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Approved for Release: 201-8710/12-60f1-Y4943 28 February 1948 Mr. Souers, Exec Secy, NSC0 called concerning the Czech situation and also situation in Finland. Requested the ORE Current Branch to brief all pertinent cables on above subjects. Later a brief was delivered to the White House. Briefed the Director on ccinversAtinn nn Thnrciay with Congressman John Davis Lodge and' regarding the Italian (W(1) situation. (b)(3) Briefed the Director on conference with Greek situation. regarding the (b)(1) (b)(3) Top ,117;Tr Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 _ Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 - TOI;ACRET I March 1948 (b)(3) (b)(3) Checked with Offi ations �ncrn1mi Air Force request th(b)(1): determine if and Av. recently returned I' trip to Russia, were available for discussion with Intellige(b)(3). Division, USAF. 00 had queried the office and had Wg1) (b)(3) so advised Air Force; reply has not been received from the office. Called General Sibert, 00, reference possible need for interrogators and safehaven for defector. State Department was to query FBI of their interest in subject; and would advise if we were to take charge of interrogation. Mr. Mr. applicant -- reference status of his applicatioLbY3) Was requested to address a letter to the DCI'in order that it could be routed into proper channels for reply. (b)(3) reference replacement for General ----D irector (b)(3) stated that there was nothing official about Gen. at this tim(b)(3) and that an approach was not to be made at this t �cause it might prove embarrassing. Requested security file on Miss Ruby Juster, Pathfinder News Magazine, 1323 M St. NW, queried about workings of FBIB. Deputy Director rexplained our desire for complete anonymity but mentioned that the FBIB summary was available to press�although we had requested no mention be made as to source if used--and that he would check to determine if Pathfinder News Mag. was on distribution list. (b)(3) applicant, telephoned to inquire status of app1ication�O*3) � interested in p.w. activities. Stated that he would have to make a decision reference offer of job. Deputy Director advised there had been no particular activity in the field in which he was Interested,, although the subject was smoldering, and believed it would be wise for applicant to accept offer. If at such time as . creased activities in the particular field of interest(b)(3) th to it was possible he would be contacted. Imp /PCP FT Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 Trull crinrT Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 ToP/06RET I March 1948 - 2 Col. Exec A&M, advised the Director had signed covering memo (b)(3) on enabling legislation to be delivered to Budget Bureau. Reference inspection of warehouse area--stated he was aware of unsatisfactory condition and had requested I&S to make an inspection; that the matter would receive positive action. By memo, the Deputy Director advised that an inspection of the area would be made by either the Director -of the Deputy within the next ten days. Mr. Doherty, FBI, was permitted to read the Memo from Mr. Pro ect concerning an inquiry by the local FBI agent. (See copy of Mr.L memo in project file.) OSO, delivered translations of Italian documents. Mr. Houston and Mr. Pforzheimer, General Counsel, reference section in enabling leiislation regarding allocation of visas for our use to enable movement of certain individuals. Captain Adv. Council, reference Memo for Chairman, USCIB. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) General Sibert, 00, inquired status of "safehaven" project; was informed that the Director had requested no action be taken at this time; however, there was no reason why certain preliminary inquiries could not be made discreetly as basis for future consideration. General Sibert, 00, reference memo from Col. NEG, regarding (b)(3) scientist soon to visit US; desired to learn movements of individual and requested interrogation of subject. Deputy Director stated that this would have to be checked with FBI as all other matters con- cerning alien interrogation. Mr. Thompson, State Department, advised that Mr. Bohlen was to call on FBI to learn their interest in Czech defector; would advise the Deputy Director (W(1 ) (b)(3) TOP Util Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 Trip zarD PT Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 TOP S RET 1 March 1948 - 3 (b)(3) Col* Carter Clarke, G-2, reference rush shipment of signal equipment, going in care MA, Rome--queried if it were from CIA We checked with Col. , FBIB, OSO. Later, Maj. of Col. (b)(3) office advised that he had obtained the information. Mr. olvq) MS, concerning (hypnotist) - -offer could be made of ,(b)(3) CAF -11 in I&S or as P-6 psychiatrist in Personnel. Stated AEC was interested but would not be able to fully utilize subject's qualifications. Deputy Director he he would obtain decision from Director on Wednesday. Mr. mentioned that OSO had (b)(3) suggested possibilities of using subject in Training Branch. (b)(1) (b)(3) Mr. SO, advised to make this contact, to make discreet (b)(3) inquiries to obtain all possible information but to make no commit- ment. Mr. Blum, Office of Sec Defence, reference his discussion with the Director; need for organizational and functional charts for use of the Board of 0311 surveying CIA; requirements for certain personnel strength figures. Deputy stated an arrangement would be made whereby certain of this required information would be made avail- able to him. Lunched in office. TOP ECRET Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 ...s.eArof Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 � ,omr ToP/pt(UT 2 March 1948 Deputy Director endeavored to reach Col. ID, by telephone (b)(3) in connection with conversation of 1 March regarding shipment of signal equipment. Dentist. Rear Admiral John Gingrich, AEC, telephoned to inquire about an IAC meeting. The Deputy Director stated he would discuss with the Director and would contact Admiral Gingrich tomorrow (3 March). Admiral Gingrich did not know if it would be advisable for him to attend the IAC meeting. R. Adm. C. E. Olsen, OCD telephoned that the War Department Career Manage- ment Branch would probably call the Deputy Director to reauest clearance and confirmation of orders for Col. on (b)(3) 16 March. (b) (b) (1) (3) . ORE, informed the Deputy Director tat, _ I (b)(3) employee of who was not transferred into iD4 desired to discuss with the DD the reasons for this action.- (b0) Security file on above individual requested. Comdr. Grantham, White House, advised they had a pouch going out early Wednesday morning to Admiral Leahy and suggested that we prepare a brief on (1) rumor regarding Russian embargo on all US ports; (2) latest developments on Central American fracas--Guatemala, Honduras, etc--with particular reference to British Honduras. Captain , ORE, directed to prepare above briefs and deliver to (b)(3) Deputy Director. This was done and papers delivered to Comdr. Grantha TnritToCT m. Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 -*part riArt Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 TO SECRET 2 March -2 Mr. I&S, reference American Soviet Science Society; advised I&S had a file on subject including roster of membership in above � organization, some of the baekground, information on grants from Rockefeller Foundation and on procedures thru Bureau of Internal Revenue to obtain income tax status. (b)(3) General Sibert, 00, reference meeting with Mr. Thompson, State, regard- ing Czech; possibility of need for funds; family and servants; certain dangers involved. (b)(3) Mr. Asst to ExDir, reference request by im lementation of NSCID 7 eputy Director stated that the Director had queried FBI,(WO) had received their comments, and would make a decis er Thursday or Friday of this week; suggested that Mr. so 000)(3) advise Mr. (b)(3) 00 concerning(b)(3) Mr. Souers, Exec Secy NSC, reference discussion with Mr. concerning Deputy Director called on Comdr. Grantham, White House, to inform him of Czech defector. (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Congressman Havener, x 372 Capitol, advised he had received an inquiry from a San Francisco newspaper concerning report they received in San Francisco to the effect that Russian planes have been flying at great altitudes over Japan and Alaska with some new radar ecuinment which enables them to make maps of areas at high altitudes Deputy Director stated there had been recurring reports of this (b)(1) but nothing to substantiate the reports. Stated that it was (b)(3) feasible to fly over waters not under our jurisdiction and make photographic maps. Suggested that the Congressman might desire to contact the Air Force. Informed Mr. for Capt. Adv. Council, that the IAC ODOM meeting on Thursday would consist of USCIB membership. n 10rinrf Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 I VF7L-N.po.. TOP SE 2 March - 3 Admiral Olsen, OCD, reference matter of procedure�will present the problem at a later date. Called Mr. SO, and requested that he get in touch with State Department presumably Mr. Stone) and suggest that if they write a formal request to the DCI stating that they felt the preparation (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Checked with Communications Branch consrning Hallicrafter being repaired. Mr. Doherty, FBI, stated he would be over on Wednesday. Lunched--Arpy/Wavy Club with Col. (b)(3) 11W4F4TFI Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 TOP 3 March 1948 With Director. Col. Galloway reference Deputy Director's discussion with Mr. Caseady, SO, on the sub act of funds to finance Mr. (W(1) (b)(3) Services Br, AU, reference call from Mr. Kirkpatrick Contact(13)(3) Branch, regardim funds for project in Deputy Director approved expenditure. (W(1) Director's Weekly Staff Conference. Mr. I&S, reference pass for Deputy Director -- need for one in civilian clothing. Col. Col. (b)(3) (b)(3) Exec. A&M, and Mr. I&S, regarding Mr. (b)(3) ��to determine possibility of employing him in I&S (b)(3) temporarily and ultimately utilizing his abilities in SO trdhing Branch. Exec. AM, reference personnel strength figures required by (b)(3) Mr. Robert Blum, Office of SecDefense, in connection with survey of CIA by board of "3". Deputy Director stated the figures made available would not include SO. Col. Galloway, SO, reference trip to London by Mt. Dulles, member of CIA survey board---desirability of notifying Scott to discuss operations freely with Mr. Dulles. General AG, reference employee in VA office in Miami; Deputy Director stated he would be glad to talk with her when she is in W.D.C. and suggested that he would b ested in obtaining her personnel file from VA---General will arrange to have it delivered. With Director to Office of Operations for briefing on operations of the Office of the Assistant Director for Operations and operations of the Planning and Coordinating Staff, 00. TOP S Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 1.,j/ 317,k,ta TOP 3 March 1948 - 2 Captain reference conversation with Admiral Gingrich, AEC regarding IAC meeting scheduled for Thursday, 4 March; Adm. Gingrich had stated it might prove embarrassing if he were to attend the meeting if the members planned to discuss flow of information to AEC. Deputy Director stated that the IAC would review flow of information to all agencies, including IAC, having art cular reference to last USCIB meeting; and believed Captain should call General Todd, Joint Staff, and discreet re ay this same information. Mr. reference discussion with Mr. Stone, State. regardina proiect for procurement of funds. film. etc..\ for use in Italy prior to elections. Deputy Director explained the matter to Col. , ExA&M, who will ask Mr. Finance, to contact Mr. Stone to complete arrangements. General Sibert, 00, reference interrogation of recently returned from Middle East; stated there was little information in verbatim transcript of interview and suggested that it be returned to interrogators to endeavor to obtain additional information. It appeared subject had little information to offer except that he wanted arms, funds, and personnel. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1 )(3) (b)03) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) TOP AtCRET Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 TOP CRET ) March 1248 - 3 Col. Galloway, SO, DOI by Mr. Dulles;_j given to . Mentioned the Czech situation and news conference to be held. Requested breakdown of personnel figures by branches in ORE�for use in connection with information being prepared for Survey Board. General Lemnitzer, National War College, reference Director's letter to Admiral Hill, NWC, suggesting that they might like to have Mr. address students on the subject of USSR. Deputy Director will ask Mr. to accompany him to NWC some day for preliminary discussion with Gen. Lemnitzer, after which definite arrangements can be made. - mr. Security Branch, delivered "disaster plan" pass; discussed precautionary measures which had recently been taken for security. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Col. Carter Clarke, G-2, reference cable Checked with Col. Galloway, OSO, who advised that the papers were just recently received by pouch and were being evaluated; that no reply had yet been made. Col. Clarke was so advised and will inform Gen. Bissell that the matter is being studied. (b)(1) (b)(3) Mr. Robert Blum, Office of SecDefense, regarding personnel strength figures, breakdown by offices, and organizational chart. He stated that all necessary security measures would be taken for guarding information used for investigation of CIA activities by Board of "3". Col. Galloway, SO, reference request that certain US representatives be recalled from Czech embassy by Czech government. ecommended that the Director urge State Department to take retaliatory measures. Mr. Thompson, State, concerning Czech press conference; stated TASS broadcast indicated that the U.S. Government obviously had Advance information of resignation of Czech Ambassador because there were certain individuals present at press conference who were not members of the press. Press Section of State had been queried and Mr. Thompson believed it would be pertinent to state that because of previous disturbances at similar conferences recently, precautionary measures were tak2/by having plain clothesman present. If""7" Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 ur TOF>2t4; 3 March 1948 - 4 Admirra_nl-q_Pri�clall�ThaftaiTence handling of requests for material by queried if it would be possible to route requests thru Requirements Branch, OCD, who could properly coordinate request; he stated that steps would be taken to keep the request and material involved in channels. Lunched in office. (b)(1) (b)(3) Col. Galloway, 0801 advised that he had talked with Mr. Angleton in Tugton. (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: -2-018/410/12'6012134943 a Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 I WI/01.NA% I TOP SOEI;T, 4 March 1948 With Director. Col. reference request by Budget Bureau for detail of personnel (b)(3) to ass st in determination of accuracy of budgetary requirements for intelligence as presented by other departments, detection of unnecessary duplication of activities, etc. Col. Babbitt, ORE, reported advance informat on that the Army was going to request detail of Col. jt8porary additional duty M(3) upon arrival of from Argentina. Col. reference ORE request for temporary duty of Dr. consultant basis, in connection with preparation of report. Deputy Director requestfLthMth Asst. Dir., ORE, forward a written request for Dr. temporary services; that the request will be approved for not to exceed 3 days duty; and that future requests for subject's services will not be approved for security reasons. (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Lunched in office. Discussed with Director the security and personnel file of Mrs. employee of who c!?)c3) was not transferred to CIA rolls because of security disapproval. Deputy Director will interview on Friday, 5 March. (b)(3) vet" Aro rr Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 _ Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 � Iyor r 1 ',owe TOP CRET 5 March 1948 (b)(3) Captain reference IAC meeting held 4 March; advised that Director had signed Memo to USCIB members, with reference to the IAC meeting. Mr. Houston General Counsel reference letter to Director from (b)(3) former employee in OSO; with draft of suggested reply for Director's signature. Deputy Director reviewed case. Mr. John Davies, State, advised that action would be taken at SANACC meeting (to be held today) to dissolve the SANACC Sub-Comm of SSE considering psychological warfare. Reference a paper he had sent over via Mr. apprecia(3) any comments; section on Itpassports" can be handled separately. Reference Capt. L jis familiar with subject's qualifications; stated individua . was someone we would want in institute mentioned in his paper; Subject had written to friends in States re intentions to commit suicide. Mr. Davies urged that food and words of encouragement be sent to individlun to: , Col. Galloway reference departure for New York--will return Saturday. Col. reference resignation of Mr. OCD. Reference vacancies for Requested the vacancy not be filled temporarily because Director has plans. Reference project to cover expenditure of funds in connection with (ER 332) Mr. Houston, General Counsel, reference section in enabling legislation pertaining to passports. Col. Bronson, VA, reference personnel file on Miami VA office. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 e JI.O.INL I !TOP 5pe.� 5 March 1948 � 2 Mr. FDB/00, reference list of Russian newspapers and receipts received from Col. reference Director's decision to reverse the MS dis� approval for security of Mrs. memo issued to effect transfer to CIA rolls from JISP8. Admiral reference clarification of remark in a memorandum which the Director forwarded to him on 4 March. (b)(3) Col. Galloway requested to determine when Mr. Dulles is expected to return from Europe in order that Deputy Director may contact him. Mr. Stewart Alsop concerning situation in Italy; also talked with Director. Meeting with Col. Mr. , and Ir. Reynolds, Deputy Commissioner for PEA, for preliminary discussion of CIA building requirements. Lunched in office. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 Approved for Release: 2018/10/22002134943 arkAci T0,5/egET 8 March 1948 Admiral Olsen reference recent request on State to transfer to CIA microfilms of intelligence reports received and reproduced by State; stated the matter had not been fully coordinated. Advised that his orders should be received about 5 May ordering him to NOB, Norfolk. Director reference request by SecDefense to interview of New York; psychoanalyst; in Army during war. (b)(3) Coll.. Galloway reference applicant (recommended by Dr. (b)(3) � had turned down offer in Communications Prornh and (W3) stated she would re-apply at a later date. (b)(1) (b)(3) Admira1.01sen reference material received; the rep orts (b)(1) bear no indon as to source and they are for internal use Op) others from are the basic intelligence type and, with proper approval, may be disseminated to other agencies. Will consider the problem of disseminating as an information report--similar to those published by 00. No decision was made and subject will be discussed further. Lunched in office. (b)(1) (b)(3) SECRET Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 2C-2171-ET- 9.March 1948 Director's Weekly Staff Conference. Col. Mr. reference request for Col. (b)(3) assignment as MA. (b)(3) reference sites for proposed building--mentioned areas in M(3) Suitland, across from Naval Medical Center, and the Nevius tract. Deputy Director will talk with Col. Dryden, VA, about their plans for the Nevius site. Mr. Dibble, March of Time, stated they were making pictures in connection with the "cold war"; one in the series was on France, another on Italy, and the third was to be on Greece; and in that connection wanted to present the matter of radio broadcasts by Soviet Russia. as monitored by FBIB. The Deputy Director stated that we would not permit them to photograph any of our operations nor to make any reference to us in that connection. Mr. Dibble then proposed that they might use pictures of FBIS activities taken several years ago and the Deputy Director agreed providing there was no connection between the footage used and our present locations, personnel, name, etc. (b)(3) (W(1) (bX3) Admiral reference recent request from General regard- ing USSR Information Bulletin published periodically by Soviet Embassy, WDC. General Strong was particularly interested in the issues of 4 Sept. 1946 and 10 Sept. 1947. The B n is a purchase item; OCD will determin Admiral stated thp-h(b)(3) we would be able to furnish Gen. with the wo requested (W(1) . issues. (b)(3) Col. reference identification for members of the Survey Board reference personnel figures with exception of OSO. Col. Galloway, Mr (b)(3) and Mr. Jason Page, Chief of Mission, 00.) General Sibert reference status of has queried FBI for further comment. DCI (b)(1) (b)(3) Ti115 WriltI Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 0021349430 Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 OF2ECR. ET TOP CHET 9 March 1948 - 2 Mr (b0) -- suggested lzrh some day next week. Deputy Director stated anytime would be satisfactory. (Also asking Col. Galloway). Mr. Blum, �SD, reference biographical sketches of key personnel by offices--for use of the Survey toard -- all except OSO will be delivered prior to Friday noon, 12 March. Lt. Pennington, aide to Gen. Lemnitzer, Nat'l War College, reference DD lecture on 25 March; confirmed that no visual aids would be required; Deputy Director suggested that no transcription be made of the lecture i as well as the question and answer discussion, and in lieu thereof the DD would give them a clear copy of speech. Col. Galloway and Mr. will accompany the DD. (b)(3) Deputy Director was invited to join Gen. Lemnitzer for lunch following lecture--and accepted. General Sibert and Mr. 00, reference location of FBIB Far East (b)(3) monitoring station--Sasebo vs Okinawa; report being submitted for consideration. Mr. Doherty, FBI, reference/ , I-desires to be advised when they are way out. Mr applicant (formerly VA)--(brother was in SSU). Given Forms 57 and PBS to complete and return to DD. Met with Mr. Babbitt, Dr. intentions in Europe. Col. reference case of Miss and alLr. reference possible k0A0) applicant. Director departed for Kingston, Ontario, for lecture. (b)(3) (b)(3) Mr. Llewellyn Thompson, State, reference cable 353 from Budapest, 5 Mar. received by State 6 March; believes CIA will want to comment. Checked with Current Group, ORE, for copy of cable. Checked with Mr. Heins who advised they had already taken steps and that he would discuss matter further with Mr. Th9mpson Wed. morning, 10 March. Lunched LApproved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 if Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 urASECR ET TOP CRET 10 March 1948 Col. Ennis, G-2, called concerning the 9 March Daily Summary--page 2, CIA comments. G-2 felt that the statement was rather "strong." Mr. Col. Babbitt, ORE, advised of G-2 reaction. reference contact with he contact individual. (b)(1) (b)(3) In NY; Director had 8v---00) (b)(i) - Captain ; AdvCouncil, reference Gen. Sibertis request that (b)(3) Col. (FBIB) and one other indivihal be cleared for "special (b)(3) intelligence" in order to discuss monitoring problems (b)(1) It was suggested that be informed that individuals Ibp) been cleared but were not to discuss that subject. (IDX1 ) ' (b)(3) Col. reference orders for Monday, 15 March--will stop by to pay(b)(3) his respects to Director and Deputy Director on that day. Mr. Doherty, FBI, concerning information tin two individuals that State had been requested to have recalled from local embassy by the Czech. govt. Mr. reference temporary security waivers. Deputy Director explained the dircumstances under which temporary waivers could be granted; requested that Mt. always request I&B to determine by name checks, etc, all available information. � (b)(3) (b)(3) To General office for meeting,of.Intelligence Chiefs and Chit(bX3)uo Lie Estimate staffs to discuss whether or not anything in recent events indicated a change in time schedule with regard to possible aggression by Russia. As a result of meeting, it was decided there would be a meeting of the Estimates Groups of all Departments under CIA sponsorship Fridayil2 March, and as a result of comments of that group, another meeting of the Intelligence Chiefs would be held Monday or.Tuesday, 15 or 16 March, under CIA sponsorship. Ci14-41n1 Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 int) CP-elKT Approved for Release: 2018/10/22 002134943 TOP,X