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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
April 7, 1949
CLASSIFt0ATIn111 -- Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 CO2491199 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION R ORT _ CD Na.1 _ - 1 V COUNTRY Argentina SUBJECT German Scientists in Argentina PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. DATE DISTR. 7 APR 1949 NO.OFPAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. ammo morn SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. (b)(3) ku)ko) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 1. Karl Soenke ALBRECH ALBRECH, believed to be identical with one Karlos Soenke, was formerly a member of the German Nazi intelligence service and was a personal friend of Hitler. In 1945 ALBRECH was technical director of AEG in Madrid and was President of the German Schulverein in Spain. It is quite possible that the liquid money and the bank account of the Schulverein now lies buried in the AEG. A report dated February 1946 states that ALBRECH was in hiding in a monastery in Spain. In July 1946 the AEG Board voted to discharge ALBRECR as its president. In May 1948 ALBRECH escaped to Argentina under disguise of a priest. he has secured an important position in the German AEG company in ouenos Aires. 2. Richard GANS Information dated April 1947 reveals that GANS, a part Jewish German physicist, aged about 55, accepted a job in Argentina in early 1920 and returned to Germany in the early 30,s. He is consideredavery good classical theoretical physicist. I GANS has not actively participated in modern physics developments. Highly regarded by those who know him well, he was kept out of concentration camps by his friends. In April of 147 he was planning to return to Argentina with his two sons. 3. Eng. Jurgen NAUMANN NAUMANN was reported second in command to Prof. Kurt TANK. This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL In accordance with the letter of 18 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. Next Review Date: 2008 A -1 Date Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 CO2491199 (b)(3) (b)(3 (b)(3 (b)(3 Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 CO2491199 CENTRAL INTULI :NCE AGENCY - 2 - 4. Prof. Kurt TANK TAUK is r ivner of the Pockewulf aircraft. He was considers dtrtstanding creator of air plane models in Gemany. TWO former addresses of TANK are given, one at Cchloss Zchaumburg in the British Zone of Germany and the other at Bad Ulsen. 5. Ewald ZDANSKY ZDAISKY is head of Ewald ',dansky, Electrical Supplies Factory, Blumberg, Baden. No progress was made in the organization of this plant ZDA:ISKY was formerly with BK:AG Firm in Berlin and is known internationally in the field of electrolysis. 6. General Eckert KRAMER 7. During ;.orld ar II Cen. KRAHIR. was German Air and A.litary Attache in Jadrid, Spain. In 1946 it was reported that KRAH'JJ:a was in hiding and planned Lo escape to South America in order to avoid repatriation to emany. Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 CO2491199