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Approved for Release: 2019/05%08 CO2064588 Ng'-TOP SECRET SEC INFORMATION 18 May 1952 3.5(c) Copy No. 5 3 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DocumENT tw� CHAtiee ttsi CLASS, U. OeCIASSiFIED CLAS9. CHANGED NeXT RENON DATE: AV+ 70.2 DATE: VIEWER: Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET SECURI INFORMATION 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2064588 Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2064588 TOP SECRET 3.5(c) SUMMARY FAR EAST 1. Japanese in Moscow reported conducting commercial negotiations with Communist China (page 3). 2. Biological warfare propaganda campaign may continue indefinitely (page 3). 3. Chou En-lai states Communists to release missionaries in six weeks (page 4). 4. Peiping being requested to permit closure of British firms (page 4). 5. Communist jet aircraft may be based opposite Formosa (page 5). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 6� Egyptian Foreign Minister sets deadline for agreement with Britain (page 5). 7. North African situation considered threat to US-French relations (page 6). EASTERN EUROPE 8. Yugoslav talks with exiled Albanians reported (page 6). WESTERN EUROPE 9. Communists invoke treason law against West Germans (page 7). 10. Comment on Austria's government crisis (page 7). * * * * 2 T?:),,FsE6F.ET 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2064588 Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2064588 To&P LECRET 3.5(c) FAR EAST 1. Japanese in Moscow reported conducting commercial negotiations with Communist China: Two Japanese Diet members now in Moscow are preparing to go to Peiping together with Lei Jen-min, Chinese Communist Vice Mini- ster of Trade, in order to "clarify the terms of a commercial arrangement drawn up with The Japanese correspondent who gave this in- formation commented that trade with China is a necessity for 3.3(h)(2) Japan which needs immediate trade outlets, particularly for its textile Industry now in a recession. He added that the Japanese Communists are counting more heavily on discontent caused by a business slump and the cost of rearmament than on anti-American sentiment. 3.3(h)(2) Comment: A Japanese Foreign Office spokes- man has indicated that the two Diet members are in the USSR without their government's permission. 2. Biological warfare propaganda campaign may continue indefinitely: Another indication that the Chinese Coramu- 3.3(h)(2) nists' biological warfare propaganda campaign may continue for several months was revealed in a directive of the "Central-South Epidemic Prevention Committee" published on 25 March. e � irec ecrees that the "first stage" of the campaign is to last until 30 June, when a new stage of indefinite duration will begin. The Consul General at Hong Kong states that the campaign's principal aim is to arouse the masses against "American imperialism." However, it also includes the practicing of sanitation and the inoculation of the entire population. The Epidemic Prevention Com- mittee will have representatives down to the village level. - 3 - � 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2064588 Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2064588 TG�pECR,ET 3. Chou En-lai states Communists to release missionaries in six weeks: 3.5(c) Chinese Communist Premier Chou En-lai told3.3(h)(2) Mrs. Pandit that all imprisoned missionaries, except for two or three who had definitely trans- gressed Chinese law, would be released in about six weeks. Mrs. Pandit had limited her approach to missionaries since she felt the time was not opportune to include other civilians. The American Embassy in London notes that the British Foreign Office viewed this rgport with scepticism, and pointed out that the six-week limit is convenient13), scheduled beyond the end of Mrs. Pandit's visit. The Foreign Office also suggested that Indian Am- bassador Panikkar follow up this matter with Chou. Comment: The Chinese Communists have jailed missionaries from about ten different countries. At least 300 nuns and priests, according to a Vatican representative, are known to be in jail in Communist China. In an informal talk last August, Panikkar re- ported Chou as saying that only certain "worthy individuals" among the Protestants would be encouraged to remain in China, and implied that nearly all Catholics would be expelled because it is the "deliberate policy" of the Catholic Church to resist the Communist regime. 4. Peiping being requested to permit closure of British firms: The British Government representative in 3.3(h)(2) Peiping planned on 17 May to present Chinese ,Communist authorities a note asking permission for British firms to cease their present oper- ations in China and establish a private trade mission in Shanghai. The action was suggested by leading British firms which wish to continue trade with China. It is viewed favorably by the Foreign Office because it helps counteract the impression that British China policy has changed,while at the same time any rejection of the pro- posal would emphasize the falsity of the recent Chinese profession of interest in trade with the West. 4 - 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2064588 Approved for Release: 20-19/05/08 CO2064588 111t& -SECRET 3.5(c) Comment: Many of these business interests expect to continue trading with the Communists from Hong Kong. The principal British firms became convinced earlier this year of the impossi- bility of maintaining branches in China. 5. Communist jet aircraft may be based opposite Formosa: 3.3(h)(2) The Chinese Nationalist Air Force detected on 16 April thirty-five unidentified aircraft fly- ing along the mainland coast opposite Formosa. The day before, nine "batches" of 6th Regiment aircraft were to fly southward from Shanghai. Comment: The Chinese Communist 6th Air Regiment was at a Korean border base until it moved to Shanghai in mid- January. It may now have been transferred to an airfield opposite Formosa. The Communists have never before based fighters between Shanghai and Canton, a distance of 750 miles. NEAR EAST - AFRICA 6. Egyptian Foreign Minister sets deadline for agreement with Britain: summer. The Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs has3.3(h)(2) stated that his country "cannot accept" any attempt by the British to let the Anglo-Egyptian treaty discussions drag on throughout the He warned that if nothing is accomplished by 9 June when the British Ambassador departs for London, the Egyptian Government will be forced to take "some positive action." -5 SE6rEr 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2064588 Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2064588 SECRET 3.5(c) 7. North African situation considered threat to US-French relations: 3.3(h)(2) In suggesting topics which the French Foreign Minister may wish to discuss with the Secretary of State this week, the American Embassy in Paris states that the question of North Africa is the principal non-European issue between France and the United States, and that the French consider this "a dangerous fissure in our alliance." Meanwhile, the Consul General in Tunis reports that the French authorities and the Tunisian nationalists have lost confi- dence in each other's good faith. Although the French tacitly admit their inability to prevent terrorism, they and American officials agree that the recent violence is the work of only a few individuals. A prominent Tunisian nationalist labor leader, according to the Resident General, believes that the Tunisian question will reach the United Nations if agitation in Tunisia continues three more weeks. EASTERN EUROPE 8. Yugoslav talks with exiled Albanians reported: An emissary of exiled Albanian King Zog appealed to Tito in early May for cooperation in liberating Albania, \ Tito allegedly considered this "such good news that I find it difficult to believe," and agreed to have his representa- tives meet with those of King Zog at Istanbul on 15 May for more dis- cussions. Comment: Tito reportedly rejected a similar approach by Zog last summer. Although Tito's official policy apparently has been to prevent interference with the present regime in Albania, the indi- cations of attempted Italian penetration may have increased his interest in those Albanian exiles who are not serving Italy or other interests inimical to Yugoslavia. - 6 - `1(:) SE 1C