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Publication Date: 
December 18, 1950
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t �Lil, Oa% CLASSrir;AT .N Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 CO2061649 CENTRALCINTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. RINFORMATION REPORT CD NO. (b)(3) COUNTRY Cuba � SUBJECT Political Activities - Cuba ACQUIRED DATE OF NFO. DATE DISTR. 18 DEC 50 IAL NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. MISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. A(b)(1) (b)(3) Two3Ocrzr3t CO STAIRS itIPOROIATIOR APPECTINOTHR RATIONAL ORPERSE 71:2: ATzo awn %RITMO TIM EMAI31110 OP TIM RSPIONAGS *CT SO IL S. C, ARO 32. AS AIMIVORD. ITS TRARPRISSIOSI OR MIR !MYRIAM!t e.P 3 atIrGEN71711 IS ARV ISAIRIRR TO AR ONARTROVIMED MOOR VA P50- :171MS r":',! LAY/. EMPRODUCTIOH OF MS MU IS PROBIRITRIS. '01.1RCF. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION (b)(1) (b)(3) The Partido Accion'Revolucionario (PAR) has set up a complete organiza- tion, headed by its Rational Committee., and with provincial and local committees all over the island. In Habana as well as in other important cities, the committees are organized down to the "barrio" (ward) level. In spite of the excellent organizational work that has been accomplished, it is not expected that the PAR will be successful in obtaining sufficient popular support to establish itself as a legal political party. Dr. Miguel Suarez Fernandez is continuing to back the PAR, but this backing is now mostly moral and no longer financial. Fernandez continues to hope that the PAR and other revolutionary groups will give him their support as a presidential candidate. Due to his resignation of some weeks ago as president of the Senate, Suarez Fernandez has lost an income of approximately t20,000 a month. He has, therefore, withdrawn his support of the PAR daily newspaper, ha_yea, whose editor is Jesus Gonzalez Cartes. It is expected that La Voz will cease publication soon. Within the PAR/ARG (PAR/Accion Revolucionaria Gulteras)0 there now exist. three distinct groups with the chiefs of each group in considerable discord among themselves. These three chiefs are Eufemio Fernandez y Ortega, Jesus Gonzalez Cartes, and Marco Antonio Hirigoyen. Gonzalez Cartes continues to follow a very personal and opportunistic policy. He is afraid of losing his prestige within the new party to Eufemio Fernandez and Marco Hirigoyen. As the president in name, Eufemio Fernandez wishes to act as president, but he has no real authority. Hirigoyen is trying to promote himself to become Secretary. General of the Confederacion de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC) at the VII National Congress in April 1951. He continues to enjoy the support of most of the militants of the PAR/ARG� and is trying, with little success, to bring anti-communist syndicates into the PAR/ARG fold, The only recent development in any way favorable to the PAR/AEG has been a campaign carried on. in the province of Las Villas by Conrad� Rodriguez, a sugar leader of considerable prestige, and a fanatic militant of ARG. Rodriguez is Secretary General of the Federacion Regional Azucarera de CI AQPIPIPATWIN oxpRENTtAt� matzmunoN _ I f Th's document is horeby re ad to Cr.:q�-,T-1DENTIAL in accor CO with the leN-,:r of 16 Ootob 974 from the oi-or of Con In!enieie to the of e United Staiee. Desuntin-tr No. - Ns angi In ,Clas eclatilficor Class. thaniei,\T Auth.1 telp 1 laths (b)(3) Date: 2008 Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 CO2061649 Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 CO2061649 Raz. rti(Er CENT ELLIGENCE AGM= Segue La Grande (Las Villas) which belongs to the Federacion Nacional de Trabajadores Azucareros (FNTA). He has organized almost all of the PAR local and ward committees In the province of Las Villas and is the true chief of the PAR in that province. The murder of Narciso Rodriguez (known as ,Thichd) on a street corner in Habana on 14 October 1950 is commonly believed to have been committed by members of the ARG who, according to newspaper reports, were arrested after they had left the house of Marco Hirigoyen. The men accused of the killing are being held in jail pending trial. "Chichoo Rodriguez .was a member of the AUtOtiOOr Party, active in labor matters, who at one time had worked closely with Eusebio Mujal. However, for several months prior to the killing, Rodriguez and Mujal had seen little of one another although remaining on friendly terms. It is said in many quarters that Mujal,s recent efforts to obtain the support of Hirigoyen and the ARG are meeting with some SUCC0000 CONFID T1AL Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 CO2061649