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PDF icon VIETNAM SITUATION[15561249].pdf99.58 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2312961 S 0,54/Ji 2 February 1968 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Sup SUBJECT Vietnam Situation The following is a survey of cable traffic from close of business 1 February to 0700 hours 2 February 1968. PERSONNEL: 1. Region I - Nine individuals still unaccounted for in Hue. Their whereabouts and situation remain unknown. It has been estab- lished that they are not located in the MACV Compound in Hue. However, efforts to reach offices, installations, and residences have been unsuccessful. 2. Mr. military assignee, who was seriously injured earlier, is now in good spirits and will recover. PHYSICAL SECURITY: 1. All personnel in Saigon are now traveling only when necessary and then in pairs. Weapons have been issued to all personnel competent to use them. 2. Women have been moved to Duc Hotel where there are 100 persons, two-thirds of which are males. LOGISTICS: 1. Facilities at Tan Son Nhut permit only limited aircraft traffic under present situation. If Tan Son Nhut becomes inoperative for a sufficient period of time, plans have been made for ship- ment of supplies direct from Okinawa to each of the regions. 2. Logistics facilities at Truong Minh Ky are operative around the clock. merFer( Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2312961 UNI? 1 ExcluLd film antomatic (.136o,;6iilaticn EO 13526 3.3(h)(2) EO 13526 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2312961 .\111Fitt I COMMUNICATIONS: Considering the situation, communications throughout South Vietnam and in the city of Saigon are considered excellent. It is noted that cable traffic in regards to the Vietnam situation was relatively light. Director oft�Security rt Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2312961 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2312961 '-'Z Qs-0Y v� 7,4 MMORANDUMFCR t DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF SUPP SUBJECT t Vietnam Situation A summary of the Vietnam situa tion as seen in cable traffic received. between CCB 31 January and BOB 1 February followst 1, Personnel Situation, a. liegion I - All personnel are accounted for except for nine stationed at Hue where the situation is uncertain, Two a re staff employees (Messrs. Eugene Weaver and David Hays): two are contract emplyees (Messrs. Virgil Harris and, five are military. b. Region II - All personnel are accounted for. The only known casualty is Sgt. Melia previously reported. c. Region III . No overall report has been received; however, the ROIC Bien Hoa reports no known casualties. d. Region IV - All personnel are accounted for. Mr. previously reported, is said to be doing fine and will recover, e. Saigon - all personnel were accounted for after a close head count. Another head count will be conducted today. 2. General Situation. a. Saigon - as of 1500 hours local time 1 February there were still pockets of VC concentrated in the city to be neutralized. None of the areas involved contained USG occupied buildings. 3. Emergency Destruction of Cla ssified Information. a . Saigon reports it has not yet considered it necessary to initiate Phase I destruction and there is no indication that this will be necessary because of the presence of an augmented military guard force, The Secretary of State has circularized all diplomatic posts with a chronology of events and instructions to set the record straight on events leading up to the TET action. Directoxt*f Security and e ;ticatian Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2312961 1 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.5(c)