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Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2129850
Executive ElegiFay
9 March 1959
MEMORANDUM FOR: Diector of Central Intelligence
ATTENTION: Executive Officer
SUBJECT: Advisory Committees
REFERENCE: DCI Memo to Deputy Directors and 10, Same
Subject, dated 14 Feb. 1959
1. Attached in accordance with the request contained in
referenced memorandum are lists of Advisory Committees used by
DD/I Offices. In addition to listing the purpose and meMber-
ship of each committee we have outlined the application of the
criteria the Director set forth in his memorandum.
2. You will note that only four of my offices use
committees of this sort. There is nothing to report on this
subject from the others.
Deputy Director (Intelligence)
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Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2129850
26 February 1959
MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Officer/DCI
VIA: Deputy Director/Intelligence
SUBJECT: Advisory Committees
I. The Office of National Estimates utilizes, in an advisory
capacity, one panel of consultants which may come within the
meaning of "advisory committee" as outlined in the Director's
memorandum of 14 February 1959.
2. This Panel o.E Consultants has been operating since
early 1951, and was originally set up under the aegis of Mr.
William H. Jackson, then the Deputy Director of Central In-
3. This Panel is composed entirely of non-governmental
members, * drawn largely from academic and business fields.
It is convened roughiy five times a year, between late September
and late May. The meetings are each held for a two-day period,
in Princeton, New Jersey, and are invariably chaired by a member
of the Board of National Estimates. They are attended, in
addition, always by one or more other members of the Board,
and up to five staff members concerned with the subjects to be
discussed. The Director has much interest in these meetings
and has often attended them. The agenda for each set of
meetings is drawn up by the chairman, in consultation with
other 0/NE staff members. The Office of Security has from
the beginning had the final approval as to physical set-up,
inspection of premises, and protection of classified documents,
and has always furnished security officers to attend the meetings.
4. Each member of the Panel is a fully cleared consultant
to the agency. The Office of National Estimates, in the person
of the chairman, is in control of the discussions.
It is possible that one retired army officer and one active
duty army officer might be considered as governmental
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5. At the meetangs we seek the advice and counsel of the
Panel as to format, presentation, and more particularly
substance of national intelligence estimates. The discussions
may be general or on specific area or functional matters, at
the election of the chairman. The membership of the Panel,
which varies to an extent from year to year, is carefully con-
sidered and purposefully composed to represent many fields
of competence.
6. The minutes of each set of meetings are draftea by a
professional staff member of 0/NE who was present at the
discussions and whose area of specialization was under dis-
cussion at the time, The chairman approves the draft minutes
which are usually reproduced in the form of an 0/NE Staff
7. The activities of the Panel are entirely advisory. Any
action which might be taken subsequently, in the light of its
advice and suggestion, is at the discretion of the CIA chairman
in consultation with his agency colleagues.
8. The Panel is at present composed of the following:
Dr. William L. Langer, Harvard University
Mr. Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Foreign Affairs
Dr. Philip E. Mosely, Council on Foreign Relations
Colonel George E. Lincoln, USA, U.S. Military Academy
Dr. Klaus E. Knorr, Princeton University
Dr. Joseph R. Strayer, Princeton University
Dr. T. Cuyler Young, Princeton University
Dr. Raymond J. Sontag, University of California
Dr. Max F. Millikan, CENIS, MIT
Mr. Robert Bowie, Center for International
Mr. Harold Linder, New York City (finance and economics)
Dr. Calvin B. Hoover, Duke University
Dr. Cyril E. Black, Princeton University
Mr. George F. Kerman, Princeton University
Lt. General Harold R. Bull, USA�Met.) 4
Affairs, Harvard
Assistant Director
National Estimates
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Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2129850
4 - MAR 1959
MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Officer, DCI
THROUGH: Deputy Director (Intelligence)
SUBJECT: Advisory Committees
REFERENCE: DCI memorandum to DD's and Inspector General
dated 14 February 1959, subject as above
In compliance with reference memorandum, the following
information is provided concerning advisory (consultant)
committees utilized by the Office of Research and Reports:
1. Each advisory panel used by this Office consists
of consultants, who are recognized authorities in their
field, under contract to the CIA/ORR. The advisory function
involves the critical review of appropriate portions of ORR
intelligence research programs and of intelligence production
recently completed or in progress within the Office, for
which the consultants specialized knowledge should be of
value. When meeting as panels, the exchange of views among
the consultants and MR staff members frequently results in
a "fresh look" at problems or identification of points
previously overlooked. Frequently, members of panels
individually provide consultant service both in Washington
and at their own offices when problems requiring their
particular area of special competence arise. As an
example, the Ferrous Metals Panel has met only twice, but
the members have been very helpful on other occasions when
ORB officers have visited their offices. In the case of the
Aircraft Industrial Advisory Panel, the members have never
met as a group, but each has made his contribution either
through visits to Washington or by assisting in other ways.
These consultants at times broaden their area of advice by
calling upon experts within their own organizations to provide
details that the consultants personally do not have readily
at hand.
2. The following comments are provided with respect to
the criteria outlined in paragraph 3 of referenced memorandum:
a. It is felt, without reservation, that use of
each ORB advisory panel is in the public interest in
connection with performance of duties imposed by law.
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YdRit 1
SUbJECT: Advisory Committees
b. Each ORR panel is solely advisory in function
and decisions with respect to application of advice and
guidance provided or recommendations made by each panel
are made solely by senior CIA staff personnel.
c. Each ORR advisory panel meeting is convened at
the specific direction or request of senior officials
of this Office, and approved in advance by the under-
signed. Agenda items are determined by responsible
personnel of this Office.
d. ORR advisory panel meetings are chaired by either
the panel chairman or a senior ORR official. Meetings
chaired by the advisory panel chairman are conducted in
the presence of one or more senior ORR officials. There
is no question but that senior ORR personnel maintain at
all times full control of panel meetings.
e. Formal minutes of ORR advisory panel meetings are
not normally kept. However, detailed reports of each
meeting are prepared and submitted to the undersigned.
These reports summarize the subjects discussed and
conclusions reached at the panel meetings and, although
not formally certified as minutes, are always prepared
and signed by a senior ORR official charged with
responsibility for the specific meeting in question.
3. The following advisory committees or panels are
currently used by this Office in varying degrees or frequency:
a. Aircraft Industrial Advisory Panel 1/
Charles R. Irvine, Asst. to Vice-President-
in-Charge of Engineering (currently on loan
to ARPA), Consolidated Vultee Aircraft
Company (CONVAIR), San Diego California
2/ Although originally established to advise this Office as a collective
Panel, these individuals have never been asked to meet as a group.
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SUBJECT: Advisory Committees
b. Ferrous Metals Panel
c. Petroleum Advisory Panel
(1) Alfred P. Frame, Vice-President, Cities Service
Oil Company, New York City, N.Y. (Chairman).
(2) Hugh W. Field, Vice-President, Atlantic
Refining Company, Philadelphia, Pa.
Eugene R. Smoley, Vice-President, The Lummus
Company, New York City, N.Y.
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Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2129850
SUBJECT: Advisory Committees
d. Agriculture Panel
(2) Firman E. Bear, Consultant to Rutgers University,
New Brunswick, N.J.
e. Non-Ferrous Panel 2/
f. Chemicals Panel .4/
Senior Economic Advisory Panel (Proposed) LIJ
2/ The members of this Panel are currently used individually and have
never met as a group.
There is only one consultant on this Panel at the present time.
Contracts of former panel members have been terminated in keeping
with our desire to maintain an advisory capability which is always
abreast of current developments in the field.
None of the members of this tentative Panel have, as yet, been
placed under contract. Processing, however, is being completed
and it is expected the Panel will be convened sometime during 1959.
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Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2129850
SUBJECT: Advisory Committees
Assistant Di lector
Research and Reports
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Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2129850
MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Officer, DCI
Deputy Director (Intelligence)
Advisory Committees
2 March 1959
Memorandum from Asst to the DD/I (Administration),
same subject, dated 24 Feb 1959
Memorandum from DCI to the DD/I, same subject,
dated 14 Feb 1959
1. The only advisory committee used by the Photographic Intelligence
Center, DD/I that might be considered "advisory" as defined in paragraph 1
of reference (b) is essentially a team of technical specialists from the
whose services have been duly
for the purpose of a technically
oriented survey of PIC. The survey team members are as follows:
contracted with the
2. The extent to which each of the specified criteria in paragraph 3
of reference (b) applies in the utilization of the survey team is as follows:
a. Use of the survey team for the purpose of an objective
study of certain aspects of PIC activities is considered in the public
interest in connection with the performance of duties by the DCI imposed
by law.
b. The survey team functions in a strictly advisory capacity
and any resultant actions will be made solely by appropriate Agency officials.
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Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2129850
SUBJECT: Advisory Committees
c. Meetings, survey arrangements and the substance of the study
are directed and provided. for by responsible Agency officials.
d. Survey proceedings are conducted in the presence and at the
discretion Of responsible, Agency officials.
e. Survey proceedings are independently accounted for in a daily
log maintained by responsible Agency officials.
3. The requirement that the establishment of new advisory committees
be registered in advance with the Executive Officer of the Agency has been
noted and will be strictly observed in the future.
Photographic Intelligence Center
Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2129850