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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
February 27, 2019
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Publication Date: 
November 1, 1948
Approved for Release: 2019/02/19 CO2182576 za 0-1828 November 1948 7 sm very sorry that I was out of town when you came to Washington and telephoned me Prom Admiral Mills' offIce. I regret very much not having the opportunity to see you. M'ay T thal2, you at this time for your kindness in lending us the three volume survey of which we have exploited and have found of great interest. The volumes in question are twain returned to you through in our New nrleans0 office. I should like to thank you swain for your kindness ano thou7htfulness in letting us have the volumes or and the Caribbean. Your kindness is most sincerely appreciated, end I should like to add my personal thanks to the official gratitude of the Agency. (b)(3) (b)(3) With very best wishes, please believe me, Sincerely, Signed & dispatched thru DD 11/1/48 D:RHH/b Distribution: Director R. H. Hillenkoetter Rear Adniral, USN Director of Central Intelligence New Orleans (thru AD/0) Central Records Assistant Director, CO Note for Record: Related papers, as follows, forwarded to Central Records for file herewith: Memo (Confidential) to DCI from ADOCD, 10/27/48, ER 1192, one page, in dup; Conf. ltr 9/8/48, to DCI from ER 1192, one page; Secret Memo to DCI from ADO, 9/29/48, ER 0-1423, one page; daissiMiliply-- V1,4401fteratiescit (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) FILE: pproved for Release: 2019/02/19 CO2182576 (b)(3�) Approved for Release: 2019/02/19 CO2182576.1ft STANDARD FORM NO. 64 Office Memorandum � UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO FROM : SUBJECT: Admiral Hillenkoetter DATE: 1 Nov 48 (b)(3) In the event you wish to write re the surveys, (b)(3) I am quoting extract from Diary for Oct 1948, for possible comment .in your letter: I (tele) - Telephoned from Mm Mills' office. (b)(3) was in town for the day and wanted to call on DCI to pay his respects. He also had a few items to pass on regarding (b)(3) which he could very well give our New Orleans man. Told him General Wright was acting DCI and was sure (b)(3) he would be very happy to see him and I offered to send a car for him. thanked for this offer but ask that I pass on to (b)(3) DCI h s regards. At same time, I mentioned that the three volumes on had arrived several days subsequent to DCI's departure IhslYmgtPaRiPamsfedam an' .th*gtMigntab teograml? jpauTAIErtinqb)(3) them to him and hoped that it would not cause him any intonvenience. over pproved for Release: 2019/02/19 CO2182576