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Publication Date:
March 30, 1964
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. 1IL,_, ij _4L1 -- !VI UL,t'N. LIN UtSJ t+, L.)
evit ,
)Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962
�11�01 NNW
SUBJECT: Project Mockingbird
Routine review of the daily syndicated column of newsmen Robert S. Allen
and Paul J. Scott in early -1962 developed indications that classified information,
sometimes code word material, was being utilized as the basis for a high per-
centage of their columns. Although much oi the information contained in the
columns was garbled, it was apparent that key points were frequently direct
quotes from classified reports and summaries of recent vintage.
� The Director of Security received a requirement from the DCI in March
1962 to attempt through appropriate investigative activity to determine, if
possible, the identities of the source or sources of classified information to
the two newsmen.
it was recommended to the DCI that telephonic monitoring would be the
most productive. In addition, certain investigation limited to discreet checks
of records sources was recommended. With approval of the DCI, around the
clock telephone monitoring was conducted of telephone lines to each of the
newsmen's homes and to the office which they shared jointly.
The activity was continued until mid-June 1962, at which time the tele-
phonic coverage was discontinued to coincide with the retirement of the Director
of Security. Knowledge of the activity, beyond a limited few in the Office of.
Security directly involved in processing the acquired data, is indicated as being
limited to the DCI, the DDCI, the Executive Director-Comptroller and the
General Connsel. Subsequently the DCI advised that he had briefed the Attorney
General, the Secretary of Defense and the Director of the Defense Intelligs.ence
Agency. Regular briefings of the DCI were conducted by the Director of Security
throughout the tunure of the operation.
Information Developed:
Project Mockingbird was extremely productive in developing sources of
data, both classified and unclassified, to the two newsmen, as a result of a
daily telephone conversation the two men would conduct after the senior mem-
ber of the team, Col. Robert S. Allen, would complete the re-write of raw
data left for him in the office by Paul J. Scott. It became apparent that Scott
acquired most of the sensitive data, and that he acquired it in highly accurate
form. The obvious garbling of the data occurred in the re-write by Col. Allen.
At first it was believed that the garbling was a by-product of Col. Allen's reiu-
lar state of intoxication; however,
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IV ILI 1.1 1.1`4 .LJ �
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The newsmen's sources were wide-ranging, and much of the information
provided to them by these sources never saw print. In a number of cases
the writers specifically noted that such-and-such an item could not be used
in any form because it could be directly attributed to the source.
During its short tenure, MOCKINGBIRD established the identities of
significant number of sources and "cooperative" individuals. Much of
this information was of a partisan political nature or was in the nature
In those cases of
direct interest to the purpose of MOCKINGBIRD, i.e. national defense
information, it was possible in many cases to establish a specific iden-
tity of the source providing the information. In other cases, it was pos-
sible to establish only a general, non-specific, identification of source,
such-as "my friends over in Navy," "he works right in their office," etc.
Because of the frequent compromise of sources by the newsmen, either
by name or essential elements which could lead to identification of an
individual, it became apparent that over an extended period of time most,
if not all, such sources could be identified, (As noted earlier, it was de-
cided to terminate MOCKINGBIRD with the retirement of the Director of
Security, rather than to continue the activity for a more desirable period
Sources of information of all sorts used by Col. Allen and Scott can
be generalized as follows:
The Speaker of the House
Members of the Senate and House of Representatives
Congressional Staff members
Members of the News Media
Employees and staff members of the White House, the Department
of State, the Department of Defense, the Agency for International
Develo/pment, the Department of Justice, the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration and the Central Intelligence Agency
Staff members of the Office of the Vice President
The Republican and Democratic National Committees
Retired Federal officers and officials
Miscellaneous others, ranging from a union official to a priest
There appeared to be a fairly clear division of source types between
Col. Allen and Paul Scott, which might be generalized as follows:
a. Col. Allen appeared to have most of his contacts among former
Army associates and Col. Kehm, for example)
and "old New Deal" personalities, (Oscar Chapman, for example).
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b. Paul Scott, by far the most active of the two men, had the remaining
contacts. 'Monitors of MOCKINGBIRD were frequently amazed at the
sheer bulk of information Scott would acquire in the course of a day.
Most of the highly classified information mentioned as such in the
conversations is directly attributable to Scott's sources. Scott
made frequent reference to his close association with the Speaker
of the House, and in one discussion with his White House source
promised a "McCormack cigar" in exchange for a report he sub-
sequently received from White House records. (Scott had taken
a leave of absence from the column the previous year to assist
in the unsuccessful political bid of the Speaker's nephew.)
MOCKINGBIRD was not successful during its three months of operation in
identifying Col. Allen and Scott's source or sources in this Agency. The prin-
ciple source of concern, Mr. "(", appeared to be in the Office of National
Estimates. A blind memo regarding him, including references to his written
comments on certain National Estimates and statements he is supposed to have
made, was shown by the Director of Security to Mr. Sherman Kent. Mr. Kent
was not aware of MOCKINGBIRD as the source. Mr. Kent subsequently ad-
vised the Director of Security that he was unable to identify "Mr. X" from the
information provided.
One significant factor developed by MOCKINGBIRD was the ability of the
newsmen to obtain warnings or guidance regarding possible threats to their
activities. For example:
a. In mid-March 1962,. Paul Scott advised Col. Allen that they were
under investigation by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations as a re-
sult of their accurate overflight stories. According to Scott, the Secretary
of Defense had directed the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency to
conduct an investigation of the newsmen in an attempt to develop their sources.
The Director of DIA Subsequently held a meeting with regarding the pro-
posed conduct of the investigation. A "friend" of Scott's was present in a
office when a participant of the meeting was discussing it with other
personnel. Because there were too many people present at the time, the
"friend" was unable to obtain full details. Subsequently, the "friend" was
able to obtain further details, had discussed such an in-
vestigation with the a week or so earlier. He was not told, at the time,
of MOCKINGBIRD, but it was suggested that he initiate no investigative action.
When the foregoing information was obtained, .he was immediately 'briefed on
and shown the transcript of the pertainent conversations.
General Carroll insisted that he had adhered to the instruction and that
the meeting described by Scott had not taken place.)
b. In May 1962, Col. Allen indicated that he had recently been visited
by a man from CIA, an old Army friend, "Stanley." The apparent tenor of
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of the meeting dealt with "pot shots" being taken at the DCI and the DCI's
concern that the Administration was planning to "unload him or kick him
upstairs." In a subsequent conversation, Paul Scott advised Col. Allen
that he (Scott) had been cautioned to be a little careful in what he said to
"Col. Grogan." Col. Grogan, he said, is very close to another person
in CIA, with loyalty like that to Mr. McCone. Scott indicated that his
source had advised that Col. Grogan had "a couple of meetings" with this
other, unnamed, person "this week," and that Col. Grogan's visits to
Col. Allen "may be both friendly and a surveillance job." (Col. Grogan
was not aware of MOCKINGBIRD, but was cooperating with the Director
of Security because of the mutual concern at Col. Allen and Scott's classi-
fied revelations. He, indeed, had met with the Director of Security both
prior to and after his visit to Col. Allen.) Scott's source of this informa-
tion was never identified.
Attached is a list of contacts and sources of Col. Allen and Paul Scott.
Those indicated by an asterisk provided information to them, ranging from
incidental political data to sensitive military information. Parenthetical
numbers indicate a specific report in the attached MOCKINGBIRD notebook.
Those for which no number appears are those persons identified in other
conversations. These latter conversations were not transcribed because
they did not deal directly with the inforruation leakage of concern.
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Known Contacts -- 1962
U.S. Senate
R. Vance Hartke (D) Indiana*
Wayne Morse (D) Oregon*
Strom Thurmond (D) South Carolina*
Hubert H. Humphrey (D) Minnesota* (78)
Margaret Chase Smith (R) Maine*
Clinton P. Anderson (D) New Mexico*
Karl E. Mundt (R) South Dakota*
J. William Fulbright (D) Arkansas
Daniel K. Inouye (D) Hawaii (*? -- "is with us")
Warren G. Magnuson (D) Washington*
E. L. Bartlett (D) Alaska*
Henry M. Jackson (D) Washington*
Ernest Gruening (D) Alaska*
Jacob K. Javits (R) New York*
John G. Tower (R) Texas*
U.S. House of Representatives
John W. McCormack (D) Massachusetts Speaker of the liouse=,'� (50)
Wilbur D. Mills (D) Arkansas* (58)
Omar Burleson (D) Texas
John E. Fog-garty (D) Rhode Island*
Wright Patman (D) Texas* (33)
John J. Rooney (D) New York*
Daniel J. Flood (D) Pennsylvania* (75)
Paul G. Rogers (D) Florida
John D. Dingell (D) Michigan
Francis Walter (0) Pennsylvania*
Michael A. Feighan (0) Ohio* (61)
Leslie C. Arends (R) Illinois* (62)
Congressional Staff
Herman Clay Beasley, clerk, Special Sub-Committee on Regulatory Agencies,
House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (His wife, Helen, is
a staff member of the Special Government Inforiliation Sub-Committee of the
House Committee on Government Operations.)
James B. Naughton, Counsel, Sub-Committee on Inter- Governmental Relations,
House Committee on Government Operations. *
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Congressional Staff (Continued)
Robert G. Baker, Secretary for the Majority, U.S. Senate*
Mace I. Broide, Asrninistrative Assistant to Senator Vance Hartke*
Tony Scott Smith, Press Secretary to Senator Barry Goldwater*
William C. Lewis, Jr. , Ekecutive Assistant to Senator Margaret Chase Smith* (11)
James Sundquist, Administrative Assistant to Senator Joseph B. Clark
Harry Shuler Dent, Administrative Assistant to Senator Strom Thurmond*
J. Fred Buzhardt, Legislative Assistant to Senator Strom Thurmond* (67)
George F. Murphy, Jr., Staff Member, Atomic Energy Joint Committee:4'.
Carl M. Marcy, Chief Of Staff, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations*
William M. Cochrane, Administrative Assistant to Senator B. Everett Jordan*
Francis R. Valeo, Administrative Assistant to Senator Mike Mansfield
"Tower's man" * (See Unknowns)
"Ed," Armed Services Committee* (See Unknowns)
"Humphrey's aide," *(See Unknowns
.1711iforgan"* (See Unknowns)
l'Arnold," Armed Services Committee* (See Unknowns)
"Thurrnond's people(See Unknowns and Buzha.rdt and Dent, above
"Marcy"* (See Unknowns)
"J,..vits' man" * (See Unknowns)(88)
"GUT in KastcUeir's office"* (See Ur14--,ew-r)
"Pat McNamara's assistant"* (See Unknowns)
1Feeney," aide to Representative McCormack. In Washington on temporary
Executive Branch
Thomas It. McEntegart, Bureau of Ships, U.S. Navy* (32)
Joseph A. Camelio, Economist, Department of Commerce (Scott's personal friend)
Col. John Boocharsky, Walter Reed Medical Center (Col. Allen's doctor
George E. Reedy, assistant to Vice President Johnson* (86)
Willie Day Taylor, aide to Vice President Johnson* (86)
Myer "Mike" Feldman, information officer, U.S. Department of Justice
John A. Baker, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture* (72)
Thomas A. Kennedy, Director, Management Inspection Staff, Agency for
for International Development* (28, 45, 69)
William J. Cronin, Office of Chief of Engineers, Department of Army
James T. Ramey, Executive Director, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy* (15)
Joseph F. Dolan, Deputy U.S. Attorney General* (54)
William P. Connors, clerk, the White House* (57)
Joseph L. Marks, U.S. Naval Photographic Interpretation Center.* (63)
Larry Fillipelli, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
. -1-�:177^ .r-VNT nr�-ccrNic-,BIRD
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News Media Representatives
Alice Widener, columnist and publisher of USA Magazine*
Edward J. Michelson, correspondent, Berkshire Evening Eagle *
Earl Mazo, corespondent, New York Herald Tribune*
John Henshaw, correspondent, New York National Enquirer, American
Mercury, leg-man for Jack Anderson* (Scott feeds him stories)
George Dixon, writer, King Features Syndicate (Scott feeds him stories)
Robert Y. Crater, correspondent, Cincinnati Post and Times Star*
John Goldsmith, United Press* (Now shares column with Col. Allen-1970) (1)
Willard Edwards, Chicago Tribune Syndicate*
Don Larabee, correspondent for unnamed publication*
Sam Shaeffer, Newsweek* (88)
Esther Coopersrnith, Hall Syndicate*
Clark IvIollealiolf, Cowles Publications and DesMoines Register *
Phillip Potter, Baltimore Sun*
Frank Edwards, Indiana newsman and newscaster
Joe Neil, Hall Syndicate
Unnamed newsman who covers the U.S. Department of State for the
Washington Evening Star.*
Oscar Chapman, former -Secretary of Interior, of Chapman, liVoldf=zohn and
Friedman * �
Michael Deane, President, American Finance Conference, Inc.*
Carl A. Shipley, Chairman, Republican State Committee for the District of Colurnbi
General Arthur Trudeau* (Misc.) (84)
Edward Hunter* (former employee of CIA) (37,38)
Clayton Fritchie, Democratic Digest
James Patterson, former member, House of Representatives*
Retired (former CIA) (b)(3)
Charles Ashman, attorney for Miami fishing interests and some Cuban exile groups
"Pat" Young, Democratic National Committee
Robert Hill, former U.S. Ambassador41)
Joe Keenan, official, Machinists and Electricians Union.*
Donald Saltz, Republican National Committee
Rev. (fnu) McEvvan, Consumers League*
Langdon Marvin, former Capitol Hill aide
George Feldman, Commissioner, Communications Satellite Commission*
Leonard Marks, law firm of Cohn and Marks (later, Director of USIA)*
Clyde Kluckholn, public relations consultant, former State Department official*(65)
William John Webb, at the time with General Treudeu's staff, subsequently joined
staff of Senator John Tower. Former CIA employee* (65)
Col. Harold D. Kehm, Retired. Former CIA assignee*
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J-4 Ulf) Eggir
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Others - Unknown
Friend of Col. Allen and Paul Scott. Works on the House Committee on.
Un-American Activities. (Allen and Scott also deal directly with
Chairman Rancis Walter)*
"Ed, " friend of Scott who has contacts with Cubans, called Miami for Scott,
would talk to Cardona for Scott.* (Possibly Ed Michelson, newspaper-
man; however, see next :item)
Friend of Scott on Armed Services Committee who has contacts with the Cuban
exiles* (Tentative identification is T. Edward Braswell, Jr., staff
member, Senate Armed Services Committee)
"Humphrey's aide!*(Aides to Senator Humphrey identified as William Connell,
John J. Flynn, Winthrop Griffith, Violet Williams; no positive identi-
"Tower's rnan"*(Staff of Senator Tower includes these professionals: LaMaster
Leroy, Horace B. Clay, Pierce Langford and Herschel Schooley; no
positive identification)
"Morgan (Tentative identification as Phillip William Morgan, Chief Counsel
to the Minority, Senate Permanent Sub-Committee on Investigations,
Committee on Government Operations
"Thurrnond's people" *See Congressional Staff references to Dent and Buzhz_vrdt.
Other staff professionals are Ed Kenney and Sammy Stilwell; no ident)
"Mrs. Beel-tn" Contact of
. Not identified. (b)(6)
Sam Block - organizing testimonial dinner for Senator Vance Ha_rtke;- not
"Arnold," Armed Services Committee* No such member on the Committee
staff; however, John Arnold is press assistant to Senator Clifford P.
Case, a member of the Committee. No positive identification.)
"Bill" - In some way associated with the U.S. Supreme Court. (Not identified,
but other information indicates it may be William O. Douglas, a friend
of Col. Allen.)
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ALEX - See previous page.
This individual was identified February 1972
who in 1963 lived with
Washington, D.C. In 1963, at a time when he was cultivating Agency
secretaries, was described as being of apparent foreign
birth, possibly French, between 40 and 50 years of age, fluent in several
languages, working at the Library of Congress, working as a contract
translator for the Pentagon, and having been and still desiring to be a seaman.
(See file of
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Others--Unknown (Contin.ued)
"Osher" * - re California political developments. Not identified
"Irwin." * - re tax hearings. (Tentative identification is Leo H. Irwin, chief
counsel for the House Ways and Means Committee; no positive identi-
s "Dr." - .does research at the Library of Congress for Scott; not identified
"Alex" - "Polish fellow" who translates for Scott at the Library of Congress,
possibly the same as "Dr.," above. Known associate of John Henshaw.
Not identified
"Javitst man"*- (Professionals in the office of Senator Javits are Theodore
Crolius, Allen Lesser, Herbert Blitz, Richard Aurelio, and Stephen
Kurzrnan.; no positive identification)
"Matty" Matthews* - re TFX data. Not identified
"Guy in Kastenrnier's office"* - (Professionals of the staff of Representative
Robert W. Kastenrnier are Kaz Oshiki and Gar Alperovitz-; no idenf-)
"Pat MCNamara's assistant"* - (Professional aides to Senator Pat McNamara
are Robert Perrin, Harold Beaton, Edwin Winge, George Lenches,
Denis O'Donnell, Thomas Finnerty and James Reid; no positive identi-
"Luther Hodge's assistant,' -Not identified *
Friends in Pentagon, "my people," etc.*- Not identified
"Works right with them " (McNamara, Nitze, Bundy)* - Not identified
"Kea.tin.g's source in Naval Intelligences' "very much the same source" as
Scott's.*-- Not identified
Individual with access to CIA estimates and documents*- Not identified
Other "unknowns" appear in this case, but no elements of identification capable
of exploitation,due to the sensitive nature of the case, were developed.
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Mr. Robert F. Kennedy, the Attorney General
General Joseph Carroll, Director DLA
Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense
Non- OS
Mr. John IVIcCone DC1
General Carter DDCI
Mr. Lawrence Houston GC
Mr. Lyman Kirkpatrick ED
Office of Security
Col. Edwards
Mr. Bannerman
Mr. White
Mr. Charles Kane
L____ (not briefed, but has indicated _knowledge) .
,(not briefed, b.ut has indicated knowledge
(alluded to he knew SRS has sensitive material
on this case, 10 February 19 6 5.)
(through per H. O.)
for arrival and clepature logs giving initials of �agents.
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41 � -
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STS.TECT: ,SaDent Facts Cc rnJ- n Article y Pnbe,~4- S. Allen/
Scott End':',.led Tr.New Ch1 ci CLA. Crarf= Et.; 011
Unicuchered An'peari in the Larg lalandlDress on
29 Ncriemher 1961'
Mr. Cord Meyer, C1-21e1, 10 Division, DD/P:
1. On IDetemler 1061 Mr. Meyer advised that Mr. C22,-.2.rii.,s
Bartlett of the Chattanooga Ti-nes had calld him, regard-L..- g 1"-,e
Scott 2rric1e. al :29 Nove:ncer :161 anderorf:,,s,ed concern over the
conints a the article. Mr. BrtIett also -.mentioned Scott
was the tr of reporter who would wriLe anything Li order to sell an
ardcle and add,zd that Mr. Scott -gas a friend oi and (b)(6)
an FBI In regard to Mr. Bartletts relen..,.nce to the 731,
Meyer oiind fhlt it 7:723 not clear whether or not Mr. Scot had a
friend in the FBI or a friend Wb.0 JviWf.)rked for the FBI.
2. M MY2rcontAnned that Mr. Bartlett indicd ae was going
to aiscuss the article with MT. COtt.
- 3. Later on the ipt-ie date Mr. Meyer contacted ivr., 3:7rule r-n-r-Irt
Prd adds-ed. that Mr. Bartlett had contrcl Mr. Scoct and that Mr. Scott
-indicated that Ills smrc-e WaS someone in CA -who feels that 4�41.^e �
of. the Ageney� slactild be shifted to one which w.r.,-u3.d not be harmful to
-13. S. intere-sts. Mr. Scott added V-ot he had materipi for three new
articles, namely:
a. The Agency contri'oated mor.ey to a U. S. noUtical
ellrrroaLrrn to defeat a congressman.
b. Cord Meyer's o-oeration, financed Owen Latil-rtore's
L:p to Cuter Mongolia,.
c. There are twelve Communists with irt CIA.
-77n Mr. Bartlett show?..d Mr. Scott coolas oi Radio 1-foscow' s
on his (Scott) article, Mr. Scott apc,ear-ed slafaL-en.
Fir I
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. . trial
4. Mr. Bartlett Is a. friend of President :Kennedy qr(--1
for fr.e ..Vresident's dattghter.
Mr. H. Fuchs, Detuty Carrolier, (b)(3)
1. _On 3 rec,...a.mber 1931 r. Fueh3 reviewed the subject article
and advised f the figure of revorte.d by Messrs.
and Allfral 772.5 close to the A;pancy budget..
According to 20 cooles of a classified booklet
showing the budget breakdown were prepared and di3tributed as follo-w-3.:
Copy 41
Copy f2
copy .#3
Office of flirt Comp-trollerf
Support Branch
Copy f4.
Copy Ofi
Copy 47
Copy i8
Copy "343
Copy 410
Copies 12-20 -
Vital Records_
Gre-rteral Ccunsel
House Aprr ot t.11,- co m --ti
_ _(b)(3)
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- � -
Noe Noe
Copies ci the Agency budget boADLele.t
to a e--,ecini, group el the :House Aonrcpriatioas C,ornrgittee -which
was bri-de.d recent.ty on Agency bAidget 7-1 attars Copy -?-11 as
ret,-4r.1 by th Cor-i-nittee. 'reds' 0--cup included epresenat
Sheppard, .7.0ord, Taber, and Clerk-in-Charge
fr FUChZ ret-Illed that another briPM-rg on Agency budget
-nnttPrs was gtven the Senate Armed 5..7.^71C,93 CoI" -rlitt3e. en 21
Atagru-5t, 1981. 'This' brief-ins IN-az presented by Lr, Droips and .77ins
athnded also by General Cbell,3.-nthard
and John Warner. Conart'.-se membersknojn
to be in nrtP-rvance were Senators Richard B. Russell, John
and Leverett Saltons�111. Also in attert47nce, but not a corn r-littee
member, was Se.rrator MIk rq_rsile1d, Serf:0'c, Ma,orityLeaer. Other
ci the lEenate A,.rrne.d Eervicas Cor=it-tee�3-z;s.,5z,enr,t.-rz--
Barry F. By
ClnirEgie, E. L. Btt,
Styles Brid-s-es, 7,-,7%.r-garet Ciae,.1"'rancis Case, Prescott I.Iush,
J. Glenn Beall.
..tenr7 d. ac-9o17;
4. As an aid in pres-enting the briefing on. the Agency bud-get,
copies at the '.1ciget boo":-clt idenblied hove. -were gi7.�3n to those Senaburs
- present and collected at the conclusion of the breiftg. This meet.2-3,
recor-',..ed, and copies od the -bans=i-ot and the 1)7431e-cut were obtn-inPd
from the Office of the Comptroller. It is believed -rhqi� Conies 12 throu.
20 were utilized lor this purpos,e; however, no speciiic record ests
which would confirm this. A review ci the t-aiascrint and oi the
- out thscloses that the Agency bu
and w'rtil.P the specific lig-nre cr.
"OTIt7 al the figu.res cited are in the
t is referred to in:
IS not =endoned, the ma- (b)(3)
s-eries, i.e, (b)(3)
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SUBJECT:. Analysis ci Robert S. Alleniaul Scott Article. Entitled
"New Chief cd: CIA Dowa on Unvouchered
,Appearing in the Lorec, Is12....nd -Press, 29 November 1961 -
� WASEMGTON - John McCone, new head at' the Central Intelli-
gence Agency, is preparing to tighten the reins on the way his
secret agency spends its money.
CO in rriPnt: None.
- Ea Is 2-.91'ci Cord Meyer, Jr. --who grew up in Bayside,
_ che red fund_'s..-- to raa149 a Aall r eort
'on the $4.00 millito.tiiFiE-he�ciol:P.dat-during-the past 12 months .7.or
covert operations and intelligence gathering activities.
Comment: Mr. Meyer, as Chief/I0, is only one of the Agency -
officials 'NIA() 1-tfrldles Agency Trivouchered funds.
-The 10 Division budget Is , No r.ecmest
was r-1(41,, to Mr. Meyer to mak-Es, a report on
Rettarrir-7, from a first-bad survey of the agency's foreign ope
t.'ons earlier this month, McCone decided on this move after ccvering
that the CIA had firm-aced dozens of Questionable. conferences, -�%---ouris,
and other undercover activities throughout the world.
Comment: None.
For -1,-ttance., I,ACCone was shocked to learn in Europe that tbe CIA
Promoted or financed nearly every major international soci.111-3t con-
ference held on the continent daring the past 10 years.
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Mr. Meyer indicated that 1107., Division n-rovided some -
support to in Italy (b)(1)-
Ea is now investigating to determine -whether these ocr-7--.-,-,3s
were arr-,,nge.d as intelligence gathering missions or to promote so-
cialistic movements and groups abroad, as some evidence now indicates.
Comment: Mr. Meyer stated he was not :=owledgE.,=able of this.. _
bfcCorle is allo looking into the advisability of another cuesto�able
CIA activity. This is the unniablishe.d practice of giving 1-47-ge fees to U. S.
law firms and foundations for m2g intelligence studie.s and furni.31-11-1,:--,
the agency operational "advice," none of which has been of visible help in
improving the CIA. In one case, law firm was paid more an
in "consultant fees". with no evidence of -oositive reslilts.
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Naw, �� mr-
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-Neyer;,-- -who handles these unvouchered funds; is orP a the real
mys4-t..nry men In government. His 112:1"fri has never been listed in a
-government directory rAnce he joined the agency early in the
only a lvkndful pa:1'3021S ow 01 Meyer or his position and none of
. -these aiscuss it. L:. _
Comment None.
. Before, Joining the CIA, Mayer was natIonal president of the 'United
World :Federalists and a vocal advocate of world government. Els father
-was a Departraent official nrai uncle 127-a-5 president of the Cord
Meyer rev-elc3?ment Co. in Forest Ellis,L.I. Ea is a friend of Will.
Eun.e.y. der_nity to Assistant 1-,lanse. Secr-etary Paul Nitze. 1Leyer,
tunu sucr t.a a r,oL:7 of
sutpiying U.S. -7-kilitlry and economic aid to Yugoslav4.ial 3 100-1'f71121113t
dicthlor Tito.
Comment: Mr. Meyer stated that he knows.:Mr. Bundy and Mr.
- Nitze' cm a personal tLe. Ee noted,- however, th2.1th
never had anyfnirg to do with Yugoslavia nor had he
vorked with Bundy or Nitze in this regard.
McCone also is lighting another time bomb within the CIA.
Comment! None.
Ha 13 making a first-hand survey of the agency's estitas division,
which is headed by Sherman .'L".ent.
CornTnent: Mr. Chester L. Cocmer, Decuiry Assistant Director 29r
National Estimates, advised that this eatsment
true.. i. Cooper noted that Mr. licCone bs
an interest in the "" and that hia co7r.meni..s
them have been quite favorable.
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- 1 TNI.9
-9,..k.13.A.GRA'011 ELEVEN:
The new CIA ert--ector is looking- over these re.orts to determl-e
their accuracy and the inatact that these 312H,on2.1 inte1J1.genceati tes
'rave on U. S. loreiontolicy-- especially, U.S.-Sovie.t rein:dons-
_ -
Comment: Mr. Coo-13er stated thr..a he was not a:Lo-T;wiedf.s-P-i_Ille GI any
reference to the accuracy of the ;NM, 's rag.c.1 by the DCL
lkiready, the une=ected move by AcCone has touched off a series
of secret huddles between CIA and members of the St-ate, i-art--
ment policy rillrming &nil. These cdficials, who work together in cl-rai+-4-s--
posiUon -c-1..._pers, are concerned rbll. they will lose control over the "esti-
mates" on which their policy is being based if McCone decides to s1-1-1.-up
the division. ----
Com-I-rent: Mr. Cooper advised that be was not aware of any secret
2e21.11-73 by the Board of Natenal Esti..:2-?..tes nor of any
intlicad.on that conbol of the esti rn-ttes would be removed
from the Board.
...A.R.A.C.17, A-cm
:-1 this should happen, the stne would be -set for a complete resthdy _
of. U. S. policies toward the Soviet-Chinese Cornrnual2t bloc and why these
- policies have failed to stem the tide of internat.-ion-it cornrrunim..
Comment: .19 one .
r �
� 1
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6 November 1961
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Security Research St-off
Robert S. Allen
Paul Scott
News Colu---rni
1. _Colonel Gro,pri advised tt. Robert Allen at the present
time is occupied on some other business and it appears that Paul
,Scott is doing the news colurrm. This is izi_-LspeciEic reference to
the one that was picked up in a arrn-0-ier of newspapers on 2.5
October 1961 entitled. "A Block-Busting Scanell in the Making
(CIA-). The source of this irrformation is John McCormack,
House of Representatives methoel---i-F6-17
7 71-1 IN" q.1 Re25ziaIII portd. o_have picked u.p
i _on._that.
3. Aboutthe same dnte, 25 October there was a news
item in one of the Robert Allen-Paul Scott columns concerning the
estimate on which military aid was made available to Yugoslavia,
particularly, the sen.rliug of planes to Yugoslavia.; It was stated that
Bill Blincly had. authored the esamate. on. which this proposal was
based. This matter was checked and. it was found that Brrre cly did
not author this estirwte, although, he was present at times when
the estirnate was discussed.
I - Ads e.
1 - OS File (Robert S. Allen)
1 - OS File (Paul Scott)
1 - Gh.rono
AD/OS:RLB (6 Nov 61)
Acting Director of Security
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Nwe veer
1-1_7_71.10a17.1).CM ...FOR 7= RECORD
SUBJECT: Articles by P.aul Scott and Robert Allen
1. In reference to the recent articles attacking Cord Meyer
in the Paul Scott Column, Cord Meyer related the following. Cbles
Bartlett of the ChattProoga Times is a Personal friend of Cord Meyer.
Pa7.tlett t.allred to Paul Scott and Scott indicated that his source
was internal in CIA. (When Col. Grogan talked to Bartlett, it apmeared
that Bartlett was under the impression that the source might be witbir
CIA, which was not nearly as positive as the reaction feceived Cord
2. It is further stated that the iraividunl feels thPt the
Agency is being imp.cuperly operated, and that same of its activities
are darge-,-ous to the country. Scott informed Bartlett that he has
raterial for three new colr�is as follows:
(1) mbnt the Agency contributed money to a
(2) That Cord Meyer's operation financed the
trip of Owen Tp.tti7ore to Outer Mongolia.
(3) That there are twelve Communist within:CIA.
3. 71/hen Grogan tellred to Bartlett, he suggested that Scott come
to see Grogan irlei/or Mr. NcC*La, and make known the identities of
the alleged twelve Communist in CIA, Grogan doubts that this will
occur. Further, when Bartlett tal%Pd to Paul Scott regarding the re-
cent article on Cord Meyer, he shoved Scott the copy of the articlet,S),
repeating Scott's information to Etroce where they Play on the.
financing of. the SociPlist movements. Bartlett endeavored to convey.
that Scott was doing disservice to this Government prerl the Intelligence_
Reportedly this shook Scott up a bit.
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Nor -
4. Groan has a nuober of letters addressed to Nr. t!eCame
from the West Coast indicatinE that they are acceetir-r the Scott
articles as the truth and are reacting to the effect that 1L-.
YeCcne is u-o the ks'ency. The Lacact of the p-tiele-s is
that they represent a true state of affairs.
R. ___nnerman
Deputy Director of Security'
r' 4
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� I � NW
2.9 December 1961
SUBJECT: Article by Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott
1. There is attached a ther.wofa-x of the 29 November 1961
article by Robert S. Allen and. Paul Scott entitled "New Chief of CIA.
Cracks Down on UnvOuchered $S". It should be noted that there are
handwritten comments beside the different paragraphs in this article
which were made by Mr. McCone indicating his knowledge or state-
ments concerning these items.
2. Of significance herein are the statements or reactions
of Mr. McCone to programs, factors, etc. occurring within the
Agency. In some instances Mr. .McCene has made statements which_
are reflected in. sabsta.ace in the article. la other a grapha thro
_a re_sts. tem t wh.i.c.h._Mr......J\-1c..ce.P..e. labeled. complete:1.y wrong or.
erroneous. In other instances Mr. McCone indicates that he had no
knowledge of the matter and obviously could not have a reaction_
3. In paragraph (1) Mr. McCone has cautiously expressed
an opinion which might be construed as the substance for this paragraph.
4. Paragraph (2) is labeled as completely wrong_
5. Paragraph (3) "expressed surprise at support of some
items but not conferences - 12. to 15 persons heard my (?) musings".
Colonel Grogan will confer with Mr. McCone u.pon..his return from the
West Coast in. an effort to obtain the identity of the 12 to 15 persons.
6. Paragraphs (4) s-nd (5) are labeled erroneous.
7. Paragraphs (6), (7), and. (8) labeled all new�no prior
IL, a
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8. PAIS:graphs (9), (10), (11), (12), ticl (13) entitled
"Another Time Bomb Lighted".
� 9. From the comments noted by Mr. .,1cCone it would appear
that there is some substance to these paragraphs as set forth in. the
Allen-Scott column. �
10. In considering the above and. the substance of previous
articles by Scott and Allen it would appear that a source 1.1..s been.
developed. by Scott (who is actually writing these columns) which
source has current and past knowledge of internal CL. events and
activities. Some of the items appearing in these columns clearly
show a. knowledge of detailed facts not generally known. This would
indicate quite possibly that Scott has a current source within CIA.
Apropos of paragraphs (6), (7), and (8) above, which Mr. McCone
indicated no knowledge of, it might be that the source, playing a cleaver
gPrrie� is endeavoring to bring to Mr. McCone's and public attention
these- facts or statements through the medium of this column with th.z..-
possible belief or supposition that some form of inquiry into these
matters would be made by Mr. McCon.e.
.Thp ahcor..- shou...14-be_-considered-in light of all previous
Scout articles referring to the Agency.
R. L. Bannerman
Deputy Director of Security
r: ^
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. +fti *gni
OJNDUM FOR: Director of Central Intellic
SUBJECT . �: Scott-Alien _Allegations About Peter Sichel
1. This rmemazanaum �for inio=ation only. �
- -
Z. It Wa3 originally alleged by Scot: and Allen that they ha4
...11-nish.ed. to the FBI the 71,-celes of eight alleged Carn_znunista
. _
CIA.. We cors.rted the FBI and they stated that they d no
record of any such lista. The 731 was then requested to
contact Scott and Allen and to obtai-t the ''es of the eight
alleged persons and th.e.bazia for the allegations.
3. Scott and Allen were contacted and stated that alter having
contacted their original source they had decided to give one
77171--Tae, that of Pe.ter Sichel, and to wait and see what happ.=ned-
4,, As a matter of information. Peter Sichel is no longer an
.- �
employee of this Agency having 22 January 1960 to
enter his family basimess in New York. Sichel was the subject
of an Employment Review Board hearing in 19.56 w. hich convened
at the request of the DCI. Ar. Dulles, to consider a nurn-ber
of allegations .via ich had been made a-3�41.17 t hi,ri several of- which_
atz.-..r-vr-ieti :from r.,.ersons in the Array,: Chronologically,
first issue that arose in ir. Sichel 's case was that made by
a former OSS employee in Berlin, who 'hatl
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alleged t ...M..:-.1411Ptiche1 had refused to forwa7,..... Fi'eadquirter-sin
- _
aSS cartutrt intelligence. reports prepared by on
the Ras =vs: alleged tlr-It Mr. Sichel thought such -.;:eo-O.T.t.3 were
. �
be-d; whereas concluded that Mr.. Sichel was
- -
pro-Russian because he ad to forward auch. retorts.
- . �
gatitxn failed. to establish in ccEnnection with this allega.V.on
. ,.,._- � .
basis for questioning the pariollua.nce of dr,ties of Mr. Sichel.
� -
Another elempnt considered by the Board was the fact of ichel
and his wile's farriiyis aszocia.tion with Otto John, the fo....a.Ler
head of the P.,erraan BTV who defected to the Russians and
subsequently returned to Ge.:.rnaany. Invesgation .falled to
"ctiVeloo ,there was an-,p,--("0-cher--t-z-f---1--ca cast7s1 acquivtc
.... �
with Otto John and failed to develop that there was any signilicance
in this assoCiation. Mr. Sichel had, in addition, incurred the
. animosity, if not the outrigt hatred, of some ol his Army
intelligence co-workers assig-ned
and testimony w-as beard from some of them by the -7-no1oyneent
Review. Board setting forth their views on the 711er in which he
conducted .Agency business while in Berlin.. Mr. Sichel,
addition, was a =ember of a family wine concern which had
extensive dealings and holdings iu Germany. This and other factors
enumerated above were considered by the Employment
Board. It was the reccv-nmendation of the Board and the decision
of the DC.1 that Mr. Sichel be retained after all te3tin--ony v.ra3 heard.
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5. At the ii"16 the Task .1.orce� on Intelli.gence 7711212.7-3.Uz.'.3 under
General Mark Clark- were conducting their inquiries in 1955 the
nat...-ne of Ur. Siche.1 was reported to them, presumably by some on
in the intelligence conamunity.- They, in turn, rec.:nested an
jation by the 731 even though no allegations had been rrtdag-Iinst
A foll field :FBI investiga.tic,�-s. was conductz.-4-1 treat
which was considered by the. Employment :Review Board at the tirr.e
a 313 hearings-
of the persons
Task Yorce.
General Arthur Trade= 13 said to, been one
bringing lir. SicLe, l's r,--rte to the attention .45E the
- 7 -
6.. Investigation is being conct.-..,-d to determine the possible
et4 of the...alleg--24,tions to Alien and Scott re:gar-H-71g Mr7.
- is apparent from the ab-ove, he has a number of enemies in -'
the intelligence cor-v-ltanity.
. She Edwas
Director of Security
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26 February 1962
SUBJECT: Paul Scott
1.' I h?d requested of Mr. Papich, FBI Liaison Officer,
that the FBI contact Paul Scott to obtain from him the identity
of his- informant or the names of the persons alleged to be
Communists within the CIA. Mr. Papich, on. 12 February 1962
advised that the Bureau will contact Paul Scott in this regard.
2. As background for the above, it was reported that
Paul Scott had the T'Prnes of 12 persons in CIA who are reported
to be Communists. Colonel Grogan contacted Paul Scott and
asked him for the identity of the twelve persons. Scott advised
that he had the names of eight such nez_sons.not twelve and that
he could not release these un1 he checked with his infer:ma:it.
r.ater, Colonel Grogan called Scott again and Scott advised that
his informant did not approve the release of the names or even
one -name in that he distrusted CIA. Scott advised that his. in-
formant ha 43 made imovrn these names to both the FBI and the
HCU.A.. A check of both the FBI nrld the HCU..A. failed to reveal
that any person. had come forward with in-Formation perta.ii-,4-vg-
to eight Cornmunists within CIA. In light of the negative
findings, I made" an. official request of the FBI to interview
Paul Scott to obtain these names.
R. .1e-E-rnan-
Deputy Director of Security
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� The following allegations have either appeared in print or have
been made verbally by SCOTT and 47%17,7 about the Agency:
1. SCOTT. told Colonel GROGAN Pnd Charles BA21.= tHat be had been
told there were eight to twelve Ccrnists in the Af:,;eccv. When rter-
viewed by Colonel GROGAN, SCOTT sain He ilqd no "release: from his
yrnt but would ask: his most "creditable source" to furaish one name so
it could. be given ta Colonel GaoGAa and would see -what action CIA would
This allegation smacks of James 7-71-.TTS old a3 legation that there
were twelve or thirteen Commilnists in CIA, none of which P 1 egations
stood up v71der investigation. A copy of T-d-T,LTS.' old P ] legation is
attached as Attachment A.
2. SCOTT' P 1 leged to GROGAN that CLA. tried to. influence the outco-74-e
of a Cor7ressional election. This again sounds 1ie James KT%JITS,
3. SCOTT and ALT17 have re9e-?-rea in their colu-in to "Case 7o. 1 as
all eqedI v...7.ipv-olv-Tm7 a CIA a,27,--,t now in London beitc,-, treated, wto
to be- cr-in fron fatie and. a bad case (�)-" nerves.. One U tf). -,,c
Su.spects Mn .of being a- double agent or under the influence of Ca=mutist
He is "0-11,--T-r,c- all efforts of U. S. offers to return .hi7 on
the grounds he is too sick to travel." This sounds like Lyle /a)S011's
often repeated theme that Nr. Frnn1;- -0155.1aH is a double agent or under the
-Ininuence of Cammunist b1 . A confidential source has advised that
Lyle. NITMACI has been In extensive contact with Senator Strom. 'IHH�,1.011.1
regarding the WAT'ci Case and. has tried to -Promote the idea that the
Overseas Weekly, Which first surfaced the WALKER Case1 was a CIA cover
company. . Another confidential source advised that Lyle NW'ISON� when be
contacts Senator '1:hUti.Y.ON-DTs office, contacts j. Fred BU77kB1)T. Th-c.s
same source states that .1,1UNSON was believed to have been resmonsible for -
placing Gunther HARTELL as an emoloyee in Senator Strom rilaitiONDIs. office.
HARTELL, according to the story, was formerly employed by U. Sy Intelligence
in Ger-marly. He formerly worked far- Army G-2 Headquarters on Brainwashing
It see'ris likely to the writer that MUNSON would unload his other
grievances against the Agency on Senator T=OND including his grievance
about Frank T,iISNER and. that this may be a channel by which SCOTT has
received this information. SCOTTS column on tigis llegation made the
further statement that 'also the Justice Department is investigating the
case of CIA agent No. 1 after it was brought to their attention by sources
other than the CIA." It has previously been reported that iariS0i7 is
very close to Lou ITIGEOLS and to certain FBI representatives in Ne7,r York
Ctv, and that in Dece-'ner 1958, FBI representatives visited Lyle 2.1UNSO4
in New.York City and told him that they were investigating T4ISIEER and
his mental condition. "-
2 t' - IT 1 -4 1
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4. sca'TT and ALT777 in their October 2="). 1P61 colnr-ri state
A-,-r.nt NO. 2 - this covert operative who had he] osiiint On 5
CIA who 5s believed to be 'InVol-,:red in. a ra.idr bast=2
W-fe is to have deposited more than one ril.14ou dollars ir tersonal
fures in a Swiss ban., -where the CIA and tte Soviets are known to keen
huge d-Posits for tteir covert and intefcligerce op-rations. 'T"r'e wt-re-
abents of this no who is refus5--, to return is known to tne....O7AL
Tnvestigation is sti 11
referred to.
conton-ti to. establish the identity of the person
5. SCOTT claims that one of the foundations which financed Oven
LATORE's trip to Outer Moaolia received contributions fron CIA.
The 0-iren LAT,111,D RE case and his connection with T_PR is an old. them- of
Robert itinERIS who held extensive hearing on that case in the Senate
Internal Security Co7mittee In the rid 1950 s.
LATTIMORZ visited Outer Mongolia and returned to the United States
on October 2, 1961 after six weeks stay, retus.v4rg via Europe. He went
under the ausPices of the -C�i1 Foundation for Anthronol ogi cal
Research in. New. Iber City arri under the auspices of the American Pi-oil
ical Society; 7...wt.z.1.7c4=- of which ziaRtrfinanced by
The State Department reportedly had under study the recognition of
Outer .monci-oria wa-.s v&leTrently
the recognition of Outer Mongolia, and reportedly forced a State Depart-
ment position opposing its recognition.
6. Representative Bruce ALTER. (R.) of Texas was (mated by the
Associated., Press as say-in 'limes of cc=nication for the OIA are heavily
infiltrated 177. the Co-:.unista." SCOTT, when ou.estioned by GROGAN., said
Afli was refe.L.Ling to NSA.
Bruce ALCIF, the representative from Dalls, is a member of extre-e
right wing circles and is believed to be known to Robert MORRIS who is
President of the Dallas University. It is a possibility that MOP.= may
be the source of this allegation.
7. Accorddro' to Mt and SCOTTts the DCI McCONE is
a first hand survey of the Agency Estimates Division headed by
K7HT, 1ookin.z over their retorts to determine their accuracy and impact
on U. S. forei,,,:i policy, esteciPllv U. S. - Soviet relations. This has
touched off secret netima.s between CIA officials and members of the State
Danartment Policy '27 'Inr'irq, Staff. These officials are concerned that. they
will lose control of est5mates on which nolicy is being based if McCONE -
decides to check up on these divitOns. If this should hatoen the stae
would be set for a coritlete re-study of U. S. policy toward the Sovi-t -
Chinese Oarrunist Bloc and why these cos have failed to strengthen
the tide of international Oc7runiam.'
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- �
I= .4.-1 1 7
New' 'was,
It is worth noting that the State Department Policy PlanaLng Staff,
when it was headed by Robert BOWIE. in 1956, was a favorite target of
1,0R3T5 because of DOWIErs assopiation with Owen �L=LRE. In
AWIN 's columri of November 6, 1961 stated that the :fationpl Secur4ty
Council policy of U. S. aid to Yugoslavia was written by Robert E0-,47-1 and
that*aPproval of that National Security Council order of July 3, 1956
was predicated on a CIA report Prepared by Robert il_ORT and Sher---r
The U. S. aid to YUgoslavia is currently a to target
rig.lit wing and particularly those Texas elements who are opposed to
Yugoslav jet pilot training at an air base in Paris, Texas. As a result
of these Protests, further pilot trPirip3 was terminai-ed in.mid-Decer
1961 at the request of a Yugoslav Defense Ministry official.
of the
In addition, it is worth noting that Rdber Aypar has been a favorite
target of the extreme right wing who have Quoted 1.-11-7 as say-T-10- in the
past that Red China should be recognized and seated in the U. N. A copy-
of AMEN and SCOTT's article is attadhed at Attachment B.
8. SCOTT and ALLEN -In their colirmrs have stated that Cond7=ER is
in charge of unvouchered funds in CIA and had szent over four:*-4:fl,,:,-,
dollars in the past year; that Yr. ..1c.CONE was (listurbea at Cord ?A-77-2-J.
funsiici; Socialist conferences in Europe; ana =ER's bacgTound as set
forth in the co1u7-r .:he fact that he was formerly head of the
United World Federalists. 1-7-71
It may or maye,not that Cord MEYER 171 1954- fur shed a
loyalty affidavit Jessie McK2i1 -Lai!, a State Department official then.
under investigation. T,Ts,KTIlauT at that period was a target of investigation
by Robert =am who, at the time, was Executive Director of the Senate
Internal Security Committee.
It Is s3 so noteworthy that WI 'rs name and his connection with United
World PederPlists and Ca have Peared in Facts Forum, a. text published
and put out by H. L. HuAir, Texas oil rPn, and Bl,Lir y both
active in rig)lt wing circles. u
9. scoTT alleged that "some of the CIA estirntes on East Ge-miany
were Poor ones Particularly in view of what has happened in East Germany.
Further investigation will be required on this allegation.
_10. SCOT2 said that he had read the executive session testimony of
General Bede3.1 Si'ITH in which SEER, accordinz, to SCOTT, claimed that
CIA had been penetrated.
What SCOTT was referring to was General SMITH's testimony-of October 13,
1952 before the'EGUA in which he stated that the Agency must assume that
it is penetrated and worl_c from that premise, and. second that there had been
es,���r�.4�..,,,,,Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962
� , Aggh
t...� I I� 1
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some agent type operation overseas Which hae been found to be Soviet
intelligence controlled. These are the statements which General E,LLIzt
made In the.oPen session. It is not -mown.whether testimony was gi.v-n
in elre-cutilire session, but it seams Quite clear from the open session
testdmony that executive session testimony, if aay, would not have beyond that that just described.
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z , �
.�.s, .
"..� �1? 1 DATE
TO: �.- : � ; i �:','�. t.-.1�.
.---- �---....:-� Mri B'atirzerrn.
1 M NO..-L:�__ . _., :WILDING':
" .
�Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962
Rr.pLAcsr., FORA :15-3 GPO I 1.57--0-AMt44 5
� Nil
Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962rnrm=77-77:
-Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962:
� Nage
.Astarisk *= Provided information used by SAN and ADAM
Committee and Staff Listing'
based on the Cony-. essional Sta.ff
Directory 1962 pending acqu:isition
of new directories.
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Wr �
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NNW. �.."4
� Alice WIDENEst,*� columnist and publisher of-USA.IMagasine
Edward J. Nichelsons correspondent, Pittsfield, Mass., Berkshire Evening
Earl NAZO, correspondent New York Herald Tribune
John HENSHA1 correspondent, New York National Enquirer (S11,1 feeds hill stories
which HINSHAW prints in New 'York.; in return H7)alv4 does leg-work for
George DIXON, 'writer, King Features Syndicate (SANE feeds him stories)
Robert Y. CRATERI. correspondent,
John GOL,..,31.31ZI, United Press
CincinnAti Post and Times Star
WillardEDUARE&*� Chicago Tribune Syndicate.
Don LARABMI' correspondent for nnrpmed. publication
Sam SHAaTER; Newsweek
also Scripps-Haw:
Esther COOPEZSMITHI correspondent, Hall Syndicate
* �
Clark MOLLENHOLF, correspondent Cowles Publications and DesMoines Register
Phillip POTTER: Baltimore Sun
Frank EBaRDS Indiana newsman and newscaster
Joe NEIL, promotion department, .Hal) Syndicate
UnnAmPd newsman%ho covers the State Department for the Washington Evening-. Stat.
or4cs NV1/4.0 wyr\ CP1m fkk-t-Tlva
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' *11110 Nue
CApproved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353r62'
Mproved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962�)
Senator R. Vance HXRTKE* (D) Indiana
District of Columbia Committee
Judiciary, Chairman
Public Health, Education, Welfare and Safety
Surface Trnnsmortation
Senator Wayne HORSE* (D) Oregon
District of Columbia Committee
Public Health, Education, Welfare and Safety, Chairr12r1
Business and Commerce
Metropolitan Area problems
Foreign Relations
State Decartment Organization and Public Affairs
Canadian Affairs
Economic and Social Policy
American Republics Affairs, Chairman
Labor and Public 'Welfare
Railroad Retirement
Javenille Delinquency
Education, Chnirman
Select Committee on Small Business
Financing, Chairman
Retailing) Distribution and Fair Trade Practices
Special Committee on Aging
Senator Strom THURMOD*(D) South Carolina
Armed Services
Nation) Stockpile and Naval Petroleum Reserves
Article 7 of NATO Status of Fortes Treaty.
Conflict of Interest
Auto Marketing Practices
Textile Industry .
Senator Hubert H. HUMEME7 (D) Einnesota
Agriculture and Related Agencies
District of Columbia
Department of Labor, Health Education and Welfare
Foreign Relations
Disarmament, CbAirman
Near East and South Asian
Internationsi Organizations
Europ,,an Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962
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Senator HU=E1 (continued)
Government Operations
Reorganization and International Organizations, Chairman
National Policy Machinery
Select Committee on Small Business
Retailing, Distribution and Marketing, Chair-an
Senator YIngaret Chase SMITH* (R) YAinte
Aeronautical and Space Sciences
Deficiencies and Supplemental
Independent Offices
Labor and 'Health, Education and Welfare, and related agencies
Public Works
Atomic Energy and TVA
State, Justice and Judiciary and related agencies
Armed Services
Conflict of Interest
Senator Clinton P. ANDERSON* (D) New Mexico
Aeronautical and Space Sciences
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
Interior and Insular Affairs, Cnairman
Indian Affairs
Irrigation and Reclamation, Chairman
Public Lands
Senator Karl E4 MUNDT*(R) South Dakota
� Agriculture and Forestry
Agricultural Credit and Rural Electrification
Agricultural Production, Marketing and Stabalization of Prices
� Agriculture and Related Agencies
Interior and Related Agencies
Public Works
Atomic Energy and rm.
Bureau of Reclamation and Interior Power Marketing Agencies
Departments of State and Justice and the Judiciary and related agennit
Government Operations
Permanent Subcommittee on innestigations
Reorganization and Internabional Organizations
National Policy Machinery
*Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962;,,,
_ _
Igtr) Mr)
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Senator J. William FULBRIGHT::: (D) Arkansas
Foreign Relations Chairman
Finpnee . �
Joint Economic Committee
Economic Statistics
Foreign Economic Policy
Senator Dpriel K. MOVIE (D) Hawaii ("is with us")
Senator Warren G. MAGNDSON* (D) Washington
Deficiencies and Supplementals
Independent Offices; Chairrpn
Labor and Health, E�ctunatinn and Welfare
Bureau of Reclamationand Interior Power Marketing
State, Justice and the Judiciary
Aeronautical and Space Sciences
Coz-uerce� Chairman
l'ex' Marine and Fisheries, Chairman
Freight Car Shortage, Chairman
Sento.r. E.L. BARTLETT* (D) Alaska
Armed SecvIces
Preparedness Investigating
Merchant Marine and Fisheries
Select Committee on Small Busiress
Relations of Business with Govellaxent
Senator Henry M. JACKSON* (D) Washington
knned Ser-iices
Conflict of Interest, Chairman
Government Operations
National Policy Machinery, Chairman
Interior and Insular Affairs
Irrigation and Reclamation
Territories and Insular Aff.airs, Chairman
Joint Committee on Atoridc Energy
Military Applications, Chairman
Commnnity Facilities
Special Sub -committee on Radiation
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4g) -
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� %we
Senator Ernest GRUENING:1- (D) Alaska
-Government Operation's
Reorganization and International Organizations
Interior and Insular Affairs
Indian Affairs .
Public Lands
Territories and Insular Affairs
Public Works
Public Roads' .
Public Buildings and Grounds
Senator Jacob K. JAVITS* (R) New York
.Biking and Currency
International Finance
Labor and Public Welfare
Nigrator7 Labor
Gove.c.ument Operations
Reorganization and International Organizations
Select Committee on Srall Business
Relations of Business with Government
Joint Economic Committee
Defense Procurement
Economic Statistics
Foreign Economic Policy
Special Committee on Aging
Senator John G. TOWER* (R) Texas
Banking and Circrenpy .
Small Business
Labor .and Public Welfare
Railroad Retirement
Migratory Labor
�.,,Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO23539627,
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Nei/ *ft,
Rep. John W NeCORRIOE* :(D) IlassaChusetts (SAM is very close; was public re-
Speaker of the House lotions aide in Edward 2OCCRYACK
Rep. Wilbur D. YT1,L9* (D) Arkansas
Committee on.Ways and Means, Cb,rirman
Joint CoxmIttee on Internal Revenue
Taxation, Vice Chairman
Joint Committee on ReenPtion of Non-essential Expenditures
Rep. Omar BUHLgSON (D) Texas
Committee on House Administration, Chairman
Committee on Foreign Affairs
National Security and Scientific Developments Affecting Foreisr Policy, Cha_
Inter-American Affairs
International Organizations and Movements
Special Sub-committee on Reviewing tl,^ Mutual Security Program
Joint Committee on the Library, Chairman
.JciatC_ mn P7-5 ning Vi ca., _Chairman _ _
Rep. John E. FCGCARTY* (D) Rhoda Island
Committee on Appropriations
� Labor,Health, Education and Welfare and related agencies, Chairman
Public Works
Rep. Wright PATMANg-(D) Texas
Committee on Banking and Currency
Sub-committee No. 21 Chairman
Select Committee on Small Business, Chairman
Joint Committee on Defense Procurement, Vice Chairman
Joint Economic Committee, Chairman
Defense Procurement
Automation and ,ergy'Resoai.-ces, Chairman
John J. ROONEY* (D) New York
Committee on Anoropriations
Spacial Labor
State, Justice, Judiciary, Chairman
Rep. Daniel J. FLOOD* (D) Per:as:71yard a.
Committee on Apo7.opriations
Colithierce and related agencies
Rep, Paul G. RCGERS .(D) Florida
Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Health and Safety
R.agulatory Agencies
1-3 3-)
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14015 Amp,
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Rep. John D. DINGELL (D) Michigan
Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Commerce and Finance
Co=littee on -ZerCaant Marine and Fisheries
Fisheries and Conservation
Cc eanograpny
Rep. Francis WALTER* (D) Pannsylvlri a
Co,Llaittee on Un-American Activities, Chairman
Committee on the Judiciary
T-Imigration and Nationality, Chairman
Aeministrative Procedures
Joint Committee on immigration and Nationnlity
Rep. Michael A. Feighan (D) Ohio
Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee No. 1
Joint Committee on Immigration land Naturalization
Nationality Policy
C- Z*74 5 t(-0)
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�riwe, L.)
Administrative Asst. to Sen. B. Everett Jorde,1 -
Administrative Asst. to Sen. Hike Mansfield, Majority Leader
11 Towers raeXt11*(see 11\ILMOINS)
"ED", friend of SAM on the Armmd Services Committee see UNKNOWNS)
clerk, Special Sub-coeunitee on Regulatory Aecencies, Hobeze (b)(6)
� Committee-on Interstate and Foreial. Cemmerce. - (Hie_ is a 3taff..
member of the Special Government Te?ormation Subcommittee of the House Com-
mittee on CrOV:.t 171.1 nt Operations)
Jr B. NAUteefON*, Counsel, Sub-Committea on IntereGovernmental Relations
House Comittee on Governent Operations
Robert G. BAKee.*� Secretary for the Majority, U.S. Senate
Tony Scott SEIM*, press secretary to Senator Barry Gold,aater
Assistant to San. Hartke
Executive Asst., to Sen. Exegaret Chase Smith
James SUND:TIST� Achinistrative
Asst. to Sen. Joseph S. Clark
Asst. to San. Strom Thurmond
, Legislative
Asst. to Sen. Strom Thwzmonti
HP .c*, of Staff, Serate Cci-4-t n--tta on Fore�gnReatior5
professiorn) Staff Member, Atomic Energy Joint Committee
"Humphrey's aide"* (see UNKNCWNS)
"ARMZLD"*on the Armed Service Committee (see UNKNOWNS)
"Thuleeondls people" * (See BUZHARDT and DENT, above, and UNKNOWN-5)-
"Javits: na:e* (see UNXNNNS)
ftguy in Kostenmeierts office* (see UNI2iCTIS)
"Pat ECNAn2A:e assistant"* (see UNKNOWNS)
(fnu) F.JENEY*1 aide to Rep..MCCormack. He is in Wasbi-tgton on a temeorary basis
�;,i�.?Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962,
Air %IV
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Thomas R.. McENTEG.:13.T, Bureau of Ships., U.S. Navy 0:)
(n--eighbor listed SAM ae a character reference, ,SAM is a.ssisting
In plan to run for layor of District Eleits, Maryland
"Friend of mine in the Pentagon" and other such references.* NOT IDENric,re,D
"1,1y Nd people* NOT rzrruP=D
"Works ritt with them"*(with McGeorge BUNDY., Secretary licNAMIRA� Nr. Nitze)
(See UNKI(7NS)
Keating-3 source is Navy Intelligence, very much the same source as ,SAM and
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� Lobbyists:
Oscar CHAPNAN*�. of Chaptian, Wolfsohn and �Friedman.- -Former Secty. of Interior .
Michael DEANE*� Preaidant, American Finance Conference, Inc.
Economist, Dept. of Commerce (personal friend of SAH)
Carl L. SHIPLEY*, Chairnan, Republican State Connittee for the District of Col.
General Arthur TRUDEAU* Cr-os,-D
Edward .HUNTER* (former employee of CIA) . 6-7)31D
��Clayton FRITCHIE Democratic Digest?)(Form2r owner with George BALL of the
NorthernVirTinia Sun)
Former Rep. James PATTERSON*
Charles AS IAD*, attorney' for Miami fishing interests and some Cuban exile groups
employee, Democratic National Committee
Former AMbassador Robert Mr,*
Col. John BOOCEARSKY� Walter Reed Yedical Center (ADXHIS doctor)
Donald SALTZ1 Republican .Natiora3 Committee
George E. REEDY*, assistant to Vice President Johnson
1 Day...-.TAILM, aide to Vice Prti s i dent johnson
Joe .7...-EiaN*, Machinists and Electricians Union official 50511, .1;
Father (mu) priest who attent.,:d Consumers League Convention., Mar 21, 22, 2:1(b)(6)
Langdon :,1ARVIN� Folrilier Capitol Hill aide � no employment now
FE-r.,Di',1r.P$.�, Commissioner, Communications Satellite Commission
yer "Nike" F,77TIMAN, an Information officer,
A 1 r, Met in spz.q0,-,
1:,..,,partment of Justice
n 'k\;j1(_9"-P'.C--he
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� ,�
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Neighbor* who worked on Thresher. "up there" He will check with the Navy
ResearCh Laboratory for SAM for any information SAM can use. Later pro-
vided SAN with information on the Thresher. Tentative identification is
Thomas R. McENTEGART, Bureau of Ships, U.S. N.0.-vy
Friend of ADAM and SAN on the House Un-merican Activities Committee* Becauee
DNA has 52 listed members no identification Has been made. SAM and ADAM
also deal with Rep. Francis Walter, Chairman of the Committee
Ed, friend of SAM who has contacts with the Cubans, called Miami for SAN, would
talk to CARDCNA for SAM (Possibly Ed Michelson, newspaperman, however see
next item)
Friend of SAM's on Armed Servidee Committee who has contacts with the Cuban
exiles* . (Based on use of "Ed" in item above, tentative identificatLon is
professional Staff Member, Senate Committee on Arme(b)(6)
"Humphxey's aide"*- Aides to Senator Humphrey identified as
nowerts man"*- Staff of Senator Tower includes these Professionals:
Tentative identification as Chief
to the Minorit3 Senate Permanent Sub-Committee on investigattons,
on Government Operations
"ThmxmondAs peoplen* See congressiora:1
Other professionals are
staff references to
"Mrs. BEEHAN" contact of
Not Identified
"Len. NARKS"* one Leonard MARKS is a partner of the firm Cohn and Marks, not
'Tentative identification is
Cormittee\son Foreitn. Relations
Chief of Staff, Senate (b)(6)
orgPrOzing testimonial dinner for San. HARM,
- Not identified
Llo.t.:4....:4L........=LIL-lox.p.ja_.=_Ii.ot..12-nt 4 n'14
on Armed Services Committee* - No such member on Committee staff, h0(b)(6)3
is a press assistant to Senator Clifford P. CASE, a member o(b)(6)
SAM's source in the Justice Department; Tentative identification 1(b)(6) -
Deputy U.S. Attorney General (unconfirmed) (b)(6)
"Dill" in some way associated with Supreme Court - Not Identified
e."14,1 o ,
D'eps). ,IlAyP,sik,)o
Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO23539,9_2,,,:,,,,,,,,,,�,,r,��.�
Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962)
- re Cal-70'ornia political develooments. Not Idnntified
- re tax hearings. Tentative identification is
counael for the House Ways and Means Committee
- does research at Library .of Congress for SAM . Not identified
"Alex"- Polish fellow uho translates for am at tha Library of Congress, possibly
-the same as "Er." above. Not identified (Subsequently determined to .
be ='ssociated..with (b)(6)
it-u*IA'1* Professionals in the offi (b)(6)ce of Senator davits art
"Natty" MATTHEW? - re TFX data. Not identified
"gur in Kastenmierts office"*- -Cr117 -professional members of staff of Rep. Robert
W. Kasten:n:1er are (b)(6)
"Pat ECNamarals assistant"*- Professional aides to Seaator Pat McNamara are:
nloathe-e� Hodge 's a2sistant6*- Not identified
Friends in Pentagon, my Navy people, etc.* - Not identified.
"Works right vith them"*(McNamara Nitzel Bundy) - Not identified
Keatings source is Naval Intelligence, very much the sam source as SAM and
ADW Net identified
E!np1oyei of ATri*... Friend of SAM 'who returned from trip country-by-country in
Latin America on 18 April. Has an Inspector General Function. -
2immociacildi2prax Subsequently identified as Thomas A. Kennedy, Director,
Management Inspection Staff, AID
Individual sith access to CIA estimates and documents - Not identified
tr -
T''' r':17-1 Del-mtllel af:Ctol 7-2,0'14,--. 7a.'l C.7,nn".., -i-?_ni.:.4,-1- d-.J.: (1-'
rarticular oolunn statin- Robt 7ornedY to curer central r
,)arty (28 Feb 1963)
. - -
In c21-1 Curl Lone to Ad...., 7"rin LIT"' rn 'falter Reed 1ocrpit,1
aporox 8 7*P's aT.o 1.,-,-0,An na-rolI sect4on. A.,4am c7a73 3neeCh to his
crch ---,-1-1 -1:,d now wished a .ne-oeat. 21 T. r 1-(?, 71-ncla-r) 1.:7,am
bu-4,, --,-th A.S.7.Z. .,,-IF: tr'---: 23 :1.-,-1 ,-,,=TIti---,.e. 2-,-.t.el
no due to 7unda-r hs only day of '-.--
r2,4s4r1��:- 7_1-7.?..,- 1-ets 7P7,r t.,1-1 -.1 7,c-�".1-,� �. .. r.---,,, ,
7.en. c�.,r,-t,:.-_,.-7-=!:-.4 1.-.---,-4 4.-1---,r .
Curt (-.:11
,..p-74,-!--, - i-7-1^4,=� +1--
- Ann tc,
stc,-7,7 .9:- rl, t,17,-, c,7 zro .�-� 7^, m gs -L --4�:,
1_:7-....-- :_,..:1, 2..nci i i
Approved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962
, Ader.
pproved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962
20 :v.av
,,,,, --. -,--,-1
it call - Cunr to :7other - -Tot'n4r- Pert.
call - 3-_ln., dvs -other t :Inn ,_ discu-ls -Pi'tinl- - --t Pert.
I ,
1419 90
In "11 - A'il.- "17n P.,TnAair - .,-, 4","^-^ - 7',.,1-, -4411,-. ,-411
=en of the -Jays and ::eans Co=ittee cays the Tax re-
ii w;11 --.. t.-..-n, nr i--1 .7T0-,,.. q.-. '7-,-,,',--m- -
Pres. Kennedy is considnring a Unilateral ban on tests
w.,.., 4-,:, :7.,,te n,,,,7..... f7^-. u.7,.
\ resune if the ?sans resume. There xl_zold be nothing
to 's-'1 tIr.F'er--,n,..-,q tn. --,m,. --=�4-� ,� .0�+"� ,1,�,
. to send a Soecial )zent to 6witzer1and to investigate
tl-, m.,.7.rrz
1 / .
7-t. call - ---..-z- ,I.dtr7 'YO- '7,-11(4= -,_ ,
'' i the Pr- (119,11',,-,..
Tn CP"fl - S2-1 to Ad'-. - l''''1)- '"'-'' LeSt4-,n" - r-^-4,'" -' ''''"-q".--
k Tali: of Eutton and '-11-7-. Liscussed the story of
1-119 c=in,.. to 4:rn . -- AAn-" ^P 11-'.
on that one." -on and Elzmphrey are goinl- to Geneva
next r ith.
Tn c2T - 7,,----T ^-7-,;,.. _ t-orl 141� , ly, -,
f.-)r. 3pT. 9.1, ,11.-- ,-, V.,- '-''. n "L. ,- -4411
Ti_n9 ,-.----r1 -1n.,::. , o----.n. , n
. . . .
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Iden #
Robert S. Allen
Paul J. Scott
Northern Virginia Sun - newspaper
A CIA staff officer
A CIA staff officer
Col. Kehm
Oscar Chapman
Speaker of the House, John McCormack
McCormack Cigar
McCormack's nephew
Col. Grogan
Not used
"New Chief of CIA Cracks Down
on Unvouchered Funds"
Names of Agency employees underscored
r ifYrT__
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Iden # True
21 Long Island Press
22 A senior CIA official
23 Mr. Charles Bartlett of the
Chattanooga Times
24 Not used
25 Godfather for the President's
R. H. Fuchs
General Cabell
Richard Bissell
H. Gates Lloyd
Edward R. Saunders
John Warner
Not used
"A Block-Busting Scandal in the
Making (CIA)"
John McCormack
House of Representatives, Mass.
The National Review
40 Military aid to Yugoslavia,
particularly the sending of
planes to Yugoslavia
Imt Approved for for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962
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Iden # True
41 Bill Bundy
42 "Another Time Bomb Lighted"
43 "Who is Actually Writing These
44 A senior CIA official
Otto John, the former head of
the German BFV
General Arthur Trudeau
Mr. Papich, FBI Liaison Officer
50 William P. Connors, Press Release
File room
Harlan A. Westrell
George Reedy
Presidential Press Secretary
Miss Willie Day Taylor
Another U. S. Government agency
'Press Release Section
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Iden #
Jean Connors
John A. Goldsmith
Publishers - Hall Syndicate
ICI re-% r
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Project MOCKINGBIRD, a telephone tap
in 1963 of the homes and office of
Robert S. Allen and Paul J. Scott,
syndicated news columnists whose
columns appear in the Northern Virginia
Sun newspaper.
According to an undated and unsigned
memorandum (Tab 1) in the Project
MOCKINGBIRD file; routine review of
the daily syndicated column of Scott and
Allen in early 1962 developed indications
that classified information, sometimes
codeword material, was being utilized as
the basis for a percentage of their
columns, and although much of the in-
formation in the columns was garbled,
it was apparent that key points were
frequently direct quotes from classified
reports and summaries of recent vintage.
(While there are no copies of the columns
available in the file, there are memo-
randa referring to some of the articles
in question. These memoranda are attached
as (Tab 2).
(Tab 1) referred to above under Background
indicates that the Director of Security
received a requirement from the DCI in
March 1962 to attempt, through appropriate
investigative activity, to determine if
possible the identities of the source or
sources of the classified information to
the newsmen.
it was
recommended to the IJU.L tflate
monitoring would be productive. According
to the (Tab 1) memorandum, the DCI approved
the telephone monitoring of each of the
newsmen's homes and the office which. they
shared jointly. (Knowledge of the activity,
beyond a limited number of Office of Security
pproved for Release: 2020/01/14 CO2353962
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Niw.v/ Ctr Niirroe
personnel, was limited in the Agency to
the DCI, DDCI and Executive Director-
According to (Tab 1), the Office of
Security had the responsibility for
carrying out the operation. While the
Office of Security, through the Director
of Security, received a requirement from
the DCI to attempt through investigative
activity to determine the identities of
the source or sources of information to
the two newsmen, the Office of Security
recommended to the DCI and received his
approval to conduct telephone monitoring
of the newsmen. There is no indication
in the file relative to reporting arrange-
ments, however, a former Office of Security
employee familiar with the project and
now assigned to another Agency component
advised on 8 January
the project reporting and
was carried out verbally.
1975 that
According to (Tab 1), the operation began
in March 1962 and was discontinued in mid-
June 1962 to coincide with the retirement
of the D/OS. These times are at variance
with logs housed in the Office of the
Chief,. SSD, which indicate that the opera-
tion began on 12 March 1963 and ended on
17 June 1963. As previously indicated,
the telephones of the homes and the joint-
ly shared office of the newsmen were tapped.
There is no indication in the file or logs
as to the location of the listening post
and equipment. Coverage, according to the
logs, was 24 hours a day.
According to (Tab 1), Project MOCKINGBIRD
was extremely productive in developing
sources of data, both classified and un-
classified, to the newsmen. These sources
are listed in (Tab 1) and (Tab 3). It is
not clear from the record whether all of
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Nee joie
these sources were identified through
the telephone tap. A detailed analysis
of the surveillance. logs might, however,
resolve this question. The files con-
tain transcripts of the telephone taps
but there is no indication of any formal
reports, attributable to the transcripts,
,being prepared for forwarding to higher
authority, with the possible exception
of the attached (Tab 4) memoranda.
MOCKINGBIRD was not successful in identi-
fying the source or sources of the news-
men in CIA,
TERMINATION According to (Tab 1), the operation was
terminated to coincide with the retire-
ment of the Director of Security. No
final financial accounting of time and
� cost appears in the files.
THOSE WITTING A list of those witting of the operation
is attached (Tab 5).
(1) According to OS
the (Tab 1) memorandum was prepared by
who was assigned to
the project.
US at the time ot
(2) According to
stated the operation, from inception to
completion, was handled verbally.
(3) (Tab 6), a memorandum dated 30 March
1964 from Robert L. Bannerman, Director
of Security, to the Director of Central
Intelligence through the Deputy Director
for Support, concerning Robert S. Allen,
attributes certain information to a
confidential source, indicating interest
in Allen at those levels.
_(4) While it is not clear whether all
the contacts listed were developed vis
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the telephone taps, a superficial review
of the transcripts does include records
of conversations with senior White House
and Congressional persons including the
Sample is
attached (Tab 7).
Existing files are presently stored in
the office of Mr. Charles Phalen, C/SSD,
Office of Security, Headquarters
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