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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
November 17, 2021
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Publication Date: 
September 4, 1975
PDF icon WOOLSTON-SMITH FILE[16000768].pdf162.06 KB
"37,r Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2330729 mTIAL VAT' fre SUBJECT1 {optional) Woolston-Smith file EXTENSION k" NO. i (b) DATE 4 Sept 1975 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1 . Forwarded herewith for your action is Review Staff mater i al. 7 d---z�-t-- .....s -g-1,._ D/OS il E E P `r 1975 P SEP 3. Do p i 1 � ck-CA-- .,,,......, .3,--_,-,/ ,..., / - .....4 _ -4....,........__,,( /1-4.- ,z zek7.7, ,........-r/ . rs42(011-- . . '.., ........... a�,4.1.....,/ i 9 -,/-...-L7 --1--"--7 � 4;21,4-1- .--L---t--"" o . 1-1 , � S. 10. . 11. , ,,,Z, -4;- /I- (L 1 2. -7 .."' - / ,-, .:�.... l I l i OS 5 7770 : 1 . 1 . 15. )(3) 3) )(3) )(3) )(3) FORM 3 -62 ' USE PREVIOUS EDItiONS CS'NFIDENTlia INTERNAL USE ONLY pproved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2330729 Li ASSIF1ED Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2330729 z o 3 September 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: SA/DDA (b)(3) Attached are self explanatory letters regarding FBI documents in Office of Security's file on Woolston-Smith. Suggest OS remove the two reports (F/3/-itiro from the sealed envelope marked "Third Agency" and make t44. them available intWoolston-Smith file. Please give OS the attachments for their records. Attachments: a/s cc: OS Watts. OS S 7770 (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2330729 Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2330729 (.C.14 I rt 1'4 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 Dr-2cl c 1, L E 3 September 1975 Mr. William G. Miller Staff Director Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations With Respect To Intelli,gence Activities Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Miller: In reference to Section III, (10) pertaining to individuals in your letter of 31 July 1975, the Dir- ectorate of Operations and the Office of Security maintain files on Arthur James Woolston-Smith. Both files contain the following FBI documents. 1. Two repprts of the New York Field Office datej119 April 1957 and 13 July 1956 __Subj-eCt-7:---Arthur James Woolston-Smith. 2. A memorandum from the Director, FBI to E. Tomlin Bailey, Director, Office of Security, Department of State, dated 19 November 1956 Subject: Arthur James Woolston-Smith. On 27 August, the FBI approved SSC access to their New York Field Office reports but denied access to their memorandum to Mr. Bailey. The documents approved for access are available in either the Reading Room in or in the Office of Security file on Woolston-Smith. ;c= Sincerely, ajcs Walter Elder Assistant to the Director SECRET pproved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2330729 - Clokpproved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2330729 I. WASHINGTON, ID.G. 20505 � 22 August 1975 Mr. William O. Cregar Section Chief, Intelligence Division Federal Bureau of Investigation Room 4123 J. Edgar Hoover Building Washington, D. C. 20535 � Dear Mr. Cregar: At the request of the Senate Select Committee, we are conducting a search of our records concerning certain individuals of interest to them. One such individual is Authur James Woolston-Smith who was the subject of an investigation by the Bureau in 1956-1957. The Senate Select Committee has requested access � to the following documents: 1. Two reports of the New York Field Office dated 19 Aprilc1957-, and 13 July 1956, Subject: Arthur James Woolston:Smithi. 2. A memorandum from the Director. FBI to Mr. E. Tomlin Bailey, Director, Office of Security, 'De- partment of State dated 19 November 1956, Subject: Arthur James-Woolston-Smith. Since these documents were prepared by the Federal 74(Iureau of Investigation, we request your approval for access by the Senate Select Committee. Because of the new procedures which call for quick responses, your expeditious handling of this request will be gratefully appreciated. 1 1 _ Sincerely, Walter Elder Elder Assistant to the Director SECRET 007 73 fr-2,1 .. ... pproved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2330729 -