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PDF icon AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT REPORT [15817387].pdf435.81 KB
T Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145415 I� co r' : .! F 1 . . . . ',_-� . . . :. ..:-, N. T 1 A L...,, OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT/SECRETARY-LEGAL COUNSEL TRANSLATION No. C-2+08 Confideptipl Petition No. C-53-15882 Date: July 2, 1964 To Civil Aeronautics Administration RE_C'D WAS JUL 7 1964 From Civil Air Transport Company Limited &Med : Airc.ft Accident Reoort Ctrtiss C-46 DM, B-908 Accident LI_ATIK-Ytan, 20 June 1964 Further to our Petition 0-53-15805 dated June: 2+, 1964, we herewith report the result of the accident investigation up to Jtne 19641 SYNOPSIS Civil Air Transoort Flight CT-106, a Curtiss C-46 DM, Republic of China Registration B-908, departed the blocks at 0932Z (1732 -hours local) 20 June 1964 from Sui Nan (Taichung) Airport on a scheduled flight to Taipei. At 0935Z (1735 hours local) the aircraft made a normal take-off from North to South on runway 18. After becoming airborne the aircraft made a left climbing turn to the North and proceeded northbound slightly east of course on instructions from the tower. These instructions were necessitated in order to keep aircraft departing Sui Nan clear of the traffic pattern at neighboring Kung-Kuan Airport. The aircraft had, some minutes before development of the events leading to the crash, successfully negotiated the relatively more critical phases of take-off and was proceeding on course in climb con- figuration with all indications aboard reported satisfactory by radio from the aircraft. The ccident is not regarded as a utake- offu accident. At approximately 0940 (1740 hours local) a coluMn of smoke was spotted in the vicinity of Fung-Yuan� which subse- quently proved to be the site of the crash of B-908. At the present time there is no determination as to the cause of the crash. The remains of the aircraft and its components have been removed from the site aad have been shipped to Air Asia Company Limited Maintenance Base at Tainan Airfield, Tainan, Taiwan for study aadeevaluation \;..n directed by the appropriate authorities. Distribution: , Remarks: Processed per 14).BD-64-309 AACL: NGI'XI/( Via Pre dent) with approval of President. SA/P VPT&S VPGA .T/C File C �vim Lc_cm.p.,. CB for - ( Office of Vice Presidentl Secretary-Legal Counsel July 2, 1964 pproved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145415 Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145415 r.. 2 InESTIGATION Civil Air Transport Flight CT-106, (B-908) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kaohsiung to Taipei, Taiwan with enroute stops at Makung, Tainan aid Taichung. The flight operated through Makung and Tainan on schedule, arriving Taichung at 0922Z (1722 hours local) and blocking in at 09242 (1724 hours local). After landing at Taichung several passenger disembarked and sixteen (16) passengers embarked. The total load for the trip from Taichung to T. ipei then consisted of 52 passengers and 5 crew members and 894 pounds of baggage and cargo. The gross weight of the aircraft for take-off was thus 45,994 pounds or slightly more than 2,000 pounds below the maximum allowable take-off weight of 48,000 pounds. The aircraft blocked out of Taichung at 0932Z and took off at 0935Z. The crew consisted of the Captain, First Officer, First and Second Stewardesses and a Flight Steward. The flight had been routine up to the point of last contact and was conducted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR). The pilot after departure northbound from Taichung to Taipei left the traffic pattern and called Sui Nan Tower at Taichung on VHF Channel "B": "CAT 908 leaving the channel (VHF) see you tomorrow." As recorded by the tower operator at Sui Nan (Taichung) Airport, B-908 blocked in at Sul Nan at 0924Z (1724 hours local). The co-pilotthen filed a Flight Plan with Base Operations, Sui Nan, requesting clearance to fly Airways from Taichung to Taipei. Permission was granted by Air Traffic Control and. the aircraft started to taxi from the passenger loading area at 0932Z (1732 hours local). Inasmuch as a light south- , west wind Was blowing at the time, Runway 18 (180� is the Azimuth heading of the runway) was used. The weather was reported at 0945Z (1745 hours local) to be scattered clouds at 2,000 feet, high scattered clouds at 28,000 feet, visibility 10 miles, surface wind 10 knots from 180 degrees. The aircraft was taxiied to the end of the runway. At this point it is asSumed that the standard normal "Preflight" checks, i.e. engine operation and control checks, were performed. The air- craft took-off to the South at 0935Z (1735 hours local). The Tower Radio Telephone Operator and witnesses who were playing soft-ball one and one half miles south of the airport watched the aircraft depart and all state the departure appeared quite normal. The aircraft made a left turn after take-off to a northerly heading. A standard rate turn and a normal rate-of-climb would have positioned the aircraft after com- pletion of the turn to the northerly heading at an altitude of.appro- ximately 1000 feet. At about this time, one of the pilots called Sui Nan Tower by radio and advised they were clibbing on course and would see them tomorrow. According to the Sui. Nan Operator, he watched B-908 for a moment and then it is presumed that he :turned his atten- tion to other activities, since the Tower ceases operations in the evening at 1800 hours local. The Tower Operator estimated that he observed B-908 from the time of take-off for approximately two and one half minutes. Approximately three minutes later one of the men assigned to the Fire Brigade at Sui Nan Airport telephoned the Tower Operator and advised him that he could see black smoke about four and one half miles northeast of Sui Nan Airport and inquired if the Tower Operator could ascertain if B-908 was in trouble. Sui Nan Tower Operator was unable to see or contact B-908. Sui Nan Tower then contacted Kung- Kuan Tower and asked them to attempt radio and visual contact with Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145415 Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145415 - 3 - B-908. The Kung-Kuan Tower Operator reported to aui Nan that no radio CT Visual contact could be nade, but that he could see smoke in the direction reported. Subsequently a Chinese Air Force Helicopter reported the smoke was verified as coming from the crash of B-908 and that all aboard were dead. Various witnesses have fairly accurately established that the crash occurred at approximately 0940Z (1740 hours local). An accident investigating team was immediately organized in coopera- tion with Civil Aeronautics Administration Officials and was dis- patched to the scene. At the crash site it appeared that the aircraft was intact when it made contact with the ground. The aircraft wreckage was strewn along a measured Azimuth of 283 degrees (appro- ximately from east to west). All evidence indicates that the aircraft struck the ground right side up with the left wing lowered and the nose in a.descending slope of approximately thirty (30) degrees while on a heading of a little north of west. The place of impact is farm land consisting of rice paddies at varying levels and separated by dikes and ditches with trees growing in or on the edges �of the ditches. The aircraft struck the ground and an adjacent rock pile just in front of a deep ditch which was about five meters deep and sheared off trees bordering the ditch. The nose of the aircraft hit the opposite bank of the ditch, which is higher than the near bank on the approach side, and the entire aircraft then bounced in the air, crossing the ditch and shearing another row of threes as it continued forward and ripped apart. The impact was severe. Debris was scattered along a path about 500 feet in length, but several passengers were catapulted further forward and in an extreme case three bodies were found approximately. 1,300 feet beyond the impact point. It is believed that all passengers and Crew could not have survived the impact. Seats were ripped from their mountings. As the aircraft broke apart the fuel tanks contained in the wings also broke and fuel was scattered over some of the wreckage and burned until all fuel was consumed. Engine oil tanks also broke open and the oil burned. There was no evidence of fire in flight. This is supported by the fact that both the left and right firewall liquid shut-off valves had not been activated "closed" and were found "open". Two Lromo-chlore-mathane (CB) type fire extinguishing agent spheres were found, neither of which had been activated. One was found with its pressurized charge intact. The other had had the outlet fitting broken off by the crash impact and had discharged into the water of the small creek in the impact area. Both wings were torn off by the crash impact and neither showed evidence of fire in flight. The engine nacelle areas and the baggage com- partment areas also revealed no evidence of fire in flight. All major components were located in the impact area including two engines and all eight of the propeller blades. The manifold presure gauge found in the wreckage indicated a setting of thirty-three (33) inches of Hg0 for both engines. This approximates a setting for cruise power at 3500 feet. All three cockpit trim tab controls found in the wreckage, one each for the ailerons, rudder and elevator, were set, at essentially "zero" or normal position. pproved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145415 Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145415 � Evaluation of these findings along with those made after technical investigation of the aircraft wreckage when authorized by the Government authorities will be made. In addition to aircraft wreckage found at the crash site, two pieces of evidence were found which may have a bearing in determining the cause of the accident. They consisted of two large U.S. Navy radar technical manuals apparently from a Republic of China armed forces source of a size approximately 8i inches wide by 11 inches long and 2 inches deep. The pages inside both manuals had been hollowed out with a cutting instrument in the shape of a Forty-five (45) caliber automatic pistol. Reports are that both pistols have been found at the accident scene. One observer on hand at the discovery of ehe of the weapons stated that it was found underneath the left engine in the area of the cockpit wreckage. Investigation is continuing in order to substantiate any eossible connection between these items and' .the cause of the crash. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS No determinations can be made conc:,rning the possible cause or causes and contributing factors until such time as all of the relevant technical data and other evidence haw been secured, studied and evaluated. All wreckage of the aircraft has been removed to Air Asia Company; Limited. Maintenance Base in Tainan for further study and evaluation Wnen authorized by Government agencies in charge, BaPLETe?,NTAL DATA THE A.IRCRAT22 The aircraft is a Curtiss :,right C-46 MD, Republic of China Registry B-908, owned at-2d operated by Civil Air Transport Company Limited. The manufacture/is) Serial :Number is 32950. The engines are Pratt and Whitney, Nbdel R-2800-75M31 with four bladed? constant speed, full feathering, Curtiss Electric Propellors. This aircraft was.manufac- tured in 1944. however, it must be pointed out that age has almost no effect on aircraft airworthiness because under a proper maintenance system the parts which wear or deteriorate are periodically replaced. Numerous improvements and modernizing modifications resulting from accumulated operating experience of the collective operators of this type of aircraft around the world and from aviation authority directives render it quite superior to its new state in 'fact. It is further pointed out that the aircraft had been maintained in ac- cordance with a CAA-approved system of maintenance. Maintenance has been performed, under contract, by Air Asia Company Limited in Tainan and Taipei. Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145415 Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145415 I. � -5 MAINTENANCE, OF THE AIRCRAFT The airframe had a total of 19,488 hours and 37 minutes at the time of the accident. The left engine (Serial -# FP 086389) had a-total of 228 hours 10 minutes since overhaul and certification on 6 February 1963 by Air Power Overhaul Inc. San Leandro, Califonia, USFAA approved repair station number 4065. The right engine (Serial # FP 087304) had a total of 310 hours 40 minutes since overhaul and certification on 4 February 1963 by Air Power Overhaul Inc. San Leandro,, California, USFAA approved repair 'station number 4065. Daily post flight & pre-flight inspections and services are ac- complished in accordance with established procedures. The aircraft had flown 63 hours since the last Number One service was performed on. 7 June 1964. It had flown 137 hours since the last Number Two . service was performed on 22 May 1964. The next service, a Number Three.? was due at airframe time 19,503 hours, or after 15 more hours of flight time. The last discrepancies noted by the pilot on the aircraft log were on 16 June 1964. . They were: a -1- psi left engine fuel pressure fluctuation .and higher than normal but below maximum fuel pressure readings while in straight and level flight. These discrepancies were Corrected prior tO flight and a total of 35 flights flown by three.different-Captains were accomplished prior to the accident with no further discrepancies noted in the aircraft logo CREW . Captiin Bengee Lin, age 38, Republic. of China Citizen, held a valid Airline Transport Pilot Licence. No. 10200 issued by the Civil � - Aeronautics Administration with valid MEL DC-4, C-46 and instrument ratings.. Capt. Lin had a total of 10,133 flying hours of which 4,914 were in the C-46 type of aircraft. Medical records dating back to July 1, 1961 indicate that all required periodic flight physicals as described in CAR 19 were normal. The last flight physical was taken on 27 February 1964. The last Route Flight -Check was taken 31 May 1964 and was rated satisfactory by System Chief Pilot, Captain E. F. Sims. First Officer M. H. hung, age 48, Republic of.China Citizen held a valid Senior Commircial Pilot Licence No. 20018, issued by the Civil Aeronautics Administration with Valid MEL, C-47, C-46, DC-4, MES PLY.-5A riltings.. He had a total of 12,104 flying hours of which 9,270 were in the C-46 type of aircraft. .Medical records dating back � pproved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145415 Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145415 -6 to June 1, 1961 indicate that all required periodic flight physicals as described in CAB 19 were normal. The last required CAA flight physical was taken January 4, 1964. The last First Officer proficiency check was given by Capt. M. D. Johnson, Assistant System Chief Pilot on 19 October 1963 and was rated good. Civil Air Transport Company Limited Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145415