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Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2150027 SC No. 07431/68 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence 4 February 1968 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM 4.. � ) 111 x�-) The #.51 .-Co, ' 'Ca th\?2,..�7' No 33 Summary There were vo nmjor-nevralt60C, by Commu- nist forces during the night of 3-4 February. Allied forces continue to clear Ung _in enemy �laments from the city of Hue. arens'in_tho'IlS.C.g.P41A17da.are'now in frjendl.Y_h"" but sporadicmortar and sniper fire is still ported in several of the provincial capitals. Ycem rod 'the- night. in The sa17:04. area, although a few scattered skirmishes- awith-S-Mall- enemy remnants took place within the city. Enemy netivityin the Delta provinces was characterized by a'series of small unit assaults against district towns, outposts, and night defensive positions. � Despite the present relative calm, there are continuing ..1-13...at3,ons-:tbat_tl'.o'CoMM.dniit'ts-aro-p1arn 11w'offenslYesA PartiPnl-ar17-ift the Da Nang flru north and-W-6st of Saigon in South-Vietnam's-III Cos Tho tronds previously reported on the initial reaction of the populace to the attacks, continue to be evident. The assaults apparently produced fear and surprise over the VC presence and strength, and revulsion at the gross enemy .violation of the sacred Tet holiday In about even proportions. Evident also is a strong undercurrent of belief that, if the government does not move speedily and with vigor to normalize the situation in the cities, and roster� its presence and authority in the countryside, it will Tose heavily in terms of popular confidence. EGR14,1 -Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2150027 EO 13526 3.3(h)(2; EO - 13526 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2150027 �yerzi Cc)rps - 1. No significant Communist offensive activi- ties were reported during the night of 3-/1 February; howeveri several small-scale mortar attacks and ground probes took place. 2. Hue: Al: mid-morning on 4-February, spoadic Cov.tact between allied and enemy forces continued within the walled citadel area of the city just no:4th of the Perfume River. South.Viatnameso have complete control now of- the citadel airstrip and, together with US inits, are continuing to swoop sections of tne.cak..y outside the citadel, The enemy is still holed up in scattered city buildings on the south bank of the river. 3, Interrogation of a prisoner taken in the � Hue fighting reveals tat at least Some of the at- tacking foreo was composed of Viet Cong or rogroupoes. The captive claimed that the Euecity' munici 1. unit and. the 800th Viet Cong Battalion of the North Viet- namese 6th Regiment- were tasked with attacking the MACV compound for three days and if resistance proved heavy, to continuo the attack for an additional four days. He also claimed that if these forces wore reinforced, the fighting could continue for 15 days. 4. Other elements of the North Vietnamese Oth Regiment probably yore also given target areas within - the city to attack. The enemy's stubborn resistance within the city may stem from their intention to fO1 low the battle plan or in anticipation of addi- tional enemy forces coming to their aid. There have been reports of large groups oS enemy troops�probably r6inforeing elements�en the outskirts of town, but allied blocking maneuvers have effectively kept them from joining up with the enemy within the city 5. Quang Tin Province: A South Vietnamese field inanition aad a ncnii refugee area some 10 :ilo. north 01: 'fm iy woro attacked yesterday. The enemy penetrated the refugee camp and destroyed 71 buildings with gronados and explosive charges. Twenty-five civilians and one soldier were killed and another 19 civilialls ' wounded during the action. - 2 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2150027 2,.C.- 3.5(e) II � 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2150027 6. No further details are available on the largo-scale action reported earlier etween US Yarine and enemy units several milos south of Da Nan; however, an additional subordinate of the. North '..7ietnameso 2nd Division has joined the build- up Of Communist units in the coastal flatlands bo- twoon Uoi AR and Da.Nang. a,terminal serving the HeadquarterS or the North Vietnamece 21st Regiment some nine milos west of ED.' An; placing it in close proximity to all major olements of thoNVA 2nd Division and to the North Vietnamese 31st and 36$ B Regimontswhich are in the same general area. The 21st Regiment 'normally operates to the south inQuang T7in Prov- ince.- � This massing of enemy main force elements , in this. important area along the coast, together with the reported positioning of a regimental-sizo enemy force near the strategic Hni Van pass just north of Da Nang, suggest a Communist effort may be under- way to cut off Da Nang. This could lead to, or he � connected with, further attacks, ineluding.rochet and artillery, on the key US airbase as well as the city itself. Corps 8. There has been little significant enemy .activity in central South Vietnam thus far on 4 Feb- ruary. The situation in the coastal city of Phnn Thief, capital of Binh Thuan Province, hasimproved and all major population centers are now under friendly control. D. Phan Thfot: On the morning of 4 February sporadic firing i7g continuing around the outskirts 01 town following the successful allied drive to ropel throe Communists-battalions which attacked. during the night. A prisoner stated that one of the enemy units involved in the fightin--the 840th Viet Cong naUnlion--is withdrawing to a. secret base camp .northeast of the city. Early on 4 February a company-sized Viet Cong force attached a mal) village just north of Phan Thief', possfbly as a diversionary tactic to cover the retreat of the other units. -3 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2150027 'Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO21500273.5tc)\ _ A 10. � Ban Mc_Thuot: The city remains quiet, how- ever,.repots on the build-up of Worth Viet- namese troops�numbering as many as 21000�near the city. The 3rd Battalion of the North Vietnamese 33rd aegiment has been relocating land provincial capital. ,11, Yontum; Light.cnomy mortar and small arms fire was s=f76oir,in in at several points in the city at noon on 4 February. Sporadic sniping has also s=tinued during both nighttime and daytime hours. A probing attempt against the airfield vas made during the night, but was swiftly beaten back. 12. Dalat: Only sporadic sniper Tire has been :reported in. Dalat as South Vietnamese reinforcements continue to move into the city. � arid IIi. Corp just south of thiS high- 13. � No major fighting occurred in Saigon during the night or early on Sunday. Elserhere there wore several assaults on the US base faci?litics and district towns during the night. Id. Saigon: Several sharp clashes took place between bands o:C Viet Cong and South Vietnamese police d.Raagers. In at least two instances, government fors had platoon size enemy forces surrounded in Saigon huildings and were preparing to attack and clear them cut. In one case a group o!i. terrorists 15?ere reported as having taen refuge in a school house. Thoy are armed with automatic weapons and grenade launchers and had a machine gun on the reoT of the school. � 15. Build-up: Captured documents and an enemy defector indicate that the pith Viet Cong Division-- which normally operates in northwest III Corps zOong � the Cambedlan border�may be moving closer to Saigon, � 16. One document�a notebook captured several days ago about 30 miles northwest of Saigon�outlines a "new mission" or the 0th Division. According to the notes, higher headquarters recently ordered the - 4 - Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO21.50027 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c)- Approved for Release': 2019/01/17 CO2150027 :)ta to undertake a "long march" which would he the greatest march in the history of the war against the Americans. The notebook indicates that at least elements of the division were to leave Camhodtan territory on 21 January, move through Tay Ninh Prov- ince, and arrive in Cu Chi District northwest of Saigon OR 30 January. The division was to onorato in an area where the terrain features were extremoly 'complicated, an area novor experienced in. 1.ho pnst, During the march every effort would be 'made to maintain march schedule, security, and noise discipline. � � , .17. Other docUments.eapturod in the same 'arca identify the 9th Division's 271st Regiment and prob- ably oloents of tho 272nd Pe;r T (1(1111 the 9th Divisionts third regiment, the 273rd, wus deployed :just to the novth 0:f ...the capital in southern Binh Duong Province and �Tnu�DUCDistrict, Gia Dinh Province. Tho lattor district headquarters is located only Sive miles northwest of Saigon. 18, A South Vietnamese Marino base in Thu Duo district camo under a sharp, but unsuccessful, enomy sttack on 3 February, possibly by a battalion of the 273rd Viet Cong Regiment. During the past fow days all of the VS bases located in an area around Saigon from uorthwest to northcast--Cu Chi, Ben Cat, Lai Kho, and Men floa--have been shelled repeatedly, in .many cases with heavy 122-mm.-roc1ets which are hold only by main force units. The 271Ith and 275th neginonts of the 5th Viet Cong Division were identi- ia the attacks on Bien Moa, northeast of Saigon. Now there is fairly good evidence that the 9t4 Division is applying pressure from the northwest. The c;oncral Communist strategy 111:74y have boon for thcise ;Cors to follow-up and roinforce the initial attnchu. in the Saigon area which are believed to have boon conducted by Viet 'Cong local forces and special squads.� 1?ai1ing this the fth and 5th Divi sions may hope to spread out US forces and tie thom down on the. outskirts of the capital. 10. 3.- MA, � Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2150027 3.5(c) 1 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2150027 Other III Corps: _ _ . 20. In other action in the III Corps area, a 'US baso camp and .district town in Binh Long Province came under attack last night. There was no roper 1. of casualties, but the US base was hit by heavy 322-m. .rockel fire. There has as yet been no attan on An Loo, tho capital of Binh Long, but reports today indi- cate that the Viet Cong have taken over control of most of the hamlets in the province and can move at will. They have also sot up roadblocks on the. routes loading into An Loc. A Fn-wewhat similar condition exists in Tay Ninh Province where Revolut.ionary Develop- ment Teams have had to withdraw from their hamlets to their respective district towns. � 21. An attack was reported last night on Tam Uyon district town in J3i.en aoa Province. An unknown =3..i.ze Viet Cong 2orco breached the ton's proteotive wire barrier, overran several sections of the town and at last report was advancing on the district headquarters, There was no word on casualties. US Army sweeps in Eau Nghia and Binh Duong Provinces reported sporadic contact with enemy troops yester- day afternoon. 22, XUall Loc, the capital of Long Khanh Prov- ince northeast of Saigon, was quiet at last report yesterday evening but the town was tense. Some - 'Viot Cong aro still believed to be in the town and allied authorities anticipated further attacks on their compounds during the night. � 23. The intention of the enemy to continue his pressure on urban areas is continuing to be borne out, by prisoner interrogations and now, by captured documents. One such document captured at the Tan Son Nhut Airbase perimeter states that in order to ' be victorious, the VC must expand attacking Forces �������� � ��� � �6 � Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2150027 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO21.50027 and gnerl.illa war to the cities, and increase at- taehl; on lines of communications so as to isolate the urban areas, IV Co.' 2. All.of tho major provincial cpIt.ii in the delta are in friendly hands, although on the periphery of several cities, sporadic contact with Cong forces is still reported. During the night of 3-1 February, the Communists launched small unit attacks on 'district towns, outposts, and allied field .positions. c 25. Sa Dec: Early this morning, an undetermined size Viet p-onTrorce attnekod Sa Dec city and a nearby district town. Tho MACV compound was penotraLed fore the attackers were driven back after a two-hollr Light. This attack followed ono late on 3 February which was directed against the Chiou Hoi center and the provincial headquarters building. AV last-report, elements of the enemy force were still in the city. 26 'Cao Linh: This capital city of Hien Phong Province was atUTCkod today by an estimated two Viet Cont; companies. The enemy withdrew after one hour of fighting; no casualties were reported. : 27. Other Delta Actions: In Dinh Tuong Prov- inc, five-TITTE-Vrietnamoso outposts wore struck with rocoilless rifle barrages late on February. In Phong Dinh Province, the Thuan Nhon District town and the 51.11h Thuy airfield were hit .by Viet Cong mortarmen. Twelve aircraft wore damaged .at Binh Thuy. In Vinh Long Province., the provincial capital of Vinh Long, its airfield, and a nearby district town wore all attacked with harassing mortar and small arms Tiro. nen Tie and the nearby district town of No Cay, in Kien Hea were hit by light mortar attacks during the night. Other scattered district towns wore also lightly mortared on 2-4 February as the Viet Cong continued to maintain pressure OA populated ar(?as throughout the delta provinces. 6, 7 .10 . . Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 CO2150027 3.5(c) 3.5(c).