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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 31, 1949
PDF icon LETTER TO MR. E. A. WATER[15570814].pdf154.73 KB
pproved for Release: 2019/02/08 CO2193625 1 OCT1949 Iasi-Urdu* Agency's 11 October 1949 to , and has advised ne our hesitancy in reX.Min valuable classified information to e whom pads not hear. Zour (mattes is a quality's* appreciate. The release ef information to hen,. authorised individuals could be detrimental to the United notes Government, as you realise. In this sae., however, yea need have se beeiteage. is an accredited representative of the Central Iatelligenee Agency, elvish has been authorised by the Rational Security Cameil to collect foreign intelligence information far the Cnitee States fleatrasent, within Ube United 6tatee, an behalf of other federal agencies. The Am." also is charged with the responsibility of protecting the identitgr of seeress of intelli3ence who co-operate with it trust that the above inhalation in I441t&QO to that ehiCh already has previdody 'al: prove sufficient to reassure pea, and that Central Intelligence Arleen through nay maten your assistance JGShpffer/rpc/00/C 19 Oct 49 cc: Central Files Signing Official 00-2 00/O-2 Index Section New Orleans Office � pproved for Release: 2019/02/08 CO2193625 idiGek6 14 R. H. HILLENKOETTER REAR ADMIRAL. USN DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE , (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(31 (b)(3) (iproved for Release: 2019/02/08 CO2193625 � Chief, Contact Division Chief, New Orleans Office Inquiry from Dean, Graduate School, The University of Tennessee, -�neeeelle 17 October 1949 1. We have a problem which we believe can be solved only by Headquarters. The attached letter was received on 13 October from Dr. E. A. Waters, Dean of the Cruaduate School of The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, in reply -uo our letter sending him a list of questions to be submitted to a member of his faculty. 2. At the time was in Knoxville, he was introduced by a close personal friend to Dr. C. E. Brehm, President of the University, to whom he dis- played his credentials. As a result of this meeting, Dr. Brehm was most coopera- tive and introduced him to various members of the faculty, including Dr. Waters, Dean of the Graduate School, who was most courteous and promised his full coopera- tion. 3. This is the first time in our experience that we have had a contact or source question our authority to act for CIA. However, we cannot criticize Dr. Waters for being cautious, but on the contrary feel that he is absolutely correct in wanting to be sure that he does not dleclose such information to an unauthorized person. 4. we have replied to Dr. Waters calling his attention to the fact that had shown him his credentials and that, in addition, his personal integrity c��Idbe vouched for by Er. Frank Creekmore, a prominent lawyer in Knoxville, who is a very close personal friend of We have also told Dr. Waters that we would pass his letter on to Headquar ers in Washingon in the hope that some solu- tion could be found. 5. We would appreciate receiving your advice as to how the matter should be handled. Attachment 1-Copy of ltr. dtd. 11 Oct 49. (b)(3) ,�r)--11-77-77777 Approved for Release: 2019/02/08 CO2193625 liproved for Release: 2019/02/08 CO2193625 THE UNIVE4SITY OF TENNESSEE THE GRADUATE SCHOOL KNOXVILLE 16, TENNESSEE October 11, 1949 I have your letter of September 27, 1949, and your attached list of questions for the attention of Dr. Lichstein. I am writ� ing to explain the extremely difficult position I find myself in with respect to supplying information of such fundamental signifi� cance as that called for. You will understand that the University and all of its members are anxious to collaborate in any effort for the general welfare and well being of our country. This same concern makes it especially important that information sup� plied by the University is released only to individuals and organizations properly authorized. This is not to suggest any personal mistrust on my part or on the part of the University of your authorization to receive the information requested. However, I feel it would be only proper for me to ask that I have in my files some official statement of authorization before releasing the information requested. I hope and feel sure that you will not misunderstand my position in this matter. Lr only purpose is to insure the re� lease of information only through .properly authorized channels and that I be able to document the fact at any time in the future that I have not improperly eupplied information. I hope that you can advise and assist me in this matter and that the information requested can be forwarded, EIVT:bd1 Very truly yours, /s/ E. A. Aaters E. A. Waters Dean Approved for Release: 2019/02/08 CO2193625