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Document Creation Date: 
February 21, 2025
Document Release Date: 
February 27, 2025
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Publication Date: 
March 1, 1972
PDF icon RUSS COMPUTERS[16439028].pdf52.86 KB
Approved for Release: 2025/01/15 CO2385868 ' SPDXANE, WASH. 2-0 spOismAyiRiEU.w � 84,759 H � 127,047 Russ Computers�"-'1 � A new way to destroy all internal political, dissent in Soviet Russia could be furthered by the proposed sale of sophisticated Ameri- can.computers to the Communists. . Defense Department staffers who have op- hosed the sale on security grounds now hope that new proof of the Russians' use of com- puters to suppress dissent will prevent the transaction. . � A report by Victor Zorza, expert on Soviet affairs, and evidence gathered by the Ceztul Intelligence Agency now substantiates what adwitis to most�Americans like a horror mov- ie. Zorza has written that the full records of any Soviet citizen's psychological character- istics and actions "could be used to devise an �,�,- approach that would quickly persuade him that his best interests require him to conform !,� to the political guidance of his spiritual ad- . viser at the KGB (the Soviet secret police)." I Coupled with mood-altering drugs, the com- puters become a tool for suppressing dissent. :Most Americans heard little of the Declara- tion. of Frankfurt a. year ago. This was a statement from a conclave of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia. It revealed that "Religious people and those citizens vindicating. their right to think other- wise than in terms of party directions have been whisked away to so-called 'special psy- chiatric hospitals.' Subjected to drugs, they are numbed and can no longer defend, their faith." - The U.S. has been too slow to react to urging from other parts of the world to de- nounce the new Russian weapon against its people. Most Western governments have been , supportive of a move by the Canadian Psy- chiatric Association asking the World Health Organization of the United Nations to speak out against the Russian mind-bending proj- ect. Our foot-dragging is difficult to rationalize. The Russian practice is repugnant and vio- lates all our American political tenets. Aiding the Russian government by furnishing corn- : puters which will make even more mind- twisting pOssible would be totally unethical. � Neither money nor possible offending of the Russian government are justifiable excuses. - - Summary: Some may argue the Russians ,simply will buy computers elsewhere. Let them. We shall not have contributed to a downfall of integrity. �O Approved for Release: 2025/01/15 CO2385868