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Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2233848 ;Ala It 19 Nhrch 1954 MENORANDUM FOR DIR7CTOR OF C7NTRAL INTELLIGENCE THROUGH; AD/NB and DDil SUBJECT: 0/NE Consultants' Meetings at Princeton, 11-12 Ma 1954. The following were present at sons or all of these meetin et gousultantm William L. Langer Calvin B. Hoover George Kennan Philip Mosel,. Nom MIllikan Richard Bissell 0, A, Lincoln Guest' Rear Admdral Z . S. Layton, The Joint Staff. Roar Admiral Chester Wood, The Nattora1 War College. thg Board 4 Aral&ona�stimateg Abbot Smith (Chairman) L. L. Montague Frome 0/K R. S. Cline Don Harris 'filth Clark B851 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(b)(3) 2. In an earlier memorandm you were informed of the main points arising from the discussion at these meetings of NIS 100-3.54; Cones us es R _122. he other papers discussed were at an earlier stage of production, and the fruits of the meetings can be incorporated into later drafts of these papers. I attach here, however, a brief note of some of the more interesting points that were brought out in connection with these other papers. Abbot Smith Chairman =NMI Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2233848 614,44 �4- Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2233848 .4, Ili II L I mai "err Pr000nti 1. The rultants a not to illocuna lelich are coot the rrovortion 04 lewd regueed rms., tha intention of anisaysing and si werl Willa of a more � WrrA, discussion va advioe of 41e LAC conte.14 of the anwel. Soviet octIsats � The Cmsultants arTroved the noW.fieetions his yvarss estimate. Mo7 riPeormonled Vat aeveted to strict/7 military vttors bu sane. cue Soviet SatirAtcs. May ep-r-Proe our ble Soviot estimate of the worll etJation. _that Soviet oourires of action weed -owe on tho tots], ,T! vnd t ocbiltt. PaCrAvel%.t.L.IM ea 2r. AL 1k-,t, of tha-5.,;4ifitittloo itself. hers c r ratcgoa Chertmtesr. (b)(3) (b)(3) A draft oe this 7stimatf4 aa rern convidtvntion by the Board 0. Nttt to line Coneultants fOr eistraonion. 1-reoen.2 LtOrer Hylover Kerr thod, !tons, .bntarage, , Oft Ste,f ar gatimatA:, vas submitted etas 001104014293 hose rresent thc pans both in SoviA a our allies more (b)(3) (b)(3) Con, t the ea:46ton** .;,,undap waeld 00$2.Y. tt) va, Ty* Western alliance woule tsie to vniTkon of Vac int:reeved fear af ',oar arisine of nuclear veapone. 411 Consultants arromis and conduot of trollid be the Mn ding the alliance together, if the allies , ely calcultAted to vrevent wareaul to 171-oteot Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2233848 Nsio Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2233848 facunc Name vital Astern iitrit, tLGr vr1ciIlrobably with - .onsidorad3 o3 iy to b. r.h or unreasonable, V017 von. by fears of nuelpar wtehre te try ane tuttrichto talivos Pr:al close connection wit;. vac, Tolley. 3, oitloreultants t 1isincline4 to support the U.S in stri. aggression if ouch 4i,Tression oecurred of Um. allies throsalven. A� the tht:1 YStrd-n;iC be 00,1V.A4.1it in not 121 intarorrts 44 Al]. t'In0.21':. t'S believed that the al *6 t1 rt the 7S through A grave windy ult51 inninent threat w1 VeIliac q derad thrt thslr mm n vital interests ver involvea the US ' greeted Una cries Iv a rimpaliay.Hawavar, al th aru1tta god the roTearious basis for such a Judean/to Theyf&.t it rrobetae re would be differences ir tha resronses o ari:Ass U3 1,11isa; moot cariAnnen in the 3, nna in 4est Gertany.The was no ion aaron tieOonsultnnts to believe that SniliravYLLe deaert ammo under thrent of wor beeause of fear of nv;eloar loosa; nirdlt 6oece-t, ,Iewevre., if the7 thaucht that the wr lid not ocnoorn hiA lowIr brutT,tt an by rockloor 78 action. 124 5, A colifaron hor representa- ralat!of to 4ea he Mire th (b)(b)(6) These nen Are not: en,m.cof in sostal (b)(3) . t1 ir eipthime Wqr0 eat, On Vile (b)(3) 6. lo 41 sized that the f,ernans are now thoroughl-i. oonvinced thrt will lot risk the Wastorn Coalition line they are nonewhat acre assimee ttrtn before the US will not create a threat of war. Nen T7aroToon adalter:' currontly pay otaToratively little attention to fl le; ,Joeponc, are in:fanned about Uwe, an still tend to think of utr nrec. nuclorit vespen tlyrs. 7, thnt if tho rive 7(b)(3) 7.0 convineed tt both th z3"-S5R - will bettor* rsatly oonctrnid 1Not the 7S o as cslortial to TAT will for,T - 2 - Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2233848 Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2233848 LUflLI un 'mole .on vb.tch it n; even levee tbet mia7 we.. 1 Ofie; rar mu exists, in ort1,3rtret.m.cr.ire the=sel o rozeL.t teat then. 4tCs!:;,.r.7,,ation of a F:,,. not; ...aiv,1 t.'..,'L tho he itself threatened t.,,,,re!.th 4ostr4Alon, by nuclear 14soaorla, 74tay cote* to 0:,::::Iiier lettttero 1.ilei'll stmtericeliy vital in intetseentiptertal verftre, wae all, therefore foract Its 7,11zoreasa arise, ht s net prsertJualy been brou,�7:bt 3,r,) in dinemsion of this !,:o.7.er. believes it to bfF 11 very 7robable lerilemp-A In. ?r,..-mo o,r,inion V:.,e,F1fa rii thin 2ttFt4 lsas ion Ivy the -rtsate, butiora frof "t, !!ioov-Iro !bsely, 14::.:770g1 licfc (7 that or irobable tr economy nnd zaderniginc They ecOsaisee, tbe it !therm let Chines) face in these mattsrs,TkA4TINNY'l that itioreeoe of arrieuaturel yro-tuction t fs4731 or the viloie dhineve Ocisrimist morrst.4 but they exiator largely to 6,1 =oh =re that, keisr. wita.1 the 70.1ra1etion. Tte Conerltnnts vise tNe Oesnnnist ocenwirmily ;:ztri t1 rily thwirdo Ll�ei.TA pozar ctatun btrg roCs feneclable than th.:,t fcth thf.' -Arts)th tIntri.yrr R4/13. Reese Aim, 1-xore raw" (b)(:(b)(6: of (b))(6) (bc1?)(6) (b)(3) (b)(3) 'yore Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2233848 Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2233848 vivo C a.t!re.st3e1 COIN t :111 to uiiJ 172416 t1:1 O*744eniekrIt ttlnen tim etirtrIc Thay Ix) 1.5. :III 1.4006 of F.:roan ble threat Pingn tbe eountry� of t:Li 44; Gall..11, Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2233848 Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2233 41') -146' 15 March 1954 MEMaRANDUM FOR DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE 753 THROUGH* AD/NE and DDJI SUBJECT: Consultants* Meeting on NIB 100.3-54: Consequences of a Relaxation of Non-Communist Control of Trade within the European Soviet Bloc. 1. The Consultants met at Princeton on 12 March, considering the Board draft of NIB 100-3-.54. Consultants present were William L. Langer Calvin B. Hoover Philip Mbsely Richard Bissell Col. 04 A. Lincoln Also present as guests were Admiral Wood, Deputy Commandant of the National War College, and Admiral Layton, of the Joint Intelligence Group. 2. The Consultants unanimously agreed that the advantages to the US of the postulated relaxation of trade controls would outweigh the advantages to the Soviet Bloc. They considered that, although the Bloc woad gain some benefits, the improvement in its economic, and military position would be slight. On the other hand the US could, if it managed the relaxation skill.* fully, extract very considerable political and psychological advantages. 3. In more detail, the Constltante made the following points: a. The actual increase in East-West trade following upon the relaxation of controls would be slight, both because the Bloc would not have the wherewithnl to pay for a large increase of imports, and because the Bloc policy of selfeufficiency would make it unwilling to seek a large increase. b. The Bloc would benefit from the added flexibility which increased foreign trade would give to its economy. Some shortages (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2233848 Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2233848 would be be relieved. The total of such benefits would be small, however, and there is no way of knowing exactly which commodities would, if freely imported, confer most advantage on the Bloc. Nor would the list of such commoditiee remain the same for Tory long. A complete prohibition of East-West trade would therefore be necessary if it were desired to insure that the Bloc should not acquire goods of special advantage to it. 4. The consultants thought that the draft greatly underestimated advantages which the West could derive from a relaxation of trade controls: a. The allies of the US would be favorably impressed if the US should relax trade controls willingly' rather than reluctant'," and under pressure. b. The Bloc would probably not keep the promises of increased trade that it has been making. The allies of the US would not derive the economic advantage from such relaxation that they seem to expect, and this disappointment would be blamed on the Bloc. 0, The Satellites would probably wieh to expand their trade with the West to a greater degree than the Kremlin would permit; some stresses and strains might thereby be created within the Bloc. 4. The Bloc would be deprived of a valuable propaganda weapon in that it could not accuse the US of thwarting an increase of mutually profitable trade with non-Communist peoples. es The relaxation could be presented in propaganda to the Bloc us an evidence- of peaceful intentions, of a desire to lessen international tensions, even of a desire to ameliorate the living conditions of Bloc populations. 5. On the other hand, the Consultants recognised the probability that a relaxation of trede controls with the full approval of the US would have tome tendency among US allies to reduce the feeling of urgency to maintain a united front against the Soviet threat. Abbot Smith Chairman, Panel of Consultants 2 Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 002233848 2018/07/24 CO22334,7: AND BOTTOM) SLIP _,,�..,.... -..,.., UNCLASSIFT n. . 'Approved for Release: (SENDER WILL CIRCLE CL-.....jorCATION TOP CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING 0 INI �S DATE 1 11, 2"4141 r/ 2 A /id,/ dEPC-Ji 3 ortf-X:::: I/4g" -..i./ 177.4AA.,, 4 te-t) fit7.0 5 FROM INITIALS DATE 1 C ;,y,Phosi. 2 3 APPROVAL ACTION COMMENT CONCURRENCE , REPLY 7)-� SIGNATURE RETURN DISPATCH FILE 1, I I Elel;r4FORMATION I I DIRECT REPLY I I I I I PREPARATION OF I I I RECOMMENDATION 111117C] UNCLASSIFIED Remarks: .,S CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED swrRET FORM NO. SEP1947 Approved for Release: -2018/07/24 CO2233848