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January 23, 1959
pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 4' Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 ( S.E.0 XICEMMAVON REPORTINI� REPORT AND =DIMMER'S NO. 18 5 - p.3 January 1959 nRsT WgEK nuasy 3.29 0830-0900 Organization of Class training assistann 0900-0930 The Course and Its Aims I chief instructor r' Immo Operations School OTR 0933-1030 Guidance of the Reporter (b)(3) 1030-1100 The Reporter's Basic Job 1100-1130 The Raw Report (b)(3) 1230-1300 Reading.: The Renuiremente Kit, Basic Guidance Papers - I instructor, IBM, Operations ("3) School, OTR 1300-1400 Introduction to Re uiremente: Definition and Theory - 1400-1500 Requirements Procedures 1500-1600 DD/P Requirements Organization - 1600-1700 Reading: The Requirements Kit, Requirements File - (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Tuesday l_ 6 Januar4 1952 0830-0930 Reading: The Reourments Kit, Requirements Evaluation Cycle (b)(3) 0930-1030 The Requirements and Evaluations Branch, FI/RQM - (b)(3) � 1030-1200 Function of a Division ReenUIromusinta Off4 (b)(3) 1300-1500 The ).esit Officer and Reauirements and Evaluations - (b)(3) 1500-1700 Desk Dimeve nt of the Reporter (b)(3) (b)(3) Wednesday, 7 January 1929 0830-1000 Case Illustrat or Gui0ance Through Requirements - 1000-1130 Case Ilustration 7f Guidance Through Desk Evaluation - 1230-1300 Briefing, Requirements Problem - 1300-1600 CoLlecting Desk Guidance Information 1600-1700 Preparation for Wrring the Requirements Report - 8-33-C-R4S-T pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 fr� � S-E-C-R4-T ;TP 8 Januez7 459 1- ; 0830-1130 Writing the Requirements Report 4 2230-1430 Reqpirements and Evaluations Review and Exercise IND 1430a-1530 The Cable :information Report- 15304700 instructor, IRRR, OperetUw_School Reading the Cable Handbook, CTR ?ride', 2 Jam 0830-0900 09004200 1300-1700 Briefing for Cable Observation Problem - Collecting Information Discussing and Writing Field and Coble Information Reports SECOND Win Monday, 12 January 1259 083o-apoo l000-u3o 12304700 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Discussion of Reauirements Rerrt and of Requirements Exercise - The Basic Information Report - (b)(3) Sourcing, Evidence of Information Values, Interpretation Tue.ATEL1.2n 0830-0930 Reading: Intelligence Requirements and Reports, 0930-1130 1230-1430 14304600 1600-1700 Processing the Ralf Report to Final Form, Laboratory - Organisation and Expression in Reports Rep hangs Rea,ng: Intelligence Requirements end Reports Vigpsdaq, 24 January 083040930 0930-2030 10304130 1230-1430 1430-1530 15304700 Reading: Reporting Kit, Memoranda Folder Qualifications and Development of a Re Direct Observation and Its Reporting - Indirect Observation and Its Reporting Films on Observation and Reporting Reading: The Operations Officer as a Reporter - (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (v)(0) (b)(3) - 2 - � (b),(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 0 ed for Release: 2018/09/17 CO21 7 Rri.4 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 � and Its Use (b)(3) 08304000 The GPO Style Manual 3.000-1130 Other Bdi Problems - (b)(3) 1230-1330 The TD Report - (b)(3) 1330-1430 1430-1700 Other Specialized Laboratory PractiePr411""e 1 (b)(3) (b)(3) of rial and Laboratory 0830-0900 Briefing on Collection Practices - (b)(3) 0900-1000 Pick-up of Reports Material 1000-1130 Laboratory: Processing Reports - Staff 1230-1700 laboratory: Processing Reports - Staff 1.9 January 1959 0830-1130 Laboratory: Processing Reports - 1230-1600 Laboratory: Processing Reports - 1600-1700 Briefing and Assigaments for RepotingZoiSe TUesdly, 20 January 1959 0830-1700 Reporting Exercise, Collection of Information 0830-1130 Laboratory: Processing Reports - 1230-1700 Laboratory; Processing Reports Thursday, 22 January 0830-1130 Laboratory: Processing Reports - 1230-1700 Laboratory: Processing Reports - 0830-1130 Completing Reports: Discussion Reporting Exercises Co:plating Reading; Reviewing Not!! Staff 1230-1530 Final Report on Course Content with . 1530-1700 Checkouts of MR and Desk Material - MOTE TO SMUTS: The instructor named in the schedule as the instructor in charge will be in the laboratory to help students throughout the periods assigned. Other instructors will be available at these times in their offices. - 3 - S-E.C.�R-134 pproved for Release: 2018109/17 CO2176504 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) and Reports; (b)(3) (b)(3) / Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 : ris Hin1141 INFORMA.TION REPORTING, REPORTS, Atth RECNIRDENS NO. 19 9.i2llobruaryl959 FflISTci 1 Inlay 9 February. 3:959 08304900 Organization of the Class training assistant (b)(3) 09004930 The Couree and Its Alms a IRRR, Operations School, OTR 09304030 The !importer's Basic Collection abl Ccenunications Job qop, 10304130 The Reporter's Need far Ouldanoe 11304200 Roams Tbs Requireeento Kitt Basic Guidance Papers w instructora IRRR, �pentium School, 0Th 13004400 Introduction to Requirements! Definition and Theory, a 24004500 15004600 16004700 chief instructor, (b)(3) 1 (b)(3) (0)(3) (b)(3) 1 (b)(3) nte Procedures �(L))(3) Reqtdrenonts Orgezdzation (b)(3) Readints The Requirements lit, Requirements Me ga., Inailla-4-744244U222 08304930 Iteed!mat The Requirements Kit, Requirements Evaluation Cycle ED 09304030 The 10304200 ftnot4An fitfl Dtviaion Roma/resents Office 23004500 15004700 Direct ind Indirect Observation in the Collection of Information ,*(b)(3) (b)(3) The Devi Officer and Requirements and Evalti�fls 40 � (b)(3) (b)(3) lieftwaa.20.122,2 083omp9oo 09004o30 Devonnamt ot the-Rs hv Desk Guld , � 10304200 Case Illustration of Guidance rt*irough Desk Evaluation so 13004500 Organization and ibcpreveion in Courounications - imam Rec1u2ementa and Evaluations Review and Exercise a I was Operations Officer as a Reporter* is , pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504: - (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 - - Februari 19,52 00140900 09004200 130043400 24004700 0 Briefing, Requiremente Problass Collecting Desk Guidanoe Information BriartRmAration of the Requirement* Report - Writing the Requirements Report. ?Ada?. 13 7eaterza212 0830-0900 09004200 13004400 14004.1600 3600 '700 Mating for Cable Observation Problem � instructors IRRR, Operations School MR Collecting Information for the The Cable Information Report - Writing Cable Information Reports - DiaouRequirements Report 4. Max, 16 Abram' 4959 08304000 100041130 12304500 15004700 Tj20611-12"11112. 0830-0930 Readings Intelligence Requirements and Reports, 0930.4130 22304330 SECO? Wag Reading the Citblot kndbook, The CS Information Report 4. &lure Evidenoe of Information Values, Interpretation t� Writing Pie ble Reports 13304430 14304'700 17.;16.0.2213mi7 .26212 08304930 093a�x030 10304330 12304400 1400.4500 1600.1700 QuelifiCations and Development sources m Requirements and Reports, Re aproducticonation anA Exchange � Processing the Raw Report into the Final Form Readings Reports Kits liersoramia Folder 4. Films on Observation and Reporting at Readings The pperations Miler airn_lielmnIgm_ The GPO StA, Manpal and Its uee Other rditorlal Prot:aims � The I'D Report � -2. � A pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504�. (b)(3) (b)(3) (0)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) ku)ko) (b)(3) (b)(3) (0)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 .0.12 � It Tharedv 19 Ppbrustrwr 1952 0830.0930 Specialised Reports 09304130 laboratory Practice 12304300 Briefing on Collection Laboratory Procedures 230004400 Plek.up of Reports Literial 1400.1700 laboratory: processing Reports Staff augumistkmman 0e30-1230 Laboratory: Processing Reports 1230.1600 laboratory: Prooessing Reports 16004700 Brieriartsnd Ati17mments for Re yRIRD WE* !nda!1 23 February 1959 ' 11.0.14.D.44 r12 ski and on 08304700 Reporting Exercise, Collection of Information W3eeSlay.-25 Febrwm, ;959 08304130 laboratory* Processing Reports .- 12304700 laboratory: Processing Reports T)mr.day1 26 FebruarY 1959 08304130 laboratory: Processing Reports 12304700 laboratory: Processing Reports I. �E 2J Febnary 06304130 Caipleting Reports: Discussion of Reporting Exercises and Reports; Completing Bowling; Rini 1230:4530 Writing Final Report on Course Content I. 15304700 Cbsecouts of OTR and Desk Material . 25C58 TO STUDIA3:0 The instructor named in the schedule as ths instructor in charge will be in the laboratory to help students throughout the periods assigned. Other instructors will available at thesetlass in t 119 and - 2-1HIEIK pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 formation Reporting Reportsp and Requirements No. 20 ' 30 Harch . 17 April 1959 COURSE OB4CTIVES: 1, To convince students that a good report 00M09 only from a good reporter effectively directed; To make students are of their duties as information collectors and reporters; To show ho v a reporter can be developed and his raporting improved through effective aseigmente and constant evaluation of both his operaii ton and Ms product; To emphasize the neceesity for the applieatim at resourceful opurating and objective observation in the collection of information; To demonstrate the saving of time in appropTiately organised and af- fectivelq expressed reports; and To gin students directed practice in tedloring aasignmentsp collecting information, organizing information into raw reports, processing the raw reports into both finished cabla and CS reports, and evaluating the product. 0830.0900 Organization of the Class - training assititaiR;x3) 0900.0930 The Course and Its Aims - . eller instructotp 1:5T(3) fiuLtiquarterog I.trairatig9 Vpure. ti.013 34hoo1 (L) 0930.1030 The Reporter0 Basic( Collection and Commnications Job (b)(3) 1030.1130 Tbe Reporter's Need for Guidance (b)(3) 1130.1200 Reedlnits_The_BAKrairmilints-at--- Basle Guidance Papers - instructort IRRR, Headquarters Truining9 Operations School (b)(3) 13004400 Int uction to Roquiremsntsi Definition and Theory . 1400.1500 s. �ures . (L) M 15004600 DD F Requirements Organization.. (L) (b)(3) 1600.1700 s The Requirements Kit9 Requirements File . (b)(3) L Lecture DIS Discussion DEM. Demonstration PW . Practical Work TF� Training Fila RR . Required Reading pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 � Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 4 0830.0930 0930.1030 The Reouiremente and 1030.1200 1300.1500 1500-1700 S-134-C-R-E4 ReadnEs The Requirements Kit* Requirements Evuluation Cycle - E h ii11114414 valua inns Bra The D. .k and Evaluations - Direct and Indirect Observation in the Collection of Information .%,.(b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Wedneeduallau.,2222 C830.1030 1030.1200 1300-1400 1400.1600 1600.1700 ThurodaY0 0830.0900 09004200 13004400 24004700 Fridayk 3 (b)(3) Operational Reporting and Ls User in Evaluation m (L) Hosilquartere Trainimi; Operations seow Devi.00ment of the Rapowter Desk Evaluation . (L) Case Illustration of Guidance Through Doak Evaluation - Organization and 4xpression in Communication.. Requirements Eeview and Exercise . 2 April 19,9 Briefing* Requirements Problam. Collecting Guidance Information at Desks (PW) Bri Re uirements Report Writing the Requirements Report . April 1919 (Pw (Pw) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 0830.0900 Briefing for Cable Observation Problem Instructor* IRRR, Headquarters - (b)(3) Training* Operations School 0900.1200 Collecting Information for tcabiaturion_Ret (PW) 1300.1500 150061600 Reading* The Cable Handbook* The Cable Information Report \(RR) (b)(3) (10)(-3) . (L) . 16004700 Discussion of Requirements Report (�)14) Monday. 6 A 1959 083o61230 123o4330 233o.wo 1500-1700 SECOND -ME Writing Information Cable Reports - Writing Information Cable Rpqrtaaa The CS Information Report . Saari:ins. Evidence of Information Values* Interpretation= 2 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 , 4 � / figratii.tbizazu 0830.0930 0930-1130 1230.1330 1330-1430 1430.1700 Wedzisode, 0830-C930 0930.1030 1030-1130 1=4400 1400.1500 1600.1700 0830.0930 09304130 1230.1300 1300-1400 1400.1700 S.E.O.R.E4 Readings Intelligence Requiremente and Reports, (RR) Qualifications and Development of Sources . Readings Intelligence Requirements and Reports, (RR) Reproduction Dissemination, arsi Exchange (L) Process t w Report into the Final Form - CL) Reading: Reports Kit, RC Memoranda Folder - Films on �beer:cation and Reporting (TI) Reading: "The Operations Officer as a Renorter"(DEM) The GPO Style Manual and Its Use (DEM) Other Editorial Problems (L) The TD Report tL) (RR) Specialized Reports . (L) Laborat Practices Writing TDT's and Other Specialized Reports (- (PW) ction of Mkterial free' Desks Pick-up of Reports Material (PW) Laboratory Practice: Processing CS Reports . Staff (FW) Friday 10 April 1259 0830.1130 1234-1600 1600-1700 Laboratory Practices Processing CS Reports - Laboratory Practice: Processing CS Reports . arlefing and Assignments for Reporting Exercise . at&T.a.212-4ZUZ22 0830.1700 Reporting Exercises Collection of Information (PW) Tueeday. 14 April 1952 0830.1130 Laboratory Practices Processing Reports 1230.1700 Laboratory Practice: Processing Reports - 3 a. pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 (114 (Pw) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) I (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 � 1./ 0830-1130 1230-1700 Tim:trade-171 0830.1130 1230.1700 SZ.C.R.EgoT 1222 laboratory Practice: Processing CS Reports . Laboratory Practical Processing CS Reports . 16 April P19 Laboratory Practice* Processing CS Reports - Laboratory Practice: Processing CS Repots Illdat 17 08304130 2230.1530 1530-1700 (pw) (b)(3) (PW) (Pw) (Pi) April 1919 Discussion of Reporting Exercises and Reports; Completion of Roadingo Review of Notes - Staff (OIS) Writing of Final Report on Course Content Checkouts of OTR and Desk Material NOTE TO STUMM* The instructor named in the schedule as the instructor in charge will be in the laboratory to help students throughout the periods assigned. Other instructors will be and at these times in th71r afices . 4 SECRET . . pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504: 204. Pw (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 6.,;11,4414,413 ( Information Reporting, Reports* and Requirements No, 21 11 Pky - 29 Htiy 1959 10 To raise the proficioney of Clandestine Services (CS) officers in the collection* the commuricatiomp and the evaluation of information� 20 To instruct CS officers in the producing organization the mehods* the techniques*.amd the applications of Bequirementao 30 To teach CS officers proper saparrisicm and conduct of operations by neans of complete operational reporting. 4. To increase skills through application in laboratory practice 9E methods2 techniques* and programs peculiar to the clandestine method of informs- tion collection aad communication� IMAM mstalay 08300900 Organization of the Clams 0900-0930 The Course aid Ite Aims 0930-1030 The Beporterls Basle Collection and Communications Job 10304130 The Reporter's Heed for Guidanoe 12304200 Beading: The Requirements fatly Basic Guidance Papers 13004400 Intz.oducatior to Recrairstrents: Definition and Theory Sialfwep.R.,1134 .A pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 (b)(3) Training Assistant (b)(3) Headquarters Trainingo Operations School, MR (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Istructr IIUR,Reeds. quarters Training, Opera... tions School* OTR (b)(3) . - � � Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 4 .....sma.aliti.cgavtedama) 24004500 15004600 16004100 Tuesdiqk os3o4930 09)04030 10304200 13004500 15004.700 Requirements Proceduroo . DD/P Requirements Organisation Readings The Requirements Kit, Requirements File Reeding; The Requirements Kit, Requirements File The Requirements and Evaluations Branch, 171/1Q24 Pin:lotion of a Division Requirements Office " The Desk Officer ei!_ld Requirements and Evaluations Direct and Indirect Observation in the Collection of Infortation lejsas 08304030 Operatic= Reporting and Its Use in Evaluation 1030a1230 133001500 15004600 The Case Officer and Operations Reporting Development ce,tbe Reporter by Desk Evaluation Case Illustration of Guidance . 16004700 Requiresents Review and Exercise IIVEgga4.144a 0830.0930 Preparation at a Bev Report 09304000 Briefing: Revireceent Problem. 2 as S.E.C.R-EaT Approved for Release. 2018/09/17 CO2176504 (b)(3) (b)( )(3) 3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 � S.E.C.11.418 10004200 Collecting Guidance Irtormation at Desks 13004400 Effective Consaudostion Through Words 14004P1700 Writing the Requirements Report FridaYt. 3.5 Max 0830-0900 Briefing fm Cable Observation Problem 09004200 Collecting Irtommation for tbs Cable Intonation Report - 13004500 Ripsaw' The Cable andbookp 33004600 The Cable Information Repurt 2.6004700 piseuasion ce Biagairements Report 11:_ I Col;P: aiglittlamag instructor, IRE; Heads:partici Trainimgo Operations 8choo3., CMR (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 08304130 Writing Information Cable Reports (b)(3) 32.304330 Writing Information Cable Reports 13304500 The CS Intonation Report 15004700 Soming, Evidence of Information � Values, Interpretation 0830.0930 Reading: Intelligence Requirements (b)(3) and RepOrte,1 (b)(3) 09304130 Qualifications and Develop/lent of Sources 3 �I� S-E-0441/ Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 Bep:rodnotiono Disseminations, ard PG-. Processing the .Ifam Report into the Final Form ' 12304300 Briefing on Col.leationc litteria1 from Desks 013304.130 lebborator7 ?racticet PrOCOSeting CB Reporbn ' Ar,,rrIvpri for Release: 2018/09/ C Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 Sr, Processing Processing Processing Proaessing Processing Processing Discussion of Reporting Exercises awl Reports; Completion of Reading, Reviki, of Notes Writing of Final Report on Course Content Checkouts of OTR are! Desk Material J zwaxiaLtLioamil 32304600 Laboratox7 Practices Processing . CS Reports 7- 16004700 Briefing and Assign:ants for Reporting ifizercise angortaLLAra 08304700 Reporting Exercises Collection at Information untsimauty 08304330 12304700 WeidnesdKr� 0830,4130 3230s1700 1M:orate:L7 Practioae Departs Laborato7 Practices Report! ' 27 Ity Laboratory Practices Reports ' Laboratory Praeticet Reports 31110rA.RIAE o83om11a ,Laboratox7 Practices 03 Reports �" 12304700 Laboratory Practises CS Reports WV� as Pft 08304130 32304530 15304700 T S signed. Other 1195 fitt The instructor 1362add in the schedule as Us instants:tar in the laboratory to help students throughout tbs periods as., tructc will be aixilehle at these timen in the!ir offices and 2040 - 5 8.3.04.E4 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504.. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3)) - Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 T P N.,:e fats frk,.. S.!" AMP .l-a� *MP War maw ci � OFFICE OF MIRING Operations School Headquarters Training IBFORKATION &MUM REPOTELApplEQUIREMENTS No. 21 19 October - 6 November 1959 COME OBJECTIVES: 1. To increase proficiency in the collection, the communication, and the evaluation of intelligence information. 2. To instruct in the producing organization, the procedures, and the application of Requirements. 3. To teach proper supervision and conduct of operations an. evaluation of products by means of operational reporting. 4. To raise levels of skills through the application in laboratory practice of policies, principles, and procedures in clandestine collection and communication of information. FLEW WEEK 0830-0900 Organization of the Class 0900-0930 The Course and Its Aims 0930-1030 The Reporter's Basic Collection and Communications Job 1030..1130 The Reporter's Need for Guidance 1130-1200 Reading: The Requirements Nit, Basic Guidance Papers 1300-1500 Requirements Definitional Theory, and Procedures 1500-1600 DD(P) Requirements Organization 1600-1700 Reading: Requirements File Tu.Aggi...2.2.Saoltrs.aa 0830-0930 Reading: The Requirements File 0930-1030 The Requirements and Evaluations Branch, FI/RIZM S -E -C -R -T (b)(3) Training Assistant IRRR, (b)(3) vulti Instructor, Headquarters Training, Operations School, CTR (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 (b)(3) 1,1 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 Tueada 20 October 1 (continued) 1030-1200 1300-1500 Function of a Division Requirements Officer The Desk Officer and Requirements and Evaluations Wednesday Observation in Factual Reporting , 21 October 195 Operations Reporting 1500-1700 0830-0930 0930-1030 1030-1130 1230-1330 1330-1600 1600-1700 Thtizra 0830-0930 09304000 1000-1200 1300-1400 1400-1700 Prida 2 0830-0930 0930-1030 1030-1130 1230-1600 1600-1700 Application of Operational Reporting in Evaluation The Case Officer and Operations Reporting Case Illustration of Guidance Intelligence Direction Completion of Assifyled Reading OctoberPreparation of a Raw Report Briefing: Requirement Problem Collecting Guidance Information at Desks Effective Communication Through Words Writing the Requirements Report 1 r" Readings The Field Cable Handbook The Cable Information Report Writing the Cable Information Report Writing the Cable Information Report Discussion of Cable Practices - 2 - S.B.C.1144 d for Release. 2018/09/17 CO2176504,� (b)(3) � Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 f' S -E-C SECOND WEEK Konda6 October 19 0830-1130 The CB Information Report 1230-1530 1530-1700 Sourcing, Evidence of Information Values, Interpretation Reading: IrtceReuirennta and Reports 0830-1030 1030-1130 1230-1330 1330-1700 Wednesdayi_ 28 0830-0930 0930-1030 1030-1130 3.230.1400 3.400-Aoo 1600-1700 1 Qualifications and Development of Sources Reproduction, Dissemination, and Exchange. Readings ThteUinee Re_rirements and Reports,' Processing the Raw Report into the Final Form October 1222 Readings Reports Kit, RC Memoranda Folder Films on Observation and Reporting Reading: "The Operations Officer as a Reporter" The GPO Style Manual and Its Use Editorial Problems and Their Involvement in Evaluation The TD Report 2.221..... ober 0830-0930 Specialized Reports 0930-1130 Laboratory Practice: Writing TD's and Other Specialized Reports 1230-1300 Briefing on Collection of Material from Desks Pick-up of Reports Material 1300-14.00 1400-1700 Laboratory. Practice: Processing CS Reports - 3 - S-B-C-R-E4 � Staff � (b)(3) (b)(3) � (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) ; - � A -,,rmipri for Release: 2018/09 5 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 . � id2y, 1 0830-1130 Laboratory Practice: Processing CS Reports Staff 1230-1700 Laboratory Practice: Processing Staff CS Reports 252ember 1 THIRD WC 0830-0930 Assignments and Briefing for Report- ing Exercise 0930-1700 Reporting Exercise: Collection of Information Tuasds4.3 November 452 0830-1130 Laboratory Practice: Reports 1230-1700 Laboratory Practice: Raports Wednatadsx� 14 November 1t52 0830-1130 Laboratory Practice: Reports 1230-1700 Laboratory Practice: Reports Dureday, 5 November 1259 0830-1130 laboratory Practice: CS Reports 1230-1700 Laboratory Practices CS Reports F:14.4y, 6 November 1959 0830-1130 � Processing Processing Processing Processing Processing Processing Discussion of Reporting Exercises and Reports; Completion of Reading, Review of Notes 1230-1530 Writing of Final Report on Course Content .1530-1700 Checkout of MR and Desk Material NOZE TO SlIrterrst During the course, and \ when not in the classroom, will be available in their offices for conference with students \ in Room 2014 and in Room. 119. 1 S-E-C-E-114 Annroved forRelease: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 (b)(3) A( (b) SECRET (When Pilled In) O4-it/r COURSE TITLE /en NAME OF STUDENT TRAINING EVALUAT I ON ROSTER COURSE NUMBER NUMBER OF STUDENTS 6412-k OFF ICE DATE FORWARDED DATE RECEIVED DATE OF COURSE it72 /�c2G"'" REMARKS ft, FORM NO. JUN 56 101 1 SECRET -0 -0 (D CD 7:) (-To CD NJ 0 CO 0 ' 0 0 NJ 01 SECRET . (When Pilled In) TRAIN !NG EVALUATION ROSTER COURSE TITLE Information Reporting, Reports and Requirements NAME OF STUDENT COURSE NUMBER 18 OFF ICE is CA) NUMBER OF STUDENTS LbA Wit\ MEMO 6 DATE FORWARDED Y2cctic 111111111111 DATE OF COURSE 5-23 January 1959 DATE RECEIVED REMARKS Cancelled before course began Apt Cancelled before course began (T) (;7! 7:) CD (r) (1:? NJ 0 CO 0 0 0 NJ 01 0 SECRET ( When PI fled Zn) TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER 4;t OATE RECEIVED COURSE TITLE IIMR No. #19 COURSE NUMBER NUMBER OF STUDENTS 24 DATE OF COURSE 27 February 1959 NAME OF STUDENT 3 5 6 7. 12 15 16 Ootai .i01 � JUN NS OFF ICE DATE FORWARDED V 076 Y;t0A) MO REMARKS 4 47. 4-1 9 SECRET dettet CeltAs..e /60/81,0Z :eseeleH Jol penaiddV 17099Z 1. ZOO L Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 - �. -; ORWARDED 0 ix) CV � , . Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 /�. C.) � CO (b)(3) (b)(3) 7 , SECRET � (When Pilled In) TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER O4- DATE RECEIVED COURSE TITLE NAME OF STUDENT COURSE NUMBER NUMBER OF STUDENTS DATE OF COURSE OFF ICE DATE FOR WARDED �141C-Mem� REMARKS � FORM NO. 101 I 1 JUN 56 5 � � DATE RECEIVED RBR TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER COURSE NUMBER 20 NAME OF STUDENT OFFICE 2. '104. 6.- 7. * * Completing course for time mi sed in IRRR FORM NO. gAl :�:�JUN ! I � I -t : SECRET (When Pilled In) .141, � � � TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER 'OktrIt E IV ED O44-4//7 .7.� .4� 4 JUN 19 'COURSE TITLE � COURSE NUMBER 21 NUMBER OF STUDENTS 10 DATE OF COURSE � 29 Nay 1959 NAME OF'STUDENT OFF ICE DATE FORWARDED MEMO REMARKS 2. 3. 4. 7. B '9 10. 6 1 6 LV (A) :SECRET I Ay 7 24 JUN 1959 C43eds- 35- 45) -0 � 1. � SECRET (When Pilled In) eer-124 � TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER DATE RECEIVED f4- tCOURSE .TI TLE /te COURSE NUMBER NUMBER OF STUDENTS DATE OF COURSE NAME OF STUDENT OFF ICE DATE OR WARDED ' MEMO REMARKS 6 FORM NO I 0 I 1 JUN 56 ,SECRET ,(39. 45) (D h ) Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 , Eh) NJ , TRA IN ING EVA LUAT I ON ROSTER i 4 pkk16 DATE RECEIVED �e�e-ceez-et COURSE TITLE � Information Reporting, Reports and Requirements TUTORIAL COURSE NUMBER ....1 NUMBER OF STUDENTS 3 DATE OF COURSE 't . i 6 � 17 July 1959 o't ; NAME OF STUDENT OFFICE DATE FORWARDED MEMO ... REMARKS ! 1. / Z .. 2. '7 . _ tz.s: , �1 � --0.. ...., fl I. ,,SECRET Npproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 : I 1 SECRET Tr ..�,... � _... - � _ �........... ,......, � - ! TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER DATE RECEIVED COURSE TITLE IRIU1 0 k-/ - 4,// 7 'COURSE NUMBER 22, NUMBER OF STUDENTS 9 0....0.&xl c.,...,,A 'DATE OF COURSE 14 September - 2 October 1959 . 4. .. i 4-45.j...45..: f.1-x\O _...%t.......3....._%- NAME OF STUDENT OFFICE DATE FORWARDED MCMO REMARKS .: 2. V t 3 � V - i 1 � I/ � , 6. 1,---"" , 7 . 8. 1/ 9 0 �5 : � *3.0 � * Cancelled ( ..... � /6, 6.J. - 4-5) CT co , 1011 I JUN 56 'SECRET (39..45) ; 15) , (D (D (To (1). N) 0 CO 0 (Co 0 0 N) (3) 01 0 � - SECRET (When' Pilled In) DATE RECEIVED TRAIN ISO EVALUATION ROSTER COURSE TITLE COURSE NUMBER Inforitation Repoi�ting, Reports, and. Requirements No. 23 NAME OF STUDENT NUMBER OF STUDENTS: DATE OF COURSE 12 f/ � -/ 19 October 6'November 1959 OFFICE DATE FORWARDED MEMO REMARKS 5. 10. 11. /e .e.t6 g.1 A I. el Ii it 4/11=MMEVIMMm FORM NO. JUN loll ,SECRET (39- Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 (D (D - TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER % DATE RECEIVED COURSE TITLE IRRR (Tutorial) COURSE NUMBER NUMBER OF STUDENTS 2 DATE OF COURSE 9 - 20 November 1959 NAME OF STUDENT OFFICE DATE FORWARDED -MEMO REMARKS i.' Oge vO fr. /3 r ( I I i' ...- ; &Q57 COa . 4,4 TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER DATE RECEIVED COURSE TITLE IRRR (Tutorial) COURSE NUMBER NUMBER OF STUDENTS Cm---- 3 V14/ o DATE OF COURSE 7 - 18 December 1959 NAME OF STUDENT 6:-/-1,4 0 0 OFFICE DATE FORWARDED --ME4offt- REMARKS ief6 0 ti t, iz 1;c1 ' Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 S-E-C-R-E-T Number Dates -a3Z0.6N (90 - caJski IRRR Total C.I.A. Enroll Co 1. 'Inc 07, 010 dB - Ni" Others JO 10,4�4asmeiamok. o. pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2176504 ��������.������� Applicants Remarks Not Enrolled 'I e 4 14.40,44�44)44444.,44f4M4411MSI'.4.4114.114. V444110.414144tdre.mIsaiXON -440.444�4�44.44x4.4.444.44441�40444�414141=1, .4141441411�6144444144444sos44444444afoim