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/47, / Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 TOP SECRET 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) CENTRAL 20 May 1961 Copy No. C INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 7 -TOVSECRET-- /71 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 0014k pproved for Release: 202675/11 CO2049789 -T-0-12-SEGRET- Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 'Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 SECRET Nur 20 May 1961 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS 1. Laos. (Page t) 2. South Korea. (Page it) 3. USSR: Illness of Frol K.ozlov, leading contender as Khrushchev's successor, may intensify maneuver- ing for the succession. (Page itt) 4. USSR: Press comment on extension of death penalty apparently intended to forestall public fear of revival of police terror. (Page itt) 5. USSR: M. V. Keldysh replaces A. N. Nesmeyanov as president a Academy of Sciences. (Page iti) 6. Ghana-Angola: Nkrumah apparently hopes to become exclusive sponsor of Angolan rebel organization. (Page tit) 7. France-Algeria: Reported plot to assassinate De Gaulle. (Page tv) SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 04:proved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 09 Saly _OATH VIETNAM I 911 i\.. \., ,c,. \ IPHONG SALY ,...., t- N, I % t:Dien Bien Phu i......�-"' /. `,..�,,,, I NAMITHA �./.'"-- .t./1-''''''''';�-"'- .." � N Bac t. . A � A uong Sal am -.. N. 1 1 ...- ..-- / 1 San; Neua ---) I LUANG1PRABANG `.... "444 - - , . f. S'AM NEUA ong Hour. Luang F'rabang- . � � ..... .... -... %/N.."... �,_.� �:-..-...,�5 XIENG IX i SAYABOURY ou Khoun �".... �Nt� 5i -- NI Xieng KhTang Muon Kasy -...,,... .1". / amone I'/ Vang Vieng ...../..,,,,�'ll........1/4� . ��"-' C........r l't Nil'ENTIANE 4Porikhon5%. ......:*, . / 0 e// Ban Hin Heup Pak Sane ...1 /1/1 Q: � % v,entiar). None Khai . THAI L AND NORTHERN LAOS *do GOVERNMENT Forces in 41100 KONG LE - PATHET LAO Contact KONG LE - PATHET LAO AREAS �ROAD 0 50 -- TRAIL 1....1,, STATUTE MILES 0 ROUTE NUMFP :0520 Korn Keut KHAM 'homma 9 avannakhet � Hanoi Pha Lane Tchepoi-Ce- -10y9pg P SAVANFROET SOUTH VIETNAM 20 May 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map Page Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 'Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 stud SECRET Nkipi CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 20 May 1961 DAILY BRIEF *Laos: The deadlock in the 19 May session of the tri- jetz-Z4...ree�, partite talks at Namone reflects General Phoumi's in- structions to the government delegation to stall talks on /3 formation of a coalition government. The Pathet Lao and the Souvanna Phouma group repeatedly have attempted to get political discussions started, but the government dele-if /, -2 .3, 6, gation is insisting that the meeting address itself first to 7 g q /0. cease-fire matters because of recently received reports of continued fighting in Pa Dong and in other scattered / areas. The next session is scheduled for 22 May. No action was reported on the major military fronts. Bloc airlift operations into Laos were scheduled through 20 May. (Backup, Page 1) (Map) -SEC-RE-T--- Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 ii *� South Korea: President Yun announced at a press con- ference this morning that he has reconsidered his resignation and plans to remain as chief of state. Military Revolutionary Committee (MRC) Chairman Chang was reported very upset by Yun's surprise resignation and has evidently succeeded in persuading him to remain to provide the new regime with some semblance of constitutional authority. Gen. Chang meanwhile has named a 15-man cabinet-- all military officers--,with himself as Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. Crhere are growing indications, how- ever, that dissensions are developing within the MR :C parti- cularly over the question of transferring power to a new civilian government. There are also unconfirmed reports of a dispute developing between the marines, who seek an early restoration of civilian administration, and the army, which claims there is need for indefinite military rule. Army officers constitute the bulk of the MRC, but the marines have a large troop concentration in Seoul and are opposing attempts to replace them with army units:) General Chang's first bid for public support was an an- nouncement on 19 May that rice rations for military units would be reduced and increased quantities made available for civilian consumption, both to counter runaway grain prices and to offset food shortages in some areas. The National Police have been instructed to give "positive impetus" to grain shipments for the cities. Some segments of the South Korean populace are be apprehensive about the dictatorial powers assumed by the military group but on the, whole the public remains apathetic. 20 May 61 DAILY BRIEF ii �sfeRE-T-- / A Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 `itoS SECRET USSR: Frol Kozlov, probably the leading contender as Khrushchev's eventual successor, has been "convalescing from heart trouble" since 22 April, according to a Soviet Foreign Ministry official. Kozlov's chances of succeeding Khrushchev may now be reduced and below-the-surface ma- neuvering for the succession may be intensified. Any seri- ous impairment of Kozlov's activities would also necessitate � the redistribution of his key administrative responsibilities in party,organizational and personnel work. o K USSR: Initial Soviet press comment on the decree which sets the death penalty for large-scale embezzlement, counter felting, and forgery is apparently intended to forestall public fears that Stalinist police terror may be revived. While calling for strict enforcement of the new decree, Moscow at the same time insists that "liberalization trends" have not been reversed. The Kremlin is apparently also concerned that this move will furnish propaganda fuel for the West. (Backup, Page 5) K USSR: For comment on election of M. V. Keldysh, who Is believed to have played an important role in research on � K the Soviet guided missile program, as president of the Acad- emy of Sciences, USSR, see Page 6. emmeutwiwirhia ' Ghana-Angola:CPresident Nkrumah on 16 May reportedly claimed he cotild supply "any quantity" of arms to the Angola People's Union (UPA)--the organization believed chiefly re- sponsible for the rebellion in Angola. In a talk with UPA leader Holden Roberto in Accra, the Ghanaian President said that such materiel would come from the bloc, which had re- sponded "immediately" to a request from him for arms "for Gizenga, Angola, and South Africa"--presumably a reference to the arms delivered to Ghana by the USSR last month. Nkrumah admitted, however, that a secure means of delivery still had to be worked out. Nkrumah also offered to provide "plenty of money" if the UPA would establish its headquarter 20 May 61 / DAILY BRIEF iii SECRET r/4 I. Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 'Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 SECRET 1610 (in Accra or at least assign a permanent representative there to receive funds and advice. At the same time, Nkrumah dis- couraged Roberto from seeking aid elsewhere, apparently in the hone of hpeomincr the exeluctive snopsor of the UPA) (Backup, Page *France-Algeria: cer- tam army units in France plan to storm the Elysee Palace, De Gaulle's official residence, and "remove him" shortly after the 20 May opening of negotiations with the Algerian rebels. Premier Debrd is said to have been alerted to this report, which is one of a number in circulation concerning an early rightist civilian or military attempt to assassinate De Gaulle. Collapse of the late April military revolt in Algeria has left military and civilian extremists still bitterly opposed to De Gaulle's Algerian policy. In view of the failure of past plots to seize control of the government or otherwise persuade De Gaulle to modify his policy, fanatic rightists probably feel assassination is the only remaining way to block Algerian in- dependence) 20 May 61 DAILY BRIEF iv SECRET '71 z/ A Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 -SECRET *NO Situation in Laos ( (General Phoumi, stated that he neither expected nor in- tended to come to an early agreement with Souvanna and Prince Souphannouvong on a coalition government. Phoumi cited vari- ous legal and technical impediments to early formation of such a regime but added that in any event, it was impossible to settle the question until the neutrality of Laos had been assured by some form of agreement at Geneva. With regard to a much mooted "summit meeting" with Souvanna and Souphannouvong, Phoumi stated that he would be willing to meet with them, pro- vided a mutually satisfactory site could be agreed upon (According to a report that is probably true, Phoumi was to stop off in Nong Khai, Thailand, on 19 May, during a flight to Savannakhet, to see Premier Sarit. Phoumi was character- izedl as feeling isolated and puzzled by the American position on Laos; it is probable that he hoped to obtain new insights into American intentions from Sarit on the basis of the latter's recent talks with Vice President John- son. The report quotes Phoumi to the effect that if the United States is not prepared to act militarily in his behalf in the event the Pathet Lao should suddenly attack Vientiane or Luang Pra- bang, he should know about it, in which case he would prepare to move his government to Pakse in southern Lao (-Should Phoumi become persuaded that the United States would not come to his assistance in the event of the resump- tion of the Pathet Lao offensive, there is a possibility that he might suddenly come to terms with Souvanna and the Pathet Lao, his contrary protestations to Ambassador Brown notwith- standing) Xieng Khouang town the airstrip there is lightly defended by two companies. The radio station appeared powerful and had a trans-horizontal aerial. Three pairs of permanent tele- phone lines were observed along the Plaine des Jarres Xieng Khouang road with one pair terminating about four miles from the Plaine des Jarres. The ICC villas in Xieng Khouang are) SECRET 20 May 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 SECRET Noe its (guarded by Pathet Lao troops under the supervision of Kong Le paratroops, who seem to be in control of the area. The paratroops were equipped with US arms, whereas the Pathet Lao were armed with Soviet carbines he South Vietnamese special forces engaged in patrol duty just inside the Laotian border in the Tchepone area were reportedly withdrawn on 19 May. Their return to South Viet- nam was allegedly occasioned by a letter written by the local Laotian commander in which he asked them to withdraw, as "the war was over," and refused to accept any further respon- sibility for their acts or security. No mention was made in the report of elements of the Third Battalion of the South Viet- namese Army, which is also reported to be in Laos in the same general area) CSeveral prominent South Vietnamese opposition leaders now residing in Paris are reported assembling in Geneva, where they hope to make informal contact with various dele- gations to the conference on Laos and to advance their politi= cal aims in South Vietnam. Among them are leaders, alleged by South Vietnamese officials to have some covert French and North Vietnamese backing, who are working for the ouster of President Diem and are advocating a policy of neutrality for South Vietnam. Although they have no official access to the conference, they may also hope to present their views if the question of Vietnam is raised at the meetings. Indications that the uommunist guerrillas in South Vietnam were planning a "program for re- sponding" to the conference CA key Chinese Communist objective at the Geneva Con- ference is to damage SEATO as much as possible, according to recent statements of Communist newspapermen to Western journalists. Since arriving in Geneva, the Chinese have main- tained a steady barrage of attacks on the US alliance structure in Southeast Asia. These attacks are designed to create inter- national apprehension�particularly among Asian neutrals-- over US defense commitments in the area, and the Chinese lose) 20 May 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 SECRET Noe Eno opportunity to charge that, so long as these commitments exist, the peace of Southeast Asia is threatened. Moscow also has shown, both in Gromyko's speech and in propaganda, that one of Moscow's central objectives is to reduce SEATO's effectiveness) (Peiping also is promoting closer ties with the pro - Sou- vanna Phouma commander in Phong Saly Province, which borders on Communist China's Yunnan Province. On 17 May Peiping announced that Lieutenant Colonel Khamouan Boupha had arrived for a "friendly visit" in Kunming. Khamouan was greeted by the ranking Chinese Communist military of- ficer for the Kunming garrison and by Yunnan provincial gov- ernment officials) (Airlift operations on 18 May involved an estimated total of 19 sorties--16 by Soviet transports and three by North Viet- namese aircraft. Of this number at least four Soviet IL-14s, but possibly nine, were involved in flights into Laos. In ad= dition, two Soviet LI-2s probably flew to Nam Bac) 20 May 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 -GONFIDENT-f-At- Soviet Comment on New Em oezzlement Law On 14 May, the officiallgovernment organ Izvestia pointed- ly denied that promulgation TQf the new death decree had come as a shock and asserted that the measure enjoys the approval of the entire Soviet people. Ostensibly written in answer to Western press criticism, the commentary has strong over- tones of Kremlin concern thatthe law will revive old memories of indiscriminate police terror. Izvestia reassured the "cap- italist world" that there has been no abandonment of the post- Stalin trend of liberalization of the Soviet penal code and de- nied that crime is on the increase or that the punitive arm of the state has been strengthened. Apparently anticipating Western propaganda exploitation of the law, Moscow twice broadcast the Izvestia article to Europe on the day it was published. The Kremlin nevertheless seems bent on enforcing the law, and the secret police (KGB) have evidently assumed re- sponsibility for investigating the crimes which it covers. On 18 May, the KGB announced the arrest of a gang of "large- scale speculators" in currency; declaring that "the hour of revenge" had come, Izvestia hinted that the ringleader might be sent to the firing squad in accordance with the law. CONFIDENTIAL 20 May 61 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 SECRET Ns, M. V. Keldysh, New President of Academy of Sciences USSR Moscow radio announced on 19 May the election of M. V. Keldysh as president of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. He was elected by the academy's General Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members. The outgoing president, A. N. Nesmeyanov, who had served since 1951 and is 62 years old, was relieved at his own request and received a unanimous ex- pression of gratitude by the General Assembly for his service. Keldysh, who is 50 years old, is a leading Soviet scientist in the field of mechanics and mathematics and has specialized in aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and the theory of functions of complex variables. He is believed to have played an important role in the basic research essential to the development of Soviet guided missiles. He graduated from Moscow State University in 1931 and thereafter served in several leading scientific in= stitutions. He became a corresponding member of the academy in 1943 and a full member in 1946, at which time he was the youngest of the new academicians. He became the head of the academy's department of physical=mathematical sciences in 1953 and last year a vice president of the academy. Although he has been a member of the Communist party since 1949, he is said to have limited political interests and to devote all his efforts to science and technology. 20 May 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 ',4�S Nkrumah Bids for Influence Over Angolan Nationalist Organization (Nkrumah's apparently increasing interest in the Angola situation and the Angola People's Union (UPA) stems from his desire to align any future African regime there with his own program for African unity. This desire has probably been intensified by the frustration of the similar hopes he held a year ago with respect to the Lumumba government in the Congo. That development embittered Nkrumah toward the West and made him more receptive to close collaboration with Sino-Soviet bloc countries) (Roberto's meeting with the Ghanaian President this week followed an urgent invitation from Nkrumah. Roberto received the in- vitation last month while in New fork for the UN General As- sembly session. Roberto normally operates out of UPA headquarters in Leopoldville, but has been a frequent visitor to Accra at least since late 1958, when he represented the Angolan nationalist movement at the first All-African People's Conference. At that gather- ing--promoted and dominated by Nkrumah�Roberto, like Lu- mumba, emerged as a member of the organization's policy- making steering committee. Nkrumah's regime apparently began to provide some direct support to the UPA about the same time. More recently, the UPA appears to have estab- lished close ties with Tunisia) (Roberto indicated that Nkrumah had warned him against yiel ing to overtures for a united front being made by the rival Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), whose leaders have long been subsidized by the bloc. Nkrumah denounced the MPLA as Communist controlled; Roberto be- lieves he had tried but failed to lure the organization to Accra from Conakry. At the same time, however, Nkrumah defended, as he has in the past, the acceptance of Communist aid by Af- rican nationalists. He insisted that strong leaders such as) 20 May 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 (himself would have no difficulty severing ties with the Commu- nists once their assistance was no longer needed) (Urging Roberto to have faith in him ("I am leading Africa down the path to freedom and socialism."), Nkrumah also warned the Angolan against any contact with "the Americans," whom he accused of assassinating Lumumba and of refusing to "help me in my cause." When Roberto expressed hope of re- ceiving help from the 20 moderate Monrovia conference states, Nkrumah condemned the Monrovia conferees as "tools of im= perialism." Roberto had earlier asked the participants at Monrovia for material and financial support to supplement and offset the UPAts present dependence on Ghana.) 20 May 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 CONFIDENTIAL Noe THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Counsel to the President The Special Assistant for National Security Affairs The Scientific Adviser to the President The Director of the Budget The Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization The Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Director, International Cooperation Administration The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council The Director of Intelligence and Research The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) The Assistant to Secretary of Defense (Special Operations) The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Chief of Staff, United States Army Commandant, United States Marine Corps U.S. Rep., Military Committee and Standing Group, NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Director, The Joint Staff The Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff The Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force The Department of Justice The Attorney General The Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director The Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman The National Security Agency The Director The United States Information Agency The Director The National Indications Center The Director CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789 top,proved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO20497_84 TOPSECRET Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2049789