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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
March 8, 2022
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Publication Date: 
April 30, 1956
PDF icon DEAR KELLY[16005620].pdf45.78 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/11/23 CO2427202 'or 74 8APC - 5770/ Copy_Lof 9 30 April 1956 Dear e]].y: We are planning the activation of Detachment B as an administrative and organizational entity an or about 7 May 1956. At that time the Detachment Commander would assume command of personnel assigned to his unit and be responsible to our Head- quarters for the continued operation of his unit. As was done with Detachment A, we would appreciate an identification of your personnel who will be assigned to Detachment B as soon as convenient. We would expect that a general Supervisor could be soon identified and as the several crews become trained and ready to take up their Detachment B duties, these personnel would also be considered as falling under the direct control of this supervisor and, through him. the Commanding Officer of Detachment B. We would appreciate you notifying the Detachment Commanding Officer at the Ranch of such personnel assignments while at the same time advising our Headquarters. Since rely, /s/ Dick (Bissell) Dick D strib ion: 1812 (w/o SAPC No.) 3 4 - Det B Commander 5 - Lockheed file 6 - Pers (Det B file) 7 Chrono 8 - Reading RMB RHB/RBW/ht Approved for Release: 2021/11/23 CO2427202