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February 1, 1960
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STANDARD FORM NO. 64 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2341988 CONFIDENTIAL Office Memorandum � UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO VIA FROM : Chief, Operations School Chief, Headquarters Training Chief Instructor, Information Reporting, Reports, and Requirements SUBJECT: Final Course Report - Introduction to Operations Training, 4-15 January 1960 SYNOPSIS DATE: 1 February 1960 1. Ten JOTs were enrolled in a class organized for them under the title of "Introduction to Operations Training." All ten attended the class from 4 to 15 January 1960 with varying regularity. The class was evenly divided between men and women, with an age range of 23-29 years according to incomplete data supplied. Thumbnail sketches of students are attached as is also a schedule of instruction. The student roster follows. (b)(3) 2. As a whole, the behavior of the group during the first day or two of the course was immaturely undisciplined. The minute the _instructor In charge left the room, work stopped and play started, with generany(b)(3) heading it up. Such symbols of childishness as crude swastikas and state- ments like, "Junior wants to learn)" were scrawled on the blackboard. With the exception of a fairly steady c7rrespondence by note, generally originating with between him and there was no (b)'(b)(3) discipline problem while the instructor was in the classroom. Left to themselves on an all-day observation and reporting problem, some students without completing the job quit early - one of them three hours early. As a group, they lacked a fitting sense of responsibility. The drive of urgency so evident in the person who has in him the making of a reporter was not apparent throughout the group. It should be said, though, that the class was generally enthusiastic about practical work in reporting after the assignments had been carried out. imp,x4,,21-6413#619_7',17 tn. 3oc. CHANGE' !DEC]: P." - ri""13-ASS,C;1!ANC1..1) TO: TS SpET- TUST2a- gIF'447 DP:T --.4,17i114+ V_ PYIF.WER Cggitt TYPE DOC�.22Z_ PGS _ OFCt COMP_.if REV CLASS 0 REV C,.{..;,OHL.). AUTH lift 70-3 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO23419884 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2341988 3. During the second week of instruction, however, said of the group attitude: "In general, the student group had an eager and an enthusiastic attitude. On two occasions the student body remained during lunch to see training films." I. By and large, during the first week, the group was punctual and regular in attendance. During the second week, however, attendance fell off. Because of illness, was absent 11-13 January. with(b)(3) the excuse of U.S. Air Force physical examinations, was absent the morning of 12 January and the entire day of 15 January. (b)(3) STUDENT PERFORMANCE 5. In the week devoted to reporting, six of the ten students turned in top-flight performances; three, satisfactory; and one poor. In the t cal exercises, did a relatively superior job in all respecall(3) an eager worker, turned in an excellent report. (b)(3) did excellently in collecting information because of the (b)(3) resourcefulness she showed in setting pople to talk with her on what she wanted them to talk about. next to did the best (b)(3) reporting in the group. He gets information because he is unobtrusively aggressive in going after it - a real gift in the makeup of an information collector, performed on the excellent level. As a reporter, (b)(3) she was resourceful with perhaps a bit too much emphasis on being pleasantly aggressive in going after what she wanted. She wrote effectively. (b)(3) performance was highly_ satisfactory. He carried out his assignment thoroughly and conscientiously,/ got a late start and never did catch up or el,(b)(3) really try to. He was one of two in the group who did not bother to accept an invitation to come to the reports instructor's office to check over his work. performance was barely satisfactory. He was an aggressivqb)(3) operator, perhaps too much of an eiit`r6vert to be an unnoticeable and there- fore a secure one. He wrote a sloppy report and did not botbgr_to copyread_and PS9c4'read it, did her best ricarrying-ba her reporting aqb)(3).. ment, with sound and satisfactory results. 6. was El-W-(47 one. First, she left her (b)(3) dbservat on assignment and went bagg_2,2.,(11olocX.474 the afternoon with the observation required for complete coverageonIY partly done. Second, her report indicated that nothing said by instructors in the classroom and in the laboratory about organization of or expression in information reports had been heard or had penetrated. Third, she was one of two students who did nOt-aPpe-torTBira:frial-dhadk. of her report. Other instructors remarked on E67�IgA-6f-giiiitIOri�iiirWer proclivity for note passing. 7. Despite her relatie1v poor performance, was in n(b)(3) sense a troublesome student. was the only suchl and wadr or (b)(3) J19...lie was quieted to the point where he no longer openly m e a nuisance ' of himself by overdosing_ne class with_self-aseMonqackinOn medicin 12,4he Eieri. His training officer's having talked to hipi-ge-affiga-ro have taken'talr4 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2341988 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2341988 Nues *No% 8. estimate of student performance during the second week of the course ollaws. and were assigned the case to analyL As a team they did an excellent iob, took the initiative and led the discussion. He and developed the case aue thorauthly_than did approach, although ener etic, 'Ira not reffia-th-e-'�critiCal perception of the other two. and were assigned the case to analyze. They shared the development equally, and both appeared to have an excellent .rasp of the essentials. and hanalyzed the case. Both showed a keen awareness of the key operational points and ado ted a professional api roach to Student Performance: the problems involved. Her analysis was excellent and sh operational areas of the problem. operational assignments. Attachments 1. List of students & sketches 2. Schedule was given theL jesse. reciation of the critical and were given no C (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (I?)()), (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3)) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2341988