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May 14, 1957
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Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2154103,6, � SECRET � IAC -M-289 14 May 1957 INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting Held in IAC Conference Room, Administration Building Central Intelligence Agency, at 1045, 14 May 1957 Director of Central Intelligence Allen W. Dulles Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Hugh S. Cumming, Jr., Special Assistant for Intelligence, Department of State Major General R. H. Wienecke, Acting Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Army Rear Admiral Laurence H. Frost, Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy Major General Millard Lewis, Director of Intelligence, Headquarters, United States Air Force Brigadier General Richard Collins, Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Mr. Milton E. Jenkins, acting for Atomic Energy Commission representative to the IAC Mr. Meffert W. Kuhrtz, acting for Federal Bureau of Investigation representative to the IAC SECRET- Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2154103 � .1 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2154103 � IAC-M-289 14 May 1957 1. Approval of Minutes 7 May Meeting (IAC -M-288) Approved as written. 2. Review of Crisis Situations a. Watch Committee Report No. 353 Noted. b. Indonesian Situation The Chairman referred to certain recent developments in Indonesia and Mr. Cumming noted the increased seriousness of the situation, commenting particularly on the possible significance of the presence of certain prominent individuals on Sumatra. The Chairman stated that he might include material on this situation in his next NSC briefing. c. Middle East The members discussed various aspects of the Middle East situation including the deployment of French naval vessels in the Djibouti area, possible future moves by Nasser, and matters bearing on the British position in the Persian Gulf area. Reference was also made to the situation in Yemen, with particular emphasis on the desirability and possible means of increasing intelligence coverage in that country. 3. Proposal for Survey of Sources of Warning Information (NICS-7-1233, 1 May, as revised 10 May; IAC-M-284, item 4) Approved the proposed terms of reference for a Warning Systems Survey Committee, as amended, and agreed that Mr. J. J. Hitchcock should be chairman of that Committee. After - 2 - Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2154103 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2154103 _ � SECRET IAC-M-289 14 May 1957 General Wienecke raised a question with respect to the relationship of USCIB to this Survey Committee, the members concurred in the Chairman's suggestion that relevant documents be furnished to USCIB and General Samford and that an effort be made to secure their co- operation and assistance in the work of the subcommittee, as appropriate. 4. Proposal for Establishment of Interagency Source Register (IAC-D-54/3, 30 April) Agreed to establish an interagency source register and approved the procedures under which that register is to operate, as outlined in the draft "Interagency Source Register Procedures" (Attachment to IAC-D-54/3). (b)(1 (b)(3 - 3 - SECRET Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2154103 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2154103 _ � SECRET 410 IAC-M-289 14 May 1957 (b)(1) (b)(3) Adjournment: 1140 (b)(6) JOHN HEIRES Secretary SECRETARY'S NOTES 1, No objection having been raised by a member, the Secretary has authorized release to USIA of SNIE 36.5.57, "US Prospects in Libya Over the Next Few Years," 7 May 1957 (IAC-M-288, Secretary's Note). (b)(1) (b)(3) 4 SECRET Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2154103 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2154103Ak � SET, IAC Meeting, 14 May 1957 ALSO PRESENT Central Intelligence Agency Lieutenant General Charles P. Cabe11 Mr. Robert Amory Mr. Sherman Kent Mr. Wayne Jackson Mr. Huntington Sheldon Mr. William N. More11, Jr. Mr. J. J. Hitchcock Mr. Thomas H. Karamessines Mr. Don Harris Mr. John Heires Department of State Mr. William McAfee Mr. Richard K. Stuart Department of the Army Lieutenant Colonel C. H. Pratt Lieutenant Colonel Donald L. Husman Mr. Rupert W. Guenthner Department of the Navy Captain W. S. Howell Department of the Air Force Colonel Harold E. Cotter Colonel S. W. Fitz Gerald, Jr. Colonel Horace G. Reeder, II Colonel Lewis R. Long Lieutenant Colonel Van A. Woods, Jr. Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2154103 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2154104 � The Joint Staff Colonel E. G. Van Orman, USMC Colonel Joseph M. Pittman, USA Colonel R. H. Agnew, USA Colonel C. H. Dayhuff, Jr., USA - 2 - Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2154103