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PDF icon THE SITUATION IN SOUTH VI[15561267].pdf321.75 KB
�����-� 'pApproved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2430079 3.5(c) 3.5(c) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence February 1968 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM 3.5(c) The Situation in South Vietnam No. 6 cm 41- ais 01 XVI' C. ��������=.�������wmm 4 1.' The vigor of the Communist Tet offensive-- now in its third day--is slackening, :The enemy still has partial control of several major prov- incial capitals, but his attacks for the most part4. have been reduced to scattered pockets of resistance throughout the rest of the country. 2. Initial, incomplete reports reflect ex- tremely high enemy losses in personnel in contrast to allied casualties. More than 6,000 Communists reportedly have been killed during the past three days'. This number is expected to increase as more complete reports come in. Friendly'losses now stand at 571 killed (99 US) and 1,714 wounded. (562 US). No estimate of civilian casualties is'yet available, but it is expected to be high. 3. The Communists have added a new element to the situation with their announcement on 31 January of the establishment of a "Revolutionary Administra- tion" in South Vietnam. It appears that they plan to use the new organization as another mechanism for attempts to rally support from the South Viet- namese populace. Details of the new apparatus are described below. 1 Corps 4. . With the exception of Rucv:in Thua Thien Prov- ince, allied reaction forces have effectively coun- tered the enemy's latest thrust throughout the northern / Corps area. 3.5(c) ):1%StZRET 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2430079 EO 13526 .Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2430079 11 I 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 5. Quang Tri city: Two battalions of Commu- nist troops atacked this northernmost provincial capital yesterday afternoon, but were forced ,to withdraw early this morning. An estimated 300 bodies were left behind by the retreating enemy force. The city is now considered secure. 6. Hue: An enemy force believed to be of regi- mental sin': and tentatively identified as the North Vietnamese 6th Regiment, is still in control of an important sector of the city. They are concentrated north of the Huong River in the "imperial city" or citadel. However, key military installations in this sector, including the South Vietnamese let Divisiun Headquarters, are still in allied hands and believed to be in no immediate danger. The enemy may attempt to make a prolonged stand within the citadel, which is relatively easy to defend. 7. Hot An: The provincial capital of Quang Nam is reported by mAcv to be' under complete allied control. .However, several smaller towns, including a district capital west of Hol An, were attacked by enemy forces yesterday. South Korean Marines were dispatched to the area and have encountered sporadic resistance. S. Tam Ky: Enemy attacks and attempts to over- run Quang Vies capital city were repulsed late yesterday and the city is now quiet. The fighting cost the enemy some 226 killed; South Vietnamese and American casualties were light. 9. Quang Ngai City: Sporadic contact was re- ported continuing early this morning with enemy units in isolated areas of the city. The city, neverthe- less, appears to be largely in allied hands. II Corps 10. The cities of Kontum and Ban Me Thuot in the western highlands remained in contest at last report. Most of the cities in the coastal provinces have been secured, but sporadic contact is still reported in the outskirts of several provincial capitals. -2 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2430079 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2430079 AN. 1 11. Kontum: The Communists still occupy about half of the oily; however, all allied military com- pounds and installations are controlled by friendly forces. US reinforcements are expected to completely clear the city today. A South Vietnamese civilian who claims to have mingled with the enemy troops this morning reported that they hope to hold the town for seven days until reinforcements arrive from across the Cambodian border--some 35 miles to the west. To date, 210 enemy troops have been reported killed in the heavy fighting. Enemy forces in the city are identifiodas elements of the North Vietnamese 174th Regiment supported by three Viet Cong local force and sapper battalions. 12. Ban Me Thuot: At mid-day on 1 February, heavy fighting was reported still going on in this city with the enemy force concentrated near the air- field. Two battalions of the North Vietnamese 33rd Regiment, together with a Viet Cong local force battalion and a district company have been identified as participa4;ing in the action. The MACV compound and Headquarters of the South Vietnamese 24th Divi- sion have been subjected to heavy fire, but have managed to hold out. The South Vietnamese 23rd Ranger Battalion has been airlifted into the city to assist in driving out the attackers. 13. Nha Trang: Light contact with elements of the retreating Sth Battalion of the North Vietnamese 188 Regiment was reported west of the city during the night. Also during the night; the airfield and nearby Special Forces compound were hit by a barrage of mortar fire. The action caused no casualties or damage to aircraft or facilities, however, the city is now quiet and completely in friendly control. 14. Qui Nhon: An enemy foree of undetermined size attacked an ammunition dump at;Qui.:Nhon late last night with 00-mm, recoilless rifle fire. At last report, the depot was still an fire with parts of it already destroyed. A reaction force has been deployed. 15. No further action in the other major cities of II Corps has been reported. - 3 - 3-29y,S.EM Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2430079. � Approved for Release: 2-019/01/17 CO2430079 Saigon and III Corps 16. Sharp fighting flared again in the Saigon area late on 31 January and on 1 February, Within the Tan Son Nhut airfield and headquarters complex northwest of the cityy allied forces met heavy op- position while successfully clearing out a number of enemy strongpoints. In the capital itself, heavy Lighting took place on tho westerri outskirts near the race trackand around the South Vietnamese Joint Gen- eral Stafi compound.. Fighting also flared at several points in the downtown area where enemy forces have established pockets of resistance.' 17. By mid-day on 1 February, (local Saigon time) most enemy forces in the capital area had been routed but Viet Cong platoons still held out in a building near the Joint General Staff compound and in the An Quang Buddhist Pagoda, while an estimated 100 Viet Cong were in the Gia Dinh market area. At last report allied troops were moVing against these forces. 18. A late report indicates that South Vietnam- ese forces were driven back in an attempt to clear the An Quang pagoda. This site is suspected by MACY to be the VC command post for their Saigon operation. IV Corps 19, In the delta south of Saigon sporadic heavy fighting continued on 1 February Within or on the out- skirts of several provincial capitals and other smaller towns In no instance, however, have the Viet Cong completely gained control of a major town. 20. The heaviest enemy attacks on 1 February in the delta were at My Tho, the 4apital of Dinh Tuong Province, and at Bon Tre in Kien Hoa Province and Chau Phu in Chau Doc Province. MY Tho was under heavy mortar and ground attack at noon on the 1st.: US Army. troops were scheduled to be airlifted into the city during the afternoon. At Ben Tre enemy action also continued on 1 February. Enemy forces are reported in regimental strength in this fight, but ARVN troops were holding their own at last report. In Chau Doc Province, to the west along the Cambodian border, a - 4 - TOP .,T Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2430079� .. 3 5(c) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2430079 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 4. large Viet Cong force, which seized control of Chau Phu city on the 31st, apparently is still contesting the area and heavy fighting is reported within the city. Other Related Developments 21. "Revolutionary Administration" Established: The clandestine Viet' ConTLIBUITTBE-15-31=75MYVY� Vietnam and Hanoi Radio late last night announced the establishment of a."Revolutionary Administration" in South Vietnam. 22. The "Revolutionary Administration" purportedly would have authority and administrative power in Saigon and in areas where the Viet Cong have an influence on the people. The purpose of the "Revolutionary Power," according to the Communists, is to act as an authorita- tive voice to demand the withdrawal of US forces to end the war and to call for negotiations with the Liberation Front. The Hanoi broadcast asserted that "an unprecedented enthusiastic atmosphere is powerfully mounting throughout Saigon city and its suburbs." Ac- cording to the broadcast, the ComMunists, in areas of the city they allegedly control, have started organizing thousands of "militia units" and establishing "revolu- tionary political parties." 23. Since the new Communist political move has been endorsed by both Hanoi and the Front radio, it would appear to be a carefully calculated act and further attests to the extensive planning .and to the high significance which the Communists attach to their latest offensive. 24, rt would now appear, in View of their politi- cal move, that the Communists conpider their current push to represent at least the start of their classic "general uprising" which has been their grand strategy for some years in seizing power in South Vietnam. While they almost certainly do not expect to topple the Saigon government with their current of- fensive, they may believe it will establish a better base for them in their attempts to influence the populace--especially the urban populace. Communist documents indicate that their loss of contact with the people, and their failure to influence those in - 5 _ Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2430079 3.5(c) 13.5(c) I N lApproved for Release': 2019/01/17CO2430079 3.5(c) 1 : , i the cities, was increasingly their 'weakest point. 1 By a bold military move, accompanied by the estab- lishment of a new political mechanism to facilitate ; contact, the Communists apparently hope to remedy the , situation. 25. The full ramifications of the "Revolutionary Administration" will probably not be clear for some ? time. How it fits in with the long established Na- tional Liberation Front, for example, is still impre- cise. It would appear, however, that the Communists regard it as something in between the Front and the people, designed to facilitate greater popular sup- port. With their new organization, they can work better in the streets among the people without some of the stigma attached by the NLF which posed in some respects as a formal national.government. - 6 - .Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2430079 11. 3.5(c) 3.5(c)