and accordingly was per- mitted to resi i \' Ozoonent No, ------ - ----- Po Change In Class. \I0 Beelnaled , W,: liR 7C.2 i i mot ts. Chlt4p6 To: TS &Oh S C RI L. -- cOR ID T Lai 7-.: ---------- 14-----1'1 EY1 ( - - - - - .Approved for Release: 2022/01/24 CO2507638