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Publication Date: 
December 28, 1948
PDF icon OPC MEETING WITH ANGLETON[16000676].pdf174.54 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2207432 SECRET BEST COPY Available THROUGHOUT FOLDER 6/24/98 SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2207432 ute Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2207432 SECRET HS/CSG-1�7,V 28 December 1948 MEMORANDUM OF OONVERSATION FROM: PARTICIPANTS: Mr. James Angleton Ir. Offie 1. On December 24 at 11:30, Mi. Offie and I called on Mr. Angleton at his office in "L" Building for the pur discussing a transfer to OPC of papers relating to the project. 2. Mr. Angleton opened the discussion by inquiring as to what material OPC desired to receive from the current flaw of intelligence reports. Mr. Of fie indicated interest in approximately a half dozen categories of information, which Mr. Angleton said he mould see that OPC received. 3. The subject of the project was then touched upon and Mr. Angleton stated that the file in his possession on this particular project did not constitute a full dossier on the subject but rather was a collection of the few pertinent cables bearing on the project. He agreed to turn over this file to on Monday, December 27. In the course of the discussion, Mr. Angleton expressed his view that the relationship of OPC and OSO and the Rome Embassy on this project would be a triangular one with OPC indicating policy to the Embassy and OSO engaging in the actual (b)(3) operation of the project. He sketched a rough diagram in illustration V of his view on this subject. L. After discussion of further subjects relating to intelligence reports of interest to OPC, Mr. Offie and I departed at about 12:45. 5. On December 23 at 10:30, I called again on Ur. Angleton to i take delivery of the file. Mr. Angleton had the file on his (b)(1 )L desk and suggested that I read through it in his presence. I stated (b)(3) that it was my understanding that I was to bring the file to OPC and T inouired as to his understanding in this connection. He thereupon suggested that we discuss that matter after I had read through the file, vhich I proceeded to do without, however, taking notes as he had suggested. The file consisted of a memorandum of the original conversation between the Director of CIA and Ambassador Harriman con� 0 cerning this project, followed by the cables pertaining to the first, payment The most recent material relating (W(1) to the second payment had not been included in the file. _(b)(3) \ V6rT) 11 I '9". I i *4 11 1 ; N DEX I ' 6 HI S TORT. C,P,I! PO (T1PgFint1/4'' ' I i I .. 13�:t Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 .0O2207432 .,7. 7c: :_ i ATE 02116)-Q-e--r Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2207432 -2- 6. FolloAtru; a lengthy discussion of a wide range of subjects, we returned to Lie question of the file and it was agreed that An:leton would have a duplicate file assembled by January 31 which woad be turned over to OPC on that date. This file will not include a copy of the memorandum above mentioned, a copy of which Mr. Angleton stated had already been provided OPC. 7. Following agreement on this question, Mr. Angleton produced a series of memoranda relating to projects now operating within OSO or still in the planning stage in that branch, which he stated he was assembling in order to turn over to OPC. He estimated that this process should take about a month. In the absence of information as to the status of these questions as between OPC and OSO, I confined myself to stating that it would appear that a joint conference would eventually be necessary-to discuss the material contained in the memoranda, to which Mr. Angleton indicated assent. 8. In the course of a short discussion of the material contained in the file in the second conversation, Mr. Angleton once again stated his view that the policy with respect to this project was a subject for determination by OPC, the Director, CIA, and the State Department, with OSO conducting the actual operation as at present. He added that this relationship would operate to the extent that should OPC desire information with respect to or fulfillment of the conditions under which this aid is extended, OPC would have to call upon OSO to obtain this information on their behalf. 9. zr. Angleton's attitude throughout the second conversation was one of the fullest cooperation. Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2207432 '10000011k Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2207432 _ TRYIS/ ORG.NIZATIONISime GENE LfuNcnows, SPECIFIC FUNCTIONIS/ Italy OPC OSO ECA DDP CA Statp IDENTIFICATION OF DOCUMENT Memo of conversation from Pol War.' Election 01Y Project DOC DATEla CLASS-r 28 Die 19.4.8 (b)(1) (b)(3) � (b)(3) ASSTRACT NOTATION REFERENCES Bri ssion of past and future OPC-OSO coordination for project. (b)(1) (b)(3) DOCUMENT LOCATION HS/CSG -1624 FORM 2523 S. SOURCA"pftpAroAv.e"d�ro7 Riele;s"e: 2021/11715-U2207432 (IS. IS) � CASE FILE (DESCRIPTION) INSTRUCTIONS Place ce upright in place of charged out folder. place ca*N0horizonta1ly in returned flle folder. CHARGE TO DATE CHARGE TO DATE , ),- 7 /( a/(' v CASE FILE CHARGE-OUT CARD FORM NO. 19 REPLACES FORM.36.152 t AUG 54 WHICH MAY OE USED. Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2207432 IT)