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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
April 8, 2021
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Publication Date: 
January 10, 1978
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� � . . Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2167151 - tinge � `411114 ii.lxi Pc(jotry77 1 MEMORANDUM FOR: ATTENTION: VIA: FROM: General Counsel 10 JAN 1978 DDIA R7f,ristry File Acting Deputy Director for Administration Robert W. Gambino Director of Security SUBJECT: Department of Justice Investigation of the FBI 1. (U) Action Requested: None; for information only. 2. (U) Background: In response to your request of 27 December 1977 (OGC 77-8124), the appropriate records of the Directorate of Administration have been searched for any information relating to Agency involvement in or conversations about the so-called Huston Plan (The Interagency Committee on Intelligence). The only material located pertaining to this subject is the attached memorandum to the Inspector General prepared by the Office of Security on 16 July 1973. The material relates to visits to the Agency by Thomas C. Huston and also reflects the names of several other members of the Interagency Committee on Intelligence. Robert W. Gambino Attachment Distribution: Orig. & 1 - Addressee 1 - A/DDA Unclassified when separated from Secret Attachment k Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2167151 E2 IMPDET CL BY 063344 OS 7 5193/A Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2167151 No, � . JUL 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: ATTENTION SUBJECT Inspector General, : Thomas C. Huston 1. The Office of Security has reviewed their 1969 and 1970 records to attempt to establish the visiting dates of Thomas C. Huston of the White House Staff. There are two types of these records, the Official Pass or "pink slips" and the Visitors' Log maintained by the Director's Protective Staff which includes those persons entering by the DCI elevator. The "pink slips" for 1969 revealed no visits by Thomas C. Huston and the log for that year has been destroyed; therefore, the Office of Security has no record of his visit in 1969. A check by this Office with CI Staff, revealed that Mr. Huston visited General Cushman on 19 June 1969 and has the information regarding that visit. .2. The Visitors' Log for 1970 revealed that Thomas C. Huston was a 'member of the Inter-Agency Committee on Intel- ligence and as such visited the USIB Conference Room on 12 June and 23 June 1970. A copy of the Visitor List is attached. 3. A review of the "pink slips" revealed that Mr. Thomas C. Huston visited Dr. John R. Tietjen on 11 December 1970 from 8:50 a.m. to 11:09 a.m. (copy attached). There is no further information pertaining to Mr. Husten's visits in the Office of Security. � atts Howard J. gAyorn Director of S'curity Distribution: Orig. 4 1 Adse 1 - Deputy Director for Ma es IMPDET CLBYAV SEC111.71 Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2167151 , Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO21671511 .3 t f�;,k 2-e ; ill 12.7� vC -" INTER-AGENCY COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE Meeting of working group scheduled for 3:30 p.rn. on 9 June .1970 in the TiSIB Conference Room, 7E-26 Headquarters. Please arrange for Conference Visitors Passes for the following individuals who have been delegated by their principal Agencies to attend this meeting. FBI Inspector Donald E. Moore Special Agent George C. Moore V-I LT usr�-- ' - NSA r 7. s' DIA Torn C. Huston, Staff Assistant, White House % ) Denartment of Army Assistant Director, NSA Deputy Chief, Office of Counter Intelligence and Security, DLA Col. Jolin W. , ,\N\ Downie, Director of Security, Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Dept. of Army Mr. Elihu. Braunstein V Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2167151 .2 Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2167151 'row NiOr Deoe.rtrnent of Navy Capt. Edward G. Rifenburgh, .Director Naval Investigs.tive Service, Naval Int,-...qligence Command CU.), Harry Warren. ,.-- 12 -?'" Department of Air Force � cit Col. Rudolph C. Koller, Jr. , Commander 1127 U.S. Field Activities Group, Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Air Force r