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February 23, 1963
PDF icon ELECTION OF OFFICERS OF [15809412].pdf274.78 KB
Q4_ A ( 'O4 "'C) ":17--e,c,, / Approved for Release: 2020/07/07 CO2116105 5C4-141-642 Kity/t/o,"%� for;-an affecting the�National 1-",(!inn:w or 1.i..atu within tile meaning ca' thr; Titls 794, Lhe transmission or reVO:ati011 cd widen In .15, annr t6 an Unauthorized perEon ic prohibited by law. CENTRAL iNT, C-O-N-F-I-D .-N-T-I-A-L COM" LED DISSI'M .,:.::L...on of Officers of the .Association of Veterans of the nay of .g" - cp (2; 4:i " � 7-- April-T963----A5!_t) REPORT NO. DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES ,D.ca States (29 April 1963) FIELD REPORT NO. 23 May 1963 3 RD 7,n1; IS =!..,-:�:VALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADING'S AkF. DEFiNIT:VE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 2. April 1963 members of L,sociaoion de Ve efano ie Cochinos (AVBC,.Association of Veterans of the L,-ay with headquarters at 109 SW 17th Avenue, Miami 35, (telephone 373-9219), held elections for officers. Slates of candidates were offered to the 636 members .o e..AVBC who registered. The winning slate was the one ead.c.d by Jaime Varela Canosa, who is also identified as .he organizer and guiding -spirit behind the organization.' The following will serve as officers of the AVEC for the term of one year: President: Jaime Varela Canosa 7ice-President: Jose Peruyero Rodriguez Secretary: Dr. Alberto,JaArcia' Navarro Vice-Secretary: Dr. Manuel Molina Godinez Treasurer: LuisArrizi..triz.q.i-STr-dTnas Viou-Treasurer: Rene linl7f, Director of Organization: Miguel Cervera Consuegra Vioe-Direetor. of Organization: AntO-fiio 15acz Llanes .i)irector of Foreign Relations: Rodolfe_prondo Q,,lintana Vice-Director of Foreign Ralation.L.: Jose 137.711aA Young Director for Culture, Press, and Propaganda: Carlos Hernandez Hernandez Vice-Director for Culture, Press, and -117opaganda: ?,L;ciro Enc.tH,oir,a i� -E-N-T-:-A-L CONTROLLED DIssgm NAVY IX 1AIR I X I NSA LX bcR I X DIA CINCARIB # TREASURY X ATTORNEY 'GENERAL X US:A X con indicotod by "X"IFiold distribution by ":11.7".) I&NS N FBI # 2 (b)(3) (b)(3), (b)(1)._ (b)(3) 4 Approved for Release: 2020/07/07 CO2116105 Approved for Release: 2020/07/07 CO2116105 CONTROLLED DISSEM. - 2 - Director for Social Assistance: Edgard() Buttari Puig Vice-Director for Social Assistance: Rolando Jimenez Alvarez Director for Military Matters: Luis Mor.6-eThelgado Vice-Director for Military Matters: Bernardo G. de Torres . The Electoral Committee included Andres A. B.assols Pazos as chairman, Jorge Roblejo Lone as secretary, Jose Ibarra Calera, Enrique BlIrnet Gil, and Rafael Rubio Quintana Voting members, and one representative' from each of the three slates of nominees, as observers. � 4, A total of 470 votes was cast; 166 members did not vote. It was generally said that the slate headed by Hiram_rfomez Rodriguez had the backing of Guillermo Alonso Pujol. ManLi.iD1 P.ftime Buesa, who was present at the elections, favored the ;11.ate headed by Varela and Felipe Rtv_a:,2,,o Diaz indicated thq he favored the slate headed by Ceierino Alvarez Castrillon.2 5 Despite the fact that Voting was on the basis of slates, each candidate was voted on separately; consequently, Daniel Gonzalez Carmenate, who was originally on the Varela slate" 7"'-.TFri7esaor'fbr Military Matters, was defeated by Luis Morse "Delgado, nominee for this position on the slate headed by Ceferino Alvarez Castrillpne Morse. was a member of the Prisoner Delegation which was paroled by the Government of Cuba to come to the United States tp arrange for the col- lection of the ransom money. � The -AVBC officers elected were officially invested at -.6:00 p.m. on 28 April. 1963. - The. AVBC Was registered on 29 March 196.3.in-Tallahassee, ;Florida, as a fraternal, military patriotic Organization, to.include all former members of Brigade 2506. The AVBC :was described as apolitical, and its stated purpose was maintain and strengthen tne.unity of members of Brigade. 2506, to guard and. preserve the prestige of the Brigadernd to keep it safe from exploitation, and to constitute _ nucleus -of members of the Brigade which would strive for tb unification of all Cuban exiles apart from political rientation. The newly elected officers of the AVBC are apparently trying .to expand the membership of the organization as much as posible and have proposed the establishment of honorary y:ipmberships in the AVBC. A meeting was to be held by Manolo Fernandez, and Jesus Guejeves, the latter presenting members of the. first Cubans to be discharged llowing training and service in the Army of the United tates. The details of this honorary membership to all . Cubans who have undergone military training was to have been takeivLip On. 25 April., between representatives of the . i'VBC.and recently discharged- Cubans. It is believed that some 238 .Cubans have been discharged,. and ;it was hoped that an of them might affiliate themselves with the AVBC. CONTROLLIJ) DISSEM ' Approved for Release: 2020/07/07 CO2116105 Approved for. Release: 2020/07/07 CO2116105 CONTROLLED D ISSEM (b)(3) 9. On 22 April Varela met with Gomez, one of the unsuccessful candidates for presidency, Alvarez, another of the unsuccessful candidates for the presidency, Orlando Cuervo Bermudez, Luis Morse Delgado, Luis E,_Chinea Rios, OrIando_Urra Quinones, bi Ramirez,Porta, and Antonio,Paez in a sort Of organ- izatiobal meeting to overcome ani-ossible resentment which the unsuccessful candidates might have harbored. Varela said that on that same day, 22 April, he had a meetingwith individuals, whose names he would not reveal, who had � promised unlimited aid and support to a genuine and successful unification of the Cuban exile community.3 , Comments The Association claims a total membership of 800, although only 636 registered to vote. The Association hopes that everyone who participated in the April 1961 invasion will eventually become members. (b)(1) (b)(3) Source reported that there is a possibility that Felipe Rivero was in turn backed by certain American financiers, as ,one of the candidates on the Alvarez slate was being pushed by Sierra (fnu). The source may have been referring to Pauline. A. Sierra, a Cuban lawyer claiming to represent U.S. financial interests. Sierra may also be one of the .individuals referred to in paragraph nine above aslaving promised unlimited aid and. support. Sierra is reported to have talked to.a Tony Hernandez, who may possibly be identical with Manuel Antonio, Hernandez Diaz of .the Bay of Pigs Association. Cc:rent. Recent information on'Sierra was dated 9 May 1963. disseminated in Comment. It is believed that Manuel Artime Buesa and/or Enrique Jose Ruiz Williams may be trying to gain control of the organYation. Ruiz has approached Varela with a proposal that he (Ruiz) be appointed New York and Washington delegate of the AVBC, but Varela has no intention of appointing him. -C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L - CONTROLLED DISSEM � Approved for Release: 2020/07/07 CO2116105 (b)(1) (b)((b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3)