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for00,44:3 nisA�l3):5d fora. UleaesSL2Z112/.1121L04 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN C0-A3e7,11071/17,13 ///' 8 May 1957 Copy No. 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) DOCUMENT NO CHANGE IN CLASS. A El DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS NEXT F1EVIEW DATE: AUTH: H �- DATE' REVIE.WER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 134 TOP SECRET dp7A Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 ?PRI Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 1.-1 1 kJ %MY' Npir CONTENTS . HONDURAN-NICARAGUAN DISPUTE STILL DANGEROUS (page 3). 2. ISRAELI PREPARATIONS TO TEST AQABA AND SUEZ /V0 PASSAGE (page 4). Iv 0 3� USSR CONTINUES TO ENCOURAGE EGYPTIAN ACTION AGAINST KING HUSSAIN (page 6). 4. HAMMARSKJOLD TO VISIT ISRAEL DESPITE BEN-GURION'S pvO REBUFF (page 7). Ivo 5. DETAILS OF MAO 'TSE-TUNG'S SECRET SPEECH REPORTED (page 8). 0 6. CUBA WILL KEE US NAVAL BASE MERCHANT SHIPS AWAY FROM page 9). og, 7. EL SALVADOR AND POLAND DISCUSS COMMERCIAL AGREE- MENT (page 10). Ay 8,, KHRUSHCHEV PRE UN REORGANIZATION 8 May 57 OR SOVIET ECONOMIC (page 11). Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 Approved for ReleaSeT2019/12/04 CO2063773 Niger' 1. HONDURAN-NICARAGUAN DISPUTE STILL DANGEROUS Comment on: The general feeling in Nicaragua is that the dispute with Honduras is still dan- gerous, despite the temporary cease- fire agreement negotiated by the special committee of the Organization of Amer- ican States (OAS) on 5 May. The pub- licity being given unconfirmed reports of violations of the cease-fire by both sides is aggravating the situation and making more difficult the committee's efforts to work out a plan for troop with- drawals acceptable to both sides. The OAS has called on the five countries represented on the spe- cial committee to provide military personnel to act as border observers. The American military group arrived in Hon- duras on 6 May. Members of the Honduran military junta, who signed the cease-fire with great reluctance, informed the American ambassador early on 6 May that they feared public reaction to the agreement might lead to an upheaval and possibly their overthrow. Press reports from Honduras claiming that Nicaraguan troops had crossed into Honduras near the Inter-American Highway on 7 May were denied in Nicaragua. 8 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin �SECKLE-T Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 aI h." LA-4 %La i Nme Nof 2. ISRAELI PREPARATIONS TO TEST AQABA AND SUEZ PASSAGE A test paTssage of an Israeli-flag vessel, the Atlit, through the Gulf of Aqaba to Eilat will probably take place at the end of May or in early June. Although the Atlit, which is now en route around Africa, could reach Eilat as early as 19 May, it is reported scheduled to leave Djibouti in French Somaliland on the last stage oi tne trip to 'Eilat about 28 May, reaching Eilat about 3 June. The Israelis reportedly intend to escort the Atlit from Djibouti through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. Israel now has two patrol escorts available for this purpose at Eilat, together with at least two armed launches. Israel reportedly expects that the transit will be opposed and in- tends to fight if attacked. The recent arrival of two newly built French destroyers and an LST at Djibouti to "test hot weather capabilities" has significantly increased French naval strength there, which normally consists of a patrol escort, a coastal mine sweeper and a seaplane tender. Ac- cording to an unconfirmed report, the 1,500 French ground troops normally at Djibouti have also been reinforced by possibly 1,000 men. Although French forces on Cyprus have recently been reduced, the possible reinforcement in French Somaliland may indicate that France intends to render mili- tary assistance to Israel if Egypt or Saudi Arabia attempts to prevent use of the Gulf of Aqaba by Israeli shipping. Egypt has at least two fleet mine sweepers and four to eight motor torpedo boats in the southern Suez Canal area, and could reinforce rapidly from Port Said. the shipment of 200 mines to Ras Gharib, a point on the lower Gulf of Suez and 8 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRE Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 A %LI Nripr about 125 miles from the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba. Mining of the entrance to the gulf would prove difficult, however, because the main channel is over 900 feet deep Because of range limitations, Israeli jet fighters operating from their normal bases could effec- tively cover only the upper hall of the Gulf of Aqaba. Egypt's 11-28 jet light bombers, however, could operate over any part of the gulf. Meanwhile, the Danish vessel Jens Toft, which is almost certainly under Israeli charter and is en route from the Philippines to Haifa with a cargo of copra, could arrive at the Suez Canal for an attempted transit by 8 May. A press report from Jordan on 7 May sug- gests that the American-flag tanker Kern Hills has again ar- rived at Eilat. 8 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin SECRETTOP Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 3. USSR CONTINUES TO ENCOURAGE EGYPTIAN ACTION AGAINST KING HUSSAIN 3Oviet deputy foreign minister Semenov asked the Egyptian ambassador whether "more measures axe needed" to bring the Jordanian ques- tion before the Security Council, In Jor- ,_ clan, he said, "masters act against their people" and the isolation of such circles would be a "great defeat for the Americans." He warned that "stubbornness" would be re- quired against the new American "world colonial system," and said, "Egypt will not be alone. Its ties should be ex- tended." Comment The Soviet UN delegate said on 26 April the UN should restrain the activities of the US Sixth Fleet, but the USSR has not requested formal Security Council consideration of its charges of US interven- tion in Jordan. 8 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRE Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 4., HAMMARSKJOLD TO VISIT ISRAEL DESPITE BEN- GURION'S REBUFFS UN secfetary general Hammarskjold plans to visit Israeli prime minister Ben-Gurion in Jerusalem the latter part of this week, even though he doubts any good result will come from the trip. In a recent exchange of correspondence, the Israeli leader re- iterated his refusal to discuss the future of the UN Emergency Force or implementation of the armistice agreement before Israel has been advised by Hammarskjold "and the relevant UN bodies that the implementation by Egypt of its obligations un- der the charter of the UN and the decisions of the Security Coun- cil" was assured. Hammarskjold believes Ben-Gurion's lat- est letter proves that the Israelis do not want him to make the visit but would prefer the refusal to come from the UN rather than from Tel Aviv. The secretary general is going ahead with his plans in order to maintain a UN record of readiness to nego- tiate. Comment During Hammarskjold's last visit to the Near East, the Israelis covered the fact that they had not invited him to Israel by issuing, on the eve of his departure from the area, a statement that he would of course be "welcome:' Other recent reports on the Israeli at- titude have suggested that Tel Aviv is again engaged in one of its periodic campaigns to reduce the UN's prestige and the ef- fectiveness of its efforts to keep the peace. The present cam- paign is probably related to the Israelis' fear of further UN resolutions pressing them to accept the UNEF on their side of the armistice line. 8 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 stfieftET_ Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 '4460 5. DETAILS OF MAO TSE-TUNG'S SECRET SPEECH REPORTI"-s In a secret speech of 27 February at the Supreme State Conference, Mao Tse-tung stressed that current problems arising between the Peiping regime and the Chinese people should be solved through discussions, "not by force." these problems were said by Mao to include popular hostility to urban and rural socialization, counterrevolutionary activi- ties, strikes, other forms of unrest among students and workers, and demands for freedom of the press and arts. Noting that 700,000 people had been liquidated in the agrarian and other campaigns of 1950-1952, Mao said that violence "would not now be tolerated by the people:' Mao called for learning "all that is good" from all countries without "mechanical copying of experiences:' He recommended learning "even" from the United States, es- pecially in the fields of science and technology. Mao dis- counted the possibility of a third world war in the near future. Comment While Mao's speech remains unpublished, Chinese Communist leaders have made similar points in authoritative statements, indicating Peiping is having some of the same problems as the USSR in seeking to stimulate greater enthusiasm for the regime's program with- out sacrificing totalitarian controls. Mao's advice to learn "all that is good" from all countries is apparently being implemented. The outgoing counselor of the British embassy in Peiping recently observed that technical publications from the United States, Britain, France and Germany are available in increasing numbers in Communist China. 8 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 _SEC Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 NNW Noel' 6. CUBA WILL KEEP SOVIET MERCHANT SHIPS AWAY FROM US NAVAL BASE The general manager of the Cuban Sugar Institute has promised the Amer- ican agricultural attach�n Havana that Soviet merchant ships will not in the future be scheduled to load sugar at Guantanamo Bay in the vicinity of the major US naval base in southeastern Cuba. Comment The navy reported on 3 May that a So- viet merchant ship delayed its departure after loading sugar at Guantanamo Bay in order to monitor electronic emissions. Each of three Soviet ships loading at Guantanamo in recent weeks has experienced an unusual and unexplained delay. Almost half of all the ships transporting the 150,000 tons of Cuban sugar purchased by the USSR in February have been of Soviet registry. During the two pre- ceding years, only one Soviet ship was involved in shipments of Cuban sugar to the USSR, The USSR has purchased a total of 350,000 Spanish long tons of Cuban sugar at below-market prices dur- ing 1957. Delivery is to be completed by July. 8 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 JUJILA X ILL.! X 7. EL SALVADOR AND POLAND DISCUSS COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT Preliminary talks between Salvadoran and Polish officials resulted in com- plete accord on a commercial agreement under which Salvadoran coffee and cotton would be exchanged for Polish machinery Comment El Salvador, which does not maintain diplomatic relations with any Sino- Soviet bloc country, has heretofore had only negligible trade with Poland. No Central American country now has any trade agreements with the Soviet bloc. There has been growing pressure over the past year from Salvadoran coffee growers to expand the country's coffee markets to include Soviet bloc countries. Coffee makes up about 85 percent of Salvadoran exports, and many Salvadorans fear that overdependence on the US market would result in lower prices for their chief export. About half of the 1956-1957 coffee crop went to countries other than the United States, with West Germany taking substantial quan- tities. 8 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 -L A. M_'.-4J. -I- J. 1.11Lil Niro, 8. KHRUSHCHEV PRESENTS PLAN FOR SOVIET ECONOMIC REORGANIZATION Comment on: Khrushchev's proposals to the USSR Supreme Soviet on 7 May for the reor- ganization of Soviet industrial adminis- tration conform in general to his "theses" published 30 March 1957, He proposed, however, retaining more ministries in Moscow than had previously been indicated, which suggests that he was premature and overly ambitious in proposing in his "theses" that all industrial ministries be abolished. The ministries responsible for producing mili- tary end items, operating the atomic energy program, pro- ducing electric power, and constructing transport facilities will be retained for planning functions and general technical control, but Khrushchev proposed that they should be reor- ganized to divest them of responsibility for direct manage- ment of their enterprises. Some other ministries, mainly extractive, are to be transferred to the jurisdiction of appropriate union republics and located in cities nearest the principal centers of their activity. This proximity to production centers is in- tended to foster efficiency of direction and stimulate local initiative in the industries concerned. The remaining industrial and construction ministries (some 20) are to be abolished. Khrushchev calls for the creation of 92 economic administrative districts, 68 of which will be located in the huge, sprawling Russian republic (RSFSR), to manage the enterprises of the abolished ministries. Khrushchev urged that the reorganization should be completed during May and June 1957, thus seemingly 8 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773 V AL a. ALA' -FL-I-L V branding Kaganovich's earlier "by winter" estimate as too conservative. The speed with which Khrushchev would have the plan carried out will intensify the confusion and disrup- tions inherent in any reorganization as sweeping as this one, but he probably feels that a progressive weakening of indus- trial administration will take place if the reorganization is delayed or drawn out. 8 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2063773