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Publication Date: 
July 23, 1970
ZPrie4C.: n it"' es Isel% Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2353689 fi tque0 EYES ONLY�.... 1.#01W CENTRAL'IN-rELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON!, D.C. 20.505 MEMORANDUM FOR: SUBJECT: WSAG. PAPER I DD/P Ext-mul.;vo 1:iztry 23 JUL 1970 The Honorable Henry A. Kissinger Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs The Honorable U. Alexis Johnson Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Honorable David Packard Deputy Secretary of Defense Admiral Thomas H. Moorer Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Proposed Ground Weapons Systems Improvement Program for CIA Irregular Forces in Laos 1. On 17 July 1970, Dr. Kissinger requested that a memorandum be submitted to the Washington Special Action Group outlining the requirements for upgrading the ground weapons systems of the existing CIA special guerrilla unit (SGU) battalions in Laos. This memorandum discusses the necessity for this improvement program, the allocation availability of the individual weapons included and a cost estimate for the additional funding required. 2. Faced with a severely limited manpower reserve in Laos from 'which to recruit additional combat persorinel, there are essentially three measures which can be taken to improve the combat effectiveness of the existing CIA irregular forces. These are a - ,reorganization and retraining program which is currently being SECRET 'TIVE Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2353689 , Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2353689 II 744rd EYES 'Ngor � undertaken, a continued program of combat leadership training and an improvement of the individual weapons carried by the guerrilla in combat. The North Vietnamese enemy is armed with the latest family. of Soviet weapons. For the most part, the CIA irregulars arc still armed with World War II vintage ground weapons. In late 1969, a general weapons improvement program was undertaken by the Department of Defense which resulted in ,some 6, 000 M-16 rifles being issued to CIA irregulars who were heavily engaged in combat. The introduction of the M-16 rifles into the irregular ranks was particularly effective in placing these , guerrilla forces on a more even footing with the North Vietnamese and'Pathet Lao who were armed with the Soviet AK-47. 3, Our Vientiane Station is currently engaged in a comprehensive retraining and reorganization program. In north Laos this is being done piincipally with General Vang Pao's forces involving the retraining, reorganization and. re- equipping of 16 SGU battalions. In the so,uth.the Station has, completed the recruitment of and is currently training an additional five SGU battalions to augment the ten existing SGU battalions deployed out In the north the irregular forces must be ready for the inevitable enemy dry season offensive which will commence as it has over the years by December. In the south the irregular forces are faced with an intensified enemy effort to expand its control over the principal supply routes and waterways. As a consequence, it is our responsibility to mount a sustained harassment and interdiction program to prevent the enemy's effective use of south Laos to supply its combat forces in Cambodia and South Vietnam. 4. Qur Vientiane station was recently requested to identify clear shortfalls in 'Min:in-nun. Support requirements and make recommendations for increases or improvements where these recommendations stood a reasonable chance for improving the- performance or effectiveness of the irregular forces. Included within the Station's responses were a number of recommendations for SE -NSMVE Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2353689 (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2353689 14.11�11.11 NOP � additional ground weapons systems. These weapons requirements � arc 12,000 M-16 rifles, 500 M-60 light' machine guns and 3,000 additional M-18A1 Claymore mines per month. The total cost for the weapons and a one year's supply of ammunition for these, weapons. is , A detailed budget schedule providing the (b)(1) unit cost, quantities and ammunition cost equations is attached in (b)(3) support of this total cost estimate. . 5. The allocation of the 1-16A1. rifles 'and the M-60 light machine guns must be approved by the Department of the Army. We understand that the current stocks for the M- 16A1 rifles and the M-60 light machine guns are currently allocated to designated .units up to production capacity. The availability for our increased use., .therefore, must be achieved through a reallocation. An initial exploration indicates that this problem can be favorably resolved. The current allocation of the M-18A1 Claymore mine is sufficient to support the increased field request. 6. The principal problem, therefore,: is the funding require- ment. The funds for these weapons are not included in the FY 1971 budget now before Congress. It is estimated that the Laos paramilitary program for which CIA is now responsible will cost in the FY 1971 budget. The CIA contingency reserve is low and cannot begin to finance this and the varibus other projects currently under consideration by WSAG: It is requested, therefore, that the Department of Defense be asked to examine the feasibility of providing the M.-16A1 rifles, the M-60 light machine guns, .. - ammunition for these weapons, and the M-18A1 Claymore mines. The alternative is to provide the necessary funds-from-some-source- -- external to CIA. Attachment Budget Schedule 'fsj ilicraas 11. Karnm.e.ssincs Thomas H. Karames sines Deputy Director for Plans 3 SECRE ENSITIVE Approved for Release': 1-0-18/-01/2.6_CO2353689 (b)(1) (b)(3) crfkle-vritt Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2353689 NEW EYES � . . (b)( (b)( �srettESflJVE. Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2353689 � � 4 ----ACCD ie 11-1%/g Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2353689 %MI c t (JNLT� F..The ammunition cost equation for the M-16A1 is based on: (1) 20 rounds pp'r day per weapon. (2) 180 days of combat per year. (3) 3.6 million rounds per month for 12,000 weapons. G. The ammunition cost equation for the M-60 light machine gun is based on: (1) 80 rounds per day per weapon. (2 360 days combat per year (defense/offense). (3) 1.2 million rounds per month for 500sweapons (requested .at 1.5 million peF m.onth). . SECRET74ITIE Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2353689 Ics:mcrrivg Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2353689,, know CY tb Memorandum for the WSAG Principals SUBJECT: Proposed Ground Weapons Systems Improvemefit Program for CIA Irregular Forces in Laos DDP:CFE /TBL Distribution: A -,Ea Addressee, w/att = DC1 w/att � I - DDC1, w/att 1 DDP, w/att 1 - ADDP, w/att 2 - CFE, w/att 2 - CFE/TBL, w/att FE/TBLL, w/att. jmw (22 July 70) SECR NSMVE Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2353689 (b)(1) (b)(3)