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March 8, 1951
PDF icon DIVISION OF PSYCHOLOGY[16103764].pdf311.09 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2176721 _i5lir! IT AI Director of Training William J. Morgan Division of Psychology 8 March 1951 1* It is proposed that a Division of Psychology be established in the Office of the Director of Training. The purpose of thie Division mould be to: a* Assist in the selection of the most competent Agency personnel, especially- those Who are to be employed on a career basis. This would, be done by the Aptitude Appraisal. Branch, using both objective tests and assessment techniques. b* Armlet in the most effective guidance and job placement of personnel within the Agency so that aptitudes and skills are not wasted. This would be done by the Training Evaluation Branch with the assistance of the Aptitude Appraisal Branch. .0* Develop selection and training procedures, tests of apti- tudes:, and tests of objective achievement which are needed by the Office of Training. This would be done by the Test Research Branch. d. Provide vmlidity studies of selection and training procedures so that time is not wasted on ineffective procedures and techniques. This would be done by the Validation Branch. o* Members of the Division of Psychology would serve as in- structors, when needed, in the training courses, and they would also oarry out such other duties as the Director of Training would assign. They might, for example* serve as training consultants on scientific psychological topics to staff and division chiefs of CIA. 2* The Organization Chart for the Division of Psychology is given in Figure No. 1, page 2* DOCUMent No. NO CHANCE in Class. ger , ED DECLASSITIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S C DDA. Met:to, 4 Apr 77 Date ; DY; Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2176721 Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 002176721 --Eadaritz�itt ivo Assistant Mal/dation Dr ch ITraraUir Section I aim OBGAJIZAT1OI CUNT DIVISION 01? PSTCHOLO. GT ITest Deo:search! Branch Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 002176721 Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2176721 wrMT Al 3. a* Board of Psychological Consultants. It is recommended that a five-man board of Psychological tansultants be recruited from the business world and universities. A five-man Board would probably insure that at least three men would be available for a two or 'three day consultant session once each month. This Board would serve as an advieory council to the Director of Training on problems arising fecm the development, procedures, and objectives of the Division of Psychology. b. ARtitude Appraisal branch. The Aptitude Appraisal Branch would have three teams carrying out two functions; namely, assessment and objective testing. The objective testing would be handled by two teame--the Field Testing Team and the Headquarters Testing Team. (1). Field Testing Team. The Field Testing Team would scour the country, particularly the universities, testing likely candidates for the career programs ar for other crucial CIA needs. The Field Testing Team would utilize, when available, data accum- ulated by the Educational Testing Service. It would also analyse idhool and testing records of universities in order to save testing time. Among other things this Team ccrad be used to explain and interpret the career programs and help to pick 04potteren for the programs. (2). Headquarters Testing Team The Headquarters Testing Team would give selectedtatteriei of tests, depending upon grade level, to all applicants or employees in training who had not been previously tested by either the Field Testing Team or by the Assessment Team. The information obtained by the Headquarters Testing Team would be used by the Evaluation Branch in the guid- ance of the student through his training courses and also for the student's best placement in the Agency. (3). Assessment Team. The Assessment Team would conduct assessments primarily of extremely promising career employees before employment or of students in training whose difficulties in training co id not be solved by the instructors or by an interpretation of training and testing records by the Evaluation Branch. 0. 1p Training Evaluation Branch. The Training Evaluation Branch would be primarily responsible for systematising the final course evaluations of students and interpreting such evaluations to staff ar,1 division chiefs. The Evaluation Branch would also be responsible for training instructors in the accurate observation and reporting of evaluation data. .7; Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2176721 Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2176721 - A (d). The Validation Branch. The Validation Branch would have two main area; of responsibility�selection and training. This branch would determine the effectiveness, through validation studies, of selection and training procedures and techniques. (e). Test Research Branch. The Test Research Branch lould have both a Selection Section and a Training Section. The Selection Sec- tion would develop tests needed by the Aptitude Appraisal Branch, including test of intelligence, interests, attitudes, social skills, temperament, and other factors related to job success. The Training Section wnuld develop primarily tests for the measurement of attitudes or knowledge, and taste of akills Obtained by the student in train- ing courses-. It is important to emphasise that standard selection and training tests already published do not meet CIA needs. Sem of them can be modified and adapted but most 'election and training tests must be developed to meet specific CIA training needs. 4. TABLE OF ORGANIZATION. URBER TITLE 5 Consulting Psychologists TICE OF CHIEF tIYIS ION OF PSYCHOLOGY Per diem, as deter- mined by Agency standards Chief, Division of Peychology . 08-15 1 Deputy Chief, Division of Psychology 06-14 1 Administrative Assistant, Division of Psychology 08-9 1 Secretary (Stenographer) 0S-7 APTITUDE APPRAISAL BRANCH 1 4enior Psychologist: Chief, Aptitude Appraisal Branch GS44 1 1 1 1 Psychologist Junior Psychologist and Test Statistical Assistant Scoring Assietant Clerk - Stenographer n1etr pEADQUARTERS TESTING Psychologist 03-13 Junior Psychologist and Test Administrator 0.342 Statistical Assistant 0S-7 Scoring Assistant 03-5 . Clerk - Stenographer 03-5 h Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2176721 Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2176721 I Mi. Assessment Team 2 1 1 Psychologists Junior Psychologist and Situation Totting Am tant Scoring Assistant 06.113 OS..12 as-5 1 Clerk - Stenographer 084 TRAINING EVALUATION PR 1 Psychologist 08.13 1 Junior Psychologist GS-12 1 Clerk - Stenographer GS-5 VALIDATION BRANCH 1 Senior Psychologist: Chief, Validation ;tr ch CIS.34 1 Clerk - Stenographer as-5 Selection Section 1 Psychologist G5-13 1 Junior Psyrhologist and Statistician 08-12 Training Section 1 Psychologist GS-13 1 Junior Psychologist and Statistician 05-12 TEST RESEARCH BRANCH Senior s chologist: Chief, Test Research Branch as-14 Clerk ographer as-5 Selection ;iection 1 Psychologist OS -13 1 Test Item Writer GS-9 Training Section 1 Psychologist GS-13 1 Test Item Writer OS-9 TOTAL Part-time Consulttng Psychologists on per diem basis 5 Psychological and Technical Specialists 21 Administrative and scoring assistants and clerical personnel 11 TOTAL 140 4 Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2176721 Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2176721 be ofIowsi Phasing. It is 'suggested that the phasing order of priority, ' a. Headquarters Testing Team b# Training Evaluation Branch c. TeSt Research Branch d Validation Branch a, Field Testing Team � f Assessment Team 6# The Board of Conamltants should be assembled as soon as pOssible so that the recommendations can play an important part in the modifica- tion and improvement of the programs of the Division of Ps hology. 7. The Board of Consultants and units (a), (b), and (c) of para- aph 5 should be recruited by 1 July 1951, and units (d), (e), and (f) should be recruited by 31 December 1951. 8# The suggestions contained in this memorandum are for purposes of discussion and are not intended to be at all fine.. WJM:gmw 1-Chrono 14forgan (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2176721