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PDF icon LETTER TO MR. WILLIAM E. [15770724].pdf675.34 KB
� _ �cf � Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 - � FRANK CHURCH, IDAHO. CHAIRMAN JOHN G. TOWER, TExAS, VICE CHAIRMAN PHILIP A. HART. MIc14. WALTER F. MONDALE. MINN. /WALTERP. HUDOLtsTON, KY. ROBERT MOAN. N.C. GArty HART, COLO. WILLIAM G. MILLER, STAFF DIRECTOR FREDERICK A. D. ScHWARZ. JR., CHIEF COUNSEL CURTIS R. SMOTHERS, MINocITT COUNSEL HOWARD H. BAKER. JR., TENN. BARRY COLDwATF.R. ARIZ. CHARLES 14C C- MATIRAS, JR., MD. RICHARD 5. SCHwEIKER, PA. SECRET 'ZJCnUe tcfcz Zenctie SELECT COMMITTEE TO STUDY GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS WIT RESPECT TO INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES � (1.1.1Pe$1,7m4T To S.RE5.21, 4TH CONGRESS) WASHINGTON. D.C. 20510 June 26, 1975 � Mr. William E, Colby Director of Central Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Colby: On May 27 and June 2, the Senate Select Committee informed the Central Intelligence Agency of the Committee's plans for examining the field of foreign intelligence and the subject of covert action. In the area of the domestic activities of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Select Committee intends to address a wide range of issues, including the domestic aspects of CIA's foreign operations. The Committee intends to approach the issues of the CIA's domestic activities with a broad perspective, realizing, as I am sure you agree, that the threats to United States security and the need to protect sources and methods of intelligence, as well as CIA installations and personnel, cross our national borders. Basically, the subjectsof investigation fall into the following five headings: 1. Counterintelligence activities at home and those counterintelligence activities abroad which involve � American citizens, including activities undertaken pursuant to the Director's authority to protect intel- ligence sources and methods. 2. Foreign intelligence activities at home and those foreign Intelligence activities abroad which involved American citizens. The domestic operations of the CIA undertaken in sup- port of activities abroad. Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 (b)(6) � Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 � VL /I Vi*UREI Mr. William E. Colby Page Two June 26, 1975 Relationships between other organizations, public and private, and the CIA. 5. The use of CIA personnel, funds, or facilities for pur- poses unrelated to its intelligence missions. Within these broad subjects of investigation, the Committee will examine "questionable activities" by the CIA. These activities are those where there exist, in the words of the agreed upon Outline for Inquiry Procedures, "specific alle- gations of Agency or Executive Branch abuses or other con- troversial specific matters where there is reason to believe improprieties may have occurred". The following categories are believed by the Committee to be among those in which questionable activities have taken place: In regard to each questionable activity chosen for study, the Select Committee will examine the nature of the activity and will attempt to evaluate the results. The Committee will also look at the CIA's authority to undertake the activity,. the relationship between the activity and the CIA's missions, the internal mechanisms for initiation and review, and the external mechanisms for control of such activities. Though the initial focus will be on the specific question- able activity, the Select Committee's inquiry is designed to reach fundamental issues which bear directly on the ade- quacy of the administrative organization and procedures of the CIA, and the legislation presently controlling the Agency. Among the major issues which the Committee will address are: (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 � Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 -- - � Mr. William E. Colby Page Three June 26 1975 1. What is the legal authority for CIA intelligence and counterintelligence activities within the United States? What is the legal authority for CIA actions directed at U. S. citizens abroad? Should the authority be clarified or revised? 2. What limitations are placed on CIA intelligence and counterintelligence activities within the United States by the Constitution and laws of the United States? What limitations are placed on CIA intelligence and counterintelligence activities directed at U. S. citi- zens abroad by the Constitutions and laws of the United States? Should the limitations be clarified or revised? 3. What have been the purposes and aims of CIA intelligence and counterintelligence activities within the United States or directed at U. S. citizens abroad? How were these objectives set? Were they appropriate? Should they be modified? What is the origin and purpose of the charge to the Director, Central Intelligence, to protect intelligence sources and methods? What actions have been taken pur- suant to it? Were those actions appropriate? Should the charge be clarified or revised? Should the DCI be provided with additional authority in order to carry out the charge? What is the origin and purpose of the prohibition on CIA in respect to police and law enforcement powers, and internal security functions? Has this prohibition interferred with the DCI's charge to protect intelli- gence' sources and methods? To what extent has this prohibition interferred with other duties and missions of the CIA? Should the prohibition be clarified or 4revised? What have been or are now the methods and techniques of intelligence gathering and counterintelligence opera- tions used by the CIA in the United States or directed at U. S. citizens abroad? What is the legal authority Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 � C.Utct, I � Mr. William E. Colby Page Four June 26, 1975 for the use of each such technique? How was the use of each such technique authorized, reviewed, and con- trolled, internally and externally? What was the effectiveness of each such technique in achieving the missions of the CIA? Were any of these techniques used for any purpose other than one related to the CIA's law- ful missions? Under what 'conditions and through what procedures should these methods and techniques be used in the future? What kinds of files have been maintained on U. S. citizens and organizations? What information was re- tained and for what reasons? Under what conditions and through what procedures should such material be collected or retained? What was the nature of the threats which triggered CIA intelligence and counterintelligence activities within the United States or directed at U. S. citizens abroad? What was the basis for the CIA's estimates of the threats? How are the intelligence and counterintelligence activities of the CIA within the U. S. or directed at V. S. citizens abroad organized and coordinated with other agencies of government? What have been the prac- tices and procedures for liaison, exchange of informa- tion, joint operation and mutual support between the CIA and other governmental bodies? To what extent did CIA coordination and cooperation with other government agencies result in questionable activities by the CIA; to what extent did the failure to cooperate or coordinate activities result in questionable activities by the CIA? How did the cooperation or coordination of activities with other governmental agencies relate to the prohibi- .tion on the CIA's exercise of police and law enforcement powers or internal security functions? Should the pro- cedures and practices involvihg other governmental agencies be clarified or revised? � ,117-1 Approved for Release: 2020/01/14CO2438888 - Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 Mr. William E. Colby Page Five June 26, 1975 10. Have governmental officials outside the CIA sought and obtained the CIA's assistance for political pur- poses or personal advantage? To what extent have private organizations or individuals enjoyed special treatment or influence because of their involvement with CIA activities or their knowledge of such activities? What measures have been or should be taken to ensure that the CIA is not misused in such ways? 11. What have been the procedures and mechanisms within � the CIA for initiating, reviewing, reporting, and controlling CIA intelligence or counterintelligence activities within the U. S. or directed at U. S. � citizens abroad? How might these procedures be improved? What are the procedures and mechanisms external to the CIA for oversight of the CIA's intel- ligence and counterintelligence activities within the U. S. or directed at U. S. citizens abroad? How might these mechanisms and procedures be improved?, The annexed notifications set forth requests for additional documents and the names of persons the Committee presently desires to interview. In some cases the occupant of a position is not known to the Committee and the Committee requests that the CIA provide the name of the individual. In any case, where the individual is no longer with the Agency, the Committee requests that the CIA provide the individual's last known address. Finally, the notifications indicate the names of the staff members who, in addition to the Committee's senior staff, will be working in these areas. The Committee, in the course of the next few months, will undertake other subjects for investigation as its work proceeds and will notify you as appropriate. We look forward to your cooperation irPthese matters. /- r ; -S ncerely ours, /7 Frank Church Ci akan Towe Vice Chairman Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 t-,� � � Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 fc L. I � ATTACHMENT I. DOCUMENTS REQUESTED FOR STAFF REVIEW � This attachment lists files and other documentary materials which the Select Committee hereby requests be made available for staff review. In the fi-st instance, all of the specified material will be reviewed in unsanitized form by staff at CIA head- quarters. The Committee will continue to select particular documents to be transmitted to the Committee's offices in " Washington to be used in preparing for hearings and the Committee's report. In order to expedite production of the requested �materials we have indicated, where known to the Committee, offices within the CIA which would be appropriate starting points to search for the materials. This effort to expedite matters does not limit the CIA's responsibility to search for such materials throughout the Agency, using� as appropriate, lists and indices of CIA projects and pro- grams. . This request calls for "all files" of various programs or projects, and "all files" regarding particular incidents or entities. Requests for "all files" are intended by the Committee to include all subject, correspondence chronological - . .--. � Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 � Approved for Re,lease: 2020/01/14 C068888 and all other files or unfiled documentary materials in � the office, or storage repositories, of the organizational unit which managed the program or project in question. The requests also include all such files in the offices or storage repositories of the responsible Division Director, Office Director, and Directorate Deputy Director, in the DCI office, and in any other part of the Agency which had significant involvement or connection with the program. Where the Committee requests "documents" or "docu- mentary materials", those terms are defined as all corres- pondence, memoranda, notes, working papers, buck slips and routing slips, studies, reports, charts, films, tapes, and all �other writings, printings, typings, or drafts, and copies or reproductions. . When files for a specific project or program are re- quested under the best known designation of that project or program, the request includes files of any earlier or later versions of that project. Thus, the request for Project ItiCHAOS would also comprehend files for the ante- cedent and projects and for the subsequent When any files, portions thereof, or particular docu- mentary materials are no longer available, the Committee (b)(1) (b)(3) __14;;L'i=-- � Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 002438888 . , AL Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 k:,Y,:,k;Ar,..1 � 111, requests that they be specified with an accompanying explanation of when and under what circumstances they were destroyed. If no information regarding their destruction Is available, please specify the earliest time, and under what circumstances, CIA first became aware the items were missing. We expect that staff representatives of the Committee and of CIA will expedite compliance with these requests, and indicate priorities for production through preliminary review of this notification and discussion of the files Involved. It would also be helpful :1_1' CIA identifies those � persons within each Directorate and Division or Office who � are actually in charge of reviewing and assembling material, so that Committee staff can also discuss these requests with them and resolve rapidly any questions or difficulties which might arise. We also expect that a good deal of this material will be readily available in view of the reviews already done by CIA in this area over the past two years. As soon as some portions of any requests are avail'able for review, the Committee staff should be notified in order that they may begin their inspection while the remainder is being assembled Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 --0 � Approved for Release,: 2020/01/14 CO2.438888 ry ..... Finally, it should be noted that this document re- quest does not supersede any earlier requests for material in this area which are still outstanding.- If CIA staff encounters overlap in responding to this and earlier re- quests, the Committee staff should be promptly notified. 4 Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 � Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 FILES The following files are requested. In order to expedite their location, the Committee has indicated offices which appear to be the best starting point for a search. This does not limit, nor supersede the general guideline that all files throughout the CIA relating to a'project be procured. If pro- jects herein identified are not CIA projects, but are identi- fiable as projects of other agencies with which CIA had some connection, the request is for all CIA files regarding such projects. In the first instance all of the specified material will be reviewed in unsanitized form by staff at CIA headquarters. The Committee will continue to select particular documents to be transmitted to the Committee's offices in Washington to be used in preparing for hearings and the Committee's report. I. All files regarding the following projects, incicents or entities: 1. 2. (b)(3) (b)(3) 3. (including all files for and as well as any other files regarding the (b)(3) institution or operation of notional organizations by CIA or other organization for similar or related purposes [FE]) SRPOINTER, HTLINGUAL, SRWESTPOINTER, and MKSOURDOUGH (SR and FE, CI and OS) (b)(1) 4. (b)(3) DESTRY (WE) 5. and (WH) 6. NHCHAOS (CI, FE, FRD, OS) (b)(1) 7. (CI or (..c.1 Approved for Release: (b)(3) CO2438888 202-0/01/14 8. , Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888. E. I 111 (b)(1) (b)(3) 9. 10. All files relating to CIA participation in the Intelligence Evaluation Committee (CI) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15, 16. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1 (b)(3 (b)(1 (b)(3 (b)(1 (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3 All files, or other documents, including for the DCI or his assistants, regarding article by Seymour Hersh of December 29, those prepared the New York Times (b)(1 (b)(3 1974. 17. All files on International telephone link intercepts (PhD, OC, TSD) 18. All Technical Services Division files regarding support of CONUS (domestic) intelligence operations by the Department of Defense 19. All files regarding the use of "false documentation" prepared or provided by CIA which involved its use for purposes other than identification, e.g., to discredit, harrass or otherwise affect adversely the person identi- fied in the false documentation. This request covers .such use of "false documentation" whether used by CIA or other agencies and whether such use was contemplated or authorized by CIA. The request does not include use of such documentation in foreign operations against non- U. S. citizens. (Cover Staff, TSD) Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 25. 26. (b)(3) 27. 28. � "3- C;r0QT,--T Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 20. All file egarding the testing of 4111.d or behavior influencing drugs on unsuspecting subjects, and any records pertaining to the destruction of materials on the subject. 21. All indices regarding the testing of the effects of radiation, electric shock, harassment substances (1950- 1975), as well as the testing of drugs on volunteers (1950-1975) 22. All TSD files rear techniques of sabotage, surreptitious entry, electronic surveillance. 0:0(3) 23. The following Office of Security projects or programs:(W) (W(1) (100) M(3) M(3) MERRIMAC SPYDER BUT E REDFACE I (and any subsequent REDFACE projects) CE and CELOTEX II (W(1) (b)(3) 24. All files relating to the proposal, and subsequent efforts to modify or implement the program described as "PROJECT 1" in the Rockefeller Commission Report (p.137) All files of the Security Research Staff Chief and all Chronological Files of the Security Research Staff (1967-1973) Chronological files of Target analysis group, Special Activities Division (1967-1973) Chronological files Special Electronic Operations Branch and all files of the Chief of the Special Electronic Operations Branch, Special Programs Division, Office of Communications (1967-1973) 29. Chronological files, Chief of the Special Programs Divi- sion, Office of Communications (1967-1973) . M(1) M(3) 30. 31. 32. 33. (OC) (0C) (0C) ROSE (OC) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/O1/14 CO2438888 Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 � 34. Any additional files on any incidents of technical surveillance, technical penetration, surreptitious entry, breaking and entering, by the CIA directly or in cooperation with public or private. Directorate for Intelligence another organization, file and Office of Legislative 1972 meeting of Lee Freeman, Esq. 35. Domestic Contact Service Counsel file on Spring and Vernon Sando, head of Chicago Office, DCS and any additional files on inquiry regarding such meeting by Senator Edward Kennedy 36. Domestic Contact Service telephone call slips file on collection of overseas (b)(3) 37. DCS assessment of U.S. citizens suitability for assist- ance to or use by CIA Office of General Counsel ODA (N(1) 38. and (OGC, OF) 1960-1973. The request bX3) does not include documentation of particular financial transactions, actuarial studies or technical data on the investment program. Directorate for Science and Technology 39. LONGSHAFT, 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) L. Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 � r- � Approved for ReleaseL2�.02,0101/,14 CO248888 II. All CIA files, including without limitation any 201, Office of Personnel, Office of Security or Executive Registry files, on the following individuals: 1. 2. 3. Robert Vesco *� 4. Juan Trippe,(PanAm) 5. Harold Geneen (ITT) Robert Peloquin (Intertel) James 0. Golden (formerly Intertel) 6- 7. 8. 9. John Roselli (or "John Ralston") 10. Santos Trafficante 11. Robert Merritt 12. G. Gordon Liddy 13. Howard Hunt 14. James McCord Bernard Barker Eugenio Martinez Felipe De Diego 19. Frank Fiorini 20. 21. Max Gonzales 22. 23. Manuel Artime or Frank Sturgis) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 - L 6 I I:: ! � . _ (b)(3) III (b)(3) (b)(3) 2. Daniel Ellsberg -2 5. Andrew St. George 26. Jack Anderson (including without limi a i Security file or � 27. Justice William 0. Douglas 2 8. Seymour Hersh 29. Neil Sheehan 30. Howard Hughes 31. Lee Pennington fice of 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. i'Ll4:41-1.1: � Approved for Release: '2020/01/14 b02438888 � Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 II/. All files regarding the following projects, incidents or entities discussed in the so-called "Family Jewels - 694 pages," the responses to Director Schlesinger 's request for reports on questionable activities: [Page references in parentheses are to the pagination of the "694 pages" as received by the Select Committee from CIA.] 1. CIA contact of three persons involved with CIA field support group regarding the Watergate Special Prosecutor Task Force inquiry (p.52-53) 2. � CIA payment of money to the Department of Justice (p.76) 3. Involvement of CIA through Identity 36 in labor organization internal dispute (Elder memorandum, p. 457 ff. Item 7) 4. Domestic Contact Service activity (deleted) (p.184, Item 11) 5. FBIS supply of translators to FBI for sensitive Washington Project (o.202) 6. Program which Carl Duckett wanted to "scrub down" before its inclusion in OTS response to DCI (p. 213) 7. TSD COTS) program (deleted) (p. 215) 8. Projects or incidents involving TSD furnishing assistance, equipment or guidance to FBI (p.221 ff.) 9. 7c1C-P nf Research and Development microwave intercept test l(p.238 ff. para. B) 10. Telephone intrusion study (p.238 ff. para. C) 11. Test of intercept system for 12. Surveillance of Minneapolis and Kansas City (p. 256 ff. Item 6) 13. (b)(3) - I Annroved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438388� . L � ,E ' 14. 15. 16. 17. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) 18. 19. 20. Provision of CIA funds to FBI (p.582) President (p.76) (b)(3) 21. 22. CIA furnishing ofilnds to defer the expenses of Johnson's trip to Southeast Asia (pp 71-74) 23. CIA payment of funds to the Department of Justice 24. 25, (b)(1) (b)(3) 26. 27. 28. 29. [The the request, (b)(3) TSD provision of assistance to FBI (p.109-116) Office of Security Special Support Operation (p.109-116) � Sensitive ORD Projects (p. 163-164) above requests may involve some overlap among the items in "Family Jewels" or between them and other elements of this which overlap the Committee is not now in a position to determine. Where that occurs, this overlap should simply be called to the attention of the Committee Staff.] Approvedio-r7kelea-Se2020/01/14 CO2438888 � .Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 SECIRE1 411 IV. The following specific documents are also requested: 1. All documentation of the destruction of files on "49 personalities" which had been compiled by the Special Operations Group/CI 2. 3. All employee responses or 7emoTanda of conversations with employees both from within and elsewhere in the CIA, � and all other memoranda, notes, or other documents and materials used by in preparing any of the responses to DCI or used in preparing any related briefings of the DCI or his assistants. 4. May 29, 1973 memorandum from Chief, Covert Intercent Branch Division B. Fl Staff to the Inspector General (b)(3) .S. All other responses by Division D to the request of Director Schlesinger for information on "questionable activities," including any "follow-up" responses to Director Schlesinger, Director Colby or the IG All employee responses or memoranda of conversations with employees both from within Division D and elsewhere in CIA, and all other memoranda notes or other documents and materials used by Division D in preparing any of the responses to DCI or, in preparing any related briefings of DCI or his assistants.. 6. Western Hemisphere Division's list of Cuban refugee organ- izations in which CIA had interests (Page B-17, Tab 15 of CIA notebook on domestic activities prepared in response to Part IV of Committee March 12 document request.) 7. May 15, 1973 memorandum by Harry B. Fisher to DD M & S on "irregular activities." 8. A11 Inspector General memoranda to DCI regarding "questionable activities," "Family Jewels" or similar matters subsequent to the IC Report of May 21, 1973. 9. (b)(1 (b)(3 (b)(1 (b)(3 (b)(1 (b)(3 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 � Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 � SECRET 10. All correspondence, memoranda OT other documents prepared within or received by CIA in connection with the 1965 order of President Johnson barring wiretapping and electronic eavesdropping by federal personnel. 11. Appointment calendars of Richard Helms and Robert Cushman 1969-1973. 12. Reports by ings with Howard Hunt. December 1971-January 1972 on meet- Ap proved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 602438888 � II. CIA PERSONNEL TO BE INTERVIEWED OR DEPOSED The following list indicates the CIA personnel the Committee has thus far decided to interview, or depose.* Where known, specific persons are identified. In all other cases, the position or program responsibility and pertinent years are provided so that CIA can identify the appropriate per- sons; if the person is no longer with the Agency, the Agency should pro- vide the last known addresses. A. 'Directorate of Operations 1. DDO AREA William Nelson, Tom Kal-amessines, David Blee, Cord Meyer Executive Assistant to DDO (1966-1972) Director of Missions and Program Staff (inception - 1972) 2. COUNTERINTELLIGENCE STAFF Executive Assistant to CH/CI (1966-1972) Special Operations Group: . Richard Ober, Jason Horn Deputy Chief (1967-1973) Secretary to Chief and Deputy Chief Branch Operations Officer All "Case Officers" * Individuals are listed under the office in which they worked during the period in question. Organizational entities are identified as they existed in those periods. , Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 ink Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 _ - 111 11.1 CI Personnel handling Projects: SRPOINTER HTLINGUAL SRWESTPOINTER 'MKSOURDOUGH 3. OPERATIONS STAFF Seymour Bolten 4. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE STAFF -Chief Division and Deputy Chief/FT (1967-1973) (of Staff) D: )(3) Chief and Deputy Chief/D; Deputy for Plans and Policy/D (1967-1973) 5. CENTRAL COVER STAFF b)(3) Chief and Deputy Chief (1965-1975) Chief, )(3) 6. COVERT ACTION STAFF Chief and Deputy Chief (1965-1973) 7. FAR EAST DIVISION Chief (1968) )(3) Branch Chiefs and Project Officers for: � (a) (b)(3) It separate project officers); (b) "PROJECT 1" as described by the Rockefeller . Commission Report (c) Mail opening involving (1967-1973) 8. WESTERN EUROPE DIVISION (p. 137); Far East correspondence Officers involved in queries of stations on Robert Vesco and IOS matters and in communications to Swiss authorities regarding Vesco's detention (b)(3) ;7-1- ' - r Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 jai Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 9. AFRICAN DIVISION 10. John Shaffer, Stanley Gaines, Robert T. Cassidy, John Markham, Lydia Kenney Chief (1964-1973) Maurice Sovern, Chief Commercial Management; Chief Commercial Operations (1964-1971) Base Chiefs (1964-1973) 11. WESTERN HEMISPHERE DIVISION William Broe, J. D. Esterline, Bruce Cheever, Ted Shackley, Lawrence Sternfeld, Paul Holliwell .Chief and Deputy Chief/UH (1965-1973) Chief, Cuban Operations (1965-1973) Chief, Cuban Operations Group', Miami Operations Branch Chief, Miami Station (JKWAVE) (1963 12. SOVIET BLOC DIVISION Project Officer and Branch Chief on SRPOINTER, BTLINGUAL 13.- TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION (now OFFICE OF TECHNICAL SERVICES,-DDS&T Carl Duckett, John McMahon, Everett O'Neal, � Chief, Deputy Chief and Deputy Chief for Operations/TSD � (1965-1973) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 � �II Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 i-\.r" � TSD Officers in charge-of training and in charge of technical assistance for: /(1967-1973) B. Directorate of Management and Services 1. OFFICE OF SECURITY Charles Kane, Cecil Tighe, (b)(3) Project Officer in Office of Security and Project Officer at for PROJECT MERRIMAC: Office representatives involved in proposal of "PROJECT 1" referred to in the Rockefeller Commission Report (p. 137); Project Officer for PROJECT RESISTANCE. 2, OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS. Richard Scott, � John Coffey, 3. OFFICE OF FINANCE Warren D. Magnuson, Thomas Yale Director (1965-1975) . Director, Monetary Division (1965-1975) Director, Proprietary Systems and Accounts Division (1965-1975) C. Directorate of Intelligence 1. OFFICE OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH Officers tasking other CIA offices for queries on Robert Vesco and IOS (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 al)RET 2; DOMESTIC CONTACT SERVICE � DCS Director; Chief of New York Office, DCS (1967-1973) D. Directorate of Science and Technology Robert Chapman, Sayre Stevens, E. DCI Area , John McMahon 1. OFFICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL John Warner 7John K. Greaney 2. OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL � John Maury George Carey 3. 'INSPECTOR GENERAL AND REVIEW STAFF Donald Chamberlain, Scott Breckenridge, William Broe 4. OTHER -Seymour Bolten- - � John Clarke Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888 � �7171Ttl� � � The following staff members along with the senior staff of the Committee are presently working on this aspect of the Select Committee's inquiry: Burton Wides Michael Madigan Elliot Maxwell Howard Liebengood Paul Wallach Joseph diGenova John Peterson - If other persons begin to work in this area, appropriate notification will take place. Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2438888